

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Gastrointestinal Manifestations
Abbreviations: • APLA Phospholipid — Anti-Antibodies 1— Production of auto-antibodies APLA in circulation promotes blood coagulation —01• Thrombosis of vessels in the pancreas Micro-thrombi of vessels in the liver Liver infarcts Thrombosis of vessels in the small intestine Acute Pancreatitis Death of liver cells release contents into blood stream Thrombus in the hepatic vein • Vascular Damage Mesenteric Vasculitis/Ischemia Budd Chiari Syndrome Damage to Auerbach’s Plexus 11` Liver Enzymes 1` in capillary permeability
Abnormal release of
inflammatory cytokines
Inflammation in esophageal muscles
Protein-Losing Enteropathy
Note: The gastrointestinal manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus are due to multifactorial and complex causes, some of which are unknown.
Legend: Pathophysiology
Impaired motor innervation
Authors: Joseph Tropiano Reviewers: Zaini Sarwar Harjot Atwal Liam Martin* * MD at time of publication
Abnormal production of immune complexes
Immune complex deposition in blood vessels
Immune complex deposition in smooth muscle
Inflammatory reaction in the GI tract
Immune complex mediated vasculitis
Chronic ischemia of bowel smooth muscle
Muscular damage

Myopathy or neurogenic pathology of the GI muscles
GI muscle damage not severe enough to inhibit peristalsis completely
Esophageal Motility Disorders
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding


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