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Myocardial Infarction: Findings on History

Yu Yan - MI Findings on History - FINAL.pptx - 
Myocardial Infarction: Findings on HistoryLegend:Published January 30, 2013 on www.thecalgaryguide.comMechanismPathophysiologySign/Symptom/Lab FindingComplicationsAuthor:  Yan YuReviewers:Sean SpenceTristan JonesNanette Alvarez** MD at time of publication Systolic function(necrotic myocardium cannot contract as well)Reflexive ? in sympathetic activity (to try to maintain CO)Clammy skin? stroke volume (SV), ? cardiac output (CO)Myocardial infarction (tissue necrosis)Note: Myocardial ischemic pain may differ between patients, but recurrences usually feel the same in any given patient.Generalized vasoconstrictionVasoconstriction of skin arteriolesCool skinLocal myocardial inflammationIrritation of T1-T4 sympathetic afferentsIrritation of cardiac branches of vagus nerveSignals enter spinal cord, mixes with T1-T4 dermatomesCrushing, Diffuse L).(Onset: often at rest; crescendo)Activation of reflexive vagal responses (listed below)Weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomitingInflammatory mediators irritates nerves innervating the heart (the cardiac plexus)Cytokines act on hypothalamic T0 regulatorMild fever? Sweating (diaphoresis)Inflammatory cytokines can spread systemicallyBrain perceives nerve irritation as pain coming from T1-T4 dermatomesBlood backs up from the LV, into the left atrium and eventually accumulates in the pulmonary vasculatureHigh pulmonary venous blood pressure forces fluid out of capillaries, into pulmonary interstitium & alveoliRespiratory muscles work harder to ventilate lungsSoggier lung interstitium ? lung complianceDyspnea(Shortness of breath)Fluid compresses airways, ? resistance to airflow 102 kB / 204 words" title="Yu Yan - MI Findings on History - FINAL.pptx - Myocardial Infarction: Findings on HistoryLegend:Published January 30, 2013 on www.thecalgaryguide.comMechanismPathophysiologySign/Symptom/Lab FindingComplicationsAuthor: Yan YuReviewers:Sean SpenceTristan JonesNanette Alvarez** MD at time of publication Systolic function(necrotic myocardium cannot contract as well)Reflexive ? in sympathetic activity (to try to maintain CO)Clammy skin? stroke volume (SV), ? cardiac output (CO)Myocardial infarction (tissue necrosis)Note: Myocardial ischemic pain may differ between patients, but recurrences usually feel the same in any given patient.Generalized vasoconstrictionVasoconstriction of skin arteriolesCool skinLocal myocardial inflammationIrritation of T1-T4 sympathetic afferentsIrritation of cardiac branches of vagus nerveSignals enter spinal cord, mixes with T1-T4 dermatomesCrushing, Diffuse "Pain" or "tightness": Often retrosternal, with radiation to shoulder, neck, and inner aspect of both arms (R > L).(Onset: often at rest; crescendo)Activation of reflexive vagal responses (listed below)Weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomitingInflammatory mediators irritates nerves innervating the heart (the cardiac plexus)Cytokines act on hypothalamic T0 regulatorMild fever? Sweating (diaphoresis)Inflammatory cytokines can spread systemicallyBrain perceives nerve irritation as pain coming from T1-T4 dermatomesBlood backs up from the LV, into the left atrium and eventually accumulates in the pulmonary vasculatureHigh pulmonary venous blood pressure forces fluid out of capillaries, into pulmonary interstitium & alveoliRespiratory muscles work harder to ventilate lungsSoggier lung interstitium ? lung complianceDyspnea(Shortness of breath)Fluid compresses airways, ? resistance to airflow 102 kB / 204 words" />


Yu Yan - MI Findings on Physical Exam - FINAL.pptx
Myocardial Infarction: Findings on Physical Exam Author:  Yan YuReviewers:Sean SpenceTristan JonesNanette Alvarez** MD at time of publication Systolic function(necrotic myocardium cannot contract as well) Diastolic compliance (necrotic myocardium does not relax as well to accommodate blood)Necrosis of papillary muscles:S4(4th heart sound)? Force of ventricular contractionsMitral valve regurgitationBlood


Yu Yan - JVP explained - FINAL.pptx
Myocardium of right ventricle becomes fibrotic and stifferKussmaul's sign: JVP increases with inspirationJugular Venous Pressure (JVP): Kussmal's Sign explainedExcessive pericardial fluid compresses heart walls on all sidesLegend:Published January 7, 2013 on www.thecalgaryguide.comMechanismPathophysiologySign/Symptom/Lab FindingComplicationsAuthor:  Yan YuReviewers:Sean SpenceJason BasermanJason Waechter** MD at time of publication? Right ventricle wall complianceConstrictive pericarditisRight ventricle prevented from fully expanding ? ability of the right ventricle to accommodate higher venous  returnBackup of venous blood into right atrium and preceding internal jugular veinsRestrictive cardiomyopathyInflamed, fibrotic pericardium restricts expansion of heartRight ventricle myocardial infarct Cardiac tamponade (rare)InspirationMore venous blood tries to enter the low-pressure thoracic cavity via the right ventricle? pressure in thoracic cavity  
JVP should return to normal within 3 respiration cyclesJugular Venous Pressure (JVP): Physical Exam FeaturesExerts less force against vesselsTilting the head of the bed:Low pressure, & the thinner walls of the internal jugular veins, are less able to keep lumen open when compressedLegend:Published January 7, 2013 on www.thecalgaryguide.comMechanismPathophysiologySign/Symptom/Lab FindingComplicationsAuthor: Yan YuReviewers:Sean SpenceJason BasermanJason Waechter** MD at time of publicationBlood in internal jugulars  settles to bottom of the vein (analogy: half-full tube  of water is turned vertically)Visible waves in the JVP correspond to stages of the cardiac  cycleNon-palpableBiphasic waveform? JVP The Jugular Venous Pressure (JVP) Blood pressure in the internal jugular veinsV-waveA-waveRight atrial contractionBlood passively fills right atrium during ventricular systole? JVP? JVPIn: ? intrathoracic pressurePressing hard on abdomen (overlying the liver), or doing a valsalvaFacing lower afterload, Right heart more readily pumps blood into pulmonary circulation? abdominal pressure? venous blood forced up into right atriumVenous blood pressure is normally very lowOccludableNote:  Since the internal jugular veins are continuous with the right atrium, the JVP is a reliable estimate of right atrial blood pressure (Central Venous Pressure). The JVP on the right side is a better

Non Neural Complications of Stroke

Stroke - Pathogenesis

Left Heart Failure: Pathophysiology (Neurohormonal Activation)

Left Heart Failure: Pathophysiology (Neurohormonal Activation) 
Frank Starling Mechanism • The Frank Starling mechanism of the heart represents the relationship between preload (EDV) and SV • As preload (EDV) increases, SV increases, because higher volumes of blood in the ventricles stretch the cardiac fibers and increases cardiac contraction during systole. However, volume overload causes reduced SV. 
Myocardial Dysfunction: • Left ventricular Compensatory 4, SV 4A, CO 4 Mechanisms 
4, BP 
Important equations: • BP = CO x SVR • CO = SV x HR Cardiac hemodynamics: • Stroke volume is affected by three factors 1) Preload (end-diastolic volume (EDV)) 2) Afterload (resistance to LV ejection) 3) Contractility (inherent strength of contraction of LV myocytes) Definition of heart failure: • Myocardial dysfunction (systolic or diastolic) results in decreased CO, such that the heart cannot meet the body's metabolic demands or can only do so at elevated filling pressures 
Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) activation: Arginine 4, BP 4 carotid sinus Vasopressin --• and aortic arch (V2) receptor baroceptors activation activation 4 I` ADH release 
RAAS System: 4, BP 4 t release of renin from the juxtaglomerular kidney cells due to renal hypoperfusion 
SNS System: In response to CO, 4 SNS t release of (catecholamines) norepinephrine and epinephrine 
Adrenal Glands: Aldosterone release 
Angiotensin II Type 1 receptor activation 
al receptor activation 
13, receptor activation 
Renal Collecting Ducts: t H2O retention 
Renal Distal —• Tubules: t Na+ & H2O retention 
Heart: Activation of fibroblasts 4 collagen synthesis and hypertrophy 
Blood Vessels: Peripheral vasoconstriction 4 SVR 
Heart: Chronic p, receptor activation 4 Ca2+ overload myocyte apoptosis 
Heart: Increase HR to maintain normal CO 
Maladaptive Response: t preload (EDV), —• volume overload 
Abbreviations: • SV — Stroke volume • CO — Cardiac output • SVR — Systemic vascular resistance • BP — Blood pressure • RAAS — Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System • SNS — Sympathetic nervous system 
tin systemic and pulmonary congestion via the Frank-Starling Mechanism 
Maladaptive 1` resistance Response: t BP, —• against LV afterload ejection 4 4, SV 
Maladaptive Response: Adverse LV remodelling 
Maladaptive Response: t myocardial oxygen demand and 4, diastolic time 
4, contractility —• of the heart 
4, coronary blood flow 4 myocardial ischemia 
Physical signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure (see relevant slide) 
Authors: Sunny Fong Reviewers: —• I Jack Fu Usama Malik Dr. Jason Waechter* *MD at time of publication

Benzodiazepine (BZD) withdrawal: clinical findings and complications

Benzodiazepine (BZD) withdrawal: clinical findings and complications 
Abrupt cessation of chronic ingestion of BZDs 
Administration of BZD antagonist (flumazenil) on patients who have developed -* tolerance/dependence to BZD 
Withdrawal Seizure  
Negative physiological reactions BZD intake inhibition a mygd to f, • of a la Withdrawal symptoms Benzodiazepine Withdrawal GABA receptor activity (less inhibition alleviated by ingesting BZD Tolerance GABA BZD intake Conformational changes in the GABA receptor 1, receptor's Withdrawal Insomnia Pro-excitatory 4— state of excitatory neurotransmitters) 4— to the agent activity affinity for the agent 
Activation of ACC and OFC 
Feelings of fear 
Activation of PAG 
Behavioural  response of fight or flight  
Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism 
Activation of hypothalamus '1` Cortisol CAD, T2DM, Stroke 
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding 
Activation of PBN 
t RR, SOB,  Asthma, or a  sense of being smothered  
Activation of LC 
t Sympathetic Activity 
t BP, t HR  variability, tremor, and diaphoresis  
Authors: Usama Malik Reviewers: Sina Marzoughi Aaron Mackie* * MD at time of publication 
Notes: • The onset of withdrawal can vary according to the half-life of the BZD involved. Symptoms may be delayed up to three weeks in BZDs with long half-lives, but may appear as early as 24 to 48 hours after cessation of BZDs with short half-lives. 
Abbreviations: • ACC: Anterior Cingulate Cortex • BP: Blood Pressure • CAD: Coronary Artery Disease • HR: Heart Rate • LC: Locus Coeruleus • MI: Myocardial Infarction • OFC: Orbitofrontal Cortex • PAG: Periaqueductal Gray • PBN: Parabrachial Nucleus • RR: Respiratory Rate • SOB: Shortness of Breath • T2DM: Type 2 Diabetes 
I` atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia, MI, or sudden death

Arterial Insufficiency- Signs and symptoms

Arterial Insufficiency- Signs and symptoms Adderley gagnon Waechter atheroma thrombus artery vessel diameter hardening blockage artery embolism left atrium thrombus plaque rupture
resistance to flow circulation to tissues distal to occlusion narrowing tissue perfusion positive Allen's test ABI absent pulses cool extremity pallor dependent robor O2 availability muscle cell metabolic needs exercise demand supply transient ischemia anaerobic metabolism lactic acid buildup muscles intermittent claudication reproducible cramp-like pain alleviated by rest blood velocity poiseuille's law turbulent flow bruits over time arterioles maximally vasodilator and desensitized to pro-vasodilatory stimuli loss ability compensate reduced vessel diameter chronic limb ischemia atrophic changes hair loss muscle atrophy thin shiny skin nail thickening fungus critical limb ischemia end stage chronic thrombo-embolic event stroke ischemic limb ischemic clotting cascade initiated tissue necrosis pain at rest ulcers big toe heel underside foot gangrene amputation nerve infarction hyporeflexia paraesthesia thromboembolic

Reactive Neutrophilia- Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

reactive neutrophilic pathogenesis clinical findings infection inflammation malignancy drugs emotional stimuli stress smoking hyposplenism asplenia rheumatoid arthritis Crohn's epinephrine retinoic acid glucocorticoids anxiety exercise heat stroke surgery neutrophils neutrophil bone marrow demarginalization splenic sequestration neutrophilic ANC peripheral blood smear absolute neutrophil count left shift bands metamyelocytes myelocytes toxic granulations dohle bodies brenneis Siddique savoie ryznar


Side effects
Authors: Arsalan Ahmad, Lance Bartel,
Yan Yu*
Reviewers: Billy Sun, Mackenzie Gault,
Melinda Davis*
*MD at time of publication
Legend: Published February 19, 2019 on www.Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Adrenergic Agonists for Treating
Hypotension/Low Blood Pressure (BP) β1-receptor
activation on
↑ contractility
activation on
the smooth
muscle of blood
vessel walls
↑ intra-cellular Ca2+
in these cells, ↑
their contraction
↑ release of endogenous norepinephrine
from the adrenal medulla (see above)
Mimics epinephrine
(see above)
cardiac arrest
Hypovolemic states
(e.g. blood loss),
Low systemic
vascular resistance
states (e.g. sepsis,
mainly used in
↑ intracellular
Ca2+ ↑ rate of
↑ Cardiac
↑ heart rate
↑ strength
of myocyte
↑ arterial
wall tone
Pushes more
blood to flow
back to heart
(↑ preload)
↑ systemic vascular
resistance (SVR)
More blood in
ventricles stretch
myocytes more
optimally for ↑
(Frank Starling
↑ venous
wall tone
↑ Blood
Nonspecific activation of α and β receptors on other areas of the body
(e.g. on the autonomic nervous system) as well as on cardiac myocytes
Cardiac Dysrythmias: e.g.
palpitations, ventricular fibrillation
Tremors Cardiac
All four


Suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT):
Authors: Dean Percy Yan Yu Reviewers: Tristan Jones Ryan Brenneis Man-Chiu Poon* Maitreyi Raman* * MD at time of publication
Pregnancy, Oral Contraceptives (OCP)
Pathogenesis and Complications
Platelet Activation
Increased clot formation
Hypercoagulable State
↑ ability for the blood to coagulate upon stimulation
Inherited Disorders
Congenital defect in coagulation (ie. Factor V Leiden, Factor II
mutation, Protein S/C deficiency) ↑ blood clotting ability
Estrogen promotes
hypercoagulability, especially in presence of other risk factors
• Venous thrombus causes pulmonary embolism, arterial thrombus causes stroke
• Previous DVT is risk factor for current DVT
Abnormal release of coagulation-promoting cytokines
Systemic injuryà activation of coagulation cascade
Bacteria Artificial Valve
Physically damages blood vessel walls
Adhere/invade vessel wall
Abnormal surface
Vessel Injury
Exposes tissue factor on damaged cells and subendothelium for vWF binding
Virchow’s Triad
Venous Stasis
Low blood flow rate over site of vessel injury, concentrating blood clotting factors at that site
Fat contains more aromatase, converts more androgens to estrogen
Sedentary lifestyle, poor venous return
               Clot formation typically occurs in leg veins
Deep, large veins allow for blood pooling (stasis, hypercoagulability) Venous return from legs often against gravity (stasis)
Valves in leg veins prone to backflow (stasis)
↓ muscle motion = ↓ venous blood flow
Fracture, immobilization, bedrest, long vehicle/airplane ride
   Destruction of vein valve by clot
Venous Insufficiency
Clot prevents blood from returning to heart. Blood accumulating in the leg results in unilateral leg edema and venous inflammation (redness, warmth, tenderness)
1. 2. 3.
Clot embolizes to the lungs
-*Pulmonary embolism (acute life threatening complication)
-Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Re-Published September 1, 2019 on


Aphasia (Wernicke’s and Broca’s): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Davis Maclean Reviewers: Heather Yong Tony Gu Yan Yu* Scott Jarvis* *MD at time of publication
      Ischemic stroke (common)
Local Invasion (e.g. by a tumour, Head infection, or hemorrhage) Trauma
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Dementia (e.g. Fronto- temporal Dementia)
Episodic occurrences (e.g., migraine, epilepsy)
  Damage to language-dominant cerebral hemisphere (the left hemisphere, for the majority of humans):
   Damage affecting Broca’s Area in the Inferior frontal gyrus (area 44 & 45)
Damage affecting Wernicke’s Area in the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus (area 22)
      Localization: Inferior frontal gyrus, superior sylvian fissure
Blood supply: superior division M2 branch middle cerebral artery
Localization: Posterior perisylvian region, temporal lobe
Blood supply: inferior division M2 middle cerebral artery
             Sensory speech
areas still intact (posterior superior temporal lobe)
Intact comprehension (intact hearing & reading)
Impaired function of Broca’s Area
↓ output or generation of speech/ text
If function of nearby motor areas is also impaired
Contralateral hemiparesis (face, arm > leg)
If function of other nearby areas is also impaired
Impaired naming and repetition
Motor speech areas still intact (inferior frontal lobe)
Fluent (but non-sensical) speech output
Impaired function of Wernicke’s Area
Impaired compre- hension (i.e. cannot understand speech or text)
Loss of sensory speech input to motor areas
Errors in word usage, tense, structure
If function of nearby sensory areas is impaired
Contralateral sensory deficits
                  Broca’s Aphasia
Wernicke's Aphasia
(Expressive language impairment: non-Fluent)
(Receptive language impairment/Fluent: the person can talk but their speech is nonsensical)
 • Dysarthria ≠ Aphasia (Dysarthria: disruption to neurons controlling the muscles that produce sounds, resulting in slurred/disjointed speech. Aphasia: acquired deficit in language comprehension or generation/output usually due to disruption of neurons in the cerebral cortex.)
• “Global” aphasia affects both receptive and expressive language.
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published January 1, 2020 on


Vomiting: Pathogenesis
Authors: Julena Foglia Reviewers: Varun Suresh Matthew Harding Haotian Wang *Yan Yu *Eldon Shaffer *MD at time of publication
Trauma, Infection, Tumor, Stroke
↑ Intracranial pressure
Mechanism Unknown
     Irritation of GI mucosa: Inflammation, Distention, Chemotherapy, Radiation
Activates receptors in gut mucosa
GI Disease: Upper: GERD, PUD, Cancer Lower: Ischemia, obstruction, IBD
Mechanical pharyngeal stimulation
Signal travels via vagal and sympathetic afferent nerves
Pregnancy, Diabetes, Uremia,
Thyroid disease, Hypercalcemia
Pain, Smells, Foul Sights, Memories
Sensory inputs to cortical region
Cerebral Cortex
Vomiting (Emetic) Center
Toxins circulating in bloodstream: Chemotherapy, Opioids
Offending substance travels through circulation and binds to receptors in the CTZ, outside the blood brain barrier
GERD: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease PUD: Peptic Ulcer Disease
IBD: Inflammatory Bowel Disease
CTZ: Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone
CNX: Cranial Nerve Ten
H1: Histamine Receptor
M1: Muscarinic Receptor
Disrupted inner ear balance: Motion Sickness
Activation of H1 & M1 receptors in vestibular center traveling via Cerebellum
                        Stimulates Solitary Tract Nucleus (Medulla)
Vagus Nerve (CNX) and enteric nervous system activation, resulting in:
        Gastric relaxation, ↓ pylorus tone, retrograde duodenal peristalsis
Downward diaphragm contraction, abdominal & chest wall muscles contract: ↑ intra-gastric pressure
(Forceful expulsion of material from stomach and intestines)
Upper and lower esophageal sphincter relaxation and glottis closure
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Re-published February 16, 2020 on


Fecal Incontinence: Pathogenesis and complications
Note: The majority of fecal incontinence is multifactorial in cause
Authors: Timothy Fu Reviewers:
    Chronic bowel straining
Difficult vaginal delivery
Direct internal anal sphincter impairment (controls ~70% of anal resting tone)
↓ anal resting tone
Degene- ration of muscle fibers
Movement disorders (e.g. arthritis, Parkinson’s); aging is a risk factorà ↓ mobility
↓ timely access to bathrooms
of colon (e.g., Ulcerative colitis, Radiation proctitis)
↓ capacity of
rectal smooth muscle to stretch
↓ capacity to store stool
↑ urgency of defecation
↑ reflex relaxation of internal anal sphincter
Chronic diarrhea, diarrhea- predominant irritable bowel syndrome, laxatives
Yan Yu* Erika Dempsey* * MD at time of publication
         Stretch injury of     Pelvic surgery
Chronic constipation
Build up of solid, immobile mass of stool in the rectum
Loose stool is able to flow around impacted stool, exiting anal canal (overflow diarrhea)
Sensory neuro- pathy (e.g. Diabetes)
mental conditions (e.g. stroke, dementia)
 pudendal nerve (innervating the pelvic muscles and external anal sphincter)
Local neuronal damage
Impaired pelvic muscle and external anal sphincter motor control
Pelvic trauma
Rectal prolapse
Direct external anal sphincter impairment
↑ Stool volume
↑ Loose stools
Rectal hyposensitivity (↓ perception of rectal distension)
Patient fails to sense rectal fullness and voluntarily releases their external anal sphincter
                                     Voluntary external anal sphincter contraction is no longer sufficient in closing the anus
Loose stool is more prone to escape through anal canal compared to solid stool
        Continence mechanisms are impaired
Fecal Incontinence: The unintentional loss of solid or liquid stool
Skin Skin
Continence mechanisms are intact, but overwhelmed or ignored
       infection Skin erythema
   Inability to control what is widely considered a basic, fundamental bodily process
↑ caretaker burden Social stigma
↑ skin contact with acidic irritant (stool)
        ↑ rate of institutionalization, (e.g., admission into long-term care)
↓ confidence, sense of agency
↑ stress, anxiety
Skin inflammation
↓ social activity, work ↓ help-seeking ↓ treatment
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published May 2, 2020 on


Marfan Syndrome: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
  Inherited or acquired mutation in TGFBR1/2 gene (TGF-β receptor)
Dural ectasia
(widening of the dural sac)
Diminished and disorganized dural elastic fibres
Abnormalities in connective tissues
Tear in the aortic intima (innermost layer of aorta)
Aortic dissection
Type A (tear in ascending aorta) > Type B (tear in descending aorta)
Back pain
Sensory and motor deficits
Ectopia lentis
(lens dislocation)
Development of lung bullae and blebs
Rupture of bullae/blebs
** Abnormal properties of lens + cornea
** Scoliosis
** Myopia
Tall stature Chest wall (pectus)
    Inherited (autosomal dominant) or de novo mutation in FBN1 gene
Distortion of neural roots
Thinning of ciliary zonules of the eye
Weakness and rupture of alveolar tissue
        Production of aberrant or reduced fibrillin-1
Formation of unstable microfibrils in extracellular matrix of connective tissues
inactivate TGF-β1
↑ production of matrix metalloproteinases
↑ cellular signaling cascades
↑ production of growth factors in the endocardium
Cell proliferation and apoptosis suppression in mitral valve leaflets
Change in valvular architecture
Mitral prolapse
Mitral regurgitation
↑ degradation of extracellular matrix
Thinning of the aortic media
Weakness of the aortic wall
 Inability of fibrillin- 1 to sequester and
             ↑ TGF-β1 signalling
• TGF-β: Transforming
growth factor beta (a cytokine)
**The underlying
mechanisms are unclear
Tony Gu Reviewers: Amanda Nguyen Davis Maclean Yan Yu* Michelle Keir*
* MD at time of publication
Aortic root dilation
Aortic valve leaflets stretched outwards, unable to fully close
Aortic regurgitation
Aneurysmal dilation of the abdominal & thoracic aorta
Aortic rupture
Blood enters and pressurizes a ‘false lumen’
Obstruction of aortic branches
End organ malperfusion
** deformities
** Joint hypermobility
                                             Thumb sign: Thumb tip extends from palm of hand when thumb is folded into closed wrist
Wrist sign: thumb and fifth finger of the hand overlap when grasping opposite wrist
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published June 28, 2020 on

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu disease)

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu disease):
Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Inherited or de novo mutation in the ACVRL1, ENG, or Smad4 genes
Abnormal signalling within the transforming growth factor ß (TGF-ß) pathway
Unclear mechanismsàInability of vascular mural cells to stabilize and remodel newly formed blood vessels
Excessive proliferation of endothelial cells and ensuing overgrowth of blood vessels
Authors: Tony Gu Reviewers: Brian Rankin Yan Yu* Laurie Parsons* * MD at time of publication
          Formation of friable telangiectasias
(small dilated vessels apparent near the surface of skin or mucous membranes)
Formation of Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs):
Direct connection between arteries and veins without intervening capillary bed
        Nasal telangiectasias
Epistaxis (nosebleeds)
Gastrointestinal telangiectasias
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Mucocutaneous telangiectasias
Cerebral AVMs
Hepatic AVMs
Left to right shunting of blood
Heart works harder to perfuse tissues
Heart failure
Pulmonary AVMs
High flow left to right shunting of blood (the steal effect)
Cerebral ischemia
No oxygenation at capillaries
↑ erythropoietin production
Secondary polycythemia
No filtering from capillaries
      Hemorrhage, shock, death
Venous emboli enter arteries (paradoxical embolism)
Venous bacteria enter arteries
Cerebral abscess
       Iron deficiency anemia
↓ serum iron is associated with ↑ coagulation factor VIII levels (mechanism unclear)
Venous thromboembolism
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published July 28, 2020 on


 Anesthetic Considerations: Hemodynamic Goals (“CRRAP Goals”) for Patients with Aortic Stenosis Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery
CRRAP Goals:
Contractility, Rate, Rhythm, Afterload, Preload
     Pathophysiology Driving Anesthetic Management Hemodynamic Anesthetic Intervention (CRRAP) Goals
Ryan Brenneis Reviewers: Stephen Chrusch Hannah Yaphe Yan Yu*
Karl Darcus*
* MD at time of publication
Aortic stenosis = Narrow aortic valve opening
-Cardiac Output = Heart Rate x Stroke Volume
-Stroke volume has 3 determinates:
1. Contractility 2. Afterload
3. Preload
If the patient’s heart cannot ↑ contractility to maintain cardiac output...
↑ resistance to forward blood flow àheart must ↑ its contractility (↑ the forcefulness of its contractions) to overcome this resistance
Applying ↑ force over time causes left ventricle to undergo concentric hypertrophy
Contractility deteriorates over time
Heart rate must compensate for maintaining cardiac output
Coronary Perfusion Pressure = Diastolic BP (DBP) – Left Ventricular End Diastolic Pressure (LVEDP)
↑ cardiac muscle massà↑ myocardial metabolism and oxygen demand
↑ left ventricular wall stiffnessà↓ LV filling while relaxed (diastolic dysfunction)
Intraoperative ↓ in contractility compromises cardiac output
Bradycardia ↓ cardiac output
Tachycardia ↓ filling time of left ventricle (↓ preload)
                Coronary perfusion occurs during diastole
Coronaries require a high DBP to maintain perfusion
Tachycardia ↓ perfusion time
Hypotension ↓ coronary perfusion pressure
          Possible myocardial ischemiaà ↓ blood pumped into vessels
       40% of LV preload supplied from atrial kick
Loss of atrial kick with arrhythmias à↓ cardiac output
       Note: Aortic stenosis severity (see slide on aortic stenosis) and the type/risk of surgery guide the hemodynamic consequences and need for intervention
Adequate intravascular volume required to passively fill stiff ventricle
↓ use of negative inotropic Maintain drugs, e.g. calcium channel
contractility blockers (“Inotrope”: drug that alters heart’s contractility)
Keep heart rate above 60 bpm
Keep heart rate below 80 bpm
Consider transcutaneous pacing, anticholinergics, & sympathetic agonists
↑ anesthetic depth, consider beta blocker (e.g. Esmolol)
Maintain a Mean Arterial Pressure >70mmHg
Consider sympathomimetic drugs to treat hypotension
Monitor blood pressure closely via arterial line
Consider increasing anesthetic depth for severe hypertension
Maintain Sinus Rhythm
Consider presurgical placement of defibrillator pads & crash cart
Amiodarone ready & available during operation, to terminate any arrhythmias
Maintain Euvolemia
Possible use of transesophageal echo to monitor preload
Ensure adequate venous access- consider central venous catheter and large bore IV’s
  Anesthetic Intervention
Published October 25, 2020 on


Beta-Blockers: Mechanism of Action and Side Effects Two classes of “Beta-Blockers” are used clinically:
Non-cardio-selective: binds Cardio-selective: binds largely beta-1 and beta-2 receptors to beta-1 receptors
Authors: Tegan Evans, Davis Maclean, Yan Yu* Reviewers:, Amanda Nguyen, P. Timothy Pollak*, Sean Spence* * MD at time of publication
        Beta blockers bind to beta 1 and/or beta 2-receptors of various tissues throughout body, and thus competitively inhibit binding of sympathetic adrenergic molecules (such as catecholamines from the adrenal medulla, e.g. epinephrine) to these receptors, ↓ their normal adrenergic tone
Beta-2 receptor antagonism Beta-1 receptor antagonism
      Lungs Eyes Central nervous system Heart Kidneys ↓ cAMP (intracellular messenger) productionàcomplex, tissue-specific intracellular mechanisms resulting in a variety of effects in different tissues:
Throughout body tissue
             Epinephrine (via cAMP) indirectly ↑ the activity of the Na+/K+ pump on cell membranes (a pump that moves 3 Na+ out of cells per 2 K+ moved into cells)
Blocking epinephrine from binding
the beta-2 receptor and producing cAMPà↓ activity of Na+/K+ pump à↓K+ moved into cells
↑ proportion of K+ now resides in extracellular fluid, detectable in serum (total body K+ remains the same)
Hyperkalemia (see Calgary Guide: Hyperkalemia – Clinical findings)
Blocking sympathetic hormonesà↓ relaxation of smooth muscle circumferentially wrapped around airways
↑ resting airway muscle toneà bronchoconstriction
↑ resistance to airflow
Wheezing, dyspnea, chest tightness
Exacerbation of underlying airway disease (e.g. asthma)
↓ ciliary epithelium’s production of aqueous humor (fluid that fills anterior chamber of the eye)
Reduced intraocular pressure
Blocking adrenergic response mediated by epinephrine and norepinephrine (e.g. the physiologic “fight- or-flight” response to stress)
↓ tremor, irritability, anxiety
↓ ability to produce adrenergic symptoms in response to hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia unawareness
Coronary perfusion pressure = diastolic blood pressure in aorta – LV end diastolic pressure
↓ inotropy (contractility of cardiac muscle)
  ↓ chronotropy (heart rate and conduction velocity)
↓ renin releaseà↓ creation of angiotensin II & aldosterone
+ ↓ reabsorption of Na
and H2O in nephron
↑ urinary Na+ & H2O loss
↓ total blood volume
Decompensation of acute heart failure
Dizziness and fatigue Hypotension (Blood pressure = cardiac
output x systemic vascular resistance)
        ↓ O2 demand of myocardial tissue
Inability to ↑ heart rate in response to stress (e.g. shock, sepsis)
↓ stroke volume
            ↓ cardiac output
               Beta blockers ↓ diastolic blood pressure, & thus may ↓ coronary perfusion pressure
Before giving beta blockers, ensure blood pressure isn’t too low
Otherwise, may worsen acute myocardial ischemia
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Jan 14, 2021, updated Feb 7, 2021 on


Acute MCA-Territory Ischemic Stroke: Findings on Non-Contrast CT
   See Calgary Guide slide – Ischemic Stroke: Pathogenesis
Middle cerebral artery (MCA) strokes are generally caused by emboli (blood clot that travelled from elsewhere in the body) and less commonly caused by thrombus (blood clot that has developed locally in the MCA)
Embolism (or thrombus) occludes flow through the MCA
Acute embolism
(or thrombus) is more dense than surrounding tissue
Acute embolism (or thrombus) material attenuates (absorbs more X-rays) more than surrounding tissue (results in area of brightness)
Hyperdense MCA sign
↓ blood supply to MCA vascular territory (e.g. basal ganglia or insula)
↓ oxygen for aerobic metabolism (produces large amounts of ATP)
↓ ATP production in area of ischemia
↓ energy for ATP-dependent Na+/K+ pumps (that move Na+ out of cells) in affected neurons (grey matter)
        Neurons have a higher metabolic rate than other nervous system cells (e.g oligodendrocytes that make myelin) and thus are more vulnerable to hypoperfusion and ischemia
As grey matter contains more neurons than white matter, grey matter is more vulnerable to hypoperfusion and ischemia
Grey matter shows changes on CT earlier than does white matter
Normal grey versus white matter on CT
On CT, structures that are more dense (e.g. bone, tissues) absorb more X-raysà brighter. Less dense regions (e.g. water, fluids, fat) absorb less X-raysàdarker.
Evan Allarie Davis Maclean Viesha Ciura* Yan Yu* Reviewers:
Katie Lin* Aravind Ganesh* Gary Klein*
*MD at time
of publication
↓ extra-cellular Na+ concentration
Na+ in extracellular space is replenished via capillaries
Water follows the Na+ out of the capillaries
↑ intra-cellular Na+ concentration
Change in osmotic gradientàwater moves from extracellular space into cells
                   ↑ water content inside & around affected neurons (grey matter)
Affected grey matter looks darker on CT (more similar to white matter)
                 White matter contains more fatty myelin (lower density than grey matter)à appears darker on CT
Normal insular ribbon (difficult to see here): grey matter usually seen lateral to red line shown here
Grey matter, with more neurons, has a higher densityà appears brighter on CT
Normal basal ganglia: Lentiform nucleus (putamen + globus pallidus) outlined here
Loss of grey-white differentiation throughout MCA vascular territory Difficult to see on this window (adjustable brightness of image) but is present on this scan and easily seen at different window levels
Areas with the least collateral circulation
(e.g. basal ganglia or insula) show findings first
Insular ribbon sign
(loss of insular ribbon)
Disappearing basal ganglia sign (loss of visible basal ganglia)
                Comparison to normal anatomy helps outline pathologic findings
 Comparison to normal anatomy helps outline pathologic findings
 Images presented here are multiple CT images from the same patient with a large MCA territory ischemic stroke (Image credit: Alberta Health Services Repository)
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published March 7, 2021 on


 Vaccine Induced Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia (VITT): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Current leading theory: COVID-19 viral vector vaccines (Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca) contain an anionic molecule (currently unspecified), which binds to the cationic platelet factor 4 (PF4) molecule in the bloodstream, forming vaccine/PF4 complexes
Authors: Brooke Fallis Reviewers: Yan Yu* Katie Lin* * MD at time of publication
   Spleen macrophages remove antibody/platelet complexes from circulation
Fewer unbound platelets in circulation detected on complete blood count (CBC)
Thrombocytopenia: Platelets <150x!


Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Emily Wildman Mehul Gupta Sean Spence Yan Yu* Reviewers: Kiera Pajunen Wendy Yao Tristan Jones Man-Chiu Poon* Lynn Savoie* * MD at time of publication
Microorganisms express pathogen- associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
Severe Trauma
Damaged endothelial cells release damage- associated molecular patterns (DAMPs)
Solid and Hematologic Malignancies
Cancer cells express tissue factor and release procoagulants
         Immune cells recognize DAMPs and PAMPs and begin expressing tissue factor and releasing procoagulants
Systemic activation of coagulation cascade
      Activation of coagulation cascade results in the factor X mediated conversion of large quantities of prothrombin (factor II) to its active form, thrombin (factor IIa)
Thrombin cleaves fibrinogen (factor I) circulating in blood to an activate form known as fibrin (factor 1a)
↓ Serum fibrinogen
Diffuse coagulation causes imbalances between coagulation and anticoagulation pathways
Consumption of coagulation factors (including platelets, fibrinogen, prothrombin, factor V, factor VIII) exceeds rate of production
           Fibrin, in conjunction with platelets, form widespread thrombi within vasculature
Fibrin thrombi accumulate in the microvasculature and shear transiting red blood cells
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA)
↑ thrombi formation ↑ fibrinolysis, a parallel process that naturally degrades fibrin thrombi
Relative deficiency of coagulation factors leads to a bleeding diathesis (tendency to bleed) despite widespread clots
↑ Prothrombin time (PT)
↑ Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
         ↑ D-dimer Fibrin thrombi
↑ Fibrin degradation products
        Platelets are used up forming thrombià less free platelets in circulation
↓ Platelets on Complete Blood Count
accumulate in microvasculature of major organs
Deposition of thrombi occlude blood flow resulting in ischemia of organ parenchyma
Lack of coagulation factors can predispose spontaneous hemorrhage in various organs
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) - (renal failure, hepatic dysfunction, stroke, pulmonary disease)
Clinical manifestations of bleeding, including petechiae (pinpoint red spots on skin), ecchymoses (bruising), weeping wound sites, bleeding mucous membranes
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 First published Aug 7, 2012, updated July 27, 2019 & Aug 29, 2021 on


Chronic Hypertension: Complications
Chronic Hypertension
Long term Blood Pressure (BP) ≥ 135/85 (on ambulatory or home blood pressure measurement) in patients without diabetes, or BP ≥ 130/80 in patients with diabetes
Authors: Samin Dolatabadi, Yan Yu* Reviewers: Meena Assad, Jessica Krahn Juliya Hemmett* * MD at time of publication
      ↑ Afterloadà ↑ Resistance to left ventricle ejection
To overcome resistance and preserve cardiac
output, the myocardium undergoes structural and functional changes
Left ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis
Stiff ventricle
↓ Contractility of the left ventricle
Impaired forward flow of blood from heart
Chronic stress on the endothelium of systemic blood vessels
↑ Blood pressure in retinal circulation
Hypertensive Retinopathy (See
slide on Chronic Hypertensive Retinopathy: Pathogenesis and Clinic Findings)
Smooth muscle of kidney’s
afferent arterioles constricts to prevent transmission of ↑ blood pressure to glomerulus
Overtime, smooth muscles of afferent arterioles hypertrophy from prolonged vasoconstriction
Chronic stress and trauma on endothelial and smooth muscle cells of kidney
Injury leads to excretion of cytokines and extracellular matrix such as fibrin and collagen into subendothelial layer
     Endothelial dysfunction (See slide on Atherosclerosis: Pathogenesis)
Loss of normal arterial architecture in the brain due to stress of ↑ blood pressure
Weakening of cerebral arteries
Formation and rupture of microaneurysms
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
       Accumulation of plaques in
the walls of cerebral arteries
↓ Cerebral blood flow
Ischemic Stroke
Accumulation of plaques in
the walls of coronary arteries
↓ Myocardial blood flow
Oxygen supply- demand mismatch
Coronary Artery Disease
Thickening of arteriolar wall and narrowing of afferent arterioles
↓ Glomerular blood flow
Glomerular and tubular ischemia
Glomerular sclerosis and tubular atrophy
                  Blood backs up into lungs
↓ perfusion of blood throughout the bodyà inability of the heart to meet metabolic demands
     Congestive Heart Failure
Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published December 4, 2021 on

Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone SIADH Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone (SIADH): Pathogenesis and clinical
(e.g. Small cell lung cancer, head and neck cancer)
Tumor originates from neuroendocrine cells
Tumor acts as an ectopic site of ADH production
ADH binds receptors on basolateral side (facing peritubular capillary) of principal cells in nephron
ADH ↑ principal cells’ production of Aquaporin type II channels on their apical surface (side facing tubule lumen)
↑ Reabsorption of water from the collecting ducts back into circulation
↑ Blood Volume (↑ extracellular fluid volume)
Blood Na+ levels diluted
(blood Na+ <135 mEq/L)
Brain injury
(e.g. Stroke, encephalitis hemorrhage, trauma)
↑ hypothalamic ADH production, storage in posterior pituitary, & pituitary secretion of ADH
↑ Uncontrolled ADH secretion
(Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone)
(e.g. Cyclophosphamide, SSRIs, vincristine)
Break down into active metabolites
Metabolites mimic ADH activity
Authors: Krusang Patel Yan Yu* Reviewers: Davis Maclean Brooke Fallis Juliya Hemmett* * MD at time of publication
                  Atria and Ventricles of the heart stretch
Heart secretes ↑ atrial natriuretic and
B-type natriuretic peptides (ANP/BNP)
Peptides promotes natriuresis (excretion of Na+ into urine)
Loss of Na+ in serumàalters charge balance across neuron
membranesàImproper action potential firing:
↓ Renin secretion
↓ Release of Angiotensin II & Aldosterone
↓Reabsorption of Na+ into circulation
in area postrema of medulla
in hypothalamus in motor neurons
Extracellular fluid volume becomes hypotonic relative to intracellular fluid volume
Water moves from circulation into cells
Extracellular fluid volume normalizes
Headaches Muscle Cramps
        ↓ Urine volume
Cells, particularly neurons, swell up
Cerebral edema
Neurons burst and die
Severe Neurocognitive
Effects (confusion, mood swings, hallucinations, seizure, coma)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Dec 30, 2021 on

Renal Artery Stenosis

Renal Artery Stenosis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Atherosclerosis: A collection of inflammatory cells, lipids, & Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A rare vascular condition characterized by
fibrous connective tissue deposits on the renal artery wall abnormal cellular growth in arterial walls, especially renal & carotid arteries
    Narrowing (stenosis) of the renal artery
Renal Artery Stenosis can be unilateral or bilateral
Authors: Samin Dolatabadi, Yan Yu* Reviewers: Meena Assad, Jessica Krahn Timothy Fu, Brooke Fallis, Juliya Hemmett* * MD at time of publication
      ↓ Pressure perfusing the kidney
↑ RAAS (renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system) activation
↓ pressure gradient in glomerulus
↓ Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
↑ Secretion of aldosterone
Turbulent blood flow through area of stenosis
Abdominal bruit on side of affected kidney(s)
        ↑ Secretion of Angiotensin IIà ↑ Systemic vasoconstriction
↑ Expression of epithelial sodium channels in cortical collecting duct
↑ Blood volume within volume- constrained space of blood vessels
↓ Renal blood flowà ischemic renal injury
Atrophy and fibrosis of affected kidney(s)
Unilateral stenosis à Kidney size asymmetry (≥1.5cm difference)
↓ Positively charged Na+ in lumen à Electronegative lumen compared to the interstitial/tubular epithelial cells
K+ follows the electrical gradient and is secreted into the electronegative tubular lumen
↓ Serum K+ concentration
*Note: In unilateral renal artery stenosis, the contralateral (normal) kidney can compensate for the increase in renal perfusion pressure caused by hypertension by increasing sodium excretion (pressure natriuresis), preventing flash pulmonary edema.
     ↑ NHE3 (Sodium Hydrogen Exchanger 3) activity in proximal collecting tubule
↑ Na+ and water reabsorption from renal tubular lumen into blood vessels
      Chronic left ventricle pressure overload àLeft ventricle hypertrophy (see Left Heart Failure: Pathogenesis Slide)
Systolic dysfunction → ↓ left ventricle stroke volume
Normally, ↑ in renal perfusion pressureà↑ Na+ excretion and water loss (pressure natriuresis)
In bilateral renal artery stenosis*, ↓ GFRàinability for kidney to ↑ renal Na+ & water excretion à volume overload
         Acute increase in afterload or preload → sudden ↑ in left ventricular filling pressures → blood backup into lungs
Pulmonary vasculature hypertension → ↑ fluid filtration across the pulmonary endothelium into interstitium and alveolar spaces
Flash (rapid onset) pulmonary edema
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published December 30, 2021 on


Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Vascular Factors: During recumbent sleep, more bodily fluids enter the head and neck area (compared to when the patient is standing/sitting)
↑ volume of head/neck tissue surrounding the upper airwayà possible airway obstruction
Authors: Ciara Hanly Austin Laing Alexander Arnold Reviewers: Steven Liu Amogh Agrawal Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳) Naushad Hirani* Yan Yu* *MD at time of publication
   Neuromuscular Factors: Sleep onset and/or the sleeping state reduces the drive of respiratory muscles to breathe
↓ Upper airway neuromuscular activityà↓ upper airway caliber, ↑ upper airway resistance, ↑ upper airway collapsibility during sleep
Structural Factors: Obesity, tonsillar or adenoid hypertrophy, macroglossia, ↑ neck circumference, craniofacial abnormalities
Excess pressure on upper airway, or deformity to that area, ↑ risk of upper airway collapse
Absence of airflow but persistent ventilatory effort
Hypopnea or Apnea
Paradoxical breathing Chest wall draws in and abdomen expands during inspiration
Ventilatory effort persists against closed airway
No air entry due to collapsed upper airway
↑ Negative intrathoracic pressure
↑ Venous return to right atrium
Stretching of right atrial myocardium à secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
ANP inhibits epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC) in the collecting ducts of the kidney from reabsorbing Na+ à Na+ excretion
↑ Na+ excretionà↑ water excretion
Complete or partial upper airway obstruction during sleep
↑ PCO2 &  ̄ PO2
in the lungsà ̄ diffusion gradient of CO2 & O2 between lungs & arteries
↑ PaCO2,,  ̄ PaO2
Respiratory acidosis (↑ [H+] in blood)àactivation of vascular endothelial voltage gated K+ channels
Cerebral blood vessel dilation to provide adequate O2 to brain
Morning Headaches
               Activation of central (medulla oblongata) & peripheral (carotid body) chemoreceptors
↑ Respiratory drive à ↑ activation of respiratory muscles (ventilatory effort )
Transient arousal from sleep
↑ sympathetic nervous system activityà arterial vasoconstriction
↑ systemic vascular resistance
Systemic Hypertension
↑ intraluminal pressure within blood vesselsàadaptive vascular endothelial and smooth muscle changes
Artery walls thicken, harden and lose elasticityà ̄ perfusion to end organs (such as the brain)
Ischemic stroke
Hypoxia during the day and night
↑ pulmonary vascular resistance
Pulmonary Hypertension
Right heart pumps against higher pulmonary pressure àcardiomyocytes undergo concentric hypertrophy over time
Cor Pulmonale
(Right heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension, separate from left heart failure)
                Respiratory muscles overcome upper airway obstructionà airway patency restored
Sleep fragmentation
 ̄ Daytime cognitive performance and attentiveness
↑ Risk of motor vehicle accidents
Daytime Sleepiness
Eg. Epworth Sleepiness Scale >10
PCO2: partial pressure of carbon dioxide PO2: partial pressure of oxygen PaCO2: partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arteries PaO2: partial pressure of oxygen in arteries
Ventilatory response overcompensatesà breathe out more CO2 than is required for homeostasisà  ̄ PaCO2
 ̄ respiratory driveà  ̄ ventilatory effort
Resuscitative Gasping
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published August 19, 2013, updated May 31, 2022 on
作者:Ciara Hanly, Austin Laing, Alexander Arnold 审稿人: Steven Liu, Amogh Agrawal, Naushad Hirani*,Yan Yu* 译者: Zesheng Ye(叶泽生) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai(麦泳琳) *发表时担任临床医生
   神经肌肉因素: 睡眠状态下, 患者无法通过 适当增加上气道肌张力来维持气道通畅
上气道神经肌肉活动 ̄à上气道直径 ̄, 上气道 阻力↑, 睡眠时上气道塌陷
结构(解剖)因素: 肥胖、扁桃体或腺样体 肥大, 舌体肥大, 颈围增大, 颅面部畸形
上气道压力过大或上气道畸形, 上气道塌陷 的风险 ↑
血管因素: 仰卧位睡觉引起 夜间嘴侧液体移位
周围组织与压力 ↑à上气道阻塞
呼吸浅慢或 呼吸暂停
反常呼吸 吸气时胸壁凹陷, 腹部膨隆
持续通气以抵抗气道 闭合
腹膜腔负压↑ 静脉血回流右心室阻力↑
右心房心肌细胞拉伸 à心房利钠肽分泌 (ANP)
ANP抑制肾集合管的上 皮Na+通道(ENaC)对 Na+重吸收à Na+排出
Na+排出量↑ à 水排出量 ↑
肺内PO2  ̄ 且 PCO2↑ à CO2 及 O2在肺和动脉 间的扩散梯度 ̄
↑ PaCO2,  ̄ PaO2
呼吸性酸中毒 (血液中 [H+] ↑) à激活血管内皮电压
门控 K+
脑血管扩张为大 晨间头痛 脑提供足够的 O2
               激活中央(延髓)和外周(颈动脉体)的化学感受器 呼吸驱动↑à呼吸肌活动 (呼吸做功 )↑
通道 交感神经系统活动↑
全天缺氧 肺血管阻力↑
右心泵血以抵抗肺 动脉高压à 随着时 间推移,心肌向心 性肥大
                 呼吸肌克服上气道阻力à 气道 明显恢复
及注意力 ̄
à 动脉收缩 全身血管阻力↑
血管内压力↑ à 血 管内皮和平滑肌发生 适应性改变
动脉壁增厚、硬化、失 去弹性à器官血液灌 注量 ̄ (如脑部)
           缩写: PCO2:二氧化碳分压 PO2:氧分压 PaCO2:动脉二氧化 碳分压 PaO2:动脉血氧分压
通气过度 à呼出CO2 ↑ à PaCO2  ̄
呼吸驱动 ̄à 呼吸做功 ̄
 2013年8月19日发表, 2022年5月31日更新


Status Epilepticus: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Katherine Liu Reviewers: Negar Tehrani Ephrem Zewdie Ran (Marissa) Zhang Carlos Camara-Lemarroy* * MD at time of publication
     Structural brain injury (stroke, trauma, hypoxia)
Drugs that lower seizure threshold
Antiseizure drug discontinuation
Alcohol, barbiturate, benzodiazepine withdrawal
Metabolic disturbance
   See “Generalized Seizures”
Altered excitability and communication between neuronal structures
Isolated generalized seizures
Ongoing seizure activity and repetitive neuronal firing
   Changes in receptor trafficking (seconds to minutes)
Changes in neuromodulator expression in hippocampus (minutes to hours)
    Endocytosis of synaptic GABAA inhibitory receptors
↓ Number of inhibitory GABAA receptors
Progressive resistance to benzodiazepines (drugs that upregulate GABA receptors) as seizure continues
↑ Expression of excitatory peptides (substance P, neurokinin B)
• GABA- γ-aminobutyric acid
• NMDA- N-methyl-D-aspartic acid • AMPA- α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-
methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid
NMDA and AMPA excitatory receptors mobilize to synaptic membrane
↑ Number of excitatory NMDA and AMPA receptors
↓ Expression of inhibitory peptide (dynorphin, galanin, somatostatin, neuropeptide Y)
         Seizure-induced failure of inhibitory mechanisms involved in seizure termination and increased neuronal excitability
Status Epilepticus (SE)
An abnormally prolonged seizure ≥ 5 minutes or 2+ sequential seizures without full recovery in between
     ↑↑ Glutamate release and activation of NMDA excitatory receptors
↑ Ca2+ entry into neurons
Mitochondrial dysfunction
↑ Reactive oxygen species (nitric oxide) production
Neuronal injury/death (↑ risk of developing chronic epilepsy)
↑ Autonomic activity
Intense, sustained muscle contractions
Persistent stimulus OR altered neuronal landscape
(i.e., Immune mediated)
Refractory SE:
SE that does not respond to 1st or 2nd line therapy
         Prolonged seizures (≥30 mins) lead to failure of compensatory mechanisms
Circulatory collapse
↓ Cerebral blood flow
• Hypertension • Hyperglycemia • ↑ Cardiac
• ↑ Secretions
• Hypotension
• Hypoventilation
Energy demands > ATP produced through oxidative phosphorylation
Myocytes start utilizing anerobic glycolysis
↑ Lactic acid production
↑ Serum lactate
Sustained muscle activity produces body heat
Hyperpyrexia (axillary temperature ≥ 40° C)
Myocyte injury
Leakage of muscle contents into the circulation (Rhabdomyolysis)
↑ Serum creatine kinase
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published June 27, 2022 on


Pheochromocytoma: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Author: Jaye Platnich Huneza Nadeem Reviewers: Mark Elliott Alexander Arnold Ran (Marissa) Zhang Hanan Bassyouni* * MD at time of publication
↑ Blood pressure results in the activation of neural pain receptors
Sustained or paroxysmal 2o hypertension (↑ blood pressure)
Tachycardia (↑ heart rate), palpitations
Diaphoresis (excessive sweating)
Hyperglycemia Weight loss, fatigue
  Familial Disorders (10%)
E.g., Multiple Endocrine Neoplasm 2 Syndrome (MEN2) types A and B, Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF-1), Von Hippel Lindau Syndrome (VHL), familial pheochromocytoma
Dysfunction of various tumor suppressor and/or oncogene proteins
Uncontrolled proliferation of the chromaffin cells in the medulla of the adrenal gland(s)
Adenoma formation (10% bilateral)
Over-production of epinephrine and
norepinephrine from the adrenal adenoma(s) or extra- adrenal tumour (10%)
Detectable metanephrines (epinephrine/norepinephrine breakdown products) in both plasma and urine
Sporadic DNA mutations arising from
DNA damage from exposure to mutagens, malignancy (10%), or during DNA replication
Detectable mutations on the Von Hippel Linda (VHL), (Rearranged During Transcription) RET, (Succinate Dehydrogenase) SDH, and/or other tumour suppressor or oncogenes
Visible adrenal mass on CT scan Heart attack, stroke, or death (Note: These
tumors can be fatal therefore screening is essential in patients with adrenal masses or 2o hypertension)
Episodic hyper-activity of the sympathetic nervous system
Hyper-stimulation of G protein-coupled receptors involved in catabolic metabolic processes
         ↑ Vasoconstriction of peripheral blood vessels
Hyper-stimulation of adrenergic receptors on cardiac myocytes
↑ Secretion from the eccrine sweat glands
Panic, tremor, anxiety
↑ Ability to mobilize glucose into the bloodstream through enhanced lipolysis, glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published February 20, 2014, updated June 27, 2022 on

Epilepsy Pathogenesis

Epilepsy: Pathogenesis
       Genetic susceptibility
Angelman syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis
Chromosomal abnormalities cause abnormal neural patterns
Cerebral palsy, focal cortical dysplasia
Malformation of cortical development
Intracranial hemorrhage, ischemic stroke
Other Acquired
Head trauma, cerebral infection (i.e., HSV1, VZV, cysticercosis)
Inborn errors of metabolism
Inherited enzyme deficiencies
Alzheimer’s Disease
Protein-rich plaque build-up and brain atrophy
            Inflammation and formation of scar tissue irritates neural tissue
Infiltration of mass, grey matter irritation
  Damage to the brain and subsequent alteration of neuronal circuitry
       Neurotransmitter imbalances (i.e. ↑ glutamate, ↓ GABA, ↓ serotonin, ↓ dopamine, ↓ noradrenaline)
• HSV1 – Herpes Simplex Virus 1 • VZV – Varicella Zoster Virus
↑ Inflammatory cytokines (e.g. interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α)
Altered neurogenesis and gliosis
Ion channel and receptor dysfunction causes imbalance of ion channel charges
Authors: Keerthana Pasumarthi Christopher Li Reviewers: Negar Tehrani, Ephrem Zewdie, Ran (Marissa) Zhang, Carlos R. Camara-Lemarroy* * MD at time of publication
  Neurons fire in burst activity (referred to as paroxysmal depolarization shift) and often in groups (hypersynchrony)
Abnormal neural activities eventually create self-reinforcing circuits and transform neural network over time
       Injuries from
falls, bumps, operating heavy machinery
Involuntary contractions Loss of consciousness
Post-ictal confusion
Recurrent seizures
Sudden Unexplained Death of Epilepsy Patient (SUDEP)
Loss of airway reflexes
Aspiration of saliva or food contents
Aspiration Pneumonia
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published July 5, 2022 on


Burn Shock: Pathogenesis, Complications, and Clinical Findings Thermal burn injury > 20% Total Body
Surface Area
Authors: Shayan Hemmati Reviewers: Christy Chong Ben Campbell Donald McPhalen* * MD at time of publication
     ↑ Production of local inflammatory markers (ex. histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins)
Endothelial cell lining in blood vessel walls is compromised
↑ Local vessel permeability
Shift of plasma + proteins from vessel into interstitial space
Direct vascular thermal injury (within burn wound)
↑ Production of circulating inflammatory mediators (ex. IL-1, IL-6, TNF-!)
↑ Systemic vessel permeability
↑ Circulating reactive oxygen species
Damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids throughout body, including myocardium (muscle cells of the heart)
↑ Myocardial stress
Myocardial dysfunction
↓ Cardiac contractility ↓ Stroke volume ↓ Cardiac output Cardiogenic
Refer to Cardiogenic Shock:
Pathogenesis, Complications and Clinical Findings
              ↓ Protein concentration in vessels causes ↓ intravascular oncotic pressure
Further shift of plasma from vessel into interstitial space (↑ interstitial proteins pull plasma into interstitium)
↓ Intravascular plasma
↑ RBCs per unit volume of plasma
↑ Systemic vasoconstriction to maintain blood pressure (↑ Afterload)
↓ Circulating blood volume leads to less venous return (↓ Preload)
↑ Hematocrit
    Pitting edema (burned & unburned tissue)
↓ Circulating blood volume
Hypovolemic Shock
Refer to Hypovolemic Shock: Pathogenesis, Complications and Clinical Findings
Burn Shock: A complication of large burns causing end-organ hypoperfusion with resultant organ dysfunction
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published August 15, 2022 on

Ischemic Stroke: Pathogenesis

Ischemic Stroke: Pathogenesis Small artery occlusion
Acute injury (<20mm diameter) of basal or brainstem penetrating arteries
Large artery atherosclerosis
Cholesterol plaque ↓ diameter of intra- or extracranial vessel
Cardiac embolism
Blood clot in heart breaks free, travels to brain
E.g. volume loss, severe infection
E.g. 2 or more mechanisms
Modest ↓ in O2 at penumbra (see figure)
Authors: Mizuki Lopez Andrea Kuczynski Illustrator: Mizuki Lopez Reviewers: Sina Marzoughi Usama Malik Hannah Mathew Ran (Marissa) Zhang Andrew M Demchuk* Gary M. Klein* * MD at time of publication
       Significant ↓ in O2 at ischemic core (see figure)
↑ Anaerobic metabolism ↓ ATP
Dysfunction of Na+/K+ ATPase pump (for 1 ATP molecule, 3 Na+ moved out of cell, 2 K+ moved into cell)
H2O influx following Na+ Cerebral edema
Compression of vessels and surrounding tissue damages blood-brain barrier
↑ Permeability of damaged blood-brain barrier
Infiltration by peripheral immune cells
Immune cells release inflammatory cytokines
↓ Cerebral Blood Flow
     Penumbra Ischemic core
          Metabolic demands are greater than supply of ATP
Cell death
Microglia (resident neural immune cells) activate to clean dead cell debris
Microglia release inflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IFγ, IL-1β)
Cytokines lead to astrocyte activation (support cells for neurons)
Astrocytes release more inflammatory cytokines
Inflammation of brain tissue
↑ Na+, Ca2+ influx, K+ outflux
↓ Glutamate (excitatory neurotransmitter) reuptake by astrocytes (support cells for neurons)
↑ Glutamate in extracellular fluid
Spreading depolarization from core (unclear mechanism)
Activate biochemical pathways including glutamate receptor activation
↑ Glutamate activity
Activate glutamate receptors that conduct Ca2+
↑ Ca2+ influx into neuron
Activation of catabolic proteases, lipases, nucleases in neuron
Dysfunction of neuronal protein synthesis and activity
Neuronal cell death
↑ Volume of dead (infarcted) brain tissue
                 Neurons depolarize and release glutamate
Reversal of Na+ Dependent Glutamate Reuptake Transporters on astrocytes (normally 3 Na++ 1 H+ + 1 glutamate into cell, for 2 K+ out)
            ↑ Glutamate in extracellular fluid
      Stroke symptoms (e.g. weakness, slurred speech, visual field losses, autonomic dysfunction)
(see Ischemic Stroke: Impairment by Localization stroke slide)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published November 14, 2017; updated November 6, 2022 on

Ischemic Stroke Impairment by Localization

Ischemic Stroke: Impairment by localization
Contralateral weakness and sensory loss in the lower extremity
Authors: Andrea Kuczynski Yvette Ysabel Yao Reviewers: Sina Marzoughi Usama Malik Mao Ding Andrew M Demchuk* * MD at time of publication
   Ischemia in the anterior cerebral artery
Motor and sensory cortices of lower limb damage
dyslipidemias, diabetes, smoking
Atherosclerosis, thrombosis, or stenosis (narrowing) in respective blood vessels
Ischemia: ↓ blood flow
(See Ischemic Stroke: Pathogenesis slide)
Left hemisphere damage
Right hemisphere damage
Motor and sensory cortices of upper limb and face damage
Urinary incontinence Aphasia (inability to comprehend or produce
  Ischemia in
the middle cerebral artery (MCA)
MCA divides into segments
language) (See Aphasia slide)
Left sided agnosia (visual perceptual deficits)
    Contralateral hemiparesis (weakness on side of body opposite to injury) & sensory deficits, visual field deficits, aphasia, agnosia (inability to process sensory information), apraxia (motor planning deficits) & agraphia (inability to communicate by writing)
       M1-MCA (sphenoidal segment)
M2-MCA (insular segment)
Ischemia in the posterior cerebral artery
Spares the lower extremity, affects the upper extremity and face
Lesion to frontal lobe (Broca area) Infarction of occipital cortex
Lesion to superior temporal gyrus of temporal lobe (Wernicke area)
No homonymous hemianopsia (one-sided visual field loss) Expressive Broca’s/motor aphasia (inability to produce language)
Contralateral homonymous hemianopsia
(visual field loss on opposite side)
Receptive Wernicke’s/sensory aphasia
(inability to comprehend language)
Sensory loss, memory loss, contralateral homonymous hemianopsia & alexia (reading difficulty)
           Ischemia of the occipital lobe, posteromedial temporal lobes, midbrain & thalamus
  Ischemia in the vertebral basilar artery
Ischemia in the basilar artery
Ischemia of brainstem & medulla
Ischemia of midbrain, thalami, inferior temporal & occipital lobes
Cranial nerve disorders: dysarthria (slurred/slowed speech) (IX, X), diplopia (double vision), facial numbness or paresthesia (VII), Foville’s syndrome (ipsilateral cerebellar ataxia), Horner's syndrome, (paresis of conjugate gaze and contralateral hemiparesis, facial palsy, pain & thermal hypoesthesia)
Motor deficits: Millard-Gubler syndrome (pons lesion), Raymond’s syndrome (ipsilateral abducens impairment, contralateral central facial paresis & contralateral hemiparesis), Wallenburg syndrome (sensory deficits in the contralateral limb, ipsilateral face), ataxia (abnormal gait), unilateral or bilateral sensory loss of position & vibration
Cranial nerve disorders: dysconjugate gaze (unpaired eye movements) (III, IV, VI), ipsilateral facial hypoalgesia (↓ pain sensitivity) (V), unilateral lower motor neuron face paralysis (VII), vertigo (spinning sensation), dysarthria (weak speech muscles) (IX, X)
Motor deficits: contralateral hemiparesis, quadriplegia (paralysis of all 4 limbs), contralateral limb hypoalgesia
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
First published February 3, 2018, updated February 28, 2023 on

Hemorrhagic Stroke

Hemorrhagic Stroke: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Andrea Kuczynski Oswald Chen Reviewers: Sina Marzoughi Usama Malik Anjali Arora Ran (Marissa) Zhang Mao Ding Michael D Hill* Gary Klein* * MD at time of publication
  Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage (~75%)
Secondary Intracerebral Hemorrhage (~25%)
        Amyloid Angiopathy
Amyloid deposits in blood vessels and weakens vessel walls
Lipohyalinosis (lipid and protein aggregation in arterial walls) weakens blood vessels
Dilation of a weakened blood vessel
Drugs (e.g., cocaine, crystal meth, decongestants, anticoagulants)
Vascular Malformations
      Note: the pathophysiology and exact mechanism is not well known
Release of toxic blood plasma components (coagulation factors, immunoglobins)
Red blood cell lysis
Cytotoxic hemoglobin (heme, iron) release
Fenton-type free radical generation (Fe(II) + H2O2 → Fe(III) + OH− + OH•)
Oxidative damage to carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins in brain
Necrosis of hypoxic brain tissue
Neurological signs: focal motor weakness, aphasia, vision loss, sensory loss, imbalance/incoordination, altered LOC
Rupture of blood vessel(s) Accumulation of blood → hematoma formation
    ↓ Cerebral tissue perfusion (↓ O2 availability)
     ↓ Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (final step in aerobic glucose metabolism)
↓ Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production
↑ Anaerobic glucose metabolism → ↑ Cerebral lactate production
Cerebral lactic acidosis Impaired cellular metabolism Death of neurons and glia
Microglia clear debris and release inflammatory markers (TNFα, IFγ, IL-1β)
↑ Endothelial cell apoptosis and ↑ blood-brain barrier permeability
Cerebral edema
Increased intracranial pressure: papilledema, sudden headache, non-reactive pupils, ↓ level of consciousness (LOC), nausea/vomiting
        Astrocytes release glutamate (main excitatory neurotransmitter)
Activation of neuronal metabotropic glutamate receptors
↑ Ca2+ influx into neurons
Excitotoxicity (excess stimulation of glutamate receptors leading to neuronal death)
Dysfunction of Na+/K+ ATPase pump (moves 3 Na+ out of cell and 2 K+ into cell) on neurons
↓ Na+ efflux and ↓ K+ influx
Neuronal membrane potential becomes less negative (closer to threshold potential)
Neurons depolarize → ↑ Glutamate release
                    General findings: Seizures, lethargy
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
First published June 6, 2018, updated February 28, 2023 on

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft CABG Indications

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG): Indications
Author: Breanne Gordulic Reviewers: Miranda Schmidt Ben Campbell Sunawer Aujla Angela Kealey* * MD at time of publication
  Symptomatic multivessel (≥ 3 vessels) coronary artery disease (MVCAD) or complex MVCAD
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
Left main coronary artery disease
Multivessel (≥ 3 vessels) CAD and diabetes
Cardiac surgery required for other pathology
Multivessel CAD, LV dysfunction and congestive heart failure (CHF)
Complex CAD includes stenosed vein grafts, bifurcation lesions, calcified lesions, total occlusions, ostial lesions
STEMI initial treatment is PCI/thrombolysis
CABG outcomes compared to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in MVCAD include ↑ survival in diabetes, ↑ survival with LV dysfunction, ↓ repeat revascularization, ↓ myocardial infarction, ↓ stroke
↑ Risk of failure in complex CAD with PCI
     Rapid reperfusion to myocardium most important in STEMI to decrease myocardial damage
CABG can be considered for residual stenoses 6-8 weeks later
   NSTEMI or unstable angina (UA) with MVCAD involving at least three vessels including the proximal left anterior descending (LAD)
     Left main coronary artery divides into left anterior descending (LAD) and left circumflex (LCx) which supplies 2/3 of myocardium
↑ Survival Myocardial infarction from left main artery occlusion Death
        Left main stenosis
Ventricular dysrhythmias
Ongoing ischemia
LV dysfunction Hemodynamic instability
↑ risk of PCI
CABG has mortality benefit
↓ Number of operations
       ↑ Risk of cardiovascular disease in diabetes
Revascularization indicated along with other cardiac surgery
Multivessel CAD with >90% stenosis and CHF
LV ejection fraction <35%
↑ Risk of atherosclerosis from hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia
CABG bypasses several atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arteries
↑ Durability
↑ Complete perfusion
     Valve stenosis or regurgitation Septal defect
Aortic root or arch pathology
Combination procedure
          Evidence of ischemia at rest
Evidence of
impaired LV function at rest
↓ All-cause mortality in CABG vs medical management
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
• ACS- acute coronary syndrome. Acute reduction in
blood flow to heart muscle resulting in cell death. • CAD- coronary artery disease. Narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries by plaque
• NSTEMI- myocardial infarction (heart attack) with no ST elevation on electrocardiogram
• PCI- percutaneous coronary intervention. A balloon tipped catheter is used to open blocked coronary arteries; a stent may be placed.
• STEMI- myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation on electrocardiogram
       Consider revascularization (restore blood flow to blocked or narrowed blood vessels) of coronary arteries to increase perfusion to myocardium (heart muscle)
Coronary artery bypass graft recommended
Assess surgical risk and comorbidities with evaluation by heart team that includes both a cardiac surgeon and interventional cardiologist (SYNTAX Trial)
Individual management plan for patients with comorbidities that increase mortality
Chronic Renal Failure
↑ Inflammation and deregulated angiogenesis affects all organ systems
↓ Physiologic reserve and ↓ ability to recover from acute stress
↑ Pneumonia
↑ Respiratory and Renal Failure
↑ Stroke
↑ In hospital mortality
↓ Survival two years after surgery
                      Use Society of Thoracic Surgeons Score, EuroSCORE, or SYNTAX II Score to predict patient outcome with anatomy, disease severity, and preoperative characteristics
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Surgery to take healthy blood vessels from the body and connect them proximally and distally to blocked coronary arteries
Cardiopulmonary bypass, fluid overload, ↑ renal vasoconstriction and ↓ renal oxygenation from rewarming
Kidney injury
↑ End stage kidney disease
    Blood flow restored to
ischemic myocardium
↓ Angina
↑ Quality of life ↑ LV function ↑ Survival
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published April 12, 2023 on

Approach To Dementia

Approach to Dementia/Major Neurocognitive Disorder (NCD)
Authors: Iqra Rahamatullah Mahrukh Kaimkhani
Reviewers: Yvette Ysabel Yao Mao Ding Gary Michael Klein* *MD at time of publication
1) Changes noticed?
Modest ↓cognitive performance from previous, DOES NOT interfere with daily independence
More pronounced ↓cognitive performance from previous, DOES interfere with daily independence
↓Cognitive performance, difficulty with ≥1 basic activities of daily living (ADL) or ≥2 instrumental ADLs
Fluctuating course, acute onset, inattention WITH either disorganized thinking or altered level of consciousness
     2) Is it dementia?
Normal, age-related: ↓focus, ↓cognitive speed, ↓reaction time, ↓memory
      3) What is the cause of the dementia? (main causes discussed here)
Loss of cognitive functioning, including memory, language, problem solving, and other thinking abilities, that interferes with independence in everyday activities
      Beta-secretase cleaves beta amyloid protein
Atherosclerosis or thrombosis
Misfolded alpha- synuclein
Toxic beta amyloid plaque and tau tangle (sticky) formation
Ischemia to areas of brain (strokes)
Build ups and deposition within neurons (Lewy bodies)
Disrupted signaling, inflammation, hippocampal and cerebral impairment
Necrosis of brain tissue in areas impacted by strokes
Neuronal impairment and atrophy (especially in substantia nigra)
Neuronal atrophyàfrontal + temporal lobe atrophy
Progressive atrophy of basal ganglia and dorsal striatum + lateral ventricles expanding
Death of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Vascular Dementia
Lewy Body Dementia
Frontotemporal Dementia
Huntington’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
↓Memory, ↓learning, ↓language skills, disorientation, inattention
Total debilitation, fatal infections
Findings vary depending on area
Step-wise worsening impairment
Parkinsonism, hallucinations, REM- sleep behavior disorder
Total debilitation, dependence
Personality and behavioral changes
Mental status changes
Chorea, ↓cognition, mood changes
Aspiration, dementia, suicide
Resting tremor, rigidity, anosmia
Depression, dementia, falls
              Abnormal protein inclusions and tangles (usually tau) form in neurons
Autosomal dominant disease (with anticipation) with ↑CAG repeats in Huntingtin gene
Genetic mutations, environmental exposures, or idiopathic cause
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published September 17, 2023 on
Approach to Dementia/Major Neurocognitive Disorder (NCD)
Authors: Iqra Rahamatullah Mahrukh Kaimkhani Reviewers: Yvette Ysabel Yao
Fluctuating course, acute onset, inattention WITH either disorganized thinking or altered level of consciousness (LOC)?
    1) Changes noticed?
2) Is it dementia?
Normal, age-related: ↓focus, ↓cognitive speed, ↓reaction time, ↓memory
Modest ↓cognitive performance from previous, DOES NOT interfere with daily independence
More pronounced ↓cognitive performance from previous, DOES interfere with daily independence
↓Cognitive performance, difficulty with ≥1 basic activities of daily living (ADL) or ≥2 instrumental ADLs
        3) What is the cause of the dementia? (main causes discussed here)
Beta-secretase cleaves beta amyloid protein
Atherosclerosis or thrombosis
Misfolded alpha-synuclein
Toxic beta amyloid plaque and tau tangle (sticky) formation
Ischemia to areas of brain (strokes)
Build ups and deposition within neurons (Lewy bodies)
Disrupted signaling, inflammation, hippocampal and cerebral impairment
Necrosis of brain tissue in areas impacted by strokes
Neuronal impairment and atrophy (especially in substantia nigra)
Neuronal atrophyàfrontal + temporal lobe atrophy
Progressive atrophy of basal ganglia and dorsal striatum + lateral ventricles expanding
Death of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Vascular Dementia
Lewy Body Dementia
Frontotemporal Dementia
Huntington’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
↓Memory, ↓learning, ↓language skills, disorientation, inattention
Total debilitation, fatal infections
Findings vary depending on area
Step-wise worsening impairment
Parkinsonism, hallucinations, REM- sleep behavior disorder
Total debilitation, dependence
Personality and behavioral changes
Mental status changes
Chorea, ↓cognition, mood changes
Aspiration, dementia, suicide
Resting tremor, rigidity, anosmia
Depression, dementia, falls
Loss of cognitive functioning, including memory, language, problem solving, and other thinking abilities, that interferes with independence in everyday activities
                    Abnormal protein inclusions and tangles (usually tau) form in neurons
Autosomal dominant disease (with anticipation) with ↑CAG repeats in Huntingtin gene
Genetic mutations, environmental exposures, or idiopathic cause
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published September 17, 2023 on

Mitral Regurgitation Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Mitral Regurgitation: Pathogenesis and clinical findings Coronary Artery Disease
Authors: Juliette Hall, Victoria Nkunu
Reviewers: Raafi Ali, Jack Fu, Usama Malik, Sina Marzoughi, Jason Waechter* * MD at time of publication
 (Ischemic Heart Disease & Myocardial Infarction)
         Left ventricular dilation displaces papillary muscles
Dilation of the Tethering of mitral valve annulus chordae tendineae
↑ Volume and pressure in left atrium
↑ Volume pushed back into left ventricle
Dilated left ventricle
Apical impulse on palpation and auscultation
↓ Forward flow of blood out of heart
Blood backs up into pulmonary circulation
↑ Intravascular hydrostatic pressure in pulmonary vessels
Fluid extravasates out of vessels and into the lungs
Papillary muscle rupture
Mitral valve leaflets flail
Mitral valve prolapse
Structurally abnormal valve
Connective tissue disorders
Weak valve leaflets
Rheumatic heart disease
Dilatation of the mitral valve annulus, inflammation of leaflets
Infective endocarditis
Vegetations form on valve leaflets
             Mitral Regurgitation
Blood consistently flows backward throughout systole
Holosystolic murmur, radiates to axilla, ↑ with afterload (e.g. making a fist)
  Backflow of blood from left ventricle to left atrium due to impaired mitral valve closure
     S3 heart sound
Myocardial remodeling
↓ Muscle efficiency
↓ Left ventricle systolic function
↓ O2 saturation, tachypnea, wheeze, ↑ work of breathing, crackles, frothy sputum (if severe)
Congestive heart failure
↓ Stroke volume ejected into aorta
      ↓ Cardiac output
↓ Organ perfusion       ↓ O2 to kidney
       Activation of renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system
↑ Reabsorption of water by kidneys
↑ Intravascular hydrostatic pressure systemically
Peripheral edema
Injury to kidney parenchyma
↓ ability for kidney to clear creatinine
↑ Serum creatinine
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Feb 3, 2018, updated Oct 15, 2023 on

Sustained Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia Clinical findings

Sustained Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia: Clinical findings
Sustained Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
A wide QRS complex tachycardia originating from the ventricles lasting > 30 seconds. Common mechanisms include re-entry (e.g., scar-mediated) or a ventricular ectopic focus with increased automaticity. Refer to Sustained Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia: Pathogenesis slide for more details.
Authors: Rahim Kanji Reviewers: Stephanie Happ, Raafi Ali, Derek Chew* * MD at time of publication
     The sinoatrial node continues to depolarize the atria while the ventricles depolarize independently and more rapidly
Heart rate > 100 beats per minute
The re-entrant circuit/ectopic focus uniformly and consistently depolarizes ventricular myocytes
           Occasionally, a sinoatrial impulse conducts to the ventricles
Loss of coordination between the contractions of the atria and ventricles
ECG Finding: AV Dissociation
The impulse conducts normally through the His-Purkinje pathway and coincides with abnormal ventricular depolarization
ECG Finding: Fusion beat
Patient feels a forceful and rapid heart rate
Right atrium periodically contracts against a closed tricuspid valve
Cannon A waves (intermittent irregular jugular venous pulsations with large amplitudes)
↓ Ventricular filling time
↓ Preload
↓ Stroke volume cardiac output
Inadequate perfusion to organs
ECG Finding: Uniform morphology of QRS complexes
Direct myocyte-to- myocyte spread of the electrical impulse proceeds slower than an impulse conducted via the His-Purkinje pathway
ECG Finding: Wide QRS complexes (≥ 120 milliseconds)
             The impulse conducts normally through the His-Purkinje pathway in between abnormal ventricular depolarizations
ECG Finding: Capture beat
Muscles and other organs
General malaise
Chest pain
Presyncope/ syncope
Inability to adequately respond to increased cardiac demand
Shortness of breath
Hemodynamic collapse
Sudden cardiac arrest
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published October 22, 2023 on

Statins Mechanisms and Side Effects

Statins: Mechanisms of action & side effects
Authors: Rupali Manek, Julia Iftimie Reviewers: Gurreet Bhandal, Raafi Ali, Joshua Dian, Laura Byford-Richardson Samuel Fineblit*, Alexander Ah-Chi Leung* * MD at time of publication
         Competitive inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase (rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis)
↓ Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone)
↑ Mitochondrial superoxide
↓ Hepatic membrane stability
↓ Conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonic acid
↑ Hepatic VLDL uptake
↓ Hepatic apolipoprotein B-100 secretion
↓ Oxidative phosphorylation
Impaired mitochondrial function
↑ Liver enzyme leakage
↓ Mitochondrial ATP production
↑ Aminotransferases enzymes in liver
↑ Clearance of
LDL cholesterol from bloodstream
Myopathy/ myalgias (muscle aches)
↓ Circulating LDL cholesterol
↓ LDL, ↑ HDL, ↓ TG
           ↓ Hepatic cholesterol synthesis
↓ VLDL synthesis
↑ Cell surface LDL receptor expression
First line therapy for treating hypercholesterolemia (↑ LDL cholesterol in blood) Common examples: rosuvastatin, atorvastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, etc.
↑ Apolipoprotein AI production & ↑ hepatic HDL neogenesis
↓ TG
↑ Vasodilation
↓ C-reactive protein
↓ Impacts of coagulation cascade
↓ Atherosclerosis (plaque along walls of blood vessels)
↓ Cardiovascular disease & mortality
                   Pleotropic effects (i.e. non lipid related effects)
HMG-CoA – Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA LDL – Low-density lipoprotein
VLDL – Very low density lipoprotein HDL – High density lipoprotein
TG – Triglycerides
Inhibition of synthesis of isoprenoid intermediates in the mevalonate pathway
↑ Nitric oxide activity ↓ Inflammation
↓ Tissue factor expression
↓ Macrophage proliferation
↓ Tissue factor (promotes macrophage mediated thrombus formation)
↑ Blood flow & endothelial function
↓ Thrombin generation
       ↓ Metalloproteinases expression
↑ Inhibition of metalloproteinase-1
↓ Thrombogenicity (production of blood clot/thrombus)
Plaque stabilization (↓ risk of atherosclerotic plaque rupture, myocardial infarction, and stroke)
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Physiological Outcome
 Published July 9, 2017, updated Nov 6, 2023 on

Death Cardiovascular Respiratory and Neurologic Mechanisms

Death: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Neurologic Mechanisms
Mitochondria in tissues unable to utilize O2
Reduced hemoglobin in blood to carry O2
Low oxygen content in blood (CaO2)
Hypoxemia (Type I Respiratory Failure): low dissolved oxygen in blood (PaO2)
Lungs can’t oxygenate blood fast enough
Lungs can’t rid blood of CO2 fast enough
Hypercapnia / hypercarbia (Type II Respiratory Failure): elevated dissolved CO2 in blood (PaCO2)
Cerebral vasodilation
Toxins: e.g. cyanide, pesticides, arsenic Severe anemia
        Distributive problems:
Systemic inflammation (sepsis, anaphylaxis, pancreatitis), adrenal insufficiency, vasodilatory drugs
Obstructive problems: Cardiac tamponade*, tension pneumothorax* or massive pulmonary embolism*
Hypovolemic* problems (low blood volume): Hemorrhage, dehydration, widespread skin disruption or burns
Cardiac valve dysfunction
Myocardial infarction* or cardiomyopathy
Cardiac arrhythmia or heart block
Disturbed electrical activity in cardiomyocytes
Peripheral metabolic disturbances
Hypokalemia*, Hyperkalemia* Acidosis* (including renal failure) Hypothermia*
Toxins* (e.g. cocaine, beta blockers, tricyclics) Severe thyroid derangement
Inappropriate systemic vasodilation
Adjacent forces impair heart filling
Low cardiac preload
Low stroke volume (SV; depends on valves, contractility, preload)
Decreased systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
Low blood pressure (BP = CO x SVR)
Decreased cardiac output (CO = SV x HR)
Disseminated intravascular coagulationàwidespread thrombi that occlude blood flow (also causes hemorrhage, see relevant box at left)
Methemoglobinemia: some hemoglobin gets stuck in a state that can’t carry O2
Hemoglobin has reduced capacity to carry or release O2
Drugs: e.g. dapsone, nitrates
Carbon monoxide poisoning
            Circulatory collapse / shock: inadequate perfusion of tissue with blood
Respiratory collapse: blood has insufficient useable O2 content
                                Ventricular fibrillation (VF) or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT)
Hypoxia*: inadequate O2 delivery or utilization in tissues
Hypoxia creates metabolic disturbances that impair cardiac cells. Alternatively, any of the preceding conditions marked with (*) can directly trigger cardiac arrest first
Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA): organized activity on ECG with no cardiac output (can be preceded or mimicked by pseudo-PEA, in which there is still some output on ultrasound)
Low atmospheric pressure or oxygen content Severe lung disease
Asthma, COPD, interstitial lung disease, congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolism, lung collapse / atelectasis
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Pneumonia, aspiration pneumonitis, inhalational injury, systemic inflammation, drowning
Severe hypoventilation
Respiratory fatigue, advanced COPD, chest wall disorders, neuromuscular disorders, upper airway obstruction, toxins (e.g. opioids, botulism)
       Can degenerate at any time
   Asystole: no cardiac electrical activity or output
Respiratory arrest: cessation of breathing
Inability to protect airway
Decreased level of consciousness
This is a broad overview of the many scenarios that can result in death. For detailed explanations of the various disease mechanisms, refer to the corresponding slides.
* = reversible causes of cardiac arrest (Hs and Ts)
Ben Campbell
Yan Yu*
Huma Ali*
* MD at time of publication
(low heart rate, HR)
Unopposed parasympathetic stimulation of heart (can also cause vasodilation, see Distributive problems)
Disruption of spinal cord sympathetic control
Injury to cervical or upper thoracic spinal cord
Irreversible cessation of cardiac, respiratory, and brain function
      Prolonged seizure initially causes increased cardiovascular activity, until the system fatigues
Disruption of respiratory control center in medulla
Expanding skull contents squeeze brainstem (herniation)
Increased intracranial pressure
Edema from intracranial hemorrhage, trauma, brain mass
Edema, inflammation, hypoxia and/or metabolic derangements cause diffuse neuron dysfunction
Central nervous system infection
Dementia, particularly with delirium
Massive ischemic stroke
activity prevents or alters breathing
Metabolic disturbances that affect the central nervous system Hypoglycemia Hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia Hyponatremia, hypernatremia Uremia
Acute liver failure (hyperNH4) Many drugs / toxins Withdrawal (e.g. EtOH)
          Status epilepticus
Brainstem lesion (e.g. stroke, neoplasm, inflammatory)
 Nervous System Insult
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published November 11, 2023 on
 Respiratory System Insult
Cardiovascular System Insult Cardiogenic problems

Complication of MI - Acute Mitral Regurgitation

Complication of MI: Acute mitral regurgitation
Authors: Victória Silva Reviewers: Juliette Hall, Raafi Ali *Angela Kealey * MD at time of publication
Indicates rapid overfilling of ventricle
S1 S2 S3
  Calcified plaque formation (atherosclerosis**) commonly in the posterior descending artery
Plaque ruptures
Exposed plaque contentsàPlatelet adhesion and aggregation
Artery becomes partially or completely occluded
Mitral Regurgitation**
(Back flow of blood from left ventricle to left atrium during systole)
↑ Left atrial pressure
Blood from left atrium backs up into pulmonary venous system
↑ Pulmonary venous pressure
↑ Hydrostatic pressure in alveolar capillaries
↑ Fluid leak from alveolar capillaries to interstitium (pulmonary edema**)
↓ Gas exchange
Attempt at
physiologic compensation à ↑ Respiratory rate
Holosystolic murmur
Heard loudest over the mitral valve (5th intercostal space, mid-clavicular line), with radiation to the axilla
↑ Volume of blood to left ventricle during diastole
                    ↓ Blood supply to the portion of the ventricle that supports the papillary muscle à↓ Muscle movement
Left ventricle dysfunction
↓ Blood supply to the posterior medial papillary muscle
Cell death (myocardial infarction)
Papillary muscle ischemia (muscle is intact but cannot contract)
↑ Blood in right atriumà↑ Blood in superior vena cava
↑ Blood in internal jugular vein
↑ Jugular venous pressure (JVP)
Redistribution of interstitial fluid when lying flat (reduced effect of gravity)
↓ Forward blood flow from left ventricle to aorta
↓ Stroke volume (SV)
↓ Cardiac output (CO) CO = SV x HR (heart rate)
Sympathetic nervous system attempts to physiologically compensate
↑ Heart rate
↓ Blood pressure (BP) because BP = CO X SVR (systemic vascular resistance)
Cardiogenic shock**
               Papillary muscle rupture
         Papillary muscle unable to provide adequate tension on mitral valve
Mitral valve unable to stay closed during systole
Difficulty breathing
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
    **See corresponding Calgary Guide slides for more details
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published November 25, 2023 on

Aspiration Pneumonia

Aspiration Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
        Intractable vomiting
↑ Likelihood of oropharyngeal and gastric contents exiting the esophagus, entering the trachea to the lung
If the acidic gastric contents are sterile, then aspirating this results in inflammation and lung injury without development of infection
Aspiration pneumonitis
Alveolar macrophages recruit neutrophils to local site of infection. Subsequent cytokine release compromises the vascular endothelial cell wall barrier and ↑ alveolar-capillary permeability
↑ inflammation due to fluid and cellular debris build-up in alveoli
(e.g. opioids) (e.g. stroke)
Altered level of consciousness and impaired cough/clearance
Tube Poor Alcohol and Substance Medications Neurologic diseases
Esophageal and gastric motility disorders
Impaired swallowing
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
feeding oral health
Bacteria adhere to epithelial surfaces and ↑ risk of airway and lung bacterial colonization
Aspirated oropharyngeal and gastric contents can also contain bacteria
↓ Elimination and clearance of foreign bacteria from airway and lung
Macroaspiration (large volume aspiration) of oropharyngeal bacteria, during eating and drinking
                    Bacteria and fluid fill bronchi and alveolar space
Aspiration Pneumonia
Alterations to lung microbial flora
  An infectious lung process caused by inhalation of foreign bacterial and oropharyngeal and gastric contents
   Aspiration of acidic fluid and pneumonia causative pathogen (typically anaerobes or bacteria in normal oral flora) with resultant inflammation
Infiltrate develops in a gravity-dependent pattern in patches around bronchi segments.
Produces proinflammatory cytokines, (e.g. tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-1)
Hypothalamic production of prostaglandin E2 results in thermogenesis
Authors: Luiza Radu
Reviewers: Mao Ding, *Yan Yu, *Jonathan Liu *MD at time of publication
    Aspiration to the right lung more common due to large diameter and more vertical orientation of the right main bronchus
          Crackles and ↑ lung vibrations (fremitus) on auscultation
Productive Cough
Impaired alveolar gas exchange
Chemoreceptor detection of ↓ pO2 triggers
↑ ventilation
Consolidation in lower lobes (particularly superior segments) and posterior segments of upper lobes
If untreated, a
pus-filled lung cavity develops (e.g. abscess)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Jan 11, 2024 on

Cranial Nerve IV Palsy

Cranial Nerve IV Palsy: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
(e.g. Möbius Syndrome)
Dysgenesis (defective development) of CN IV
Microvascular Disease (e.g. Stroke)
Damage or occlusion (complete or partial blockage) to the blood vessels supplying CN IV
Temporary or permanent damage to the nerve fibers
Metastasis (e.g. Leptomeningeal)
Compression of the nerve fibers along the nerve tract
Primary (e.g. Schwannoma)
Tumor develops new blood vessels that redirect blood flow to the malignancy, away from the nerve
Ischemia of CN IV
Infection (a rare cause) (e.g. Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Tuberculosis meningitis)
Infectious process in the subarachnoid space
Damage to axons of CN IV
                 Cranial Nerve (CN) IV Palsy
Superior oblique musculature weakness due to CN IV dysfunction
   Lesion to the fascicle of CN IV (extending from midbrain to cavernous sinus)
Impaired ability to conduct motor commands from nucleus to superior oblique muscle in the eye
Weak superior oblique innervation
Difficult abduction and intorsion of the eye
Contralateral superior
oblique weakness
Lesion to the nucleus of CN IV (located in the midbrain)
Disturbed signal production occurring prior to demarcation of fibers to contralateral side
The pathophysiology above can cause damage to structures surrounding CN IV in the midbrain
Impacting ipsilateral sympathetic chain descending from the
hypothalamus prior to reaching the superior cervical ganglion
Shahab Marzoughi Reviewers:
Sunawer Aujla
Yvette Ysabel Yao
Yan Yu*
Gary Michael Klein*
* MD at time of publication
Vertical/oblique Diplopia (double vision)
Hypertropia (one eye is deviated upward compared to the other)
Perinaud’s Syndrome (upgaze palsy, convergence retraction nystagmus, and pupillary hyporeflexia)
See relevant Calgary Guide slide on Parinaud’s Syndrome
Loss of eye muscle movement coordination and function of other structures relating to gait
Ipsilateral Primary Horner’s Syndrome (miosis, anhidrosis, ptosis)
See relevant Calgary Guide slide on Horner Syndrome
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published January 16, 2024 on

Eisenmenger Syndrome

Eisenmenger Syndrome: Pathogenesis and clinical findings Ventricular septal defect Patent ductus arteriosus
Authors: George S. Tadros Reviewers: Stephanie Happ Shahab Marzoughi Kim Myers* * MD at time of publication
    Atrial septal defect Blood shunted from systemic to pulmonary circulation
Long-standing “left-to-right” shunt with too much pulmonary blood flow
↑ Flow of blood through the pulmonary circulation (from right ventricle to pulmonary arteries)
↑ Shear stress and circumferential stress on the pulmonary arteries and arterioles
Atrioventricular septal defect
Truncus arteriosus (Only one common artery arises from the heart rather aorta and pulmonary artery)
    Long-standing “right-to-left” shunt with too much pulmonary blood flow
     Structural changes occur in pulmonary arteries and arterioles to adapt to ↑ flow and pressure
Hypertrophy of the smooth muscles (media) of pulmonary arteries and arterioles Thickening of the intima (innermost layer) of pulmonary arteries and arterioles
       ↑ Pulmonary vascular resistance (pressure in the pulmonary arteries)
Pressure within the right ventricle gradually ↑
Right ventricular pressure is equal to, or exceeds left ventricular pressure
Shunt changes from left-to-right to right-to-left “Right-to-Left” Shunt
De-oxygenated blood originating from the right ventricle bypasses the lungs and goes into systemic circulation ↓ Oxygen delivery to tissue across the body
Pulmonary hypertension
(mean pulmonary artery pressure at rest ≥ 25mmHg)
Right ventricular hypertrophy (enlarging)
Hypertrophied right ventricle cannot contract effectively
Right ventricle loses ability to pump blood efficiently
Right heart failure
Megakaryocytes (platelet precursors) are shunted away from the capillary beds of the lungs, where they usually get fragmented into platelets
                   Chronic central cyanosis (generalized bluish discoloration)
Induction of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in fingers
Terminal digit clubbing (uniform swelling of the fingers and toes)
Hypoxemia (<90% O2 saturation)
Thrombocytopenia (↓ platelet count) Spontaneous bleeding events
   Body tries to compensate for ↓ O2 by ↑ oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood
Polycythemia (↑ in red cell count) and ↑ hemoglobin concentration
↑ blood viscosity Hypercoagulable and prothrombotic state
Not enough O2 to meet the body’s demands
Epistaxis (nose bleeds)
Minor (non-life-threatening)
Major (life-threatening)
Pulmonary hemorrhage
            Dental bleeds
Menorrhagia (heavy periods)
       Pulmonary Embolism (clot in pulmonary vessels) Stroke Deep vein thrombosis (clot in deep veins)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Mar 5, 2024 on

Circle of Willis Anatomy and Physiology

 Circle of Willis: Anatomy & physiology Ischemic stroke
Ischemic stroke
Inadequate blood flow & oxygenation of brain tissue
Occlusion or narrowing of A2 segment
Supplies medial portions of frontal & parietal lobes (lower extremity regions of motor/sensory cortices)
Anterior Cerebral Artery (ACA)
Ischemic stroke (brain damage due to ischemia)
Inadequate blood flow & oxygenation of brain tissue
Occlusion or narrowing
Supplies midbrain, thalamus, & occipital lobe
Posterior Cerebral Artery (PCA) Vertebral Arteries (VA)
Inadequate blood flow & oxygenation of brain tissue
Occlusion or narrowing
Supplies lateral portions of frontal, temporal & parietal lobes (upper extremity & facial regions of motor/sensory cortices)
Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) P2 segment
A1 segment
Supplies the MCA & ACA
A2 segment
Collateral circulation redistributes blood flow to maintain continuous blood supply
Occlusion or narrowing of vessels within the Circle of Willis
Anterior Communicating Artery (Acomm)
Weakness in the blood vessel walls
Aneurysm formation causes mass effect (displacement) on nearby structures
Supplies BA & PCA, lateral medulla & cerebellum via posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA), & upper spinal cord via anterior spinal artery (ASA)
Basilar Artery (BA)
Supplies occipital lobe, cerebellum & brainstem
Thromboembolism (blood clot obstruction)
Inadequate blood flow & oxygenation of brain tissue
Ischemic stroke
Damage to the ventral pons
Locked-in syndrome (quadriplegia, loss of voluntary breathing & speaking, intact cognition & blinking)
Internal Carotid Arteries (ICA)
Posterior Communicating Artery (Pcomm)
Weakness in the blood vessel walls
Aneurysm formation causes mass effect (displacement) on nearby structures
Oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III): double vision & absent pupil response to light
Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published Nov 5, 2018, updated Apr 29, 2024 on
P1 segment
Ruptured aneurysm: subarachnoid hemorrhage
Inadequate blood flow & oxygenation of brain tissue
Hemorrhagic stroke (brain damage due to bleeding)
Optic nerve (cranial nerve II): ↓ visual acuity
Frontal lobe: headache & psychological changes
Authors: Josh Kariath, Rafael Sanguinetti Reviewers: Andrea Kuczynski, Luiza Radu Gary Klein* * MD at time of publication

Sickle Cell Disease Pathogenesis Clinical Findings and Complications

Sickle Cell Disease: Pathogenesis, Clinical Findings, and Complications
DNA point mutation in chromosome 11 causes a substitution of glutamate to valine for the sixth amino acid of the β-globin chain
Authors: Yang (Steven) Liu Priyanka Grewal Reviewers: Alexander Arnold Luiza Radu JoyAnne Krupa Yan Yu* Lynn Savoie* * MD at time of publication
  Hemoglobin S (HbS) variant formed instead of normal Hemoglobin A (HbA)
  Hb electrophoresis shows approximately 45% HbS, 52% HbA (ααββ), 2% HbA
Hb electrophoresis shows approximately 90% HbS, 8% HbF, & 2% HbA .
No HbA present
  (ααδδ), & 1% HbF (ααγγ;2 fetal hemoglobin)
Heterozygous: point mutation in one of the two chromosomes (Hb AS)
Sickle cell trait
(asymptomatic unless severely hypoxic)
Homozygous: point mutation in both chromosomes (Hb SS)
Sickle cell disease
An inherited blood disorder characterized by defective hemoglobin that leads to red blood cells sickling
      Dehydration Hypoxemia
↓ Volume of RBC cytoplasm
↓ O2 Saturation of Hb
O morereadily 2
released from Hb in low pH environment
↑ Concentration of deoxygenated HbSinred blood cells (RBCs)
Hydrophilic glutamate→ hydrophobic valine substitution makes HbS less soluble in the cytoplasm & more prone to polymerization & precipitation in its deoxygenated state
↑ Concentration of deoxygenated Hb in RBC leads to ↑ polymerization rate Polymerized & precipitated HbS forms long needle-like fibers
        RBC shape becomes sickled
Sickle cells on peripheral blood smear
(sickled RBCs lodge in small vessels, blocking bloodflow to organs & tissues)
Blockage of venous outflow
Occlusion of vessels in lungs ↑ pulmonary blood pressure
Fluid extravasates into interstitial tissue leading to pulmonary edema
Acute chest syndrome (chest pain, hypoxemia (↓blood oxygen), etc.)**
to the penis:
to the spleen:
Priapism (persistent, painful erection)
Splenic Sequestration (blood pools in spleenà splenomegaly & hypotension)
Extravascular hemolysis (macrophages in the spleen phagocytose sickled RBCs)
Normocytic anemia
↑Marrow erythropoiesis (RBC production) to compensate for hemolysis
                  Infarction of bone
Pain crises
If occurring in hands
Dactylitis (inflammation of digits)
Blockage of arteries ↓ oxygenation of organs & tissues
Vaso-occlusion of the splenic artery
Splenic infarction (↓ blood supply leads to tissue death)
RBC inclusions (structures found in RBCs) not removed by spleen
Howell-Jolly bodies (RBC DNA remnants) on blood smear
Vaso-occlusion of other arteries (cranial, renal, etc)
Stroke, renal failure
↑ RBC breakdown
↑ Unconjugated bilirubin released from RBC breakdown
RBC precursors (reticulocytes) are released into the blood stream
Reticulocytosis (increased number of immature red blood cells) on peripheral blood smear
Patient’s RBC level becomes dependent on increased marrow activity
Bone marrow infarction or viral infections (i.e. Parvovirus B19) suppresses bone marrow activity
Aplastic crises (profound anemia)
       ** See corresponding Calgary Guide slide(s)
↑ Serum level of unconjugated bilirubin
Some of the circulating unconjugated bilirubin deposits in the skin
Jaundice (yellowing of skin)
↑ Conjugation of bilirubin in liver
↑Amounts of conjugated bilirubin released into bile
Gallstone formation
Cholelithiasis (presence of gallstones in the gallbladder)
         Spleen releases invasive encapsulated bacteria (eg. Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis) into circulation, which causes infections
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Sept 16, 2013, updated Apr 29, 2024 on

Anesthetic Considerations in Pregnancy

Anesthetic Considerations in Pregnancy:
Pathophysiology driving anesthetic management
Authors: Calah Myhre Reviewers: Jasleen Brar Luiza Radu Leyla Baghirzada* Yan Yu* * MD at time of publication
↑ Estrogen serum levels
Mucosal capillary engorgement
↑Airway tissue friability & edema
↑ Laryngoscopy difficulty & intubation time
Secure airway & avoid hypoxemia
Consider video laryngoscopy
Preoxygenate with ↑100% oxygen
Optimize intubation positioning (e.g. “Sniffing position”)
↑ Progesterone serum levels
↓ Esophageal tone & sphincter pressure
↑ Aspiration risk >20 weeks gestation & during labor
Aspiration prophylaxis
Rapid sequence induction
Nonparticulate antacid prophylaxis (e.g., sodium citrate, famotidine)
Pre-operative fasting & gastric ultrasound to assess volume
↑ Minute ventilation
↓ PaCO2 at baseline
Uterine artery vasoconstriction with maternal PCO2 levels exceeding 32 mmHg
Impaired uteroplacental perfusion
Maintain physiologic alkalosis, avoid maternal hypercapnia
maternal arterial PCO2 28–32 mmHg
Avoid permissive hypercapnia
↑ Progesterone serum levels
Disproportionate ↑ in plasma volume
↓ Serum colloid osmotic pressure
Drug-specific alterations in absorption, distribution, metabolism & excretion (e.g. ↑ distribution of acidic drugs due to ↓ albumin; ↑ clearance of renally- metabolized drugs)
Optimize anesthetic dosing for altered pharmacokinetics
Adjust dosages based on drug recommendations
↑ Maternal blood volume
Peripheral vasodilation
↓In systemic vascular resistance by 25–30%
↓ Blood pressure
↑Abdominal pressure
Compression of the aorta & inferior vena cava
Supine hypotension
Impaired uteroplacental perfusion
Fetal ischemia
placental blood flow
Position patient on left side to maintain uterine displacement
            Diaphragmatic elevation & lung compression
↓ Functional residual capacity
↑ Risk of rapid desaturation
Fetal hypoxemia
Maintain maternal & fetal oxygenation
Optimize positioning (e.g., patient on left side to maintain uterine displacement)
& supplement oxygen as needed
Heart rate ↑ 15-25%
↑ Cardiac output
Manifestations of significant blood loss are delayed
Avoid hypotension
        ↑ Stroke volume
                                      Avoid fluid overload
Treat abnormal variation in blood pressure at lower values
Requirement to assess & treat two patients
Achieve optimal anesthetic dosing for mother while maintaining fetus safety
Maintain oxygenation of both mother & fetus & ensure adequate uteroplacental perfusion
Consider fetal-drug transfer & adjust agent & dose accordingly
Monitor maternal vital sign & fetal heart rate
Utilize a multidisciplinary team (e.g., pharmacy, nursing, physical & occupational therapy)
Published July 5, 2024 on

AVC Isquemico Patogenese

AVC Isquêmico: Patogênese

Epilepsy in Older Adults

Epilepsy in Older Adults: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
     Cerebrovascular disease (1⁄3 of cases), primarily ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage
Ischemic and hemorrhagic injuries cause inflammation and nerve cell degeneration
Glial cells (astrocytes and oligodendrocytes) proliferate around the lesion area to repair the damaged tissue
Glial scar formation impedes neuronal reconnection and growth
Alzheimer’s or Vascular Dementia
Central nervous system disease (e.g. traumatic brain injury, prior meningitis, mass)
Medications associated with hyponatremia (e.g. diuretics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc.)
Cerebral edema
Increased intracranial pressure
Compression on structures and blood vessels
Sleep deprivation
      Tau or amyloid deposition (abnormal protein aggregates in brain)
Small vessel disease
Increased delta wave activity
Heightened neural excitability
Decreased seizure threshold
Elevated stress hormones (e.g. cortisol)
Increased neuronal excitability and decreased inhibition
        Areas of tissue death, white matter changes & cortical irritability
       Structural and electrical brain changes
  Epilepsy: Neurological disorder characterized by increased susceptibility to recurrent unprovoked seizures
Excessive, hypersynchronous & oscillatory network function Imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory activity
     Resultant seizure activity
        Atypical Seizure pattern; e.g. seem confused, stare into space, wander, make unusual movements, inability to answer questions
Often atypical location in brain (limbic or neocortical)
Focal seizures are more common than generalized
Postictal paresis can last for days & disorientation, hyperactivity, wandering and incontinence may persist for 1 week
Neurotransmitter dysregulation, neural network disruption, genetic factors, psychosocial factors
Psychiatric comorbidities
    Authors: Anna Crone
Reviewers: Anika Zaman,
Rachel Carson, Raafi Ali, Luiza Radu, Gary Michael K Klein*
* MD at time of publication
Widespread structural changes and hippocampal atrophy
Sub-optimal treatment results in ongoing and more frequent epileptic seizures
Status epilepticus (higher mortality among older adults)
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Oct 4, 2024 on

Pulsus Paradoxus

Pulsus Paradoxus: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings Inspiration: Diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract
Author: Yan Yu, Victória Silva, Layla Al-Yasiri Reviewers: Sean Spence, Laura Craig, Juliette Hall, Raafi Ali, George Tadros. Shahab Marzoughi Nanette Alvarez* * MD at time of publication
Vascular pathology (rare)
  Thoracic cavity expands
Lungs expand and intrathoracic pressure ↓
↑ Venous return to right (R) heart
↑ R heart preload (volume of blood inside the ventricle right before it contracts)
↑ Blood pools in the right side of the heart
Obstructive lung diseases (e.g., COPD**, asthma**)
Hyperinflated lungs
↑ Stretching of pulmonary vessels at rest
On inspiration, ↑↑ stretching of pulmonary vessels
↑↑ Blood pools within pulmonary vasculature
↓↓ Flow to L heart
Pathologic: Constrictive pathologies (e.g., cardiac
tamponade**, constrictive pericarditis**) Decreased pericardial compliance
Constriction of ventricles
On inspiration, ↑ venous return to R heart (normal)
R ventricle unable to fully expand due to ↓ compliance
Septum bows into L ventricle
L ventricle unable to fully expand ↓↓ Filling of L heart
↓↓ L ventricular end diastolic volume
↓↓ L heart stroke volume ↓↓ Cardiac output Pulsus Paradoxus
Exaggerated ↓in systolic BP on inspiration (>10mmHg)
       Air flows into the lungs
Pulmonary vessels are physically stretched/pulled
↑ Blood pools in pulmonary vessels
↓ Return of blood to left (L) heart
↓ L heart preload
↓ L heart stroke volume
↓ Cardiac output
Obstruction of superior or inferior vena cava (e.g., clot)
↓↓ Venous return to R heart at rest
↓↓ Right heart filling
↓↓ Blood flow to pulmonary arteries
Pulmonary embolism**
Clot occludes pulmonary arteries/ arterioles
                          ↓↓ Flow to pulmonary veins
At rest, ↓↓ flow to L heart
On inspiration, ↓↓↓ flow to L heart
            ↓ Systolic blood pressure (BP) of < 10mmHg on inspiration
BP = cardiac output x systemic vascular resistance
  **See corresponding Calgary Guide slides
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Jan 21, 2013; updated Dec 3, 2024 on