SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Anesthetic-Considerations-in-Pregnancy

Anesthetic Considerations in Pregnancy

Anesthetic Considerations in Pregnancy:
Pathophysiology driving anesthetic management
Authors: Calah Myhre Reviewers: Jasleen Brar Luiza Radu Leyla Baghirzada* Yan Yu* * MD at time of publication
↑ Estrogen serum levels
Mucosal capillary engorgement
↑Airway tissue friability & edema
↑ Laryngoscopy difficulty & intubation time
Secure airway & avoid hypoxemia
Consider video laryngoscopy
Preoxygenate with ↑100% oxygen
Optimize intubation positioning (e.g. “Sniffing position”)
↑ Progesterone serum levels
↓ Esophageal tone & sphincter pressure
↑ Aspiration risk >20 weeks gestation & during labor
Aspiration prophylaxis
Rapid sequence induction
Nonparticulate antacid prophylaxis (e.g., sodium citrate, famotidine)
Pre-operative fasting & gastric ultrasound to assess volume
↑ Minute ventilation
↓ PaCO2 at baseline
Uterine artery vasoconstriction with maternal PCO2 levels exceeding 32 mmHg
Impaired uteroplacental perfusion
Maintain physiologic alkalosis, avoid maternal hypercapnia
maternal arterial PCO2 28–32 mmHg
Avoid permissive hypercapnia
↑ Progesterone serum levels
Disproportionate ↑ in plasma volume
↓ Serum colloid osmotic pressure
Drug-specific alterations in absorption, distribution, metabolism & excretion (e.g. ↑ distribution of acidic drugs due to ↓ albumin; ↑ clearance of renally- metabolized drugs)
Optimize anesthetic dosing for altered pharmacokinetics
Adjust dosages based on drug recommendations
↑ Maternal blood volume
Peripheral vasodilation
↓In systemic vascular resistance by 25–30%
↓ Blood pressure
↑Abdominal pressure
Compression of the aorta & inferior vena cava
Supine hypotension
Impaired uteroplacental perfusion
Fetal ischemia
placental blood flow
Position patient on left side to maintain uterine displacement
            Diaphragmatic elevation & lung compression
↓ Functional residual capacity
↑ Risk of rapid desaturation
Fetal hypoxemia
Maintain maternal & fetal oxygenation
Optimize positioning (e.g., patient on left side to maintain uterine displacement)
& supplement oxygen as needed
Heart rate ↑ 15-25%
↑ Cardiac output
Manifestations of significant blood loss are delayed
Avoid hypotension
        ↑ Stroke volume
                                      Avoid fluid overload
Treat abnormal variation in blood pressure at lower values
Requirement to assess & treat two patients
Achieve optimal anesthetic dosing for mother while maintaining fetus safety
Maintain oxygenation of both mother & fetus & ensure adequate uteroplacental perfusion
Consider fetal-drug transfer & adjust agent & dose accordingly
Monitor maternal vital sign & fetal heart rate
Utilize a multidisciplinary team (e.g., pharmacy, nursing, physical & occupational therapy)
Published July 5, 2024 on