SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Pulsus-Paradoxus

Pulsus Paradoxus

Yu Yan - Pulsus Paradoxus - FINAL.pptx
Lungs are hyperinflated, and vascular beds are more expanded? BP on inspiration (<10mmHg)Pulsus ParadoxusThrombi in the pulmonary arteries ? blood filling pulmonary vasculatureLegend:Published January 21, 2013 on www.thecalgaryguide.comMechanismPathophysiologySign/Symptom/Lab FindingComplicationsAuthor:  Yan YuReviewers:Sean SpenceLaura CraigNanette Alvarez** MD at time of publication? ? ? forward blood flow from lungs into left heartWith cardiac pathology external to myocardium(Cardiac tamponade, or rarely with constrictive pericarditis)? Right heart filling, ? blood flow into lung vesselsMore blood returns to R heart ? more blood enters and pools in pulmonary vasculature? blood returns to the left heart, ? its fillingWith obstructive lung diseases (i.e. COPD)With vascular pathology (rare):InspirationNormally:? lung volume ? ? intra-vascular volume within pulmonary blood vessels ? ? lung capacitance for blood, ? R heart afterloadPulsus Paradoxus:Exaggerated ?in systolic BP on inspiration (>10mmHg)? left heart stroke volume/cardiac outputOn inspiration, ? ? ? blood enter lungs and pools  within pulmonary vasculature? ? ? left heart stroke volume/cardiac outputAbnormally:On inspiration, as pulmonary intra-vasculature volume expands and blood pools within, flow into the left heart ? ? ? Pulmonary embolism? venous return to R heartVena cava obstructionBy thrombi, or external compression by masses/ fibrosis (from obesity, pregnancy) As ? blood fills R heart on inspiration, external constraints on myocardium ? cardiac expansion, interventricular septum is pushed into LVThere is no room in the pericardial sac for the LV to expand and maintain normal end diastolic volume (i.e. ? LV filling)
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