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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Anesthetic-Considerations-Aortic-Stenosis


 Anesthetic Considerations: Hemodynamic Goals (“CRRAP Goals”) for Patients with Aortic Stenosis Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery
CRRAP Goals:
Contractility, Rate, Rhythm, Afterload, Preload
     Pathophysiology Driving Anesthetic Management Hemodynamic Anesthetic Intervention (CRRAP) Goals
Ryan Brenneis Reviewers: Stephen Chrusch Hannah Yaphe Yan Yu*
Karl Darcus*
* MD at time of publication
Aortic stenosis = Narrow aortic valve opening
-Cardiac Output = Heart Rate x Stroke Volume
-Stroke volume has 3 determinates:
1. Contractility 2. Afterload
3. Preload
If the patient’s heart cannot ↑ contractility to maintain cardiac output...
↑ resistance to forward blood flow àheart must ↑ its contractility (↑ the forcefulness of its contractions) to overcome this resistance
Applying ↑ force over time causes left ventricle to undergo concentric hypertrophy
Contractility deteriorates over time
Heart rate must compensate for maintaining cardiac output
Coronary Perfusion Pressure = Diastolic BP (DBP) – Left Ventricular End Diastolic Pressure (LVEDP)
↑ cardiac muscle massà↑ myocardial metabolism and oxygen demand
↑ left ventricular wall stiffnessà↓ LV filling while relaxed (diastolic dysfunction)
Intraoperative ↓ in contractility compromises cardiac output
Bradycardia ↓ cardiac output
Tachycardia ↓ filling time of left ventricle (↓ preload)
                Coronary perfusion occurs during diastole
Coronaries require a high DBP to maintain perfusion
Tachycardia ↓ perfusion time
Hypotension ↓ coronary perfusion pressure
          Possible myocardial ischemiaà ↓ blood pumped into vessels
       40% of LV preload supplied from atrial kick
Loss of atrial kick with arrhythmias à↓ cardiac output
       Note: Aortic stenosis severity (see slide on aortic stenosis) and the type/risk of surgery guide the hemodynamic consequences and need for intervention
Adequate intravascular volume required to passively fill stiff ventricle
↓ use of negative inotropic Maintain drugs, e.g. calcium channel
contractility blockers (“Inotrope”: drug that alters heart’s contractility)
Keep heart rate above 60 bpm
Keep heart rate below 80 bpm
Consider transcutaneous pacing, anticholinergics, & sympathetic agonists
↑ anesthetic depth, consider beta blocker (e.g. Esmolol)
Maintain a Mean Arterial Pressure >70mmHg
Consider sympathomimetic drugs to treat hypotension
Monitor blood pressure closely via arterial line
Consider increasing anesthetic depth for severe hypertension
Maintain Sinus Rhythm
Consider presurgical placement of defibrillator pads & crash cart
Amiodarone ready & available during operation, to terminate any arrhythmias
Maintain Euvolemia
Possible use of transesophageal echo to monitor preload
Ensure adequate venous access- consider central venous catheter and large bore IV’s
  Anesthetic Intervention
Published October 25, 2020 on