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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Epilepsy-Pathogenesis

Epilepsy Pathogenesis

Epilepsy: Pathogenesis
       Genetic susceptibility
Angelman syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis
Chromosomal abnormalities cause abnormal neural patterns
Cerebral palsy, focal cortical dysplasia
Malformation of cortical development
Intracranial hemorrhage, ischemic stroke
Other Acquired
Head trauma, cerebral infection (i.e., HSV1, VZV, cysticercosis)
Inborn errors of metabolism
Inherited enzyme deficiencies
Alzheimer’s Disease
Protein-rich plaque build-up and brain atrophy
            Inflammation and formation of scar tissue irritates neural tissue
Infiltration of mass, grey matter irritation
  Damage to the brain and subsequent alteration of neuronal circuitry
       Neurotransmitter imbalances (i.e. ↑ glutamate, ↓ GABA, ↓ serotonin, ↓ dopamine, ↓ noradrenaline)
• HSV1 – Herpes Simplex Virus 1 • VZV – Varicella Zoster Virus
↑ Inflammatory cytokines (e.g. interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α)
Altered neurogenesis and gliosis
Ion channel and receptor dysfunction causes imbalance of ion channel charges
Authors: Keerthana Pasumarthi Christopher Li Reviewers: Negar Tehrani, Ephrem Zewdie, Ran (Marissa) Zhang, Carlos R. Camara-Lemarroy* * MD at time of publication
  Neurons fire in burst activity (referred to as paroxysmal depolarization shift) and often in groups (hypersynchrony)
Abnormal neural activities eventually create self-reinforcing circuits and transform neural network over time
       Injuries from
falls, bumps, operating heavy machinery
Involuntary contractions Loss of consciousness
Post-ictal confusion
Recurrent seizures
Sudden Unexplained Death of Epilepsy Patient (SUDEP)
Loss of airway reflexes
Aspiration of saliva or food contents
Aspiration Pneumonia
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published July 5, 2022 on

Epilepsi: Patogenesis

Epilepsi: Patogenesis