Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)- Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)- Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Sun Bishay Gagnon Adderley Ryznar waechter circulating PGE2 low arterial oxygen content genetic factors char syndrome patent birth aortic pressure pulmonary artery pressure continuous flow from aorta to pulmonary artery via the PDA left to right shunt continuous flow murmur precordial activity S1 S2 accentuated pulse volume load dilation dysfunction left atrium ventricle displaced apex dynamic left ventricular impulse grade pulmonary blood flow systemic blood flow exercise intolerance wide systemic pulse pressure pulmonary artery pressure vascular changes resistance difficulty feeding infants failure to thrive heart failure respiratory distress pulmonary hypertension reversal of shunt adult complications eisenmenger syndrome clubbing cyanosis