Ischemia: Pathogenesis of Cellular Injury and Death

Ischemia: Pathogenesis of Cellular Injury and Death
4, Cardiac Output
Obstruction of Blood Flow
4, Oxygen Carrying Capacity
Inadequate oxygenation of body tissues
• lschemia •
4, oxygen availability to body tissues with inadequate oxygen supply
• Hypoxia/Anoxia
4, cellular oxidative phosphorylation
Authors: Tiffany Yuen Reviewers: David Lincoln Erin Davison Usama Malik Dr. P. Timothy Pollak* * MD at time of publication
Anaerobic respiration
• vir Failure to resynthesize energy-rich phosphates & phosphocreatine
Catabolism of ATP -> AMP Altered ATP-dependent ionic membrane pump Intracellular accumulation of intracellular Ca2+ intracellular hypoxanthine & H2O Conversion of hypoxanthine Activation of phospholipases & Cellular Edema production of free fatty acids -> toxic oxygen species Reperfusion and re-introduction Phospholipases and free fatty acids degrade cellular membranes of molecular oxygen
Pathophysiology Mechanism
Cellular Injury and/or Cellular Death
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
4, pH
Lactic acidosis

1` Fe decompartmentalization
Mitochondrial injury
1` free-radicals
NADH degradation
4, ATP levels

Nuclear damage