Approach to Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)
Normal pO2 should be FiO2 x 4-5
(FiO2 in room air= 21%)
pH >7.40 = Alkalemia
1. Adequate oxygenation?
2. Define the acid-base disturbance
Diarrhea (Loss of electrolytes not reabsorbed through bowel)
Normal ABG on Room Air = 7.40 / 40 / 90 / 24
pO2 ↓ than expected
Possible hypoxemia
See slide on
Hypoxemia: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
(Loss of acidic fluids from stomach)
Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA)
pH <7.40 = Acidemia
Metabolic derangement (Due to poisons, infection, or ketones)
Gain of acid (H+)
Brain unable to promote respiratory drive
(ex. drugs, trauma)
Inability for chest wall to expand (ex. obesity, neuromuscular weakness, pleural or chest wall abnormalities)
Vomiting or
Impaired tubular transport of H+
(Due to loop/thiazide diuretics, hypomagnesemia, congenital abnormalities)
1o Hyperaldosteronism =
↑ H+ ion secretion at
distal tubule
(Due to tumours, congenital abnormalities , malignant hypertension, etc)
Type II RTA = HCO3- not reabsorbed
Type I or IV RTA = H+ not secreted
GI or renal loss of HCO3-
↑ CO2 from ↓ exhalation Respiratory Acidosis Acute= ↑10:↑1, Chronic= ↑10:↑3
GI or renal loss of acid (H+)
↑ HCO3- from ↓ H+ to bind with Metabolic Alkalosis ↑7:↑10
↑ Ventilation from stress, trauma, infection
↓ CO2 from ↑ exhalation Respiratory Alkalosis Acute= ↓10:↓2, Chronic= ↓10:↓4
3. Identify the primary (1o) process
4. Compensatory mechanisms in lungs and kidneys attempt to lose/retain CO2 or HCO3- to maintain normal pH. Determine if compensation is appropriate (approximate normal ratio of change in pCO2 : HCO3- is shown in green boxes). If inappropriate, there is a secondary (2o) process occurring
HCO3- binds with extra H+
↓ HCO3- Metabolic Acidosis ↓12 :↓10
Less CO2 than expected, due to ↑ exhalation = Less acid in serum
2o Respiratory alkalosis
More CO2 than expected, due to ↓ exhalation = More acid in serum
2o Respiratory acidosis
Less HCO3- than expected, due to 2o gain of H+ or loss of HCO3-
2o Metabolic acidosis
More HCO3- than expected, due to 2o loss of H+
2o Metabolic alkalosis
Less CO2 than expected, due to ↑ exhalation = Less acid in serum
2o Respiratory alkalosis
↑ CO2 than expected, due to ↓ exhalation = More acid in serum
2o Respiratory acidosis
Less HCO3- than expected, due to 2o gain of H+ or loss of HCO3-
2o Metabolic acidosis
More HCO3- than expected, due to 2o loss of H+
2o Metabolic alkalosis
5. Calculate anion gap (AG) to determine the presence and type of metabolic acidosis. This is done regardlessofthe1o or2oprocess, as there may also be a hidden metabolic acidosis
6. HAGMA only: In normal blood buffer system, acid gain should match bicarbonate lost. If not, identify if another process is causing an inappropriate loss or gain of HCO3-
Gain of acid (∆AG) = AG-12 LossofHCO3- (∆HCO3-)=24-HCO3-
7. Calculate Osmolar Gap (for HAGMA) or Urine net charge (for NAGMA) to narrow the etiology
Sravya Kakumanu
Huneza Nadeem, Ben Campbell *Adam Bass, *Yan Yu
* MD at time of publication
(normal is ~12)
Calculate AG = Na+- Cl- - HCO3-
If a metabolic acidosis is present, ↓ HCO3- is
compensatedby↑otherserumanionstomaintain neutral charge
If no metabolic acidosis was identified in steps 2-4:
No Metabolic acidosis present
Classically, the compensating anion is Cl-,maintaininganormalAG
AG ≤ 12
If a 1o or 2o metabolic acidosis was identified in steps 2-4:
Normal Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis (NAGMA)
In this scenario, a normal distal nephron should be excreting excess acid
Excess acid is normally excreted as ammonium (NH +) with Cl- 4
The more Cl- in the urine relative to cations, the more acid is being excreted Calculate urine (U) net charge to determine cause of NAGMA = UNa+ + UK+ - UCl-
When the cause is addition of an abnormal acid, HCO3- is used up asabuffer,andthecompensatinganionistheabnormalacid's conjugate base – which is not measured in the AG calculation
↓ HCO3- is compensated by unmeasured anionsà the AG ↑ AG>12
High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis (HAGMA)
Calculate ∆AG = AG-12
Calculate ∆HCO3- = 24-HCO3-
∆HCO3- > ∆AG
Loss of HCO3- > Gain of acid
Additional process causing further loss of HCO3-
∆HCO3- = ∆AG
Loss of HCO3- = Gain of acid
Only acid gain from HAGMA causing HCO3- loss
HAGMA only
∆HCO3- < ∆AG
Loss of HCO3- < Gain of acid
Additional process causing gain of HCO3- despite losses due to HAGMA
HAGMA + Metabolic alkalosis
See slide on
Metabolic Alkalosis: Pathogenesis
-ve U net charge Appropriately large Cl- excretionà
Toxic alcohol ingestion ↑ serum osmolality (and H+) from metabolites produced, so osmolality helps identify etiology
Calculate osmolar gap to determine cause of HAGMA
= (measured serum osm) – (expected serum osm)
= (measured serum osm) – (2(Na+) + urea + serum glucose)
+ve U net charge
Inappropriately small Cl- excretionà impaired acid excretion is the issue
Type IV or Type I RTA See slide on Normal Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis: Pathogenesis and Laboratory Findings
GI losses or Type II RTA
loss is the issue
Osmolar gap > 10 (extra osmoles present)
Toxic alcohol poisoning
Osmolar gap ≤10 (normal)
Test for other causes
See slide on High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis: Pathogenesis and Laboratory Findings
Disease State
Lab Finding/Calculation
Published January 29, 2023 on