SEARCH RESULTS FOR: RICE-mechanism-of-action

RICE: Mekanisme Aksi

RICE: Mekanisme Aksi 
Rest: (penghentian beban atau gerakan yang membebani) 
Ice (diaplikasikan pada lokasi cedera) 
Compression (pembalutan lokasi cedera) 
Elevation (tungkai dinaikkan lebih tinggi dari jantung) 
Mengurangi aliran darah ke jaringan 
Mekanisme belum dipahami 
Tekanan mekanis pada lokasi cedera 
pengiriman PMN dan makrofag ke lokasi luka 
Mencegah jejas lanjutan terhadap jaringan yang terkena beban mekanis produksi sitokin (bahan-bahan proinflamasi) seperti TNF-a, PDGF, (3- FGF, EGF, dan TG F-(3 Inflamasi Penulis: Matthew Roberts Penyunting: Alexander Arnold Amanda Eslinger Bradley Jacobs* Penerjemah: M Harmen Reza S* * MD (dokter) pada saat publikasi • ► 
Cairan berlebih terdorong kembali ke kapiler dan limfe 
Gravitasi pengembalian darah vena menuju sirkulasi sistemik 
Abbreviations: • PMN- Netrofil Polimorfonuklear • TNF-a- Tissue Necrosis Factor-Alpha • PDGF- Platelet Derived Growth Factor • 13-FGF- Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor • EGF- Epidermal Growth Factor • TGF-13- Transforming Growth Factor Beta 
Legenda: Patofisiologi Mekanisme 
4, Edema  (akumulasi  cairan di ruang interstisial)  
*Note: Penyembuhan cedera merupakan keseimbangan antara mengontrol nyeri dan inflamasi yang cukup untuk memulai aktivitas. Tujuan utama RICE adalah untuk menurunkan inflamasi. Aktivitas itu sendiri menimbulkan nyeri dan inflamasi, namun merupakan faktor penting dalam proses rehabilitasi. 
► 4, Nyeri 
1% Rentang gerak (Range of motion), dan juga fungsi  
Inisiasi olahraga rehabilitatif spesifik dini untuk memperbaiki rentang gerak, kekuatan dan propriosepsi 
Tekanan pada lokasi cedera akan menyebabkan robekan mikro pada jaringan lalu menginduksi inflamasi dan perbaikan* Otot, tendon, tulang, atau ligamen yang cedera menjadi lebih kuat 
Penyembuhan dini

RICE mechanism of action

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE): Mechanism of action
Healing of an injury requires pain and inflammatory control to encourage activity. The goal of Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE) is to
decrease inflammation. Though activity itself will contribute to pain and inflammation, it is integral to the rehabilitation process.
Authors: Matthew Roberts Emma Windfeld Reviewers: Alexander Arnold Amanda Eslinger Shyla Bharadia Mao Ding Bradley Jacobs* * MD at time of publication
    Rest: (weight bearing or stressful motion discontinued)
Further damage to affected tissues from mechanical stress is prevented
Ice: (applied to injury)
(wrap applied to injured area)
Mechanical force applied to tissue
Excess fluid is pushed back into capillaries and lymph network
(limb raised above heart)
          Blood flow to tissue is constricted
Mechanism not well understood
      ↓ delivery of inflammatory mediators such as polymorphonuclear neutrophils and macrophages to injured site
↓ production of inflammatory cytokines (pro-inflammatory substances) such as Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, Platelet Derived Growth Factor, Epidermal Growth Factor, and Transforming Growth Factor-β
↓ Inflammation
Gravity ↑ venous blood return to systemic circulation
     ↓ edema (accumulation of fluid in interstitium)
Early initiation of injury-specific rehabilitative exercises improves range of motion, strength, and proprioception
Stress to targeted area induces inflammation that, when tightly regulated, is integral to repair
Injured muscle, tendon, bone, or ligament is strengthened
      ↓ Pain
↑Range of motion and therefore function
   Early recovery from injury
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Dec 9, 2013, updated Oct 15, 2023 on
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE): Mechanism of action
Healing of an injury requires pain and inflammatory control to encourage activity. The goal of Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE) is to decrease
inflammation. Though activity itself will contribute to pain and inflammation, it is integral to the rehabilitation process.
Authors: Matthew Roberts Emma Windfeld Reviewers: Alexander Arnold Amanda Eslinger Shyla Bharadia Bradley Jacobs* * MD at time of publication
     Rest: (weight bearing or stressful motion discontinued)
Further damage to affected tissues from mechanical stress is prevented
Ice: (applied to injury)
Compression: (wrap applied to injured area)
Mechanical force applied to tissue
Excess fluid is pushed back into capillaries and lymph network
Elevation: (limb raised above heart)
Gravity ↑ venous blood return to systemic circulation
      Blood flow to tissue is constricted
↓ delivery of inflammatory mediators such as polymorphonuclear neutrophils and macrophages to injured site
Mechanism not well understood
              ↓ production of inflammatory cytokines (pro- inflammatory substances) such as Tumor Necorsis Factor-α, Platelet Derived Growth Factor, Epidermal Growth Factor, and Transforming Growth Factor-β
↓ Inflammation
↓ Pain
↓ edema (accumulation of fluid in interstitium)
↑Range of motion and therefore function
Early initiation of injury- specific rehabilitative exercises improves range of motion, strength, and proprioception
Stress to targeted area induces inflammation that, when tightly regulated, is integral to repair
Injured muscle, tendon, bone, or ligament is strengthened
Early recovery from injury
              Legend: Published MONTH, DAY, YEAR on
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
RICE: Mechanism of action
Authors: Matthew Roberts Emma Windfeld Reviewers: Alexander Arnold Amanda Eslinger Shyla Bharadia Bradley Jacobs* * MD at time of publication
(weight bearing or stressful motion discontinued)
(applied to injury)
(wrap applied to injured area)
(limb raised above heart)
Constricts blood flow to tissue
Mechanism not well understood
Mechanical force applied to tissue
↓ Delivery of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and macrophages to injured site
Excess fluid pushed back into capillaries and lymph network
Gravity ↑ venous blood return to systemic circulation
Prevents further damage to affected tissues from mechanical stress
↓ Production of inflammatory cytokines
↓ Edema (accumulation of fluid in interstitium)
↓ Inflammation
↓ Pain
                 ↑Range of motion and therefore function
   Early initiation of injury-specific rehabilitative exercises to improve range of motion, strength, and proprioception
Stress to targeted area induces inflammation that, when tightly regulated, is integral to repair
Injured muscle, tendon, bone, or ligament is strengthened
Early recovery from injury
            Legend: Published MONTH, DAY, YEAR on
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding