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Authors: Ryden Armstrong Reviewers: Billy Sun Joseph Tropiano Melinda Davis, MD 
Propofol Abbreviations  GABA – Ga mma-a minobutyric acid 
Quick Facts 
1° Indication = Induction and maintenance of general anesthesia, sedation 
Route of Administration = IV 
Metabolism & Excretion = Redistribution, hepatic conjugation/ renal clearance 
Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism 
Allosterically increases binding affinity of inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA for GABAA receptor 
Prolonged opening of chloride channel 
Hyperpolarization of nerve membrane Inhibitory effect on CNS 
Induction/maintenance of general anesthesia  
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding 
Injection site pain Can pre-treat with intravenous local anesthetic (lidocaine) 
4, Cerebral metabolic rate CNS —÷ 4, Cerebral oxygen consumption 4, Intra-cranial pressure 
4, Systemic vascular resistance Hypotension  ► Cardiovascular --■ —■ (with no change 4, Preload in heart rate) 4, Contractility 
Respiratory / 
♦ Hypercapnia 4, Hypoxic and --■ hypercapnic Hypoxia respiratory drive ♦ Apnea 
4, Upper airway reflexes 
Complications I Published MARCH 3, 2018 on 

Rapid Sequence Induction and Intubation (RSII): Clinical Approach

Rapid Sequence Induction and Intubation (RSII): Clinical Approach
Sandy Ly Reviewers: Wendy Yao
Melinda Davis*
* MD at time of publication
Reversible with Sugammadex (selective relaxant binding agent)
Responds to acetylcholinesterase
Reversible with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
Not immediately reversible due to high dose
  Classical RSII
Modified RSII
Induction Agent e.g. Ketamine or Propofol
(2 mg/kg)
Inhibitory effect on central nervous system
       Cricoid pressure
(10 lbs pressure posteriorly)
Esophagus at the level of the cricoid obstructed
Reduced gastric regurgitation
Succinylcholine (2 mg/kg) acts similar to Ach
Depolarize end plate nicotinic receptors in skeletal muscle
Non-competitive with no antagonist
Rapid skeletal muscle paralysis
(<30 seconds) with short duration (<10 minutes)
with 100% O2 displaces nitrogen.
Functional residual capacity (2.5L) is filled with O2
Oxygen consumption (250 mL/min)
Extend time to desaturation (Ideal condition: 10 minutes)
Gastric distension with use of bag valve mask ventilation (positive pressure)
High dose Rocuronium (1 mg/kg) competitively antagonizes Ach
Decreased Ach binding on
nicotinic receptors in skeletal muscle
Rapid skeletal muscle paralysis (<60 seconds) with long duration (>45 minutes)
Quick Facts
                             Induction of anesthesia
Ach – acetylcholine
See other pathways for more detailed pathophysiology
• •
RSII is used in patients with increased risk of gastric aspiration. Cricoid pressure is NOT THE SAME as BURP (backward, upward, rightward pressure).
Other induction agents possible (e.g. etomidate).
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published September 22, 2019 on

Propofol français

Propofol français

Rapid sequence induction and intubation

Rapid Sequence Induction & Intubation (RSII): Indications & considerations
“Full stomach”: ↑ risk of regurgitation, vomiting, aspiration Life-threatening injury or illness requiring immediate or rapid airway control
         ↓ Gastro- esophageal sphincter competence (elderly, pregnancy, hiatus hernia, obesity)
↑ Intragastric pressure (pregnancy, obesity, bowel obstruction, large abdominal tumors)
Delayed gastric emptying (narcotics, anticholinergics, pregnancy, renal failure, diabetes)
↓ Level of consciousness (drug/alcohol overdose, head injury, trauma or shock state)
Respiratory & ventilatory compromise (i.e., hypoxic or hypercapnic respiratory failure)
Achalasia (esophageal motility disorder resulting in impaired swallowing)
Dynamically deteriorating clinical situation (i.e., trauma)
GI bleed
   Impaired airway reflexes
↓ Muscle tone of structures in the airway (i.e., tongue, pharyngeal walls, & soft palate)
     Patients who did not stop GLP-1 agonist preoperatively as advised
Impaired clearance of secretions or vomitus
↓ Safe apnea time before hemodynamic decompensation
   Unprotected airway
Need for rapidly securing airway while avoiding aspiration & hemodynamic compromise
Rapid sequence intubation (RSI): Simultaneous administration of induction agent (unconsciousness) & neuromuscular blocking agent (paralysis) to achieve intubation conditions (~45-60 seconds after IV push) for rapid control of an emergency airway
Deranged physiologic conditions (i.e., hypotension, acidosis, hypoxemia)
Reduced tolerance for
apnea (period with no ventilation or oxygenation)
Pre-oxygenate with high flow O2 (15L) to create a large pulmonary & tissue reservoir of oxygen
↓ Significant oxygen desaturation during apnea
↑ Oxygen saturation on pulse oximetry
Laryngoscopy & intubation are a potent sympathetic nervous system stimulus
Airway manipulation causes a surge in catecholamines
Visualization & passage of endotracheal tube requires relaxation of vocal cords & surrounding muscles
Neuromuscular blocking agents facilitate paralysis
     Some induction agents (i.e., propofol) are vasodilators
Hemodynamically unstable or patients in shock
↑ Intracranial pressure (ICP)
Suppress cough & gag reflex
Prevent laryngospasm (involuntary closure of vocal cords to airway manipulation)
Minimize movement during procedure
Vasoactive agents (i.e., ephedrine, phenylephrine) ↑ systemic vascular resistance
Atropine & glycopyrrolate ↑ heart rate
      Lidocaine (Na+ channel blocker) & opioids (μ receptor agonist) ↓ transmission of pain
↓ Sympathetic response, myocardial demand & physiologic stress
Anesthetics (i.e., propofol) achieve unconsciousness for paralysis & intubation
↓ Airway trauma & damage to vocal cords
Bag mask ventilation typically avoided in this step to ↓ gastric insufflation & risk of aspiration
           Cricoid pressure (Sellick maneuver): posterior displacement of cricoid ring to compress esophagus against C-spine to prevent passive regurgitation of gastric contents to airway. Applied from start of induction, released when placement of endotracheal tube is confirmed by capnography.
↑ Blood pressure and/or cardiac output
Authors: Jen Guo Reviewers: Priyanka Grewa Luiza Radu Leyla Baghirzada* * MD at time of publication
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published November 18, 2024 on