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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Precocious-Puberty

Precocious Puberty

Precocious Puberty: Pathogenesis and clinical findings Secondary sex characteristics appearing at age < 8 years in girls and < 9 years in boys.
Early growth acceleration
Bone age (skeletal maturity determined on x-ray) > chronological age
   Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)-dependent causes involve activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. Also known as central precocious puberty
GnRH-independent causes of precocious puberty are related to increased amounts of hormone in the body. Also known as peripheral precocious puberty
Neurogenic (previous CNS insult) and CNS tumors (e.g. hypothalamic hamartoma, germinoma, astrocytoma)
Tumours causing ↑ hormone levels
Exogenous hormones causing ↑ hormone levels
Genetics causing ↑ hormone levels
21-hydroxylase enzyme deficiency
Growth of ovarian cysts/tumors (ex. germinoma, teratoma, choriocarcinoma)
Growth of β-HCG-secreting tumours (e.g. germinomas, dysgerminomas, hepatomas
Growth of benign or malignant adrenal tumours (e.g. adenoma, carcinoma)
↑ Estrogen and/or progesterone
↑ Beta-HCG stimulates ↑ testosterone production
↑ Cortisol, androgens, and/or aldosterone
           Exposure to exogenous sex steroids (e.g. anabolic steroids, topical testosterone, oral contraceptives)
Steroid dependent features (e.g. exposure to estrogen creams in males may lead to breast development)
 Missense mutation in LH receptor gene (male limited)
↑ Activation of LH receptors
↑ Testosterone production
Café au lait lesions Polycystic fibrous dysplasia
Puberty onset ages 1-4
         ↑ Activation and mutation of GNAS1 gene (McCune Albright Syndrome)
Various endocrinopathies
Growth acceleration
       Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
↓ Cortisol, ↑ ACTH
Bone age > chronological age Absence of testicular enlargement
Female ambiguous genitalia
Authors: MacKenzie Horn Reviewers: Dasha Mori Michelle J. Chen Dr. Jean Mah* * MD at time of publication
           Normal variations in hormone production
↑ Sensitivity to estrogen
Early adrenal androgen secretion
Idiopathic premature thelarche
Idiopathic premature adrenarche
Unilateral or bilateral breast development No other secondary sex characteristics Bone age = chronological age Development of pubic hair ± axillary hair No other secondary sex characteristics Bone age = chronological age
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Oct 4, 2024 on