SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Pituitary-Tumour-Classification-and-Clinical-Outcomes

Pituitary Tumour Classification and Clinical Outcomes

Pituitary Tumour: Classification and clinical outcomes Functional tumour: Secretes excess
Non-functional tumour (30%) (lack of hormone-producing cells or due to gene mutations)
Authors: Chris Oleynick Caroline Kokorudz Reviewers: Amyna Fidai Laura Byford- Richardson Joseph Tropiano Julia Gospodinov Luiza Radu Hanan Bassyouni* * MD at time of publication
  hormones (70%)
Relative abundance & predisposition for lactotroph (prolactin-producing), somatotroph (growth hormone – producing), thyrotroph (TSH producing) & corticotroph (adrenocorticotropic hormone – producing) cells to form adenomas (epithelial cell tumours)
            ↑ Lactotroph cells
↑ Prolactin (PRL) (most common)
Hyper- prolactinemia (high prolactin blood levels)
↑ Somatotroph cells
↑ Growth hormone (GH)
Acromegaly* (excess tissue growth & metabolic dysfunction)
↑ Corticotroph cells
↑ Adrenocortico- tropic hormone (ACTH)
Cushing disease* (prolonged exposure to excess cortisol)
↑ Thyrotroph cells
↑ Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Central hyper- thyroidism (↑ T4 & T3)
Large size (macro) (>10mm on MRI) may cause mass effect (tissue compression from mass)
Small size (micro) (<10mm on MRI) unlikely to cause mass effect (compression to surrounding structures)
Nausea & vomiting
          Compresses pituitary gland & impairs blood supply & function of pituitary cells
Impinges pituitary stalk & disrupts hormone transport from hypothalamus to the anterior and posterior pituitary
Compresses surrounding structures
↑ Pressure & stretching of dural mater
Stretching of the meninges activates mechanoreceptors (stretch receptors) in GI tract
                Pituitary hormone deficiency (typically in left-right order with mass effect):
Dopamine release obstruction
↓ Inhibition of prolactin secretion
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) obstruction
Inferior tumour growth
Growth into sphenoid sinus
Lateral growth of the tumor compresses surrounding cranial nerves
Superior tumour growth
        ↓ GH
↓ Protein production & muscle cell proliferation
↓ Luteinizing hormone (LH) (triggers ovulation & sex hormone synthesis) & follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) (stimulates ovarian follicles & sperm growth)
↓ (TSH)
↓ ACTH (stimulates cortisol & androgen release)
Cranial nerve (CN) II (optic)
↓ Visual acuity
Diplopia (double vision)
CN III, (oculomotor) IV (trochlear), or VI (abducens)
Ptosis* (drooping upper eyelid)
CN V (trigeminal) branches V1 & V2
Facial numbness
Ophthalmoplegia (eye muscle paralysis)
Compresses optic chiasma
Bitemporal hemianopsia (decreased lateral peripheral vision)
Tumour extends into hypothalamus
Hypothalamic dysfunction due to damage to hypothalamic cells
Disruption of multiple regulatory systems (i.e. sleep-wake cycles, appetite, temperature)
Tumour occludes ventricles
Tumour obstructs CSF flow
↑ Intracranial pressure
Hydrocephalus* (abnormal buildup of CSF in ventricles of the brain) and papilledema
           Bacteria migrates from sinus flora into sphenoid sinus
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks into throat
Post-nasal drip and nasopharyngeal mass
          Stunted growth and short stature in children
↓ Muscle mass & fatigue
Diabetes insipidus* (excessive urination & extreme thirst)
           Central hypothyroidism* (↓ T4 & T3)
Meningitis* (inflammation of the meningeal layers of central nervous system)
   *See relevant Calgary Guide slide
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (↓ Sex hormones)
Adrenal insufficiency* (↓ 8 AM cortisol)
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Oct 1, 2027; updated Jan 5, 2025 on