SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Pelvic-Ring-Fractures

Pelvic Ring Fractures

Pelvic Ring Fractures: Classification, Mechanisms, Clinical Features and Complications
   Anteroposterior force on pelvic ring (e.g. motorcycle accident)
Diastasis (separation) of pubic symphysis
Anterior Posterior Compression (APC)
Axial shear force (e.g. fall)
Superior or inferior displacement of hemipelvis
Vertical Shear (VS)
Grade 3: APC 2 with additional disruption of posterior sacroiliac ligaments
Lateral compression force
(e.g. automobile collides with pedestrian)
Internal rotation of hemipelvis
Lateral Compression (LC)
Authors: Meaghan Mackenzie Stephanie de Waal Nojan Mannani Reviewers: Annalise Abbott Usama Malik Sunawer Aujla Mankirat Bhogal Michelle J. Chen Dr. Prism Schneider* Dr. Alyssa Federico* * MD at time of publication
           Grade 1: pubic symphysis diastasis < 2.5 cm
Grade 2: pubic symphysis diastasis >2.5 cm, anterior sacroiliac diastasis, disruption of sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments
Grade 1: pubic rami fracture with ipsilateral sacral compression fracture
Grade 2: pubic rami fracture with ipsilateral sacral and ilium fractures
Grade 3: ipsilateral LC 1 or 2 injury and contralateral APC injury (windswept pelvis)
    Young-Burgess Classification of Pelvic Ring Fractures
(Combination of any of the three classes can also occur)
       Blood vessels surrounding the fracture site rupture during injury
Pelvic has capacity of hold large volume of blood
Supporting ligaments are stretched or ruptured
Damage to adjacent urogenital structures
Gross hematuria
Posterior urethral tear or bladder rupture
Scrotal, labial or perineal hematoma
Displacement of hemipelvis
Limb-length discrepancy
Damage to adjacent neurological structures
               Flank hematoma
Potential hemorrhagic shock
Loss of rectal tone or perirectal sensation
L5 or S1 dermatomal paresthesia
Chronic instability
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Nov 16, 2017; updated Nov 22, 2024 on