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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Pediatric-Pneumonia-Pathogenesis-and-Clinical-Findings

Pediatric Pneumonia Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Jasmine Nguyen Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Annie Pham Eric Leung* Jean Mah* * MD at time of publication
  Immunological: unvaccinated, primary immunocompromise, pre-existing illness (e.g. HIV, measles), malnutrition
Environmental: smoke, air pollution, mold, crowded housing
Recent hospitalization or antibiotic-use
Physiological: neonates, low-birth weight, underlying lung disease
  These factors make the host more susceptible to infection
Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to infection/proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
Exposure to pathogen via inhalation, hematogenous, direct exposure, or aspiration
           Epithelial cells in respiratory tract release cytokines that recruit neutrophils & plasma proteins to infection site, initiating a local inflammatory response
Cytokines released into the bloodstream (e.g. TNF, IL-1) initiate a systemic inflammatory response
   ↑ Vascular permeability
Accumulation of exudate, cellular debris, serous fluid, fibrin, or bacteria in the airway spaces
↑ Respiratory drive
↑ Excitability of the peripheral somatosensory system
Circulating cytokines induce prostaglandin synthesis
          Airway irritation as cilia are unable to efficiently clear fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid, protein, or inflammatory cells leak into pleural space
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary edema
Fluid buildup in interstitial spaces ↑ gas diffusion distance
Bacteria enter the bloodstream (if bacterial pneumonia)
Fluid buildup in the alveoli ↓ available surface area for gas diffusion
↓ Efficiency of gas exchange
Intra- and extracranial arteries dilate
↑ Thermo-regulatory set-point of the hypothalamus
    Fluid accumulation in the pleural space prevents full lung expansion
↑ Work of breathing (tracheal tug, paradoxical abdominal breathing, subcostal/suprasternal indrawing)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published May 28, 2018; updated Aug 25, 2024 on
Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Jasmine Nguyen Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Annie Pham Eric Leung* * MD at time of publication
   Immunological: unvaccinated, primary immunocompromise, pre-existing illness (e.g. HIV, measles), malnutrition
Environmental: smoke, air pollution, mold, crowded housing
Recent Hospitalization: length of stay, recent antibiotics, mechanical ventilation
Physiological: neonates, low-birth weight, underlying lung disease (ciliary dysfunction, asthma, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis)
Host is more susceptible to infection
Exposure to pathogen:
inhalation, hematogenous, direct, aspiration
       Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to infection/proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
• Additional findings in pediatric pneumonia may include increased
irritability, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea,
otitis, and headache
• Viral pathogens most common in
children <2yrs; bacterial pathogens most common in children >2yrs
      Local inflammatory response: epithelial cells release cytokines in response to infection, which recruit neutrophils and plasma proteins to site of infection
↑ Vascular permeability causes accumulation of plasma exudate, cellular debris, serous fluid, fibrin, or bacteria in the airway spaces
Systemic inflammatory response:
Cytokine release (eg. TNF, IL-1)
↑ respiratory drive
          Airway irritation as cilia are unable to efficiently clear fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid, protein, or inflammatory
cells leak into pleural space
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary edema
Fluid buildup in interstitial spaces increases gas diffusion distance
Fluid buildup in the alveoli decreases
available surface area for gas diffusion
↓ efficiency of gas exchange
Bacteria invade into the bloodstream (if bacterial pneumonia)
Circulating cytokines induce prostaglandin synthesis, which raise the thermoregulatory set-point of the hypothalamus
paradoxical abdominal breathing, subcostal/suprasternal indrawing)
Fluid accumulation in the pleural space prevents full
lung expansion, resulting in ↓ lung volumes
↑ Work of breathing (tracheal tug,
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Month Day, Year on
Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Immunological: immunization status, immune compromise
Environmental: second-hand smoke, air pollution
Hospitalization: length of stay, recent antibiotics, mechanical ventilation
Neonates, immunocompromise, underlying lung disease (ciliary dysfunction, Cystic Fibrosis, bronchiectasis)
Authors: Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Eric Leung* * MD at time of publication
Additional findings in pediatric pneumonia may include nausea, otitis, headache
Viral pathogens most common in children <2yrs; bacterial pathogens most common in children >2yrs
Interstitial pattern: suspect Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Influenza A + B, Parainfluenza Lobar pattern: suspect S. pneumonia, H. influenzae, Moraxella, S. aureus
Systemic inflammatory response:
Cytokine release (eg. TNF, IL-1)
  Exposure to pathogen: inhalation, hematogenous, direct, aspiration
Susceptible host and/or virulent pathogen
Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
     • •
• •
        Local inflammatory response: neutrophils recruited to site of infection (LOBAR or INTERSTITIAL PATTERN, depending on pathogen) by epithelial cytokine release
      Irritation of contiguous structures and/or referred pain (mechanism unclear)
Acute abdominal pain
Accumulation of plasma exudate (from capillary leakage at sites of inflammation), cell-debris, serous fluid, bacteria, fibrin
↑ respiratory drive
Disruption of hypothalamic thermoregulation
         Irritation of airways and failure of ciliary clearance to keep up with fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid buildup in spaces between
Interstitial opacity on CXR
Fluid buildup in alveoli (LOBAR PATTERN)
↓ efficiency of gas exchange (↑ diffusion distance in INTERSTITIAL, ↓ surface area in LOBAR)
          Lobar consolidation on CXR
Respiratory accessory muscle use (chest indrawing, paradoxical breathing, muscle retractions)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published May 28, 2018 on