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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Loop-diuretics

Loop diuretics

Loop Diuretics: Mechanism & side effects
Inhibit Na+/K+/2Cl- (NKCC) symporter at thick ascending limb of Loop of Henle (aLOH)
Authors: Andrew Wu, Rafael Sanguinetti Reviewers: Luiza Radu, Adam Bass* * MD at time of publication
Over-inhibition of ion symporter in ear at high concentrations
Damage to tight junctions in the blood vessel epithelium in the ear
Disruption of the blood- cochlear barrier
Hearing loss
Opening of ATP-sensitive K+ channels on pancreatic β- cells causes efflux of K+
↓ Intracellular K+ causes a negative intracellular charge
↓ Ability for pancreatic β- cells to depolarize & release insulin
Hyperglycemia (rare)
     Stimulation of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis in the cortical & medullary aLOH
Stimulation of endothelial nitric
oxide synthase releases nitric oxide
Systemic venodilation (dilation of veins)
↓ Systemic vascular resistance
↓ Blood pressure
↓ Na+ in renal interstitium
↓ Water reabsorption (water follows Na+)
Interstitial washout (↑ NaCl & water wasting in interstitium)
↓ Sodium (Na+) reabsorption
↑ Positive luminal charge at thick aLOH
↓ Electrochemical gradient reduces cellular transport of cations
↓ Ca2+ & Mg2+ reabsorption in the aLOH
Hypocalcaemia & hypomagnesemia
↑ Na+ delivery to the distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
↑ Intracellular Na+ at collecting duct
↑ K+ efflux via renal outer medullary potassium channel (ROMK)
                        ↓ Fluid status
↓ Serum Na+
↓Serum Cl-
↑ Luminal K+ at alpha intercalated cell
Chemical gradient ↑ K+/H+ antiporter activity
↑ K+ excretion
Chemical gradient shifts K+ into cells creating a charge gradient to shift H+ out
       Hyponatremia Hypovolemia Hypochloremia
          ↓ Volume status activates angiotensin II, which plays a role in sodium and volume retention
↑ Na+/H+ antiporter 3 (NHE3) activity in the proximal tubule
Kidneys excrete & conserve ions to preserve intracellular charge gradient
↑ H+ loss in the urine ↓ Serum H+
           ↑ Proximal Na+ reabsorption causes ↑ urate reabsorption via urate-hydroxyl exchangers
Contraction alkalosis (loss of Na+-rich, HCO3- low fluid) & hypokalemia
↑ Serum HCO3-
     Metabolic alkalosis (systemic pH > 7.45 due to metabolic process)
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Nov 18, 2024 on