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COPD: 临床表现
作者: Yan Yu 审稿人:Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人:Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生
(如a1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏) 阻止肺组织损伤的能力↓
炎性细胞浸润, 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 尤其中性粒细 黏液产生↑ 细胞死亡
气道弹性↓ (弹性回缩
肺实质的蛋白水解破坏↑ 维持气道开放 肺泡永久性异常
的结构支持↓ 扩张
      胞 力)
          肺气体潴留 气道狭窄与 肺过度 肺大泡
   气道黏液潴留,成为感染 狭窄 病灶
塌陷 充气
(容易肺泡 破裂)
    临床表现 并发症 (参阅相关幻灯片) (参阅相关幻灯片)
COPD: Clinical Findings Lung tissue
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
↓ elastic recoil to push air out of lungs on expiration
Lungs don’t fully empty, air is trapped in alveoli (lung hyperinflation)
↑ lung volume means diaphragm is tonically contracted (flatter)
If occurring around airways
Airflow obstruction
↑ mucus production
↓ number of epithelial ciliated cells to clear away the mucus (the cells have been killed by airway inflammation)
Chronic cough with sputum
Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication
      During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction
↓ ventilation of alveoli
↓ oxygenation of blood (hypoxemia)
↓ perfusion of body tissues (i.e. brain, muscle)
Fatigue; ↓ exercise tolerance
      Total expiration time takes longer than normal
Prolonged expiration
More effort needed to ventilate larger lungs
Respiratory muscles must work harder to breathe
Turbulent airflow in narrower airways is heard on auscultation
Expiratory Wheeze
                 Diaphragm can’t flatten much further to generate deep breaths
To breathe, chest wall must expand out more
Shortness of breath, especially on exertion
     Breathes are rapid & shallow
If end-stage:
Chronic fatigue causes deconditioning
Muscle weakness & wasting
  Barrel chest
If end-stage: diaphragm will be “flat”. Continued
Patient tries to expire against higher mouth air pressure, forcing airways to open wider
Pursed-lip breathing
Patient breathes with accessory muscles as well as diaphragm to try to improve airflow
    inspiratory effort further contracts diaphragmà pull the lower chest wall inwards
Hoover’s sign
(paradoxical shrinking of lower chest during inspiration)
Tripod sitting position (activates pectoral muscles)
Neck (SCM, scalene) muscles contracted
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published January 7, 2013 on
COPD: ! 45 (on ABGs) Ventilation- perfusion mismatch High A-a gradient (calculated from ABGs) Low, flat diaphragm, >10 posterior ribs (on frontal CXR) High TLC and VC (on spirometry) • • PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood PaCO2: partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood • In the setting of fever and productive cough, especially if lung field opacifications are seen on CXR: consider sputum gram stain and culture to rule out pneumonia. Air does not block X-ray beams, will appear black on X-ray film Chronic hypercapnia makes breathing centers less sensitive to the high PaCO2 stimulus for breathing, & more reliant on the low PaO2 stimulus (“CO2 retention”) Give O2 carefully to these patients (high PaO2 may suppress patients’ hypoxic respiratory drive, ↓ their breathing, & ↑↑↑ PaCO2) ↑ retrosternal air space (on lateral CXR) Hyper-lucent (darker) lung fields, ↓ lung markings (on frontal CXR) • Arterial Blood Gasses (ABGs) • Chest X-Ray (CXR): frontal and lateral Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 气流阻塞 肺泡通气↓ 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气 道à 阻塞↑ 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者:Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 肺组织损伤 没有弹性回缩力将 气体排出肺 肺实质与血管分布减少导 致气体交换面积↓ 弥散功能↓ (肺功能检查) 更多的CO2残留 并扩散到血液中 高碳酸血症: PaCO2 > 45 (动脉血气) 血流灌注通气不良的肺泡 时无法获得足够的氧气 总呼气时长较正常长 FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (肺功能检查) 肺无法完全排空 更多空气潴留在肺部 (肺过度充气) 低氧血症: PaO2 < 70mmHg (动脉血气) 通气-灌注不匹配 肺泡-动脉氧分压差↑ (可通过动脉血气分析计算得出) 横膈低平, 下移至第10肋后端 及以下部位 (胸部正位片) TLC与VC增大 (肺功能检查) 缩写: • • FEV1: 1秒用 • VC:肺活量 PaO2: 动脉血 力呼气量 氧分压 空气不会阻挡X射线, 在X光片上呈现为黑色 慢性高碳酸血症使呼吸中枢对PaCO2 刺激呼吸的敏感性下降 & 更依赖于低PaO2的刺激 (“二氧化碳潴留”) 给患者吸氧时需注意(高PaO2 可能会抑制患者低氧时对呼吸的 刺激,使呼吸驱动↓ & PaCO2↑↑↑ ) • FVC: 用力肺 • 活量 • TLC:肺总量 慢阻肺相关检查 : PaCO2: 动脉 血二氧化碳 分压 胸骨后间隙↑ (胸部侧位片) 肺纹理↓ • 肺功能检查 • 动脉血气分析(Arterial Blood Gasses, ABGs) • 胸部正侧位片 • 当患者发热和湿咳,特别是胸片上见肺野不清晰时: 肺透亮度↑, (胸部正位片) 考虑进行痰革兰氏染色及痰培养以排除肺炎可能 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Complications Lung inflammation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Airway obstruction ↓ inhaled air in alveoli and terminal bronchioles Rupture of emphasematous bullae on surface of lung Inhaled air leaks into pleural cavity and is trapped there Pneumothorax Feeling a loss of control over one’s life, and hopelessness for the future Goblet cell proliferation, ↑ mucus production Death of airway epithelium ciliated cells ↓ oxygenation of the blood passing through the lungs Chronic hypoxemia Kidneys compensate by ↑ erythropoietin (EPO) production ↑ Hemoglobin and red blood cell synthesis Polycythemia (secondary) Hypoxic alveoli cause the pulmonary arterioles perfusing them to reflexively vasoconstrict Since most alveoli in the lungs are hypoxic, hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs across entire lung Vasoconstriction ↑ blood pressure within lung vasculature Pulmonary hypertension ↑ workload of the right ventricle (to pump against higher pressures) To compensate, the right ventricle progressively hypertrophies and dilates, but over time its output ↓ Cor pulmonale (Right heart failure in isolation, not due to Left heart failure) Mucus trapped in airways, serve as nidus for infection Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) Pneumonia The chronic, systemic inflammation in COPD is a hyper-metabolic state that consumes calories Macro-nutrient deficiency Trouble with respiration lead to inactivity and deconditioning Wasting, muscle atrophy More inactivity and deconditioning perpetuates the cycle Depression Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"# 肺部炎症 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 粘液产生↑ 细胞死亡 黏液潴留呼吸道,成为感 染的病灶 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 气道阻塞à 吸入肺泡和终末细 肺大疱破裂 吸入的空气渗入 并潴留于胸腔 气胸 感觉生活失控,对未 来感到绝望 抑郁 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 支气管的空气 ↓ 流经肺的血液进行气 缺氧的肺泡à灌注肺泡的肺小动 慢性阻塞性肺疾 病急性加重期 (AECOPD) 肺炎 体交换↓ 慢性低氧血症 肾脏合成促红细胞 生成素进行代偿↑ 血红蛋白与红 细胞合成↑ 红细胞增多症 (继发性) 脉发生反射性血管收缩 肺大部分肺泡缺氧à整个肺 都出现缺氧性血管收缩 肺血管收缩 à 肺血管压力↑ 肺动脉高压 ↑ 右心室负荷(泵血时对抗高压) 为了代偿,右心室逐渐肥大和扩张, 但随着病程进展,右心室输出量 ↓ 肺心病 (单独出现右心衰竭,非左心衰) COPD所致的慢性全身 呼吸困难导致活 性炎症会使机体处于高 动量减少和活动 代谢状态,消耗能量 耐量降低 宏量营养 素缺乏症 消瘦,肌肉萎缩 运动量下降和活动耐量 的降低造成恶性循环 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 " title="COPD: 临床表现 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人:Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人:Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 /012 (如a1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏) 阻止肺组织损伤的能力↓ +,-. (如长期吸烟、环境污染、感染) 肺内产生自由基 34*5 肺抗蛋白酶的失活 ↑氧化应激,炎性细胞因子,蛋白酶功能 支气管的持续、反复损伤 炎性细胞浸润, 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 尤其中性粒细 黏液产生↑ 细胞死亡 气道弹性↓ (弹性回缩 肺实质的蛋白水解破坏↑ 维持气道开放 肺泡永久性异常 的结构支持↓ 扩张 胞 力) 肺气体潴留 气道狭窄与 肺过度 肺大泡 气道黏液潴留,成为感染 狭窄 病灶 塌陷 充气 肺气肿 (容易肺泡 破裂) 气道纤维化和 %&'()* 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD) 临床表现 并发症 (参阅相关幻灯片) (参阅相关幻灯片) 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Clinical Findings Lung tissue Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) damage ↓ elastic recoil to push air out of lungs on expiration Lungs don’t fully empty, air is trapped in alveoli (lung hyperinflation) ↑ lung volume means diaphragm is tonically contracted (flatter) If occurring around airways Airflow obstruction ↑ mucus production ↓ number of epithelial ciliated cells to clear away the mucus (the cells have been killed by airway inflammation) Chronic cough with sputum Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction ↓ ventilation of alveoli ↓ oxygenation of blood (hypoxemia) ↓ perfusion of body tissues (i.e. brain, muscle) Fatigue; ↓ exercise tolerance Total expiration time takes longer than normal Prolonged expiration More effort needed to ventilate larger lungs Respiratory muscles must work harder to breathe Turbulent airflow in narrower airways is heard on auscultation Expiratory Wheeze Diaphragm can’t flatten much further to generate deep breaths To breathe, chest wall must expand out more Dyspnea Shortness of breath, especially on exertion Breathes are rapid & shallow If end-stage: Chronic fatigue causes deconditioning Muscle weakness & wasting Barrel chest If end-stage: diaphragm will be “flat”. Continued Patient tries to expire against higher mouth air pressure, forcing airways to open wider Pursed-lip breathing Patient breathes with accessory muscles as well as diaphragm to try to improve airflow inspiratory effort further contracts diaphragmà pull the lower chest wall inwards Hoover’s sign (paradoxical shrinking of lower chest during inspiration) Tripod sitting position (activates pectoral muscles) Neck (SCM, scalene) muscles contracted Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 如果出现在气道周围 气流阻塞 肺不能完全排空 气体,气体潴留 于肺泡(肺过度 充气) 总呼气时长大于 正常时长 呼气相延长 肺组织损伤 呼气时,将空气排出肺外 的弹性回缩力↓ 肺不能完全排空气体, 气体潴留于肺泡内 (肺过度充气) 肺容积↑,膈肌紧张 性收缩(膈肌平坦) 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气道 à 气道阻塞↑ 肺泡通气↓ 血液氧合↓ (低 氧血症) 身体组织灌注 量↓ (比如脑、 肌肉) 疲劳; 运动耐量↓ 黏液生成↑ 清除黏液的上皮纤 毛细胞数量↓ (受 气道炎症损伤) 慢性咳嗽伴咳 痰 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 容积较大 的肺需要 更加努力 才能通气 呼吸肌必须 更用力才能 呼吸 听诊闻及狭窄气 道中的湍流气流 呼气喘鸣音 呼吸困难 气促,尤其是劳累 膈肌无法进一步收缩以 产生深呼吸 呼吸浅快 为了呼吸, 胸壁必须延 展得更大 桶状胸 晚期病人: 患者试图在较高的口 慢性疲劳导致 患者动用辅助呼吸肌和膈肌呼吸, 腔内气压下进行呼气, 活动耐量下降 从而使气道更开放 以改善气流 晚期病人:膈肌 “平坦” ,持续吸气进一步压 缩膈肌à 向内拉季肋部胸壁 胡佛征 (吸气时,胸廓下侧季肋部内收) 缩唇呼吸 肌肉无力 & 消瘦 端坐呼吸 (调动胸肌) 颈部肌肉收 缩(胸锁乳 突肌、斜角 肌) 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Findings on Investigations Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Airflow obstruction Lung tissue damage ↓ ventilation of alveoli Blood perfusing ill- ventilated alveoli does not receive normal amounts of oxygen During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction) No elastic recoil to push air out of lungs Loss of lung parenchyma and vasculature ↓ surface area for gas exchange ↓ diffusion capacity (on spirometry) Hypoxemia: PaO2 < 70mmHg (on ABGs) Abbreviations: • FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second • FVC: Forced vital capacity • TLC: Total lung capacity • VC: Vital Capacity Investigations for COPD : • Spirometry (Pulmonary function test) Total expiration time takes longer than normal FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (on spirometry) Lungs don’t fully empty More air trapped within lungs (hyperinflation) More CO2 remains and diffuses into the blood Hypercapnia: PaCO2 > 45 (on ABGs) Ventilation- perfusion mismatch High A-a gradient (calculated from ABGs) Low, flat diaphragm, >10 posterior ribs (on frontal CXR) High TLC and VC (on spirometry) • • PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood PaCO2: partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood • In the setting of fever and productive cough, especially if lung field opacifications are seen on CXR: consider sputum gram stain and culture to rule out pneumonia. Air does not block X-ray beams, will appear black on X-ray film Chronic hypercapnia makes breathing centers less sensitive to the high PaCO2 stimulus for breathing, & more reliant on the low PaO2 stimulus (“CO2 retention”) Give O2 carefully to these patients (high PaO2 may suppress patients’ hypoxic respiratory drive, ↓ their breathing, & ↑↑↑ PaCO2) ↑ retrosternal air space (on lateral CXR) Hyper-lucent (darker) lung fields, ↓ lung markings (on frontal CXR) • Arterial Blood Gasses (ABGs) • Chest X-Ray (CXR): frontal and lateral Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 气流阻塞 肺泡通气↓ 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气 道à 阻塞↑ 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者:Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 肺组织损伤 没有弹性回缩力将 气体排出肺 肺实质与血管分布减少导 致气体交换面积↓ 弥散功能↓ (肺功能检查) 更多的CO2残留 并扩散到血液中 高碳酸血症: PaCO2 > 45 (动脉血气) 血流灌注通气不良的肺泡 时无法获得足够的氧气 总呼气时长较正常长 FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (肺功能检查) 肺无法完全排空 更多空气潴留在肺部 (肺过度充气) 低氧血症: PaO2 < 70mmHg (动脉血气) 通气-灌注不匹配 肺泡-动脉氧分压差↑ (可通过动脉血气分析计算得出) 横膈低平, 下移至第10肋后端 及以下部位 (胸部正位片) TLC与VC增大 (肺功能检查) 缩写: • • FEV1: 1秒用 • VC:肺活量 PaO2: 动脉血 力呼气量 氧分压 空气不会阻挡X射线, 在X光片上呈现为黑色 慢性高碳酸血症使呼吸中枢对PaCO2 刺激呼吸的敏感性下降 & 更依赖于低PaO2的刺激 (“二氧化碳潴留”) 给患者吸氧时需注意(高PaO2 可能会抑制患者低氧时对呼吸的 刺激,使呼吸驱动↓ & PaCO2↑↑↑ ) • FVC: 用力肺 • 活量 • TLC:肺总量 慢阻肺相关检查 : PaCO2: 动脉 血二氧化碳 分压 胸骨后间隙↑ (胸部侧位片) 肺纹理↓ • 肺功能检查 • 动脉血气分析(Arterial Blood Gasses, ABGs) • 胸部正侧位片 • 当患者发热和湿咳,特别是胸片上见肺野不清晰时: 肺透亮度↑, (胸部正位片) 考虑进行痰革兰氏染色及痰培养以排除肺炎可能 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Complications Lung inflammation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Airway obstruction ↓ inhaled air in alveoli and terminal bronchioles Rupture of emphasematous bullae on surface of lung Inhaled air leaks into pleural cavity and is trapped there Pneumothorax Feeling a loss of control over one’s life, and hopelessness for the future Goblet cell proliferation, ↑ mucus production Death of airway epithelium ciliated cells ↓ oxygenation of the blood passing through the lungs Chronic hypoxemia Kidneys compensate by ↑ erythropoietin (EPO) production ↑ Hemoglobin and red blood cell synthesis Polycythemia (secondary) Hypoxic alveoli cause the pulmonary arterioles perfusing them to reflexively vasoconstrict Since most alveoli in the lungs are hypoxic, hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs across entire lung Vasoconstriction ↑ blood pressure within lung vasculature Pulmonary hypertension ↑ workload of the right ventricle (to pump against higher pressures) To compensate, the right ventricle progressively hypertrophies and dilates, but over time its output ↓ Cor pulmonale (Right heart failure in isolation, not due to Left heart failure) Mucus trapped in airways, serve as nidus for infection Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) Pneumonia The chronic, systemic inflammation in COPD is a hyper-metabolic state that consumes calories Macro-nutrient deficiency Trouble with respiration lead to inactivity and deconditioning Wasting, muscle atrophy More inactivity and deconditioning perpetuates the cycle Depression Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"# 肺部炎症 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 粘液产生↑ 细胞死亡 黏液潴留呼吸道,成为感 染的病灶 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 气道阻塞à 吸入肺泡和终末细 肺大疱破裂 吸入的空气渗入 并潴留于胸腔 气胸 感觉生活失控,对未 来感到绝望 抑郁 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 支气管的空气 ↓ 流经肺的血液进行气 缺氧的肺泡à灌注肺泡的肺小动 慢性阻塞性肺疾 病急性加重期 (AECOPD) 肺炎 体交换↓ 慢性低氧血症 肾脏合成促红细胞 生成素进行代偿↑ 血红蛋白与红 细胞合成↑ 红细胞增多症 (继发性) 脉发生反射性血管收缩 肺大部分肺泡缺氧à整个肺 都出现缺氧性血管收缩 肺血管收缩 à 肺血管压力↑ 肺动脉高压 ↑ 右心室负荷(泵血时对抗高压) 为了代偿,右心室逐渐肥大和扩张, 但随着病程进展,右心室输出量 ↓ 肺心病 (单独出现右心衰竭,非左心衰) COPD所致的慢性全身 呼吸困难导致活 性炎症会使机体处于高 动量减少和活动 代谢状态,消耗能量 耐量降低 宏量营养 素缺乏症 消瘦,肌肉萎缩 运动量下降和活动耐量 的降低造成恶性循环 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 " />