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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: C5-C9-deficiency


C5-C9 deficiency: pathophysiology and clinical findings
Authors: Heather Yong Reviewers: Jessica Tjong, Crystal Liu, Yan Yu*, Nicola Wright* * MD at time of publication
   Normal complement response
The complement pathway is a non- specific response to bacterial pathogens
Bacterial infection
Classical, alternative, or lectin pathway activation
Complement cascade
MAC formation on bacterial surface C5b, C6, C7, C8, C9
Complement proteins create trans-
membrane channels within bacterial cell walls/cell membranes
Critical bacterial proteins leak out of the cell, breakdown of entire cell
Primary (hereditary) causes Secondary (acquired) causes
All are autosomal recessive Biologic therapy ex. eculizumab Absence or suboptimal functioning of
• MAC: Membrane Attack
• CH50: Classic Hemolytic
Complement Test
• AH50: Alternative Hemolytic
Complement Test
• CNS: Central Nervous System • CSF: Cerebrospinal Fluid
≥1 terminal complement proteins
C5-C9 deficiency
Inability to form MAC
↑ susceptibility to systemic Neisseria infection
Commonly N. meningitidis Rarely N. monorrhoeae
Nasopharyngeal colonization of N. meningitidis, ↑ susceptibility to bacteremia
CH50 ± AH50 assay No lysis
Total complement activity assay <10% activity C5, C6, C7, C9 <50% activity C8
              Varied bactericidal action via other complement proteins
• Risk of invasive meningococcal disease is 1000-10000X higher in C5-C9 deficiency than in the general population
• Reason is unknown
• C5-C9 deficient patients are not at greater
risk for contracting other gram (-) infections • Clinical meningitis in C5-C9 deficiency is less
       severe and fatality is rare
                   Bacterial lysis
Especially gram (-)ve bacteria like Neisseria
Bacteria cross the blood-brain barrier, causing swelling and damaging brain tissue
Fatigue, fever, headache, altered mental status, etc.
Inflammation of CSF and meninges
Activation of dura and pia mater fibres
Headache, neck stiffness
Bacteria release toxins
Damage to surface blood vessels
Maculopapular rash
Exact mechanism unknown
Recurrent meningitis
         CNS damage due Sepsis to recurrent
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published February 16, 2019 on