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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Acquired-Inguinal-Hernias



Acquired Inguinal Hernias

Acquired Inguinal
Hernias: Indirect &
Abdominal fluid or mass Constipation Pregnancy
Chronic cough
↑ intraabdominal pressure
Stretching of musculoaponeurotic structures & weakening of the abdominal fibromuscular tissue
Direct Inguinal Hernia
Authors: Adam Bubelenyi Jeffery Lindgren Peter Bishay Reviewers: Sophia Khan Shahab Marzoughi Brandon Hisey Vadim Iablokov Usama Malik Dr. Sylvain Coderre* * MD at time of publication
Ehlers-Danlos & Marfan syndrome (genetic disorders characterized by impaired connective tissue development)
Collagen deficiency
↑ Protease activity Smoking Aging
Malnutrition Collagen breakdown
Long-term glucocorticoid use
Fibroblast (cells which produce collagen) suppression causing ↓ collagen production
Thinning of skin & soft tissues
     Incomplete obliteration of the processus vaginalis (peritoneal tunnel through which the testes migrate toward the scrotum during embryological development)
Failed closure leaves an opening for organs to herniate through
Intestinal loops entrapped within herniation
Weakening of connective tissues
Indirect Inguinal Hernia
Protrusion of abdominal and/or pelvic contents through deep inguinal ring
Protrusion of abdominal and/or pelvic contents through the Hesselbach triangle (anatomic area defined by the rectus abdominis medially, inferior epigastric vessels laterally, and the inguinal ligament inferiorly)
               Herniated contents become entrapped
Inguinal mass +/- pain that is worse with straining
Abdominal distension & tenderness
Rhythmic contractions of the intestine attempting to push contents past the blockage site
Colicky pain
Incarceration (Surgical Emergency)
Reduced vascular supply to entrapped contents
Strangulation (Surgical Emergency)
Constriction & ischemia of hernial contents
Gangrenous skin changes (swelling, blue/purple colour, ↑ temperature, ulceration, ↓ sensation)
Inflammation of the herniated contents to larger than the hernial opening
Irreducible hernia (a hernia which cannot be manually reduced)
     Bowel Obstruction (Surgical Emergency)
Obstruction of intestinal lumen impairs passage of intestinal contents
Stimulation of stretch receptors in the bowel wall
Nausea +/- vomiting
Herniated tissue undergoes necrosis (irreversible cell death), perforating the gastrointestinal wall
          Obstipation (complete inability to pass stool or gas)
Bowel perforation (surgical emergency)
Leakage of gastrointestinal contents allows bacteria to infect the abdominal cavity
     Sudden ↑ pain
Abscess (localized collection of pus)
Peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum)
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Jun 3, 2018; updated dec 29, 2024 on