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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: schizophrenia

Schizophrenia Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Yu, Y - Schizophrenia Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings FINAL.pptx
Schizophrenia: Pathogenesis and Clinical FindingsDelusions(Fixed, false beliefs out of keeping with cultural background)? dopaminergic transmission in mesocortical projection? dopaminergic transmission in mesolimbic projection Author:  Yan YuReviewers:Sara Meunier  Briana CassettaJoAnna FayPhilip Stokes** MD at time of publicationLegend:Published November 5, 2013 on www.thecalgaryguide.comMechanismPathophysiologySign/Symptom/Lab FindingComplicationsGenetics (50% monozygotic twin risk, 6-13% 1st degree relative risk)Speech disorganization or senselessness (Tangentiality, derailment, word salads)Dopaminergic neurons here project into the limbic system, responsible for behaviors and emotions.SchizophreniaDopamine Hypothesis(predominant theory)Other biological theories (under investigation)High

Yu, Y - Schizophrenia Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings - March 26 2016

Schizophrenia Pathogenesis Translated

Schizotypal Personality Disorder (SPD): Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Schizotypal Personality Disorder (SPD): Pathogenesis and clinical findings 
Genetics Environmental Neurobiological Changes Neurotransmitter /1` prevalence among first-More common among Significant atrophy of the Imbalance degree relatives of people with lower (predominantly left) lateral Dysfunction in synaptic probands with incomes and those never temporal lobe. Certain subregions dopamine degradation, Schizophrenia. Genes associated with married, divorced, separated, or widowed. of the prefrontal cortex have been shown to be enlarged. usually due to gene catechol-0- schizophrenia are also risk factors for Schizotypal PD. Volume 1, of specific temporal lobe subregions. methyltransferase (COMT). 
Cognitive-perceptual •  
Magical thinking Belief in paranormal or supernatural phenomena, such as superstitions, telepathy, weird fantasies 
Unusual  Perceptions  Seeing a halo or aura, presence of unseen force, or bodily illusions 
Ideas of Paranoia/  Reference Suspiciousness Believing Can range from coincidences persistent and have strong overt hostility, personal guardedness to significance pleasant and agreeable compliance 
Schizotypal  Personality Disorder  Oddness/ disorganized  
 ► Interpersonal 
Lack Close Friends  Deficit in finding social interactions gratifying, a form of social anhedonia 

Constricted affect 
Eccentric behavior Unusual thinking or  or appearance speech  Unconventional or Speech and thought idiosyncratic process can be hygiene, attire, or vague, unelaborate, social behaviors circumstantial, metaphorical, or stereotyped but not grossly incoherent or blocked 
Social Anxiety  Unrelenting, situationally generalized, unconditional, and does not tend to lessen with familiarity 
Clinically significant impaired functioning 
Authors: Usama Malik Reviewers: Sina Marzoughi Aaron Mackie* * MD at time of publication 
Notes: • Cluster A Personality Disorder • 4.2CY : 3.7g - frequently diagnosed in fragile X syndrome • 3.9-4.6%of adults • More than half of these patients have at least one episode of major depression 
SPD Mnemonic: ME PECULIAR • Magical thinking Experiences unusual perceptions • Paranoid / suspicious ideation • Eccentric behavior or appearance • Constricted or inappropriate affect • Unusual thinking or speech • Lacks close friends • Ideas of reference • Anxiety in social situations • Rule out psychotic or pervasive developmental disorders 
• Dx: present in a variety of contexts causing marked social impairment