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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: pulmonary edema
![Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema: Pathophysiology
Authors: Mackenzie Gault Reviewers: Arsalan Ahmad Melinda Davis* * MD at time of publication
ET tube: Endotrachial tube Laryngospasm: spasm of vocal cords; may occur on extubation CXR: Chest X-Ray
Detected by peripheral chemoreceptors
Sympathetic stimulation
↓ ventilation to lungs
Airway Obstruction
Involuntarily biting ET tube or laryngospasm most common
Patient tries to inspire forcefully against obstruction
Highly negative intrathoracic pressure
Acute ↑ in systemic venous return to right heart
↑ pulmonary blood volume ↑ pulmonary arterial + capillary pressure
↓ pulmonary interstitial pressure ↑ trans-capillary pressure gradient
Fluid pushed out of pulmonary capillaries into the interstitium
Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema:
Fluid in lungs caused by highly negative intrathoracic pressure
alveolus capillary
Frothy pink sputum
CXR: diffuse bilateral infiltrates
↓ PO2 ↓ O2 Sats
Fluid surrounds alveoli
↓ diffusion of alveolar O2 into pulmonary capillaries
If severe: pressure and fluid build-up damages capillary and alveolar walls
Fluid & red blood cells from capillaries enter alveoli and are coughed up
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published September 1, 2019 on
Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema: Pathophysiology
Authors: Mackenzie Gault Reviewers: Arsalan Ahmad Melinda Davis* * MD at time of publication
ET tube: Endotrachial tube Laryngospasm: spasm of vocal cords; may occur on extubation CXR: Chest X-Ray
Detected by peripheral chemoreceptors
Sympathetic stimulation
↓ ventilation to lungs
Airway Obstruction
Involuntarily biting ET tube or laryngospasm most common
Patient tries to inspire forcefully against obstruction
Highly negative intrathoracic pressure
Acute ↑ in systemic venous return to right heart
↑ pulmonary blood volume ↑ pulmonary arterial + capillary pressure
↓ pulmonary interstitial pressure ↑ trans-capillary pressure gradient
Fluid pushed out of pulmonary capillaries into the interstitium
Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema:
Fluid in lungs caused by highly negative intrathoracic pressure
alveolus capillary
Frothy pink sputum
CXR: diffuse bilateral infiltrates
↓ PO2 ↓ O2 Sats
Fluid surrounds alveoli
↓ diffusion of alveolar O2 into pulmonary capillaries
If severe: pressure and fluid build-up damages capillary and alveolar walls
Fluid & red blood cells from capillaries enter alveoli and are coughed up
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published September 1, 2019 on](
![Maternal complications of labour and vaginal delivery
Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Kayla Nelson, Radhmila Parmar, Jemimah Raffe-Devine, Alina Constantin* * MD at time of publication
Labour and vaginal delivery
Detachment of placenta disrupts uterine blood vessels
Intense pressure on vaginal walls during fetal passage and/or use of forceps or vacuumà physical damage vagina and perineum
Urinary tract catheterization during labour
Foreign tube inserted into bladder allows easier colonization of bladder & urinary tract by bacteria
Urinary Tract Infections
Passage of fetus distends pubo-vesicular and pubo- rectalis sling muscles
Urethra /rectum no longer kinked
enough to prevent high intra-abdominal pressures from forcing out urine or feces
Stress incontinence
(of bladder & bowel; usually temporary)
Scar tissue forms at site of placental detachment
After complete hemostasis (cessation of bleeding) and vessel healing, scar tissue is shed from uterus
(vaginal discharge/ bleeding) & eschar (scar tissue) shedding
Placental tissue may be retained in the uterus
Uterus fails to contract fully to seal off uterine blood vessels
Post-partum hemorrhage (See relevant slide)
Foreign substances trigger systemic inflammatory response in mother
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, DIC (see relevant slide)
Rarely, torn blood vessels let amniotic
fluid (with fetal cells & meconium) enter maternal circulation
Amniotic fluid embolism (clumps of foreign fetal cells and meconium in maternal circulation)
Viscous amniotic fluid can block maternal blood vessels
Obstructing blood flow out of lungs
Blood backs up before lungsàless preload for heart
Damaged tissue & blood in the uterus
Ample nutrients for bacteria to infect uterus
Uterine pain, radiating throughout the abdomen
Pulmonary edema
Perineal tears
(1st-4th degree);
Perineal Pain
Unilateral leg pain & swelling
Dyspnea, Cough
If profound
Cardiac arrest
Tissue damage activates blood coagulation factors
Coagulation in areas of hemostasis (e.g. veins)
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Post-partum fever
(see relevant slide)
Cardiovascular collapse
Lack of perfusion to heart
Note: Post-partum depression is commonly seen in at least 10% of newly-delivered mothers.
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Initially published September 5, 2013 on Updated and re-published January 23, 2021
Maternal complications of labour and vaginal delivery
Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Kayla Nelson, Radhmila Parmar, Jemimah Raffe-Devine, Alina Constantin* * MD at time of publication
Labour and vaginal delivery
Detachment of placenta disrupts uterine blood vessels
Intense pressure on vaginal walls during fetal passage and/or use of forceps or vacuumà physical damage vagina and perineum
Urinary tract catheterization during labour
Foreign tube inserted into bladder allows easier colonization of bladder & urinary tract by bacteria
Urinary Tract Infections
Passage of fetus distends pubo-vesicular and pubo- rectalis sling muscles
Urethra /rectum no longer kinked
enough to prevent high intra-abdominal pressures from forcing out urine or feces
Stress incontinence
(of bladder & bowel; usually temporary)
Scar tissue forms at site of placental detachment
After complete hemostasis (cessation of bleeding) and vessel healing, scar tissue is shed from uterus
(vaginal discharge/ bleeding) & eschar (scar tissue) shedding
Placental tissue may be retained in the uterus
Uterus fails to contract fully to seal off uterine blood vessels
Post-partum hemorrhage (See relevant slide)
Foreign substances trigger systemic inflammatory response in mother
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, DIC (see relevant slide)
Rarely, torn blood vessels let amniotic
fluid (with fetal cells & meconium) enter maternal circulation
Amniotic fluid embolism (clumps of foreign fetal cells and meconium in maternal circulation)
Viscous amniotic fluid can block maternal blood vessels
Obstructing blood flow out of lungs
Blood backs up before lungsàless preload for heart
Damaged tissue & blood in the uterus
Ample nutrients for bacteria to infect uterus
Uterine pain, radiating throughout the abdomen
Pulmonary edema
Perineal tears
(1st-4th degree);
Perineal Pain
Unilateral leg pain & swelling
Dyspnea, Cough
If profound
Cardiac arrest
Tissue damage activates blood coagulation factors
Coagulation in areas of hemostasis (e.g. veins)
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Post-partum fever
(see relevant slide)
Cardiovascular collapse
Lack of perfusion to heart
Note: Post-partum depression is commonly seen in at least 10% of newly-delivered mothers.
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Initially published September 5, 2013 on Updated and re-published January 23, 2021](
Summary of Acyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases
![Summary of Acyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases (Left-to-Right Shunts)
Authors: Gaya Narendran, Winnie Nagesh Reviewers: Jack Fu, Usama Malik, Yan Yu*, Deborah Fruitman* * MD at time of publication
Asymptomatic M, ↑ respiratory tract infections, rarely: failure to thrive
Left to Right Shunt
↑ flow from left to right heart
Dilation of chambers exposed to ↑ flow
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
Presents later in childhood – often asymptomatic
Note: These conditions tend to be acyanotic in presentation. Clinical severity will depend on the defect’s size, anatomic location and the presence of other cardiac anomalies. Please see relevant Calgary Guide slides for each heart condition for full explanation of their pathophysiology.
Figures are hand-drawn by the authors.
L to R physical communication between atria
1. Pressure in LA > pressure in RA à blood shunts from LA to RA
2. Dilation of RAàdilation of RV 3. ↑ pulmonary blood flow
On exam: Systolic Ejection Murmur at LUSB, fixed split S2, RV heave, tachypnea
CXR: +/- ↑ pulmonary vasculature
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) 1. Pressure in LV > pressure in RV (after 4-6wks old)
On exam: harsh pansystolic M +/- diastolic rumble at LLSB, +/- hepatomegaly, WOB, tachypnea, +/- ↓ perfusion signs e.g. pallor CXR: ↑ vascular markings, cardiomegaly, pulmonary edema
Feeding difficulties, failure to thrive, congestive heart failure (CHF)
L to R physical communication between ventricles
2. This causes blood in LV to flow to RV in systole
3. ↑ flow to RVà↑ flow to pulmonary arteriesà
↑ pulmonary blood flow
4. ↑ blood returning to LA & LVàLA & LV dilation
Presents usually at 4-6 weeks as PVR falls to normal (after birth) Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
1. Pressure in aorta > pressure in pulmonary arteries (PA) à continuous flow from aorta to PA
2. ↑ bloodflow load in the PA
3. ↑ flow in PA/lung vasculature à ↑ return to left
Note: Adult presentation or unrepaired large VSD may cause pulmonary HTN, leading to Eisenmenger’s Syndrome (see relevant slide)
Vessel linking descending aorta & pulmonary arteries remains after birth
On exam: Continuous machine-like murmur in sub-clavicular region, wide pulse pressure, tachypnea
CXR: ↑ pulmonary vasculature, LV enlargement, cardiomegaly, prominent PA
Asymptomatic M , less commonly: failure to thrive, congestive heart failure
heart à Dilation of the LA and LV
Typically presents later in infancy – dependent on shunt size. Presentation and management may differ in preterm infants.
Atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD)
Defect in the crux/ center of heart involving both atria and ventricles, with AV abnormalities on a spectrum
1. Pressure in left heart > pressures in right heart
2. Thus blood shunts left à right at atrial and ventricular levels 3. As PVR falls (as part of normal newborn development) à ↑
pulmonary blood flow, +/- AV regurgitation
4. ↑ pulmonary flow à ↑ return to left heart à Cardiomegaly
On exam: Systolic Ejection
Murmur at LUSB, hepatomegaly,
mild O2 desaturation in children
CXR: ↑ pulmonary vasculature,
cardiomegaly defect
Similar to VSD – may present earlier, dependent on severity of defect – associated with Trisomy 21
Abbreviations: AV: Atrioventricular valve; CHF: Congestive Heart Failure; CXR: Chest X-ray; LA: Left Atrium; LV: Left Ventricle; LUSB: Left Upper Sternal Border; LLSB: Left Lower Sternal Border; M : Murmur; PA: Pulmonary Artery; PVR: Pulmonary Vascular Resistance; RA: Right Atrium; RV: Right Ventricle; WOB: Work of Breathing
Same as VSD; dependent on severity of
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Nov 15, 2017, updated Oct 21, 2021 on
Summary of Acyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases (Left-to-Right Shunts)
Authors: Gaya Narendran, Winnie Nagesh Reviewers: Jack Fu, Usama Malik, Yan Yu*, Deborah Fruitman* * MD at time of publication
Asymptomatic M, ↑ respiratory tract infections, rarely: failure to thrive
Left to Right Shunt
↑ flow from left to right heart
Dilation of chambers exposed to ↑ flow
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
Presents later in childhood – often asymptomatic
Note: These conditions tend to be acyanotic in presentation. Clinical severity will depend on the defect’s size, anatomic location and the presence of other cardiac anomalies. Please see relevant Calgary Guide slides for each heart condition for full explanation of their pathophysiology.
Figures are hand-drawn by the authors.
L to R physical communication between atria
1. Pressure in LA > pressure in RA à blood shunts from LA to RA
2. Dilation of RAàdilation of RV 3. ↑ pulmonary blood flow
On exam: Systolic Ejection Murmur at LUSB, fixed split S2, RV heave, tachypnea
CXR: +/- ↑ pulmonary vasculature
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) 1. Pressure in LV > pressure in RV (after 4-6wks old)
On exam: harsh pansystolic M +/- diastolic rumble at LLSB, +/- hepatomegaly, WOB, tachypnea, +/- ↓ perfusion signs e.g. pallor CXR: ↑ vascular markings, cardiomegaly, pulmonary edema
Feeding difficulties, failure to thrive, congestive heart failure (CHF)
L to R physical communication between ventricles
2. This causes blood in LV to flow to RV in systole
3. ↑ flow to RVà↑ flow to pulmonary arteriesà
↑ pulmonary blood flow
4. ↑ blood returning to LA & LVàLA & LV dilation
Presents usually at 4-6 weeks as PVR falls to normal (after birth) Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
1. Pressure in aorta > pressure in pulmonary arteries (PA) à continuous flow from aorta to PA
2. ↑ bloodflow load in the PA
3. ↑ flow in PA/lung vasculature à ↑ return to left
Note: Adult presentation or unrepaired large VSD may cause pulmonary HTN, leading to Eisenmenger’s Syndrome (see relevant slide)
Vessel linking descending aorta & pulmonary arteries remains after birth
On exam: Continuous machine-like murmur in sub-clavicular region, wide pulse pressure, tachypnea
CXR: ↑ pulmonary vasculature, LV enlargement, cardiomegaly, prominent PA
Asymptomatic M , less commonly: failure to thrive, congestive heart failure
heart à Dilation of the LA and LV
Typically presents later in infancy – dependent on shunt size. Presentation and management may differ in preterm infants.
Atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD)
Defect in the crux/ center of heart involving both atria and ventricles, with AV abnormalities on a spectrum
1. Pressure in left heart > pressures in right heart
2. Thus blood shunts left à right at atrial and ventricular levels 3. As PVR falls (as part of normal newborn development) à ↑
pulmonary blood flow, +/- AV regurgitation
4. ↑ pulmonary flow à ↑ return to left heart à Cardiomegaly
On exam: Systolic Ejection
Murmur at LUSB, hepatomegaly,
mild O2 desaturation in children
CXR: ↑ pulmonary vasculature,
cardiomegaly defect
Similar to VSD – may present earlier, dependent on severity of defect – associated with Trisomy 21
Abbreviations: AV: Atrioventricular valve; CHF: Congestive Heart Failure; CXR: Chest X-ray; LA: Left Atrium; LV: Left Ventricle; LUSB: Left Upper Sternal Border; LLSB: Left Lower Sternal Border; M : Murmur; PA: Pulmonary Artery; PVR: Pulmonary Vascular Resistance; RA: Right Atrium; RV: Right Ventricle; WOB: Work of Breathing
Same as VSD; dependent on severity of
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Nov 15, 2017, updated Oct 21, 2021 on](
Renal Artery Stenosis
![Renal Artery Stenosis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Atherosclerosis: A collection of inflammatory cells, lipids, & Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A rare vascular condition characterized by
fibrous connective tissue deposits on the renal artery wall abnormal cellular growth in arterial walls, especially renal & carotid arteries
Narrowing (stenosis) of the renal artery
Renal Artery Stenosis can be unilateral or bilateral
Authors: Samin Dolatabadi, Yan Yu* Reviewers: Meena Assad, Jessica Krahn Timothy Fu, Brooke Fallis, Juliya Hemmett* * MD at time of publication
↓ Pressure perfusing the kidney
↑ RAAS (renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system) activation
↓ pressure gradient in glomerulus
↓ Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
↑ Secretion of aldosterone
Turbulent blood flow through area of stenosis
Abdominal bruit on side of affected kidney(s)
↑ Secretion of Angiotensin IIà ↑ Systemic vasoconstriction
↑ Expression of epithelial sodium channels in cortical collecting duct
↑ Blood volume within volume- constrained space of blood vessels
↓ Renal blood flowà ischemic renal injury
Atrophy and fibrosis of affected kidney(s)
Unilateral stenosis à Kidney size asymmetry (≥1.5cm difference)
↓ Positively charged Na+ in lumen à Electronegative lumen compared to the interstitial/tubular epithelial cells
K+ follows the electrical gradient and is secreted into the electronegative tubular lumen
↓ Serum K+ concentration
*Note: In unilateral renal artery stenosis, the contralateral (normal) kidney can compensate for the increase in renal perfusion pressure caused by hypertension by increasing sodium excretion (pressure natriuresis), preventing flash pulmonary edema.
↑ NHE3 (Sodium Hydrogen Exchanger 3) activity in proximal collecting tubule
↑ Na+ and water reabsorption from renal tubular lumen into blood vessels
Chronic left ventricle pressure overload àLeft ventricle hypertrophy (see Left Heart Failure: Pathogenesis Slide)
Systolic dysfunction → ↓ left ventricle stroke volume
Normally, ↑ in renal perfusion pressureà↑ Na+ excretion and water loss (pressure natriuresis)
In bilateral renal artery stenosis*, ↓ GFRàinability for kidney to ↑ renal Na+ & water excretion à volume overload
Acute increase in afterload or preload → sudden ↑ in left ventricular filling pressures → blood backup into lungs
Pulmonary vasculature hypertension → ↑ fluid filtration across the pulmonary endothelium into interstitium and alveolar spaces
Flash (rapid onset) pulmonary edema
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published December 30, 2021 on
Renal Artery Stenosis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Atherosclerosis: A collection of inflammatory cells, lipids, & Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A rare vascular condition characterized by
fibrous connective tissue deposits on the renal artery wall abnormal cellular growth in arterial walls, especially renal & carotid arteries
Narrowing (stenosis) of the renal artery
Renal Artery Stenosis can be unilateral or bilateral
Authors: Samin Dolatabadi, Yan Yu* Reviewers: Meena Assad, Jessica Krahn Timothy Fu, Brooke Fallis, Juliya Hemmett* * MD at time of publication
↓ Pressure perfusing the kidney
↑ RAAS (renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system) activation
↓ pressure gradient in glomerulus
↓ Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
↑ Secretion of aldosterone
Turbulent blood flow through area of stenosis
Abdominal bruit on side of affected kidney(s)
↑ Secretion of Angiotensin IIà ↑ Systemic vasoconstriction
↑ Expression of epithelial sodium channels in cortical collecting duct
↑ Blood volume within volume- constrained space of blood vessels
↓ Renal blood flowà ischemic renal injury
Atrophy and fibrosis of affected kidney(s)
Unilateral stenosis à Kidney size asymmetry (≥1.5cm difference)
↓ Positively charged Na+ in lumen à Electronegative lumen compared to the interstitial/tubular epithelial cells
K+ follows the electrical gradient and is secreted into the electronegative tubular lumen
↓ Serum K+ concentration
*Note: In unilateral renal artery stenosis, the contralateral (normal) kidney can compensate for the increase in renal perfusion pressure caused by hypertension by increasing sodium excretion (pressure natriuresis), preventing flash pulmonary edema.
↑ NHE3 (Sodium Hydrogen Exchanger 3) activity in proximal collecting tubule
↑ Na+ and water reabsorption from renal tubular lumen into blood vessels
Chronic left ventricle pressure overload àLeft ventricle hypertrophy (see Left Heart Failure: Pathogenesis Slide)
Systolic dysfunction → ↓ left ventricle stroke volume
Normally, ↑ in renal perfusion pressureà↑ Na+ excretion and water loss (pressure natriuresis)
In bilateral renal artery stenosis*, ↓ GFRàinability for kidney to ↑ renal Na+ & water excretion à volume overload
Acute increase in afterload or preload → sudden ↑ in left ventricular filling pressures → blood backup into lungs
Pulmonary vasculature hypertension → ↑ fluid filtration across the pulmonary endothelium into interstitium and alveolar spaces
Flash (rapid onset) pulmonary edema
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published December 30, 2021 on](
![Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Clinical Findings
Sudden bleeding into space surrounding the brain (for pathogenesis, see Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Pathogenesis)
Authors: Jason An, M. Patrick Pankow Reviewers: Owen Stechishin, Dave Nicholl, Haotian Wang, Hannah Mathew, Ran (Marissa) Zhang, Yan Yu*, Cory Toth* * MD at time of publication
Bleed into subarachnoid space
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
Posterior hypothalamus ischemia (↓ Blood flow and oxygen)
Red blood cell lysis from energy depletion or complement activation
Release of spasmogens (spasm inducing agents)
Cerebral vasospasm (narrowing of arteries from persistent contraction) ↓ blood flow
Cerebral ischemia
Release catecholamines (hormones from the adrenal gland; e.g., epinephrine, norepinephrine)
↑ Intracellular calcium
Release of antidiuretic hormone
Antidiuretic hormone acts on the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct in kidney to reabsorb water
Dilution of serum sodium
Hyponatremia (low blood sodium levels)
Release of epileptogenic (potential seizure causing agents) into cerebral circulation
Products from blood breakdown in cerebral spinal fluid
Irritation of meninges (membranes surrounding the brain)
Aseptic meningitis (non-infectious inflammation)
(neck pain + rigidity)
Cerebral infarction (death of tissue)
Obstructs cerebral spinal fluid flow and absorption at subarachnoid granulations
Hydrocephalus (fluid build up in ventricles)
↓ Level of consciousness
Reduced cerebral blood flow
Dilation of cranial vessels to ↑ blood flow
Rapid ↑ internal carotid artery intracranial pressure
Refer to Increased Intracranial Pressure: Clinical Findings slide
Internal carotid artery
Pituitary ischemia
[underactive pituitary gland, failing to produce 1+ pituitary hormone(s)]
Refer to hypopituitarism slides
Myocardial disruption
Left ventricle dysfunction
↑ Pressure in left heart
Blood forced backwards into pulmonary veins
↑ Pulmonary blood pressure
Fluid from blood vessels leaks into lungs
Dysrhythmias (disturbance in rate/rhythm of heart) causing ↓ cardiac output
(loss of consciousness due to ↓ blood flow to the brain)
Pulmonary edema
(excess accumulation of fluid in lung)
Cerebral hypoperfusion
Sudden ↑in blood volume
Vessels and meninges suddenly stretch
Thunderclap Headache (worst headache of patient's life)
Shortness of breath
Reactive cerebral hyperemia (excess blood in vessels supplying the brain)
Artery specific findings:
Rapid ↑ internal carotid artery intracranial pressure
Middle cerebral artery
Posterior communicating artery
Compression of outer CN3 Compression of inner CN3
Anterior communicating artery
Nonreactive pupil
Gaze palsy
(eye deviates down and out)
(double vision)
(drooping of upper eyelid)
Frontal lobe ischemia
(complete lack of motivation)
Ischemia of motor strip pertaining to the legs
Bilateral leg weakness
Motor strip ischemia
(weakness/ inability to move one side of the body)
Ischemia of parietal association areas (brain regions integral for motor control of the eyes, the extremities and spatial cognition)
(impaired ability to speak and/or understand language)/ neglect
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published July 1, 2014, updated August 10, 2022 on
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Clinical Findings
Sudden bleeding into space surrounding the brain (for pathogenesis, see Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Pathogenesis)
Authors: Jason An, M. Patrick Pankow Reviewers: Owen Stechishin, Dave Nicholl, Haotian Wang, Hannah Mathew, Ran (Marissa) Zhang, Yan Yu*, Cory Toth* * MD at time of publication
Bleed into subarachnoid space
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
Posterior hypothalamus ischemia (↓ Blood flow and oxygen)
Red blood cell lysis from energy depletion or complement activation
Release of spasmogens (spasm inducing agents)
Cerebral vasospasm (narrowing of arteries from persistent contraction) ↓ blood flow
Cerebral ischemia
Release catecholamines (hormones from the adrenal gland; e.g., epinephrine, norepinephrine)
↑ Intracellular calcium
Release of antidiuretic hormone
Antidiuretic hormone acts on the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct in kidney to reabsorb water
Dilution of serum sodium
Hyponatremia (low blood sodium levels)
Release of epileptogenic (potential seizure causing agents) into cerebral circulation
Products from blood breakdown in cerebral spinal fluid
Irritation of meninges (membranes surrounding the brain)
Aseptic meningitis (non-infectious inflammation)
(neck pain + rigidity)
Cerebral infarction (death of tissue)
Obstructs cerebral spinal fluid flow and absorption at subarachnoid granulations
Hydrocephalus (fluid build up in ventricles)
↓ Level of consciousness
Reduced cerebral blood flow
Dilation of cranial vessels to ↑ blood flow
Rapid ↑ internal carotid artery intracranial pressure
Refer to Increased Intracranial Pressure: Clinical Findings slide
Internal carotid artery
Pituitary ischemia
[underactive pituitary gland, failing to produce 1+ pituitary hormone(s)]
Refer to hypopituitarism slides
Myocardial disruption
Left ventricle dysfunction
↑ Pressure in left heart
Blood forced backwards into pulmonary veins
↑ Pulmonary blood pressure
Fluid from blood vessels leaks into lungs
Dysrhythmias (disturbance in rate/rhythm of heart) causing ↓ cardiac output
(loss of consciousness due to ↓ blood flow to the brain)
Pulmonary edema
(excess accumulation of fluid in lung)
Cerebral hypoperfusion
Sudden ↑in blood volume
Vessels and meninges suddenly stretch
Thunderclap Headache (worst headache of patient's life)
Shortness of breath
Reactive cerebral hyperemia (excess blood in vessels supplying the brain)
Artery specific findings:
Rapid ↑ internal carotid artery intracranial pressure
Middle cerebral artery
Posterior communicating artery
Compression of outer CN3 Compression of inner CN3
Anterior communicating artery
Nonreactive pupil
Gaze palsy
(eye deviates down and out)
(double vision)
(drooping of upper eyelid)
Frontal lobe ischemia
(complete lack of motivation)
Ischemia of motor strip pertaining to the legs
Bilateral leg weakness
Motor strip ischemia
(weakness/ inability to move one side of the body)
Ischemia of parietal association areas (brain regions integral for motor control of the eyes, the extremities and spatial cognition)
(impaired ability to speak and/or understand language)/ neglect
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published July 1, 2014, updated August 10, 2022 on](
![Chest Exam Findings of Lung & Pleural Diseases
Note: Please see slides on pathogenesis of Transudative and Exudative Pleural Effusions, Primary and Tension Pneumothorax, Adult Pneumonia, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Heart Failure, and Kidney Disease
Authors: Sravya Kakumanu Reviewers: Ben Campbell, *Tara Lohmann, *Yan Yu * MD at time of publication
Interstitial Lung Disease
Rupture of visceral pleura
Build-up of air within pleural space
Pleural Effusion
↑ Hydrostatic pressure pushes fluid into pleural space
↑ Capillary permeability = fluid leaks into pleural space
↓ Oncotic pressure = fluid moves into pleural space
Bronchus obstructed
Scarring/infiltration of lung tissue
Surfactant dysfunction (ex. ARDS)
Loss of contact between visceral and parietal pleura
(ex. effusion, pneumothorax)
Parenchymal compression (ex. loculated effusion, mass)
↑ Hydrostatic
pushing fluid
into alveoli (ex. cardiogenic pulmonary edema)
↑ Capillary
allowing fluid
to move into
alveoli (ex. pneumonia)
Connective tissue diseases
Sarcoidosis, Amyloidosis
Chronic medical diseases
(ex. COPD, heart failure, kidney disease, etc)
Occupational or environmental exposures
(ex. silicosis, organic dusts, metals, gases, aerosols, etc)
Accumulation of fluid in pleural space
Collapse of alveoli
Accumulation of fluid within alveoli
Pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of alveoli bilaterally)
Breath Sounds
Lung unable to inflate fully Fluid in pleural space Collapsed lung unable to inflate Airspace filled with fluid and unable to fill with air dampens sound
↓ Breath sounds ipsilaterally
Scarred alveoli unable to expand to fill with air
↓ Breath sounds bilaterally (may not be noticeable)
Chest Rising on Inspiration
Chest cavity filled with air, but lung Lung unable to inflate fully Scarred alveoli unable to expand to fill with air unable to inflate fully
↑ Chest size, ↓ Rising ipsilaterally
↓ Chest rising ipsilaterally ↓ Chest rising bilaterally (may not be noticeable)
Sound resonates through air in pleural space
Ipsilateral hyperresonance on percussion
Sound unable to resonate through pleural fluid
Sound unable to resonate through compacted lung tissue
Ipsilateral dullness on percussion
Sound unable to resonate through fluid-filled alveoli
Diffuse scarring of alveoli
No notable changes on percussion
Tracheal Deviation
Air pushes trachea Fluid pushes trachea ↓ Pressure within chest wall pulls trachea No pushing or pulling of trachea
Contralateral tracheal deviation Ipsilateral tracheal deviation No tracheal deviation
Adventitious Lung Sounds
Alveoli not impacted (i.e. not collapsed or fluid-filled)
Sudden opening of collapsed alveoli filling with air
Fine inspiratory crackles
Air movement through fluid-filled alveoli
Coarse inspiratory crackles
Fluid-filled alveoli can’t dampen breath sounds from larger central airways
Bronchial breath sounds all over consolidated area (harsh, ↑ pitch with expiratory phase > inspiratory; only normal when heard centrally over trachea + bronchi)
Scarred inelastic alveoli suddenly open on inspiration
Fine inspiratory crackles
No crackles
No abnormal breath sounds
Severe pneumothorax or effusion pushing against lung parenchyma
Other sounds
Amplification of patient voice through fluid-filled alveoli
Tactile fremitus (↑ vibrations felt by hand placed on chest wall when patient speaks) *Whispers also sound louder on auscultation
Fluid-filled alveoli only allow certain sound frequencies to be audible
Egophony (“E” sounds like “A” on auscultation)
Physical Exam Findings
Published October 9, 2022 on
Chest Exam Findings of Lung & Pleural Diseases
Note: Please see slides on pathogenesis of Transudative and Exudative Pleural Effusions, Primary and Tension Pneumothorax, Adult Pneumonia, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Heart Failure, and Kidney Disease
Authors: Sravya Kakumanu Reviewers: Ben Campbell, *Tara Lohmann, *Yan Yu * MD at time of publication
Interstitial Lung Disease
Rupture of visceral pleura
Build-up of air within pleural space
Pleural Effusion
↑ Hydrostatic pressure pushes fluid into pleural space
↑ Capillary permeability = fluid leaks into pleural space
↓ Oncotic pressure = fluid moves into pleural space
Bronchus obstructed
Scarring/infiltration of lung tissue
Surfactant dysfunction (ex. ARDS)
Loss of contact between visceral and parietal pleura
(ex. effusion, pneumothorax)
Parenchymal compression (ex. loculated effusion, mass)
↑ Hydrostatic
pushing fluid
into alveoli (ex. cardiogenic pulmonary edema)
↑ Capillary
allowing fluid
to move into
alveoli (ex. pneumonia)
Connective tissue diseases
Sarcoidosis, Amyloidosis
Chronic medical diseases
(ex. COPD, heart failure, kidney disease, etc)
Occupational or environmental exposures
(ex. silicosis, organic dusts, metals, gases, aerosols, etc)
Accumulation of fluid in pleural space
Collapse of alveoli
Accumulation of fluid within alveoli
Pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of alveoli bilaterally)
Breath Sounds
Lung unable to inflate fully Fluid in pleural space Collapsed lung unable to inflate Airspace filled with fluid and unable to fill with air dampens sound
↓ Breath sounds ipsilaterally
Scarred alveoli unable to expand to fill with air
↓ Breath sounds bilaterally (may not be noticeable)
Chest Rising on Inspiration
Chest cavity filled with air, but lung Lung unable to inflate fully Scarred alveoli unable to expand to fill with air unable to inflate fully
↑ Chest size, ↓ Rising ipsilaterally
↓ Chest rising ipsilaterally ↓ Chest rising bilaterally (may not be noticeable)
Sound resonates through air in pleural space
Ipsilateral hyperresonance on percussion
Sound unable to resonate through pleural fluid
Sound unable to resonate through compacted lung tissue
Ipsilateral dullness on percussion
Sound unable to resonate through fluid-filled alveoli
Diffuse scarring of alveoli
No notable changes on percussion
Tracheal Deviation
Air pushes trachea Fluid pushes trachea ↓ Pressure within chest wall pulls trachea No pushing or pulling of trachea
Contralateral tracheal deviation Ipsilateral tracheal deviation No tracheal deviation
Adventitious Lung Sounds
Alveoli not impacted (i.e. not collapsed or fluid-filled)
Sudden opening of collapsed alveoli filling with air
Fine inspiratory crackles
Air movement through fluid-filled alveoli
Coarse inspiratory crackles
Fluid-filled alveoli can’t dampen breath sounds from larger central airways
Bronchial breath sounds all over consolidated area (harsh, ↑ pitch with expiratory phase > inspiratory; only normal when heard centrally over trachea + bronchi)
Scarred inelastic alveoli suddenly open on inspiration
Fine inspiratory crackles
No crackles
No abnormal breath sounds
Severe pneumothorax or effusion pushing against lung parenchyma
Other sounds
Amplification of patient voice through fluid-filled alveoli
Tactile fremitus (↑ vibrations felt by hand placed on chest wall when patient speaks) *Whispers also sound louder on auscultation
Fluid-filled alveoli only allow certain sound frequencies to be audible
Egophony (“E” sounds like “A” on auscultation)
Physical Exam Findings
Published October 9, 2022 on](
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
![Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Pathogenesis and clinical findings Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a clinical syndrome involving acute lung injury. It results in severe hypoxemia and bilateral
Authors: David Olmstead Mao Ding Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Kevin Solverson* * MD at time of publication
↓ PaO2 (Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood ↓SpO2 (Peripheral oxygen saturation)
Tachypnea (↑ RR) Tachycardia (↑ HR)
Bilateral Opacity on chest radiograph
↓ PaO2, ↓SpO2
↑ PaCO 2
↑ PaO2, ↓PaCO2 Eupnea (normal
↓ O2 Requirements Depression, Anxiety, PTSD Neuromuscular Weakness
Chronic Respiratory Dysfunction
airspace disease in the absence of elevated left-heart pressures.
Direct Lung Injury
Causes include pneumonia and pulmonary sepsis (community- acquired, hospital-acquired, aspiration, viral), drowning, and chemical pneumonitis from aspiration or direct inhalational injury
Indirect Lung Injury
Causes include sepsis with a non-pulmonary source, trauma, severe burns, transfusion- related acute lung injury (TRALI) and pancreatitis
Lung Tissue Inflammation
Exudative: Neutrophils migrate into the alveoli in response to inflammatory stimulus
Note: While the three phases of ARDS take place in sequence, all areas of the lung may not be in the same phase at the same time. For this reason, the processes can be thought of as overlapping.
Proliferative: Body attempts to heal damage. If it is not successful, the tissue transitions to the fibrotic phase
Neutrophil-containing pulmonary exudate interferes with surfactant function
Neutrophil infiltration and proinflammatory cytokines lead to tissue edema, dysfunction and subsequent destruction of pulmonary epithelium
Residual debris in alveoli are cleared by phagocytic cells
Restoration of alveolar epithelial cells.
Alveoli collapse in absence of working surfactant
Damaged epithelium impairs gas exchange
Pulmonary capillaries do not adequately absorb fluid
The body’s attempts to heal lung tissue result in deposition of hyaline membranes in the alveoli
Ventilation- Perfusion Mismatch
Pulmonary Edema
Impaired Gas Diffusion
Functional epithelium is able to absorb fluid back into circulation
↑ useful surface area for gas exchange
Clearing of CXR
Impaired Function After Prolonged Illness
Pulmonary Hypertension
Fibrotic: Inadequate healing results in long-term pulmonary damage (rare)
Fibroblast activity leads to deposition of collagen in alveoli and alveolar capillaries
Fatigue Pulmonary Fibrosis
Nail Clubbing (nails appear wider & swollen) Cough/Dyspnea
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Feb 6, 2018, updated Oct 10, 2023 on
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Note: Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a clinical
Authors: David Olmstead Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Kevin Solverson* * MD at time of publication
Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Direct Lung Injury
Causes include pneumonia and pulmonary sepsis (community-acquired, hospital-acquired, aspiration, viral), drowning, and chemical pneumonitis from aspiration or direct inhalational injury
Indirect Lung Injury
syndrome involving acute lung injury. It results in severe hypoxemia and bilateral airspace disease in the absence of elevated left-heart pressures.
Causes include sepsis with a non-pulmonary source, trauma, severe burns, transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) and pancreatitis
Lung Tissue Inflammation
Exudative: Neutrophils migrate into the alveoli in response to inflammatory stimulus
Note: While the three phases of ARDS take place in sequence, all areas of the lung may not be in the same phase at the same time. For this reason, the processes can be thought of as overlapping.
Proliferative: Body attempts to heal damage. If it is not successful, the tissue transitions to the fibrotic phase
Neutrophil-containing pulmonary exudate interferes with surfactant function
Neutrophil infiltration and proinflammatory cytokines lead to tissue edema, dysfunction and subsequent destruction of pulmonary epithelium
PaO2: Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood
SpO2: Peripheral oxygen saturation.
CXR: Chest radiograph.
Residual debris in alveoli are cleared by phagocytic cells
Restoration of alveolar epithelial cells.
Alveoli collapse in absence of working surfactant
Damaged epithelium impairs gas exchange
Pulmonary capillaries do not adequately absorb fluid
The body’s attempts to heal lung tissue result in
deposition of hyaline membranes in the alveoli
Ventilation- Perfusion Mismatch
Pulmonary Edema
Impaired Gas Diffusion
↓ PaO2, ↓SpO2 Tachypnea
Bilateral Opacity on CXR
↓ PaO , ↓SpO 2 2
↑ PaCO2
↑ PaO2, ↓PaCO2 Eupnea
↓ O2 Requirements
Clearing of CXR
Depression, Anxiety, PTSD
Neuromuscular Weakness
Chronic Respiratory Dysfunction
↑ useful surface area for gas exchange
Functional epithelium is able to absorb fluid back into circulation
Impaired Function After Prolonged Illness
Fibrotic: Inadequate healing results in long-term pulmonary damage (rare)
Fibroblast activity leads to deposition of collagen in alveoli and alveolar capillaries
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pulmonary Hypertension
Cough/Dyspnea Nail Clubbing Fatigue
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published February 06, 2018 on
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Pathogenesis and clinical findings Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a clinical syndrome involving acute lung injury. It results in severe hypoxemia and bilateral
Authors: David Olmstead Mao Ding Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Kevin Solverson* * MD at time of publication
↓ PaO2 (Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood ↓SpO2 (Peripheral oxygen saturation)
Tachypnea (↑ RR) Tachycardia (↑ HR)
Bilateral Opacity on chest radiograph
↓ PaO2, ↓SpO2
↑ PaCO 2
↑ PaO2, ↓PaCO2 Eupnea (normal
↓ O2 Requirements Depression, Anxiety, PTSD Neuromuscular Weakness
Chronic Respiratory Dysfunction
airspace disease in the absence of elevated left-heart pressures.
Direct Lung Injury
Causes include pneumonia and pulmonary sepsis (community- acquired, hospital-acquired, aspiration, viral), drowning, and chemical pneumonitis from aspiration or direct inhalational injury
Indirect Lung Injury
Causes include sepsis with a non-pulmonary source, trauma, severe burns, transfusion- related acute lung injury (TRALI) and pancreatitis
Lung Tissue Inflammation
Exudative: Neutrophils migrate into the alveoli in response to inflammatory stimulus
Note: While the three phases of ARDS take place in sequence, all areas of the lung may not be in the same phase at the same time. For this reason, the processes can be thought of as overlapping.
Proliferative: Body attempts to heal damage. If it is not successful, the tissue transitions to the fibrotic phase
Neutrophil-containing pulmonary exudate interferes with surfactant function
Neutrophil infiltration and proinflammatory cytokines lead to tissue edema, dysfunction and subsequent destruction of pulmonary epithelium
Residual debris in alveoli are cleared by phagocytic cells
Restoration of alveolar epithelial cells.
Alveoli collapse in absence of working surfactant
Damaged epithelium impairs gas exchange
Pulmonary capillaries do not adequately absorb fluid
The body’s attempts to heal lung tissue result in deposition of hyaline membranes in the alveoli
Ventilation- Perfusion Mismatch
Pulmonary Edema
Impaired Gas Diffusion
Functional epithelium is able to absorb fluid back into circulation
↑ useful surface area for gas exchange
Clearing of CXR
Impaired Function After Prolonged Illness
Pulmonary Hypertension
Fibrotic: Inadequate healing results in long-term pulmonary damage (rare)
Fibroblast activity leads to deposition of collagen in alveoli and alveolar capillaries
Fatigue Pulmonary Fibrosis
Nail Clubbing (nails appear wider & swollen) Cough/Dyspnea
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Feb 6, 2018, updated Oct 10, 2023 on
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Note: Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a clinical
Authors: David Olmstead Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Kevin Solverson* * MD at time of publication
Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Direct Lung Injury
Causes include pneumonia and pulmonary sepsis (community-acquired, hospital-acquired, aspiration, viral), drowning, and chemical pneumonitis from aspiration or direct inhalational injury
Indirect Lung Injury
syndrome involving acute lung injury. It results in severe hypoxemia and bilateral airspace disease in the absence of elevated left-heart pressures.
Causes include sepsis with a non-pulmonary source, trauma, severe burns, transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) and pancreatitis
Lung Tissue Inflammation
Exudative: Neutrophils migrate into the alveoli in response to inflammatory stimulus
Note: While the three phases of ARDS take place in sequence, all areas of the lung may not be in the same phase at the same time. For this reason, the processes can be thought of as overlapping.
Proliferative: Body attempts to heal damage. If it is not successful, the tissue transitions to the fibrotic phase
Neutrophil-containing pulmonary exudate interferes with surfactant function
Neutrophil infiltration and proinflammatory cytokines lead to tissue edema, dysfunction and subsequent destruction of pulmonary epithelium
PaO2: Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood
SpO2: Peripheral oxygen saturation.
CXR: Chest radiograph.
Residual debris in alveoli are cleared by phagocytic cells
Restoration of alveolar epithelial cells.
Alveoli collapse in absence of working surfactant
Damaged epithelium impairs gas exchange
Pulmonary capillaries do not adequately absorb fluid
The body’s attempts to heal lung tissue result in
deposition of hyaline membranes in the alveoli
Ventilation- Perfusion Mismatch
Pulmonary Edema
Impaired Gas Diffusion
↓ PaO2, ↓SpO2 Tachypnea
Bilateral Opacity on CXR
↓ PaO , ↓SpO 2 2
↑ PaCO2
↑ PaO2, ↓PaCO2 Eupnea
↓ O2 Requirements
Clearing of CXR
Depression, Anxiety, PTSD
Neuromuscular Weakness
Chronic Respiratory Dysfunction
↑ useful surface area for gas exchange
Functional epithelium is able to absorb fluid back into circulation
Impaired Function After Prolonged Illness
Fibrotic: Inadequate healing results in long-term pulmonary damage (rare)
Fibroblast activity leads to deposition of collagen in alveoli and alveolar capillaries
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pulmonary Hypertension
Cough/Dyspnea Nail Clubbing Fatigue
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published February 06, 2018 on](
Complication of MI - Acute Mitral Regurgitation
![Complication of MI: Acute mitral regurgitation
Authors: Victória Silva Reviewers: Juliette Hall, Raafi Ali *Angela Kealey * MD at time of publication
Indicates rapid overfilling of ventricle
S1 S2 S3
Calcified plaque formation (atherosclerosis**) commonly in the posterior descending artery
Plaque ruptures
Exposed plaque contentsàPlatelet adhesion and aggregation
Artery becomes partially or completely occluded
Mitral Regurgitation**
(Back flow of blood from left ventricle to left atrium during systole)
↑ Left atrial pressure
Blood from left atrium backs up into pulmonary venous system
↑ Pulmonary venous pressure
↑ Hydrostatic pressure in alveolar capillaries
↑ Fluid leak from alveolar capillaries to interstitium (pulmonary edema**)
↓ Gas exchange
Attempt at
physiologic compensation à ↑ Respiratory rate
Holosystolic murmur
Heard loudest over the mitral valve (5th intercostal space, mid-clavicular line), with radiation to the axilla
↑ Volume of blood to left ventricle during diastole
↓ Blood supply to the portion of the ventricle that supports the papillary muscle à↓ Muscle movement
Left ventricle dysfunction
↓ Blood supply to the posterior medial papillary muscle
Cell death (myocardial infarction)
Papillary muscle ischemia (muscle is intact but cannot contract)
↑ Blood in right atriumà↑ Blood in superior vena cava
↑ Blood in internal jugular vein
↑ Jugular venous pressure (JVP)
Redistribution of interstitial fluid when lying flat (reduced effect of gravity)
↓ Forward blood flow from left ventricle to aorta
↓ Stroke volume (SV)
↓ Cardiac output (CO) CO = SV x HR (heart rate)
Sympathetic nervous system attempts to physiologically compensate
↑ Heart rate
↓ Blood pressure (BP) because BP = CO X SVR (systemic vascular resistance)
Cardiogenic shock**
Papillary muscle rupture
Papillary muscle unable to provide adequate tension on mitral valve
Mitral valve unable to stay closed during systole
Difficulty breathing
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
**See corresponding Calgary Guide slides for more details
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 25, 2023 on
Complication of MI: Acute mitral regurgitation
Authors: Victória Silva Reviewers: Juliette Hall, Raafi Ali *Angela Kealey * MD at time of publication
Indicates rapid overfilling of ventricle
S1 S2 S3
Calcified plaque formation (atherosclerosis**) commonly in the posterior descending artery
Plaque ruptures
Exposed plaque contentsàPlatelet adhesion and aggregation
Artery becomes partially or completely occluded
Mitral Regurgitation**
(Back flow of blood from left ventricle to left atrium during systole)
↑ Left atrial pressure
Blood from left atrium backs up into pulmonary venous system
↑ Pulmonary venous pressure
↑ Hydrostatic pressure in alveolar capillaries
↑ Fluid leak from alveolar capillaries to interstitium (pulmonary edema**)
↓ Gas exchange
Attempt at
physiologic compensation à ↑ Respiratory rate
Holosystolic murmur
Heard loudest over the mitral valve (5th intercostal space, mid-clavicular line), with radiation to the axilla
↑ Volume of blood to left ventricle during diastole
↓ Blood supply to the portion of the ventricle that supports the papillary muscle à↓ Muscle movement
Left ventricle dysfunction
↓ Blood supply to the posterior medial papillary muscle
Cell death (myocardial infarction)
Papillary muscle ischemia (muscle is intact but cannot contract)
↑ Blood in right atriumà↑ Blood in superior vena cava
↑ Blood in internal jugular vein
↑ Jugular venous pressure (JVP)
Redistribution of interstitial fluid when lying flat (reduced effect of gravity)
↓ Forward blood flow from left ventricle to aorta
↓ Stroke volume (SV)
↓ Cardiac output (CO) CO = SV x HR (heart rate)
Sympathetic nervous system attempts to physiologically compensate
↑ Heart rate
↓ Blood pressure (BP) because BP = CO X SVR (systemic vascular resistance)
Cardiogenic shock**
Papillary muscle rupture
Papillary muscle unable to provide adequate tension on mitral valve
Mitral valve unable to stay closed during systole
Difficulty breathing
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
**See corresponding Calgary Guide slides for more details
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 25, 2023 on](
Atrial Septal Defect Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
![Atrial Septal Defect (ASD):
Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Genetic syndromes (e.g., Holt- Oram, Noonan, and Down)
Gene mutations (e.g., TBX5, GATA4, and NKX2-5)
Authors: Ryan Wilkie George Tadros Reviewers: Julena Foglia Haotian Wang Shahab Marzoughi Tim Prieur* * MD at time of publication
Abnormal formation of the septum of the atria
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
An abnormal connection between the left and right atria of the heart
Following birth, lungs fill with air and resistance to blood flow in the lung vasculature ↓ Pressure within the right ventricle and right atrium ↓
Left atrial pressure exceeds right atrial pressure
Blood passes from left to right through the ASD (left-to-right shunt)
↑ Blood flow through the right heart
↑ Blood flow through
tricuspid valve
Mid-diastolic murmur
Right-sided heart dilation (enlargement of the right ventricle)
Enlarged ventricle cannot pump blood effectively
Congestive Heart Failure
↑ Blood flow through pulmonary valve and pulmonary vasculature
Right ventricular heave (visible or palpable chest wall impulse around sternum)
↑ Right atrial wall stress
Inspiration produces no net pressure change between communicating atria
Delayed closure of pulmonary valve (relative to aortic valve)
Morphologic changes in pulmonary vasculature from long standing exposure to high blood flow
Pulmonary vascular resistanceáover time, may surpass systemic vascular resistance
**Pulmonary Hypertension**
Mid-systolic ejection murmur
Heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet demand during activity (including feeding)
↑ Backup of blood in lungs
↑ Hydrostatic pressure in lung vasculature
Pulmonary edema
Damage to normal conduction of electrical signal from the atria to the ventricles
ECG Changes: Prolonged PR and QRS intervals, right bundle branch block, right axis deviation
Fixed split S2 (two distinct sounds are heard as part of S2)
Reduced exercise capacity
↓ Eating
Failure to thrive
Atrial arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation or flutter)
Irregular beats are felt in the chest wall
↓ Ability to clear foreign particles from interstitium due to presence of extra fluid
Respiratory tract infections
** See Relevant Calgary Guide Slide **
Pulmonary Hypertension: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Nov 1, 2014; updated Mar 21, 2024 on
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD):
Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Genetic syndromes (e.g., Holt- Oram, Noonan, and Down)
Gene mutations (e.g., TBX5, GATA4, and NKX2-5)
Authors: Ryan Wilkie George Tadros Reviewers: Julena Foglia Haotian Wang Shahab Marzoughi Tim Prieur* * MD at time of publication
Abnormal formation of the septum of the atria
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
An abnormal connection between the left and right atria of the heart
Following birth, lungs fill with air and resistance to blood flow in the lung vasculature ↓ Pressure within the right ventricle and right atrium ↓
Left atrial pressure exceeds right atrial pressure
Blood passes from left to right through the ASD (left-to-right shunt)
↑ Blood flow through the right heart
↑ Blood flow through
tricuspid valve
Mid-diastolic murmur
Right-sided heart dilation (enlargement of the right ventricle)
Enlarged ventricle cannot pump blood effectively
Congestive Heart Failure
↑ Blood flow through pulmonary valve and pulmonary vasculature
Right ventricular heave (visible or palpable chest wall impulse around sternum)
↑ Right atrial wall stress
Inspiration produces no net pressure change between communicating atria
Delayed closure of pulmonary valve (relative to aortic valve)
Morphologic changes in pulmonary vasculature from long standing exposure to high blood flow
Pulmonary vascular resistanceáover time, may surpass systemic vascular resistance
**Pulmonary Hypertension**
Mid-systolic ejection murmur
Heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet demand during activity (including feeding)
↑ Backup of blood in lungs
↑ Hydrostatic pressure in lung vasculature
Pulmonary edema
Damage to normal conduction of electrical signal from the atria to the ventricles
ECG Changes: Prolonged PR and QRS intervals, right bundle branch block, right axis deviation
Fixed split S2 (two distinct sounds are heard as part of S2)
Reduced exercise capacity
↓ Eating
Failure to thrive
Atrial arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation or flutter)
Irregular beats are felt in the chest wall
↓ Ability to clear foreign particles from interstitium due to presence of extra fluid
Respiratory tract infections
** See Relevant Calgary Guide Slide **
Pulmonary Hypertension: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Nov 1, 2014; updated Mar 21, 2024 on](
Sickle Cell Disease Pathogenesis Clinical Findings and Complications
![Sickle Cell Disease: Pathogenesis, Clinical Findings, and Complications
DNA point mutation in chromosome 11 causes a substitution of glutamate to valine for the sixth amino acid of the β-globin chain
Authors: Yang (Steven) Liu Priyanka Grewal Reviewers: Alexander Arnold Luiza Radu JoyAnne Krupa Yan Yu* Lynn Savoie* * MD at time of publication
Hemoglobin S (HbS) variant formed instead of normal Hemoglobin A (HbA)
Hb electrophoresis shows approximately 45% HbS, 52% HbA (ααββ), 2% HbA
Hb electrophoresis shows approximately 90% HbS, 8% HbF, & 2% HbA .
No HbA present
(ααδδ), & 1% HbF (ααγγ;2 fetal hemoglobin)
Heterozygous: point mutation in one of the two chromosomes (Hb AS)
Sickle cell trait
(asymptomatic unless severely hypoxic)
Homozygous: point mutation in both chromosomes (Hb SS)
Sickle cell disease
An inherited blood disorder characterized by defective hemoglobin that leads to red blood cells sickling
Dehydration Hypoxemia
↓ Volume of RBC cytoplasm
↓ O2 Saturation of Hb
O morereadily 2
released from Hb in low pH environment
↑ Concentration of deoxygenated HbSinred blood cells (RBCs)
Hydrophilic glutamate→ hydrophobic valine substitution makes HbS less soluble in the cytoplasm & more prone to polymerization & precipitation in its deoxygenated state
↑ Concentration of deoxygenated Hb in RBC leads to ↑ polymerization rate Polymerized & precipitated HbS forms long needle-like fibers
RBC shape becomes sickled
Sickle cells on peripheral blood smear
(sickled RBCs lodge in small vessels, blocking bloodflow to organs & tissues)
Blockage of venous outflow
Occlusion of vessels in lungs ↑ pulmonary blood pressure
Fluid extravasates into interstitial tissue leading to pulmonary edema
Acute chest syndrome (chest pain, hypoxemia (↓blood oxygen), etc.)**
to the penis:
to the spleen:
Priapism (persistent, painful erection)
Splenic Sequestration (blood pools in spleenà splenomegaly & hypotension)
Extravascular hemolysis (macrophages in the spleen phagocytose sickled RBCs)
Normocytic anemia
↑Marrow erythropoiesis (RBC production) to compensate for hemolysis
Infarction of bone
Pain crises
If occurring in hands
Dactylitis (inflammation of digits)
Blockage of arteries ↓ oxygenation of organs & tissues
Vaso-occlusion of the splenic artery
Splenic infarction (↓ blood supply leads to tissue death)
RBC inclusions (structures found in RBCs) not removed by spleen
Howell-Jolly bodies (RBC DNA remnants) on blood smear
Vaso-occlusion of other arteries (cranial, renal, etc)
Stroke, renal failure
↑ RBC breakdown
↑ Unconjugated bilirubin released from RBC breakdown
RBC precursors (reticulocytes) are released into the blood stream
Reticulocytosis (increased number of immature red blood cells) on peripheral blood smear
Patient’s RBC level becomes dependent on increased marrow activity
Bone marrow infarction or viral infections (i.e. Parvovirus B19) suppresses bone marrow activity
Aplastic crises (profound anemia)
** See corresponding Calgary Guide slide(s)
↑ Serum level of unconjugated bilirubin
Some of the circulating unconjugated bilirubin deposits in the skin
Jaundice (yellowing of skin)
↑ Conjugation of bilirubin in liver
↑Amounts of conjugated bilirubin released into bile
Gallstone formation
Cholelithiasis (presence of gallstones in the gallbladder)
Spleen releases invasive encapsulated bacteria (eg. Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis) into circulation, which causes infections
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Sept 16, 2013, updated Apr 29, 2024 on
Sickle Cell Disease: Pathogenesis, Clinical Findings, and Complications
DNA point mutation in chromosome 11 causes a substitution of glutamate to valine for the sixth amino acid of the β-globin chain
Authors: Yang (Steven) Liu Priyanka Grewal Reviewers: Alexander Arnold Luiza Radu JoyAnne Krupa Yan Yu* Lynn Savoie* * MD at time of publication
Hemoglobin S (HbS) variant formed instead of normal Hemoglobin A (HbA)
Hb electrophoresis shows approximately 45% HbS, 52% HbA (ααββ), 2% HbA
Hb electrophoresis shows approximately 90% HbS, 8% HbF, & 2% HbA .
No HbA present
(ααδδ), & 1% HbF (ααγγ;2 fetal hemoglobin)
Heterozygous: point mutation in one of the two chromosomes (Hb AS)
Sickle cell trait
(asymptomatic unless severely hypoxic)
Homozygous: point mutation in both chromosomes (Hb SS)
Sickle cell disease
An inherited blood disorder characterized by defective hemoglobin that leads to red blood cells sickling
Dehydration Hypoxemia
↓ Volume of RBC cytoplasm
↓ O2 Saturation of Hb
O morereadily 2
released from Hb in low pH environment
↑ Concentration of deoxygenated HbSinred blood cells (RBCs)
Hydrophilic glutamate→ hydrophobic valine substitution makes HbS less soluble in the cytoplasm & more prone to polymerization & precipitation in its deoxygenated state
↑ Concentration of deoxygenated Hb in RBC leads to ↑ polymerization rate Polymerized & precipitated HbS forms long needle-like fibers
RBC shape becomes sickled
Sickle cells on peripheral blood smear
(sickled RBCs lodge in small vessels, blocking bloodflow to organs & tissues)
Blockage of venous outflow
Occlusion of vessels in lungs ↑ pulmonary blood pressure
Fluid extravasates into interstitial tissue leading to pulmonary edema
Acute chest syndrome (chest pain, hypoxemia (↓blood oxygen), etc.)**
to the penis:
to the spleen:
Priapism (persistent, painful erection)
Splenic Sequestration (blood pools in spleenà splenomegaly & hypotension)
Extravascular hemolysis (macrophages in the spleen phagocytose sickled RBCs)
Normocytic anemia
↑Marrow erythropoiesis (RBC production) to compensate for hemolysis
Infarction of bone
Pain crises
If occurring in hands
Dactylitis (inflammation of digits)
Blockage of arteries ↓ oxygenation of organs & tissues
Vaso-occlusion of the splenic artery
Splenic infarction (↓ blood supply leads to tissue death)
RBC inclusions (structures found in RBCs) not removed by spleen
Howell-Jolly bodies (RBC DNA remnants) on blood smear
Vaso-occlusion of other arteries (cranial, renal, etc)
Stroke, renal failure
↑ RBC breakdown
↑ Unconjugated bilirubin released from RBC breakdown
RBC precursors (reticulocytes) are released into the blood stream
Reticulocytosis (increased number of immature red blood cells) on peripheral blood smear
Patient’s RBC level becomes dependent on increased marrow activity
Bone marrow infarction or viral infections (i.e. Parvovirus B19) suppresses bone marrow activity
Aplastic crises (profound anemia)
** See corresponding Calgary Guide slide(s)
↑ Serum level of unconjugated bilirubin
Some of the circulating unconjugated bilirubin deposits in the skin
Jaundice (yellowing of skin)
↑ Conjugation of bilirubin in liver
↑Amounts of conjugated bilirubin released into bile
Gallstone formation
Cholelithiasis (presence of gallstones in the gallbladder)
Spleen releases invasive encapsulated bacteria (eg. Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis) into circulation, which causes infections
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Sept 16, 2013, updated Apr 29, 2024 on](
Pediatric Pneumonia Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
![Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Jasmine Nguyen Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Annie Pham Eric Leung* Jean Mah* * MD at time of publication
Immunological: unvaccinated, primary immunocompromise, pre-existing illness (e.g. HIV, measles), malnutrition
Environmental: smoke, air pollution, mold, crowded housing
Recent hospitalization or antibiotic-use
Physiological: neonates, low-birth weight, underlying lung disease
These factors make the host more susceptible to infection
Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to infection/proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
Exposure to pathogen via inhalation, hematogenous, direct exposure, or aspiration
Epithelial cells in respiratory tract release cytokines that recruit neutrophils & plasma proteins to infection site, initiating a local inflammatory response
Cytokines released into the bloodstream (e.g. TNF, IL-1) initiate a systemic inflammatory response
↑ Vascular permeability
Accumulation of exudate, cellular debris, serous fluid, fibrin, or bacteria in the airway spaces
↑ Respiratory drive
↑ Excitability of the peripheral somatosensory system
Circulating cytokines induce prostaglandin synthesis
Airway irritation as cilia are unable to efficiently clear fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid, protein, or inflammatory cells leak into pleural space
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary edema
Fluid buildup in interstitial spaces ↑ gas diffusion distance
Bacteria enter the bloodstream (if bacterial pneumonia)
Fluid buildup in the alveoli ↓ available surface area for gas diffusion
↓ Efficiency of gas exchange
Intra- and extracranial arteries dilate
↑ Thermo-regulatory set-point of the hypothalamus
Fluid accumulation in the pleural space prevents full lung expansion
↑ Work of breathing (tracheal tug, paradoxical abdominal breathing, subcostal/suprasternal indrawing)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published May 28, 2018; updated Aug 25, 2024 on
Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Jasmine Nguyen Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Annie Pham Eric Leung* * MD at time of publication
Immunological: unvaccinated, primary immunocompromise, pre-existing illness (e.g. HIV, measles), malnutrition
Environmental: smoke, air pollution, mold, crowded housing
Recent Hospitalization: length of stay, recent antibiotics, mechanical ventilation
Physiological: neonates, low-birth weight, underlying lung disease (ciliary dysfunction, asthma, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis)
Host is more susceptible to infection
Exposure to pathogen:
inhalation, hematogenous, direct, aspiration
Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to infection/proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
• Additional findings in pediatric pneumonia may include increased
irritability, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea,
otitis, and headache
• Viral pathogens most common in
children <2yrs; bacterial pathogens most common in children >2yrs
Local inflammatory response: epithelial cells release cytokines in response to infection, which recruit neutrophils and plasma proteins to site of infection
↑ Vascular permeability causes accumulation of plasma exudate, cellular debris, serous fluid, fibrin, or bacteria in the airway spaces
Systemic inflammatory response:
Cytokine release (eg. TNF, IL-1)
↑ respiratory drive
Airway irritation as cilia are unable to efficiently clear fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid, protein, or inflammatory
cells leak into pleural space
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary edema
Fluid buildup in interstitial spaces increases gas diffusion distance
Fluid buildup in the alveoli decreases
available surface area for gas diffusion
↓ efficiency of gas exchange
Bacteria invade into the bloodstream (if bacterial pneumonia)
Circulating cytokines induce prostaglandin synthesis, which raise the thermoregulatory set-point of the hypothalamus
paradoxical abdominal breathing, subcostal/suprasternal indrawing)
Fluid accumulation in the pleural space prevents full
lung expansion, resulting in ↓ lung volumes
↑ Work of breathing (tracheal tug,
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Month Day, Year on
Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Immunological: immunization status, immune compromise
Environmental: second-hand smoke, air pollution
Hospitalization: length of stay, recent antibiotics, mechanical ventilation
Neonates, immunocompromise, underlying lung disease (ciliary dysfunction, Cystic Fibrosis, bronchiectasis)
Authors: Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Eric Leung* * MD at time of publication
Additional findings in pediatric pneumonia may include nausea, otitis, headache
Viral pathogens most common in children <2yrs; bacterial pathogens most common in children >2yrs
Interstitial pattern: suspect Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Influenza A + B, Parainfluenza Lobar pattern: suspect S. pneumonia, H. influenzae, Moraxella, S. aureus
Systemic inflammatory response:
Cytokine release (eg. TNF, IL-1)
Exposure to pathogen: inhalation, hematogenous, direct, aspiration
Susceptible host and/or virulent pathogen
Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
• •
• •
Local inflammatory response: neutrophils recruited to site of infection (LOBAR or INTERSTITIAL PATTERN, depending on pathogen) by epithelial cytokine release
Irritation of contiguous structures and/or referred pain (mechanism unclear)
Acute abdominal pain
Accumulation of plasma exudate (from capillary leakage at sites of inflammation), cell-debris, serous fluid, bacteria, fibrin
↑ respiratory drive
Disruption of hypothalamic thermoregulation
Irritation of airways and failure of ciliary clearance to keep up with fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid buildup in spaces between
Interstitial opacity on CXR
Fluid buildup in alveoli (LOBAR PATTERN)
↓ efficiency of gas exchange (↑ diffusion distance in INTERSTITIAL, ↓ surface area in LOBAR)
Lobar consolidation on CXR
Respiratory accessory muscle use (chest indrawing, paradoxical breathing, muscle retractions)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published May 28, 2018 on
Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Jasmine Nguyen Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Annie Pham Eric Leung* Jean Mah* * MD at time of publication
Immunological: unvaccinated, primary immunocompromise, pre-existing illness (e.g. HIV, measles), malnutrition
Environmental: smoke, air pollution, mold, crowded housing
Recent hospitalization or antibiotic-use
Physiological: neonates, low-birth weight, underlying lung disease
These factors make the host more susceptible to infection
Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to infection/proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
Exposure to pathogen via inhalation, hematogenous, direct exposure, or aspiration
Epithelial cells in respiratory tract release cytokines that recruit neutrophils & plasma proteins to infection site, initiating a local inflammatory response
Cytokines released into the bloodstream (e.g. TNF, IL-1) initiate a systemic inflammatory response
↑ Vascular permeability
Accumulation of exudate, cellular debris, serous fluid, fibrin, or bacteria in the airway spaces
↑ Respiratory drive
↑ Excitability of the peripheral somatosensory system
Circulating cytokines induce prostaglandin synthesis
Airway irritation as cilia are unable to efficiently clear fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid, protein, or inflammatory cells leak into pleural space
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary edema
Fluid buildup in interstitial spaces ↑ gas diffusion distance
Bacteria enter the bloodstream (if bacterial pneumonia)
Fluid buildup in the alveoli ↓ available surface area for gas diffusion
↓ Efficiency of gas exchange
Intra- and extracranial arteries dilate
↑ Thermo-regulatory set-point of the hypothalamus
Fluid accumulation in the pleural space prevents full lung expansion
↑ Work of breathing (tracheal tug, paradoxical abdominal breathing, subcostal/suprasternal indrawing)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published May 28, 2018; updated Aug 25, 2024 on
Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Jasmine Nguyen Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Annie Pham Eric Leung* * MD at time of publication
Immunological: unvaccinated, primary immunocompromise, pre-existing illness (e.g. HIV, measles), malnutrition
Environmental: smoke, air pollution, mold, crowded housing
Recent Hospitalization: length of stay, recent antibiotics, mechanical ventilation
Physiological: neonates, low-birth weight, underlying lung disease (ciliary dysfunction, asthma, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis)
Host is more susceptible to infection
Exposure to pathogen:
inhalation, hematogenous, direct, aspiration
Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to infection/proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
• Additional findings in pediatric pneumonia may include increased
irritability, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea,
otitis, and headache
• Viral pathogens most common in
children <2yrs; bacterial pathogens most common in children >2yrs
Local inflammatory response: epithelial cells release cytokines in response to infection, which recruit neutrophils and plasma proteins to site of infection
↑ Vascular permeability causes accumulation of plasma exudate, cellular debris, serous fluid, fibrin, or bacteria in the airway spaces
Systemic inflammatory response:
Cytokine release (eg. TNF, IL-1)
↑ respiratory drive
Airway irritation as cilia are unable to efficiently clear fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid, protein, or inflammatory
cells leak into pleural space
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary edema
Fluid buildup in interstitial spaces increases gas diffusion distance
Fluid buildup in the alveoli decreases
available surface area for gas diffusion
↓ efficiency of gas exchange
Bacteria invade into the bloodstream (if bacterial pneumonia)
Circulating cytokines induce prostaglandin synthesis, which raise the thermoregulatory set-point of the hypothalamus
paradoxical abdominal breathing, subcostal/suprasternal indrawing)
Fluid accumulation in the pleural space prevents full
lung expansion, resulting in ↓ lung volumes
↑ Work of breathing (tracheal tug,
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Month Day, Year on
Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Immunological: immunization status, immune compromise
Environmental: second-hand smoke, air pollution
Hospitalization: length of stay, recent antibiotics, mechanical ventilation
Neonates, immunocompromise, underlying lung disease (ciliary dysfunction, Cystic Fibrosis, bronchiectasis)
Authors: Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Eric Leung* * MD at time of publication
Additional findings in pediatric pneumonia may include nausea, otitis, headache
Viral pathogens most common in children <2yrs; bacterial pathogens most common in children >2yrs
Interstitial pattern: suspect Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Influenza A + B, Parainfluenza Lobar pattern: suspect S. pneumonia, H. influenzae, Moraxella, S. aureus
Systemic inflammatory response:
Cytokine release (eg. TNF, IL-1)
Exposure to pathogen: inhalation, hematogenous, direct, aspiration
Susceptible host and/or virulent pathogen
Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
• •
• •
Local inflammatory response: neutrophils recruited to site of infection (LOBAR or INTERSTITIAL PATTERN, depending on pathogen) by epithelial cytokine release
Irritation of contiguous structures and/or referred pain (mechanism unclear)
Acute abdominal pain
Accumulation of plasma exudate (from capillary leakage at sites of inflammation), cell-debris, serous fluid, bacteria, fibrin
↑ respiratory drive
Disruption of hypothalamic thermoregulation
Irritation of airways and failure of ciliary clearance to keep up with fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid buildup in spaces between
Interstitial opacity on CXR
Fluid buildup in alveoli (LOBAR PATTERN)
↓ efficiency of gas exchange (↑ diffusion distance in INTERSTITIAL, ↓ surface area in LOBAR)
Lobar consolidation on CXR
Respiratory accessory muscle use (chest indrawing, paradoxical breathing, muscle retractions)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published May 28, 2018 on