Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State

Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State (HHS)
Note: HHS is only seen in Type II DM patients!
Note: In patients with either DKA or HHS, always look for an underlying cause (i.e. an infection)
Author: Yan Yu Reviewers:
Peter Vetere
Gill Goobie
Hanan Bassyouni* * MD at time of publication
Alters total body water & ion osmosis
Inadequate insulin production, insulin resistance, non- adherence to insulin Tx
Relative Insulin deficit
Stresses that ↑ Insulin demand: infections, pneumonia, MI, pancreatitis, etc)
(Very high blood [glucose], higher than in DKA)
When blood [glucose] > 12mmol/L, glucose filtration > reabsorption, ↑ urine [glucose]
Glucose in filtrate promotes osmotic diuresis: large- volume urine output
(↓ JVP, orthostasis: postural hypotension/ postural tachycardia, ↑ resting HR)
Some insulin still present, but not enoughsome glucose is utilized by muscle/fat cells, some remain in the blood
       Cells not “starved”, but still need more energy
↑ release of Catabolic hormones: Glucagon, Epinephrine, Cortisol, GH
Body tries to ↑ blood [glucose], to hopefully ↑ cell glucose absorption
Hypothalamic cells sense low intra-cellular glucose, triggering feelings of hunger
Note: the presence of some insulin directly inhibits lipolysis; thus, in HHS there is no ketone body production, and no subsequent metabolic acidosis and ketouria (unlike in DKA). If ketones are detected in an HHS patient it’s likely secondary to starvation or other mechanisms.
↓ ECF volume, ↑ ECF osmolarity (i.e. hypernatremia)
                      ↑ Gluconeogenesis ↑ Glycogenolysis (in liver)
↓ Protein synthesis, ↑ proteolysis
(in muscle)
      ↑ Gluconeogenic substrates for liver If the patient doesn’t drink enough
water to replenish lost blood volume If pt is alert and
                  Electrolyte imbalance
water is accessible
Water osmotically leaves neurons, shrinking them
Neural damage: delirium, lethargy, seizure, stupor, coma
↓ renal perfusion, ↓ GFR
Renal Failure
(pre-renal cause; see relevant slides)
   Polydipsia Note: in HHS, body K+ is lost via osmotic diuresis. But diffusion of K+ out of cells
     may cause serum [K+] to be falsely normal/elevated. To prevent hypokalemia, give IV KCl along with IV insulin as soon as serum K+ <5.0mmol/L. But ensure patient has good renal function/urine output first, to avoid iatrogenic hyperkalemia!
Note: Electrolyte imbalances (i.e. hyperkalemia, hypernatremia) are worsened by the acute renal failure commonly coexisting with DKA/HHS
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 3, 2016 on

Lung cancer clinical findings and paraneoplastic syndromes

Lung cancer: clinical findings and paraneoplastic syndromes 
Note: most presentations of lung cancer are very subtle with non-specific symptoms and signs (i.e. fever, weight loss, general malaise) 
Obstruction of proximal airway 
Inability to clear inhaled pathogens Postobstructive pneumonia 
Cough, fever, dyspnea  
Local tumor growth 
Spread of tumor to pleural surface 
Chest Pleural  discomfort effusion 
• Obstruction or compression at local site 

Uncontrolled abnormal cell growth in one or both lungs 4 Lung Cancer 
Airway invasion 
Lambert-Eaton  syndrome  (Production of auto-antibodies against Calcium channels) 
Muscle  weakness 
I` effort to Compression at the Compression Superior vena ventilate the laryngeal nerve of brachial cava lungs nerve plexus compression Impaired innervation to the vocal cords Dyspnea Shortness of Arm/shoulder/ Face/arm breath Voice hoarseness neck pain edema 
Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism 
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding 
Authors: Yoyo Chan Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Leila Barss* * MD at time of publication 
Tumor secretes biologically active substances 
Paraneoplastic Syndromes 4 Associated symptoms with malignant diseases 

TGF131 extracellular matrix protein 
Fingers  clubbing 
PTHrP T calcium release from bones 
Hypercalcemia Serum calcium >2.6 mmol/L 
ADH 1 SIADH  T water reabsorption 1 
Hyponatremia Serum sodium <135mEq/L 
Abbreviations: • ACTH: Adrenocorticotropic hormone • ADH: Anti-diuretic hormone • PTHrP: Parathyroid hormone-related protein • SIADH: Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone production • TGFI31: Transforming growth factor beta 1 
1` ACTH 
cortisol release and production 
Cushing's  syndrome  (symptoms and signs caused by prolonged cortisol exposure) 
Muscle  weakness,  hyperglycemia, severe  hypokalemia

Orbital Cellulitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Orbital Cellulitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Amanda Marchak Reviewers: Jaimie Bird Dr. Rupesh Chawla* * MD at time of publication
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes
Orbital cellulitis is an extremely serious infection. If not caught and treated early, it can lead to death. CT should be performed if suspected.
Involves the orbit
Panopthalmitisb Endopthalmitisc Blindness
 Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Haemophilus influenza
Local infection or break in skin
      Eye surgery or trauma
Direct inoculation
Sinusitis (more common)       Periorbital cellulitis1,2
       Hematogenous spread
Contiguous spread of infection
  Pathogens reach orbital tissue (posterior to the orbital septum)
        Spreads to periorbital tissue (anterior to the orbital septum)
Localized inflammation
Conjunctival chemosisa
Eyelid and periorbital edema
Pain on palpation
Orbital Cellulitis Inflammation of orbital tissue       Proptosis
Spreads to surrounding structures
Subperiosteal abscess Brain abscess Cavernous sinus thrombosis Meningitis Subdural empyema Orbital abscess
        Impinges on ocular muscles
Impaired extra- ocular movements
Pain with eye
movement or opthalmoplegia
Impinges on nerves
Afferent pupillary defect
Decreased visual acuity
Exposes cornea
Corneal drying and scarring
                         a. Chemosis: Edema of the bulbar conjunctiva
b. Panopthalmitis: inflammation of all coats of the eye including intraocular structures.
c. Endopthalmitis: inflammation of the interior of the eye.
1. See slide on Periorbital Cellulitis for how sinusitis can lead to the development of periorbital cellulitis
2. The micro-organism responsible for periorbital cellulitis varies depending on how the pathogen was introduced to the system.
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 5, 2018 on

Periorbital Cellulitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Periorbital Cellulitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Authors: Amanda Marchak Reviewers: Jaimie Bird Dr. Rupesh Chawla* * MD at time of publication
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes (most common organisms)
 Note: Also referred to as preseptal cellulitis
      Dacryoadenitisa Conjunctivitisb
Acute chalazionc
Dacryocystitisd Hordeolume
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, non-typable Haemophilus influenza (most common organisms)
Abrasion Insect bite
Burns Trauma
             Local infection
Contiguous spread of infection
Otitis media Hematogenous spread
Local break in skin Micro-organisms enter
Eye exam should reveal normal:
- extra-ocular
movements and globe
- pupillary reflex and
visual acuity
If any are abnormal, the presentation is no longer considered periorbital cellulitis, as the infection has likely spread beyond the preseptal compartment/orbital septum.
If the eye cannot be assessed, the patient NEEDS a CT scan.
Pathogens reach dermis and subcutaneous periorbital tissue
Periorbital Cellulitis
a. Dacryoadenitis: infection of the lacrimal glands
b. Conjunctivitis: inflammation of the conjunctiva
c. Chalazion: a benign, painless bump or nodule inside the upper or lower eyelid which results from healed internal hordeolums that are no longer infectious.
d. Dacryocystitis: an infection of the lacrimal sac, secondary to obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct at the junction of lacrimal sac.
e. Hordeolum: localized infection or inflammation of the eyelid margin involving hair follicles of the eyelashes or meibomian glands.
   Spreads beyond preseptal compartment/orbital septum
Involves the orbit Orbital cellulitis
See slide on Orbital Cellulitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Localized inflammation
Pain on palpation
Eyelid and periorbital edema
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 5, 2018 on

Scarlet Fever: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Scarlet Fever: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Amanda Marchak
Nicola Adderley Jim Rogers Danielle Nelson* * MD at time of publication
Note: GAS pharyngitis can be left untreated, but scarlet fever MUST be treated.
Enters systemic circulation
Delayed type hypersensitivity response
See slide on Type IV Hypersensitivity: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
GAS – Group A Streptococci SPE – Streptococcal Pyogenic
SSA – Streptococcal Superantigen
Group A Streptococci Infection1 5-15 years old2
Adhesins, including lipoteichoic acid and M protein, within GAS cell wall facilitates regional adherence to pharyngeal epithelial cells
     GAS releases SPE A, B and C, and SSA Stimulation of T-cells and mononuclear cells
         General inflammatory response
White strawberry tongue3
Coating sluffs off after 2-3 days
Red strawberry tongue4
See slide on Group A Streptococci Pharyngitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Scarlatiniform rash (sandpaper feel)
      0-1 days post- pharyngitis
Pastia’s lines5
1-2 days post- pharyngitis
Appears on upper trunk and axillae
3-4 days post- pharyngitis
Spreads to remainder of body, sparring face6, palms and soles
7-10 days post- pharyngitis
Fades Desquamation7
               Otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, bacteremia, osteomyelitis, meningitis, arthritis, erythema nodosum, hepatitis, acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, and acute rheumatic fever
Fine maculopapular rash
Blanchable with Non-pruritic and pressure painless
1. While the majority of infections are cases of GAS pharyngitis, rarely, it is possible to develop scarlet fever from a GAS skin infections. 2. Scarlet fever is most common in patients of this age group although, rarely, it can occur in adults.
3. White strawberry tongue is characterized by a white coating on the tongue through which edematous lingual papillae project.
4. Red strawberry tongue is characterized by a beefy red, edematous tongue covered in edematous lingual papillae.
5. Prominent erythema and petechiae in the body folds, especially the antecubital fossae and axillary folds. They tend to appear before the rash and persist through the desquamation phase.
6. Typically, the rash does not occur on the face, although facial flushing may be noted. When this occurs, there is perioral sparring.
7. Desquamation tends to occur ~1 week after the rash fades, most severely effecting the hands and feet, and lasts 2-6 weeks. While a classical presentation, not
everyone gets it.
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 5, 2018 on

Sinusitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Sinusitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Amanda Marchak Reviewers: Nicola Adderley Jim Rogers Danielle Nelson* * MD at time of publication
URTI – Upper respiratory tract infection
Nasal obstruction/ congestion
Facial pain/pressure
Maxillary tooth pain
Ear pain/ fullness
Osteomyelitis of frontal bone
          Chemical irritants
Cystic Fibrosis
Direct toxic effect on cilia
Viral URTI Allergies
Inflammation of paranasal sinuses
Edematous passageways
Septal deviation Adenoid hypertrophy Polyps
Turbinate hypertrophy Tumors Foreign body
      Dysfunctional cilia
Congenital and/or craniofacial abnormality Obstruct sinus ostia
       Cilia unable to clear mucus from sinuses
     Mucus unable to drain through ostia
   Post-nasal drip       Mucus overflows from the sinuses Cough
Mucus accumulates in sinuses
Occupies a larger volume
Applies ↑ pressure to sinus walls
Mucopurulent discharge
Bacterial1 overgrowth in sinuses Bacterial infection spreads to adjacent structures
          Halitosis Pharyngitis Throat clearing
Dental root infection
Irritates the back of the throat
              Perforation of the Schneiderian membrane2
Passage of bacteria into the sinuses
Subperiosteal orbital abscess
Orbital abscess Orbital edema
            ↑ susceptibility to bacteria
     1. The most common bacteria are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenza, and Moraxella catarrhalis. Staphylococcus aureus and Group A Streptococcus may be seen, but are less common. However, in cases of dental root infection, oral anaerobes become more common, while Pseudomonas species are associated with foreign bodies.
2. The Schneiderian membrane is the membranous lining of the maxillary cavity.
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Meningitis Cerebral abscess
Subdural abscess Epidural abscess
Periorbital or orbital cellulitis
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 5, 2018 on

Tonsillitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Tonsillitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Group A Streptococci (GAS) infection1,2
Amanda Marchak
Nicola Adderley Jim Rogers Danielle Nelson* * MD at time of publication
   Viral pathogen1
5-15 years3
     Pathogen colonizes the nasopharynx
Pathogen colonizes oropharynx4 **
             ↑ vascular permeability Leakage of protein and fluid
into surrounding tissue
Inflammatory cytokine release
Inadvertent cellular injury and hemolysis
Tonsillar petechiae and erythema
Systemic inflammatory cytokines disrupt hypothalamic regulation
White blood cell (WBC) activation WBCs infiltrate site of infection
WBCs kill pathogen
Accumulation and deposition of cellular debris and products of inflammatory response
Tonsillar exudate
*When GAS is the pathogen, cytokine release and WBC activation is secondary to the release of exotoxins by GAS.
               Swelling and irritation
↑ lymph drainage to regional nodes
Enlarged anterior cervical nodes
It is extremely important to distinguish between viral tonsillitis and bacterial tonsillitis. Viral tonsillitis is usually self-limited while GAS tonsillitis can be associated with a number of complications.
       Tonsillar tissue
Tonsillar edema
Nasal tissue6
Nasal congestion
Nasal discharge irritates back of throat
            Peritonsillar abscess, neck abscess, otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, scarlet fever, bacteremia, osteomyelitis, meningitis, arthritis, erythema nodosum, hepatitis, acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, acute rheumatic fever, and toxic shock syndrome
1. In general, viral tonsillitis is more common than GAS infection. However, in the absence of cough and coryza (acute, isolated tonsillitis), GAS is more common.
2. While GAS is the most bacterial cause of tonsillitis, it can be caused by other pathogens.
3. GAS tonsillitis is most common in patients of this age group although, rarely, it can occur in adults.
4. When GAS colonizes the oropharynx, the primary location of infection determines how it’s identified.
• tonsils primarily effected = tonsillitis
• pharynx (throat) primarily effected = pharyngitis (See slide on Group A Streptococci
Pharyngitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings) • both = pharyngotonsillitis
5. The listed complications are the result of exotoxins entering systemic circulation or the bacterial infection extending beyond the tonsils.
6. While viral tonsillitis tends to be associated with more upper respiratory tract symptoms, clinical signs and symptoms are NOT reliable for diagnosing GAS tonsillitis. Throat swab or rapid antigen detection test are the standards for diagnosis.
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 5, 2018 on

Hypoxemia- Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Hypoxemia- Pathogenesis and clinical findings interstitial lung disease pulmonary hypertension thickening of interstitium vasculature diffusion across alveolar membrane diffusion limitation exertional desaturation PE AVM pneumonia atelectasis cardiac defects airways disease inefficient blood flow ventilated areas blood bypasses aerated alveolar tissue V:Q mismatch R L shunt negligible significant improvement paO2 response 100% O2 Central drugs coma hypothyroidism peripheral damaged lung structure chest wall disorders minute ventilation alveolar gas exchange altitude barometric pressure driving pressure diffusion across membranes inspired 
a-a gradient hypoxemia tissue hypoxia cyanosis anaerobic metabolism organ brain anoxic angina

Ataxia Telangiectasia Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Ataxia-telangiectasia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings Genetics: Autosomal Recessive, with a defect on gene region 22 and 23 on Chromosome 11q
Authors: Merna Adly Reviewers: Kara Hawker Crystal Liu Yan Yu* Laurie Parsons* * MD at time of publication
   Truncation and loss of the ATM protein, a serine/threonine protein Kinase
Impaired ability to phosphorylate ATM, a key protein involved in the activation of the DNA damage checkpoint
    Impaired DNA damage and apoptosis signals
       Impaired ATM concentration ability at DNA damaged sites
Failure to activate apoptosis in specific neural regions
Genomically-damaged cells incorporated into the developing nervous system
Progressive spinocerebellar granular neural cell damage and Purkinje Cell degeneration
Cerebellar Ataxia
(at 12-18 months); involuntary muscle contractions, hypotonia, IQ decline, and abnormal eye movement
Loss of ATM leads to mitotic defects and arrest in gamete genetic recombination process
Gonadal dysgenesis and delayed puberty
DNA damage to tumor suppressors such as p53 and BRCA1
Impaired signaling of downstream cell cycle regulators
Impaired genome stability and increased disposition to cancer
↑ Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia of T cell origin (in children) and Chronic Lymphoblastic Leukemia (in adults)
Impaired recombination of DNA in immune cells
Thymic hypoplasia; humoral & cellular immunodeficiency
↓ or absent functional immunoglobulins IgA, IgE, and IgG2 that function to prevent respiratory infections
Respiratory infections with bronchiectasis and pneumonia
Cells less able to undergo apoptosis in response to ionizing radiation
Accumulation of DNA defects in the cells of sun exposed areas such as skin, hair, and conjunctiva
Mucocutaneous telangiectasia on the bulbar conjunctiva and ears between 2-6 years of age
May progress to involve periorbital skin, trunk, extremities, body folds, and other mucosal surfaces
DNA damage and genomic instability
Premature melanocyte stem cell differentiation
Premature graying of skin and hair
• ATM – Ataxia-telangiectasia
mutated protein
• p53 – Tumor protein 53
• BRCA 1 – Breast cancer
susceptibility protein.
• IgA, IgE, IgG2 – Immunoglobulins
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published August 4, 2019 on


Pertussis: Pathogenesis, clinical findings and complications
Authors: Morgan Sosniuk Yan Yu* Reviewers: Jessica Tjong Crystal Liu Timothy Fu Luis Murguia-Favela* * MD at time of publication
   Bordetella pertussis bacterium enters the airway via droplets
B. pertussis binds to ciliated epithelial cells and multiplies, colonizing the nasopharynx
B. pertussis produces multiple toxins (e.g. “pertussis toxin”, “tracheal toxin”) which damage mucosal cells
Pertussis toxin produces cyclic AMP (cAMP) and disrupts normal intracellular signalling, impairing the immune response initially
       Pertussis (“Whooping Cough”) Respiratory syndrome consisting of severe fits of paroxysmal coughing and stridor
 Nasopharyngeal swab produces positive culture and/or positive PCR result (either is diagnostic)
 Initial immune dampening allows the bacteria to take hold and begin replicating. During this “incubation period”, the bacteria has not yet replicated to the point of causing symptoms.
 1. Catarrhal Stage (5-10 days) After a few days, continued
damage to nasopharynx epithelial cells stimulates the immune system to ↑ its response once again
2. Paroxysmal Stage (1-2 weeks)
Tracheal cytotoxin released by B. pertussis impairs normal cilia function and ciliary beating in the trachea
3. Convalescent stage (2 weeks - months) Immune defenses successfully
eliminate the majority of B. pertussis from the respiratory tract
                    ↑ mucus production from goblet cells of the respiratory epithelium
Mucus blocks airway, prevents air entry
Collapsed lung
Rarely, areas of chest or abdominal wall are weakened, allowing contents to bulge out
↑ proinflammatory cytokine production
Mild fever
Cold-like symptoms
Mild dry cough, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion
↓ fluid clearance from the respiratory tract
Fluid in the trachea narrows tracheal diameter
“Whooping” cough
Severe, rapid and sequential coughing fits, followed by characteristic “whooping” sound on inspiration due to a stridor from a narrower trachea
Fluid build up in the lungs
Environment more susceptible to co-infection
Other bacteria colonize the lungs
Paroxysmal coughing fits ↓ in frequency and number
Cough may sound louder (mechanism unknown)
but overall symptoms ↓
Some B. pertussis still remain
Residual cough flares
                This stage may be prolonged in unvaccinated individuals who eliminate the bacterium more slowly
          Intense cough can break ribsàsharp rib ends puncture lungàair leaks out
↑ pressure on bladder
If weak urethral sphincters:
Urinary incontinence
Cough ↑ intra- abdominal pressure
If dripping mucus triggers gag reflex while a cough is contracting abdominal muscles:
Coughing fits disrupt regular inspiration and ↓ oxygenation
If hypoxia is profound enough to affect brain
Abdominal muscles tire from coughing, and coughing fits make it difficult to sleep
Extreme fatigue
Rarely, violent coughing causes trauma to head
Intracranial hemorrhage
Vertebral or carotid dissection
Cerebral ischemia Coma or death
• B. pertussis is a Gram- negative strict aerobe
• An effective vaccine exists to prevent infection by B. pertussis
• Pertussis most commonly infects children <18 months prior to completion of scheduled vaccination series, or adolescents with ↓ immunity
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published October 4, 2020 on
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E.g., Disease X presents with symptom Y due to pathophysiology Z
Pertussis presents with fits of severe paroxysmal coughing due to impaired mucociliary clearance.


Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Author: Skye McIntosh Reviewers: Heather Yong Tony Gu Davis Maclean *Scott Jarvis *Gary Klein *Yan Yu * MD at time of publication
     Familial (5-15%): Autosomal dominant inheritance of pathologic prion protein (PRNP) genes
Sporadic (85%)
Pathologic prion protein (PrPSc) form spontaneously from normal prion protein isoforms (PrPc)
Acquired (<1%)
Variant: consuming bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) infected beef (mad cow disease)
Iatrogenic: related to medical intervention (e.g instruments contaminated with PrPSc)
      Note: The normal prion protein isoform (PrPc) is expressed predominantly in neurons. It is not intrinsically pathological.
Presence of PrPSc kickstarts an “autocatalytic”
process by which existing PrPSc converts more normal prion protein (PrPc) into pathological protein.
Pathological prion proteins (PrPSc) enter host
        Astrogliosis: ↑ astrocyte cells infiltrate and occupy the space of lost neurons
Vacuolation or spongiform changes: clusters of small vacuoles in synaptically dense cortical areas
Pathologic prion proteins (PrPSc) are insoluble and aggregate within neurons Mechanism unknown
       Neuronal loss
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Fatal infectious brain disorder causing neuronal death
           Diffuse brain atrophy
Exact mechanism unknown
Frontal lobe atrophy
The frontal lobes are responsible for executive function and personality
Occipital lobe atrophy
The occipital lobes are responsible for interpreting vision
Basal ganglia atrophy
The basal
ganglia is responsible for sequencing voluntary movements
Loss of inhibitory cortical neurons
Hyper-excitable cortical neurons
Myoclonus: quick involuntary muscle jerks
Cerebellar atrophy
The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and fine correction of movements
Gait Slurred
Extensive neuronal loss in the brainstem reticular activating system
Impaired control of respiratory muscles
Pneumonia and respiratory failure
~ 75% mortality within 1 year
                              Rapidly progressive dementia
Anxiety, depression
Visual hallucinations
Double vision
       Rigidity: ↑ muscle tone
speech Incoordination
    Personality changes
slow movements
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published October 4, 2020 on


Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA): Pathogenesis
        Different parts of the aorta have different embryologic origins
Age > 65
Progressive deterioration of aorta structural integrity over life span
Connective Tissue Disease
Structurally abnormal protein or protein organization in aorta
Infection (e.g Chlamydia, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, human cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus)
Antigens (substance that causes immune response) on virus or bacteria resemble local proteins in abdominal aorta
Antibodies produced in response to infection inappropriately target host cells in the aorta
Antibodies tag cells in the abdominal aorta for destruction by T-lymphocytes
Immune-mediated destruction of aorta
Unclear mechanisms
           Subacute (not clinically detectable) inflammation of aortic tissue
Inflammatory cytokines are released and immune cells are recruited
↑ pressure on aorta and other vessel walls
            Infiltration of vessel wall by lymphocytes and macrophages
Production of enzymes that break down elastin & collagen proteins (which provide most tensile strength to aorta)
Aorta susceptible to damage
       Degradation of aortic connective tissue
Biomechanical stress on vessels
Authors: Olivia Genereux Davis Maclean Reviewers: Jason Waechter* Amy Bromley* Yan Yu* *MD at time of publication
 The exact mechanisms are complex, debatable, and an area of intensive research – the 3 mechanisms and associated pathophysiology presented here are generally thought to be the main causes of abdominal aortic aneurysms
   Infrarenal aorta has poorly developed vaso vasorum (dedicated blood supply to vessel wall)
Infrarenal aorta relies solely on nutrient diffusion from aortic blood that crosses abdominal aorta
Infrarenal aortic wall has fewer “lamellar” units (fibromuscular units) than other regions of the aorta
Infrarenal aorta is less elastic & less able to distribute stress
Loss of smooth muscle cells & thinning of tunica media
Destruction of elastin in tunica media
Normal layers of the aortic wall
   ↓ aortic tensile strength (ability to withstand stretching) Aorta expands and dilates due to internal pressure
Tunica Intima (inner-most tissue layer of aorta)
Tunica Media (layers of elastic
tissue (elastin) and muscle fibers)
Adventitia (thin outermost collagenous layer)
(longitudinal section)
             Aortic aneurysms are usually infrarenal (85%)
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
   Infrarenal aorta more prone to ischemia and has impaired repair potential
Abnormal, irreversible dilation of a focal area of abdominal aorta (area of aorta between diaphragm & aortic bifurcation) to twice the diameter of adjacent normal artery segment
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Re-Published February 27, 2021 on


Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Zarrukh Baig, Zaini Sarwar Reviewers: Natalie Morgunov, Sadie Kutz, Laura Byford-Richardson, Ciara Hanly, Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳)*, Kerri Johannson* * MD at time of publication
     Farming and Compost
Farmer’s Lung (Common)
Bird and Animal Proteins
Bird Fancier’s Lung (Common)
Water Contamination and Ventilation
Organic antigen identified by dendritic cells
Manufacturing and Chemical Workers
Grain and Flour Processors
       Immune complex - Production of IgG antibodies (Type III hypersensitivity)
Cell mediated - Sensitization of helper T cells (Type IV hypersensitivity)
• Thereare3typesofhypersensitivity pneumonitis: acute, subacute, chronic
• InacuteHP,removalofincitingantigen results in resolution of symptoms within days.
  *Lymphoplasmocytic interstitial infiltrate
with bronchiolocentric distribution on pathology
Epithelial injury (exact mechanism unknown)
*Organizing pneumonia
Dyspnea, tachypnea, and crackles
• HP – Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
• PFT – Pulmonary Function Test
↑ Neutrophils, mast cells, macrophages, CD8+ T cells, & inflammatory cytokines
• *TriadofmainfindingsforsubacuteHP Systemic release of
   cytokines disrupts hypothalamic regulation
        Macrophages ingest antigens
*Poorly formed granulomas on pathology
Tissue breakdown from neutrophils activates fibroblasts, which deposit collagen
CT: Normal or diffuse ground- glass opacity (acute)
Chronic deposition of collagen replaces normal lung parenchyma by scar tissues (Chronic Findings)
Neutrophil elastase breaks down lung elastic fibers
Tissue destruction of alveolar walls creates larger air spaces
CT: Emphysema
             CT: Honeycombing
(End stage Iung disease)
Pathology: Advanced interstitial fibrosis
PFT: Restrictive pattern ↓FEV1, ↓FVC, and ↓ DLCO
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published September 1, 2016, updated October 5, 2021 on

Pneumonie: Pathogenese und klinische Befunde

Pneumonie: Pathogenese und klinische Befunde
Autoren: Laura Byford-Richardson
Rezensenten: *Yan Yu, Sadie Kutz, Natalie Morgunov, *Kerri Johannson Übersetzung: Sarah Schwarz Übersetungsprüfung: Gesche Tallen* *MD zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung
• Pathogene können Bakterien, Viren, Pilze oder Parasiten sein
• Die Pneumonie ist eine Entzündung der unteren Atemwege (im
Gegensatz zur Entzündung der oberen Atemwege z.B. die Bronchitis) und kann unterteilt werden in: Ambulant erworbene, nosokomial (im Krankenhaus) erworbene Pneumonie
Die Immunantwort variiert je nach eingedrungenem Erreger (z.B. Pneumokokken verursachen ein lobär betontes,
H. influenzae ein interstitiell betontes Entzündungsbild)
  Rauchen unterdrückt die Funktionsfähigkeit der neutrophilen Granulozyten und schädigt das Lungenepithel
Chronische Lungenerkrankungen z.B. COPD, Asthma oder Lungenkrebs zerstören das Lungengewebe und bieten Krankheitserregern mehr Angriffsfläche für Infektionen
Durch Immunsuppression z.B. bei HIV, Sepsis, Glucocorticoid- oder Chemotherapie wird die Immunantwort eingeschränkt
Systemisch kommt es zu einer inflammatorischen Immunantwort
Durch systemische Zytokinfreisetzung wird die
hypothalamische Thermoregulation beeinträchtigt
Erregersexposition durch Inhalation, Aspiration, Kontakt- oder hämatologische Übertragung
Anfällige Person und/oder virulenter Erreger
Proliferation des Erregers in unteren Atemwegen und Alveolen
Lokal reagiert das Alveolarepithel mit einer Chemokinausschüttung um neutrophile Granulozyten an den Entzündungsort zu mobilisieren
               LOBÄR betont: Lokal begrenzte Akkumulation von neutrophilen Granulozyten und Plasmaexudat in Alveolen
INTERSTITIELL betont: Zelluläre Infiltrate (Immunzellen und Immunzellfragmente) in den Alveolarwänden (zwischen Alveolen und Kapillaren)
Irritation der Atemwege mit Hustenreiz
Flüssige Infiltrate in Alveolen führen zur Schleimbildung
Produktiver Husten
Das Exudat vermindert die
Röntgenstrahlendur chlässigkeit, entzündete Areale erscheinen im Röntgenbild heller/weiß.
Verschattung im Röntgen
Alveolen sind durch Flüssigkeitsansamml ungen blockiert
Verdickung der Alveolarwände, Diffusionsstrecke ↑
Irritation der Alveolarwände mit Hustenreiz
Bei ausschließlich interstitieller Infiltration -> Husten ohne Schleimproduktion
Trockener Husten
       • Andere Symptome der Pneumonie sind: Brustschmerzen, Nutzung der Atemhilfsmuskulatur, auskultatorisch Rasselgeräusche, Müdigkeit
• Diese Symptome sind jedoch unspezifisch
O2 und CO2- Austausch vermindert
Periphere & zentrale Chemorezeptoren werden aktiviert, Atemfrequenz ↑
Symptome/Klinische Befunde
Veröffentlicht: 26. September 2016 auf


COPD: 发病机制
作者: Yan Yu 审稿人:Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人:Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生
(如a1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏) 阻止肺组织损伤的能力↓
炎性细胞浸润, 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 尤其中性粒细 黏液产生↑ 细胞死亡
气道弹性↓ (弹性回缩
肺实质的蛋白水解破坏↑ 维持气道开放 肺泡永久性异常
的结构支持↓ 扩张
      胞 力)
          肺气体潴留 气道狭窄与 肺过度 肺大泡
   气道黏液潴留,成为感染 狭窄 病灶
塌陷 充气
(容易肺泡 破裂)
    临床表现 并发症 (参阅相关幻灯片) (参阅相关幻灯片)
COPD: Clinical Findings Lung tissue
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
↓ elastic recoil to push air out of lungs on expiration
Lungs don’t fully empty, air is trapped in alveoli (lung hyperinflation)
↑ lung volume means diaphragm is tonically contracted (flatter)
If occurring around airways
Airflow obstruction
↑ mucus production
↓ number of epithelial ciliated cells to clear away the mucus (the cells have been killed by airway inflammation)
Chronic cough with sputum
Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication
      During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction
↓ ventilation of alveoli
↓ oxygenation of blood (hypoxemia)
↓ perfusion of body tissues (i.e. brain, muscle)
Fatigue; ↓ exercise tolerance
      Total expiration time takes longer than normal
Prolonged expiration
More effort needed to ventilate larger lungs
Respiratory muscles must work harder to breathe
Turbulent airflow in narrower airways is heard on auscultation
Expiratory Wheeze
                 Diaphragm can’t flatten much further to generate deep breaths
To breathe, chest wall must expand out more
Shortness of breath, especially on exertion
     Breathes are rapid & shallow
If end-stage:
Chronic fatigue causes deconditioning
Muscle weakness & wasting
  Barrel chest
If end-stage: diaphragm will be “flat”. Continued
Patient tries to expire against higher mouth air pressure, forcing airways to open wider
Pursed-lip breathing
Patient breathes with accessory muscles as well as diaphragm to try to improve airflow
    inspiratory effort further contracts diaphragmà pull the lower chest wall inwards
Hoover’s sign
(paradoxical shrinking of lower chest during inspiration)
Tripod sitting position (activates pectoral muscles)
Neck (SCM, scalene) muscles contracted
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published January 7, 2013 on
COPD: ! 45 (on ABGs) Ventilation- perfusion mismatch High A-a gradient (calculated from ABGs) Low, flat diaphragm, >10 posterior ribs (on frontal CXR) High TLC and VC (on spirometry) • • PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood PaCO2: partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood • In the setting of fever and productive cough, especially if lung field opacifications are seen on CXR: consider sputum gram stain and culture to rule out pneumonia. Air does not block X-ray beams, will appear black on X-ray film Chronic hypercapnia makes breathing centers less sensitive to the high PaCO2 stimulus for breathing, & more reliant on the low PaO2 stimulus (“CO2 retention”) Give O2 carefully to these patients (high PaO2 may suppress patients’ hypoxic respiratory drive, ↓ their breathing, & ↑↑↑ PaCO2) ↑ retrosternal air space (on lateral CXR) Hyper-lucent (darker) lung fields, ↓ lung markings (on frontal CXR) • Arterial Blood Gasses (ABGs) • Chest X-Ray (CXR): frontal and lateral Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 气流阻塞 肺泡通气↓ 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气 道à 阻塞↑ 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者:Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 肺组织损伤 没有弹性回缩力将 气体排出肺 肺实质与血管分布减少导 致气体交换面积↓ 弥散功能↓ (肺功能检查) 更多的CO2残留 并扩散到血液中 高碳酸血症: PaCO2 > 45 (动脉血气) 血流灌注通气不良的肺泡 时无法获得足够的氧气 总呼气时长较正常长 FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (肺功能检查) 肺无法完全排空 更多空气潴留在肺部 (肺过度充气) 低氧血症: PaO2 < 70mmHg (动脉血气) 通气-灌注不匹配 肺泡-动脉氧分压差↑ (可通过动脉血气分析计算得出) 横膈低平, 下移至第10肋后端 及以下部位 (胸部正位片) TLC与VC增大 (肺功能检查) 缩写: • • FEV1: 1秒用 • VC:肺活量 PaO2: 动脉血 力呼气量 氧分压 空气不会阻挡X射线, 在X光片上呈现为黑色 慢性高碳酸血症使呼吸中枢对PaCO2 刺激呼吸的敏感性下降 & 更依赖于低PaO2的刺激 (“二氧化碳潴留”) 给患者吸氧时需注意(高PaO2 可能会抑制患者低氧时对呼吸的 刺激,使呼吸驱动↓ & PaCO2↑↑↑ ) • FVC: 用力肺 • 活量 • TLC:肺总量 慢阻肺相关检查 : PaCO2: 动脉 血二氧化碳 分压 胸骨后间隙↑ (胸部侧位片) 肺纹理↓ • 肺功能检查 • 动脉血气分析(Arterial Blood Gasses, ABGs) • 胸部正侧位片 • 当患者发热和湿咳,特别是胸片上见肺野不清晰时: 肺透亮度↑, (胸部正位片) 考虑进行痰革兰氏染色及痰培养以排除肺炎可能 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Complications Lung inflammation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Airway obstruction ↓ inhaled air in alveoli and terminal bronchioles Rupture of emphasematous bullae on surface of lung Inhaled air leaks into pleural cavity and is trapped there Pneumothorax Feeling a loss of control over one’s life, and hopelessness for the future Goblet cell proliferation, ↑ mucus production Death of airway epithelium ciliated cells ↓ oxygenation of the blood passing through the lungs Chronic hypoxemia Kidneys compensate by ↑ erythropoietin (EPO) production ↑ Hemoglobin and red blood cell synthesis Polycythemia (secondary) Hypoxic alveoli cause the pulmonary arterioles perfusing them to reflexively vasoconstrict Since most alveoli in the lungs are hypoxic, hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs across entire lung Vasoconstriction ↑ blood pressure within lung vasculature Pulmonary hypertension ↑ workload of the right ventricle (to pump against higher pressures) To compensate, the right ventricle progressively hypertrophies and dilates, but over time its output ↓ Cor pulmonale (Right heart failure in isolation, not due to Left heart failure) Mucus trapped in airways, serve as nidus for infection Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) Pneumonia The chronic, systemic inflammation in COPD is a hyper-metabolic state that consumes calories Macro-nutrient deficiency Trouble with respiration lead to inactivity and deconditioning Wasting, muscle atrophy More inactivity and deconditioning perpetuates the cycle Depression Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"# 肺部炎症 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 粘液产生↑ 细胞死亡 黏液潴留呼吸道,成为感 染的病灶 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 气道阻塞à 吸入肺泡和终末细 肺大疱破裂 吸入的空气渗入 并潴留于胸腔 气胸 感觉生活失控,对未 来感到绝望 抑郁 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 支气管的空气 ↓ 流经肺的血液进行气 缺氧的肺泡à灌注肺泡的肺小动 慢性阻塞性肺疾 病急性加重期 (AECOPD) 肺炎 体交换↓ 慢性低氧血症 肾脏合成促红细胞 生成素进行代偿↑ 血红蛋白与红 细胞合成↑ 红细胞增多症 (继发性) 脉发生反射性血管收缩 肺大部分肺泡缺氧à整个肺 都出现缺氧性血管收缩 肺血管收缩 à 肺血管压力↑ 肺动脉高压 ↑ 右心室负荷(泵血时对抗高压) 为了代偿,右心室逐渐肥大和扩张, 但随着病程进展,右心室输出量 ↓ 肺心病 (单独出现右心衰竭,非左心衰) COPD所致的慢性全身 呼吸困难导致活 性炎症会使机体处于高 动量减少和活动 代谢状态,消耗能量 耐量降低 宏量营养 素缺乏症 消瘦,肌肉萎缩 运动量下降和活动耐量 的降低造成恶性循环 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 " title="COPD: 发病机制 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人:Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人:Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 /012 (如a1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏) 阻止肺组织损伤的能力↓ +,-. (如长期吸烟、环境污染、感染) 肺内产生自由基 34*5 肺抗蛋白酶的失活 ↑氧化应激,炎性细胞因子,蛋白酶功能 支气管的持续、反复损伤 炎性细胞浸润, 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 尤其中性粒细 黏液产生↑ 细胞死亡 气道弹性↓ (弹性回缩 肺实质的蛋白水解破坏↑ 维持气道开放 肺泡永久性异常 的结构支持↓ 扩张 胞 力) 肺气体潴留 气道狭窄与 肺过度 肺大泡 气道黏液潴留,成为感染 狭窄 病灶 塌陷 充气 肺气肿 (容易肺泡 破裂) 气道纤维化和 %&'()* 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD) 临床表现 并发症 (参阅相关幻灯片) (参阅相关幻灯片) 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Clinical Findings Lung tissue Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) damage ↓ elastic recoil to push air out of lungs on expiration Lungs don’t fully empty, air is trapped in alveoli (lung hyperinflation) ↑ lung volume means diaphragm is tonically contracted (flatter) If occurring around airways Airflow obstruction ↑ mucus production ↓ number of epithelial ciliated cells to clear away the mucus (the cells have been killed by airway inflammation) Chronic cough with sputum Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction ↓ ventilation of alveoli ↓ oxygenation of blood (hypoxemia) ↓ perfusion of body tissues (i.e. brain, muscle) Fatigue; ↓ exercise tolerance Total expiration time takes longer than normal Prolonged expiration More effort needed to ventilate larger lungs Respiratory muscles must work harder to breathe Turbulent airflow in narrower airways is heard on auscultation Expiratory Wheeze Diaphragm can’t flatten much further to generate deep breaths To breathe, chest wall must expand out more Dyspnea Shortness of breath, especially on exertion Breathes are rapid & shallow If end-stage: Chronic fatigue causes deconditioning Muscle weakness & wasting Barrel chest If end-stage: diaphragm will be “flat”. Continued Patient tries to expire against higher mouth air pressure, forcing airways to open wider Pursed-lip breathing Patient breathes with accessory muscles as well as diaphragm to try to improve airflow inspiratory effort further contracts diaphragmà pull the lower chest wall inwards Hoover’s sign (paradoxical shrinking of lower chest during inspiration) Tripod sitting position (activates pectoral muscles) Neck (SCM, scalene) muscles contracted Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 如果出现在气道周围 气流阻塞 肺不能完全排空 气体,气体潴留 于肺泡(肺过度 充气) 总呼气时长大于 正常时长 呼气相延长 肺组织损伤 呼气时,将空气排出肺外 的弹性回缩力↓ 肺不能完全排空气体, 气体潴留于肺泡内 (肺过度充气) 肺容积↑,膈肌紧张 性收缩(膈肌平坦) 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气道 à 气道阻塞↑ 肺泡通气↓ 血液氧合↓ (低 氧血症) 身体组织灌注 量↓ (比如脑、 肌肉) 疲劳; 运动耐量↓ 黏液生成↑ 清除黏液的上皮纤 毛细胞数量↓ (受 气道炎症损伤) 慢性咳嗽伴咳 痰 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 容积较大 的肺需要 更加努力 才能通气 呼吸肌必须 更用力才能 呼吸 听诊闻及狭窄气 道中的湍流气流 呼气喘鸣音 呼吸困难 气促,尤其是劳累 膈肌无法进一步收缩以 产生深呼吸 呼吸浅快 为了呼吸, 胸壁必须延 展得更大 桶状胸 晚期病人: 患者试图在较高的口 慢性疲劳导致 患者动用辅助呼吸肌和膈肌呼吸, 腔内气压下进行呼气, 活动耐量下降 从而使气道更开放 以改善气流 晚期病人:膈肌 “平坦” ,持续吸气进一步压 缩膈肌à 向内拉季肋部胸壁 胡佛征 (吸气时,胸廓下侧季肋部内收) 缩唇呼吸 肌肉无力 & 消瘦 端坐呼吸 (调动胸肌) 颈部肌肉收 缩(胸锁乳 突肌、斜角 肌) 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Findings on Investigations Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Airflow obstruction Lung tissue damage ↓ ventilation of alveoli Blood perfusing ill- ventilated alveoli does not receive normal amounts of oxygen During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction) No elastic recoil to push air out of lungs Loss of lung parenchyma and vasculature ↓ surface area for gas exchange ↓ diffusion capacity (on spirometry) Hypoxemia: PaO2 < 70mmHg (on ABGs) Abbreviations: • FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second • FVC: Forced vital capacity • TLC: Total lung capacity • VC: Vital Capacity Investigations for COPD : • Spirometry (Pulmonary function test) Total expiration time takes longer than normal FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (on spirometry) Lungs don’t fully empty More air trapped within lungs (hyperinflation) More CO2 remains and diffuses into the blood Hypercapnia: PaCO2 > 45 (on ABGs) Ventilation- perfusion mismatch High A-a gradient (calculated from ABGs) Low, flat diaphragm, >10 posterior ribs (on frontal CXR) High TLC and VC (on spirometry) • • PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood PaCO2: partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood • In the setting of fever and productive cough, especially if lung field opacifications are seen on CXR: consider sputum gram stain and culture to rule out pneumonia. Air does not block X-ray beams, will appear black on X-ray film Chronic hypercapnia makes breathing centers less sensitive to the high PaCO2 stimulus for breathing, & more reliant on the low PaO2 stimulus (“CO2 retention”) Give O2 carefully to these patients (high PaO2 may suppress patients’ hypoxic respiratory drive, ↓ their breathing, & ↑↑↑ PaCO2) ↑ retrosternal air space (on lateral CXR) Hyper-lucent (darker) lung fields, ↓ lung markings (on frontal CXR) • Arterial Blood Gasses (ABGs) • Chest X-Ray (CXR): frontal and lateral Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 气流阻塞 肺泡通气↓ 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气 道à 阻塞↑ 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者:Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 肺组织损伤 没有弹性回缩力将 气体排出肺 肺实质与血管分布减少导 致气体交换面积↓ 弥散功能↓ (肺功能检查) 更多的CO2残留 并扩散到血液中 高碳酸血症: PaCO2 > 45 (动脉血气) 血流灌注通气不良的肺泡 时无法获得足够的氧气 总呼气时长较正常长 FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (肺功能检查) 肺无法完全排空 更多空气潴留在肺部 (肺过度充气) 低氧血症: PaO2 < 70mmHg (动脉血气) 通气-灌注不匹配 肺泡-动脉氧分压差↑ (可通过动脉血气分析计算得出) 横膈低平, 下移至第10肋后端 及以下部位 (胸部正位片) TLC与VC增大 (肺功能检查) 缩写: • • FEV1: 1秒用 • VC:肺活量 PaO2: 动脉血 力呼气量 氧分压 空气不会阻挡X射线, 在X光片上呈现为黑色 慢性高碳酸血症使呼吸中枢对PaCO2 刺激呼吸的敏感性下降 & 更依赖于低PaO2的刺激 (“二氧化碳潴留”) 给患者吸氧时需注意(高PaO2 可能会抑制患者低氧时对呼吸的 刺激,使呼吸驱动↓ & PaCO2↑↑↑ ) • FVC: 用力肺 • 活量 • TLC:肺总量 慢阻肺相关检查 : PaCO2: 动脉 血二氧化碳 分压 胸骨后间隙↑ (胸部侧位片) 肺纹理↓ • 肺功能检查 • 动脉血气分析(Arterial Blood Gasses, ABGs) • 胸部正侧位片 • 当患者发热和湿咳,特别是胸片上见肺野不清晰时: 肺透亮度↑, (胸部正位片) 考虑进行痰革兰氏染色及痰培养以排除肺炎可能 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Complications Lung inflammation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Airway obstruction ↓ inhaled air in alveoli and terminal bronchioles Rupture of emphasematous bullae on surface of lung Inhaled air leaks into pleural cavity and is trapped there Pneumothorax Feeling a loss of control over one’s life, and hopelessness for the future Goblet cell proliferation, ↑ mucus production Death of airway epithelium ciliated cells ↓ oxygenation of the blood passing through the lungs Chronic hypoxemia Kidneys compensate by ↑ erythropoietin (EPO) production ↑ Hemoglobin and red blood cell synthesis Polycythemia (secondary) Hypoxic alveoli cause the pulmonary arterioles perfusing them to reflexively vasoconstrict Since most alveoli in the lungs are hypoxic, hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs across entire lung Vasoconstriction ↑ blood pressure within lung vasculature Pulmonary hypertension ↑ workload of the right ventricle (to pump against higher pressures) To compensate, the right ventricle progressively hypertrophies and dilates, but over time its output ↓ Cor pulmonale (Right heart failure in isolation, not due to Left heart failure) Mucus trapped in airways, serve as nidus for infection Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) Pneumonia The chronic, systemic inflammation in COPD is a hyper-metabolic state that consumes calories Macro-nutrient deficiency Trouble with respiration lead to inactivity and deconditioning Wasting, muscle atrophy More inactivity and deconditioning perpetuates the cycle Depression Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"# 肺部炎症 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 粘液产生↑ 细胞死亡 黏液潴留呼吸道,成为感 染的病灶 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 气道阻塞à 吸入肺泡和终末细 肺大疱破裂 吸入的空气渗入 并潴留于胸腔 气胸 感觉生活失控,对未 来感到绝望 抑郁 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 支气管的空气 ↓ 流经肺的血液进行气 缺氧的肺泡à灌注肺泡的肺小动 慢性阻塞性肺疾 病急性加重期 (AECOPD) 肺炎 体交换↓ 慢性低氧血症 肾脏合成促红细胞 生成素进行代偿↑ 血红蛋白与红 细胞合成↑ 红细胞增多症 (继发性) 脉发生反射性血管收缩 肺大部分肺泡缺氧à整个肺 都出现缺氧性血管收缩 肺血管收缩 à 肺血管压力↑ 肺动脉高压 ↑ 右心室负荷(泵血时对抗高压) 为了代偿,右心室逐渐肥大和扩张, 但随着病程进展,右心室输出量 ↓ 肺心病 (单独出现右心衰竭,非左心衰) COPD所致的慢性全身 呼吸困难导致活 性炎症会使机体处于高 动量减少和活动 代谢状态,消耗能量 耐量降低 宏量营养 素缺乏症 消瘦,肌肉萎缩 运动量下降和活动耐量 的降低造成恶性循环 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 " />


COPD: 临床表现
作者: Yan Yu 审稿人:Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人:Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生
(如a1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏) 阻止肺组织损伤的能力↓
炎性细胞浸润, 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 尤其中性粒细 黏液产生↑ 细胞死亡
气道弹性↓ (弹性回缩
肺实质的蛋白水解破坏↑ 维持气道开放 肺泡永久性异常
的结构支持↓ 扩张
      胞 力)
          肺气体潴留 气道狭窄与 肺过度 肺大泡
   气道黏液潴留,成为感染 狭窄 病灶
塌陷 充气
(容易肺泡 破裂)
    临床表现 并发症 (参阅相关幻灯片) (参阅相关幻灯片)
COPD: Clinical Findings Lung tissue
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
↓ elastic recoil to push air out of lungs on expiration
Lungs don’t fully empty, air is trapped in alveoli (lung hyperinflation)
↑ lung volume means diaphragm is tonically contracted (flatter)
If occurring around airways
Airflow obstruction
↑ mucus production
↓ number of epithelial ciliated cells to clear away the mucus (the cells have been killed by airway inflammation)
Chronic cough with sputum
Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication
      During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction
↓ ventilation of alveoli
↓ oxygenation of blood (hypoxemia)
↓ perfusion of body tissues (i.e. brain, muscle)
Fatigue; ↓ exercise tolerance
      Total expiration time takes longer than normal
Prolonged expiration
More effort needed to ventilate larger lungs
Respiratory muscles must work harder to breathe
Turbulent airflow in narrower airways is heard on auscultation
Expiratory Wheeze
                 Diaphragm can’t flatten much further to generate deep breaths
To breathe, chest wall must expand out more
Shortness of breath, especially on exertion
     Breathes are rapid & shallow
If end-stage:
Chronic fatigue causes deconditioning
Muscle weakness & wasting
  Barrel chest
If end-stage: diaphragm will be “flat”. Continued
Patient tries to expire against higher mouth air pressure, forcing airways to open wider
Pursed-lip breathing
Patient breathes with accessory muscles as well as diaphragm to try to improve airflow
    inspiratory effort further contracts diaphragmà pull the lower chest wall inwards
Hoover’s sign
(paradoxical shrinking of lower chest during inspiration)
Tripod sitting position (activates pectoral muscles)
Neck (SCM, scalene) muscles contracted
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published January 7, 2013 on
COPD: ! 45 (on ABGs) Ventilation- perfusion mismatch High A-a gradient (calculated from ABGs) Low, flat diaphragm, >10 posterior ribs (on frontal CXR) High TLC and VC (on spirometry) • • PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood PaCO2: partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood • In the setting of fever and productive cough, especially if lung field opacifications are seen on CXR: consider sputum gram stain and culture to rule out pneumonia. Air does not block X-ray beams, will appear black on X-ray film Chronic hypercapnia makes breathing centers less sensitive to the high PaCO2 stimulus for breathing, & more reliant on the low PaO2 stimulus (“CO2 retention”) Give O2 carefully to these patients (high PaO2 may suppress patients’ hypoxic respiratory drive, ↓ their breathing, & ↑↑↑ PaCO2) ↑ retrosternal air space (on lateral CXR) Hyper-lucent (darker) lung fields, ↓ lung markings (on frontal CXR) • Arterial Blood Gasses (ABGs) • Chest X-Ray (CXR): frontal and lateral Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 气流阻塞 肺泡通气↓ 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气 道à 阻塞↑ 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者:Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 肺组织损伤 没有弹性回缩力将 气体排出肺 肺实质与血管分布减少导 致气体交换面积↓ 弥散功能↓ (肺功能检查) 更多的CO2残留 并扩散到血液中 高碳酸血症: PaCO2 > 45 (动脉血气) 血流灌注通气不良的肺泡 时无法获得足够的氧气 总呼气时长较正常长 FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (肺功能检查) 肺无法完全排空 更多空气潴留在肺部 (肺过度充气) 低氧血症: PaO2 < 70mmHg (动脉血气) 通气-灌注不匹配 肺泡-动脉氧分压差↑ (可通过动脉血气分析计算得出) 横膈低平, 下移至第10肋后端 及以下部位 (胸部正位片) TLC与VC增大 (肺功能检查) 缩写: • • FEV1: 1秒用 • VC:肺活量 PaO2: 动脉血 力呼气量 氧分压 空气不会阻挡X射线, 在X光片上呈现为黑色 慢性高碳酸血症使呼吸中枢对PaCO2 刺激呼吸的敏感性下降 & 更依赖于低PaO2的刺激 (“二氧化碳潴留”) 给患者吸氧时需注意(高PaO2 可能会抑制患者低氧时对呼吸的 刺激,使呼吸驱动↓ & PaCO2↑↑↑ ) • FVC: 用力肺 • 活量 • TLC:肺总量 慢阻肺相关检查 : PaCO2: 动脉 血二氧化碳 分压 胸骨后间隙↑ (胸部侧位片) 肺纹理↓ • 肺功能检查 • 动脉血气分析(Arterial Blood Gasses, ABGs) • 胸部正侧位片 • 当患者发热和湿咳,特别是胸片上见肺野不清晰时: 肺透亮度↑, (胸部正位片) 考虑进行痰革兰氏染色及痰培养以排除肺炎可能 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Complications Lung inflammation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Airway obstruction ↓ inhaled air in alveoli and terminal bronchioles Rupture of emphasematous bullae on surface of lung Inhaled air leaks into pleural cavity and is trapped there Pneumothorax Feeling a loss of control over one’s life, and hopelessness for the future Goblet cell proliferation, ↑ mucus production Death of airway epithelium ciliated cells ↓ oxygenation of the blood passing through the lungs Chronic hypoxemia Kidneys compensate by ↑ erythropoietin (EPO) production ↑ Hemoglobin and red blood cell synthesis Polycythemia (secondary) Hypoxic alveoli cause the pulmonary arterioles perfusing them to reflexively vasoconstrict Since most alveoli in the lungs are hypoxic, hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs across entire lung Vasoconstriction ↑ blood pressure within lung vasculature Pulmonary hypertension ↑ workload of the right ventricle (to pump against higher pressures) To compensate, the right ventricle progressively hypertrophies and dilates, but over time its output ↓ Cor pulmonale (Right heart failure in isolation, not due to Left heart failure) Mucus trapped in airways, serve as nidus for infection Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) Pneumonia The chronic, systemic inflammation in COPD is a hyper-metabolic state that consumes calories Macro-nutrient deficiency Trouble with respiration lead to inactivity and deconditioning Wasting, muscle atrophy More inactivity and deconditioning perpetuates the cycle Depression Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"# 肺部炎症 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 粘液产生↑ 细胞死亡 黏液潴留呼吸道,成为感 染的病灶 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 气道阻塞à 吸入肺泡和终末细 肺大疱破裂 吸入的空气渗入 并潴留于胸腔 气胸 感觉生活失控,对未 来感到绝望 抑郁 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 支气管的空气 ↓ 流经肺的血液进行气 缺氧的肺泡à灌注肺泡的肺小动 慢性阻塞性肺疾 病急性加重期 (AECOPD) 肺炎 体交换↓ 慢性低氧血症 肾脏合成促红细胞 生成素进行代偿↑ 血红蛋白与红 细胞合成↑ 红细胞增多症 (继发性) 脉发生反射性血管收缩 肺大部分肺泡缺氧à整个肺 都出现缺氧性血管收缩 肺血管收缩 à 肺血管压力↑ 肺动脉高压 ↑ 右心室负荷(泵血时对抗高压) 为了代偿,右心室逐渐肥大和扩张, 但随着病程进展,右心室输出量 ↓ 肺心病 (单独出现右心衰竭,非左心衰) COPD所致的慢性全身 呼吸困难导致活 性炎症会使机体处于高 动量减少和活动 代谢状态,消耗能量 耐量降低 宏量营养 素缺乏症 消瘦,肌肉萎缩 运动量下降和活动耐量 的降低造成恶性循环 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 " title="COPD: 临床表现 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人:Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人:Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 /012 (如a1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏) 阻止肺组织损伤的能力↓ +,-. (如长期吸烟、环境污染、感染) 肺内产生自由基 34*5 肺抗蛋白酶的失活 ↑氧化应激,炎性细胞因子,蛋白酶功能 支气管的持续、反复损伤 炎性细胞浸润, 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 尤其中性粒细 黏液产生↑ 细胞死亡 气道弹性↓ (弹性回缩 肺实质的蛋白水解破坏↑ 维持气道开放 肺泡永久性异常 的结构支持↓ 扩张 胞 力) 肺气体潴留 气道狭窄与 肺过度 肺大泡 气道黏液潴留,成为感染 狭窄 病灶 塌陷 充气 肺气肿 (容易肺泡 破裂) 气道纤维化和 %&'()* 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD) 临床表现 并发症 (参阅相关幻灯片) (参阅相关幻灯片) 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Clinical Findings Lung tissue Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) damage ↓ elastic recoil to push air out of lungs on expiration Lungs don’t fully empty, air is trapped in alveoli (lung hyperinflation) ↑ lung volume means diaphragm is tonically contracted (flatter) If occurring around airways Airflow obstruction ↑ mucus production ↓ number of epithelial ciliated cells to clear away the mucus (the cells have been killed by airway inflammation) Chronic cough with sputum Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction ↓ ventilation of alveoli ↓ oxygenation of blood (hypoxemia) ↓ perfusion of body tissues (i.e. brain, muscle) Fatigue; ↓ exercise tolerance Total expiration time takes longer than normal Prolonged expiration More effort needed to ventilate larger lungs Respiratory muscles must work harder to breathe Turbulent airflow in narrower airways is heard on auscultation Expiratory Wheeze Diaphragm can’t flatten much further to generate deep breaths To breathe, chest wall must expand out more Dyspnea Shortness of breath, especially on exertion Breathes are rapid & shallow If end-stage: Chronic fatigue causes deconditioning Muscle weakness & wasting Barrel chest If end-stage: diaphragm will be “flat”. Continued Patient tries to expire against higher mouth air pressure, forcing airways to open wider Pursed-lip breathing Patient breathes with accessory muscles as well as diaphragm to try to improve airflow inspiratory effort further contracts diaphragmà pull the lower chest wall inwards Hoover’s sign (paradoxical shrinking of lower chest during inspiration) Tripod sitting position (activates pectoral muscles) Neck (SCM, scalene) muscles contracted Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 如果出现在气道周围 气流阻塞 肺不能完全排空 气体,气体潴留 于肺泡(肺过度 充气) 总呼气时长大于 正常时长 呼气相延长 肺组织损伤 呼气时,将空气排出肺外 的弹性回缩力↓ 肺不能完全排空气体, 气体潴留于肺泡内 (肺过度充气) 肺容积↑,膈肌紧张 性收缩(膈肌平坦) 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气道 à 气道阻塞↑ 肺泡通气↓ 血液氧合↓ (低 氧血症) 身体组织灌注 量↓ (比如脑、 肌肉) 疲劳; 运动耐量↓ 黏液生成↑ 清除黏液的上皮纤 毛细胞数量↓ (受 气道炎症损伤) 慢性咳嗽伴咳 痰 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 容积较大 的肺需要 更加努力 才能通气 呼吸肌必须 更用力才能 呼吸 听诊闻及狭窄气 道中的湍流气流 呼气喘鸣音 呼吸困难 气促,尤其是劳累 膈肌无法进一步收缩以 产生深呼吸 呼吸浅快 为了呼吸, 胸壁必须延 展得更大 桶状胸 晚期病人: 患者试图在较高的口 慢性疲劳导致 患者动用辅助呼吸肌和膈肌呼吸, 腔内气压下进行呼气, 活动耐量下降 从而使气道更开放 以改善气流 晚期病人:膈肌 “平坦” ,持续吸气进一步压 缩膈肌à 向内拉季肋部胸壁 胡佛征 (吸气时,胸廓下侧季肋部内收) 缩唇呼吸 肌肉无力 & 消瘦 端坐呼吸 (调动胸肌) 颈部肌肉收 缩(胸锁乳 突肌、斜角 肌) 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Findings on Investigations Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Airflow obstruction Lung tissue damage ↓ ventilation of alveoli Blood perfusing ill- ventilated alveoli does not receive normal amounts of oxygen During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction) No elastic recoil to push air out of lungs Loss of lung parenchyma and vasculature ↓ surface area for gas exchange ↓ diffusion capacity (on spirometry) Hypoxemia: PaO2 < 70mmHg (on ABGs) Abbreviations: • FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second • FVC: Forced vital capacity • TLC: Total lung capacity • VC: Vital Capacity Investigations for COPD : • Spirometry (Pulmonary function test) Total expiration time takes longer than normal FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (on spirometry) Lungs don’t fully empty More air trapped within lungs (hyperinflation) More CO2 remains and diffuses into the blood Hypercapnia: PaCO2 > 45 (on ABGs) Ventilation- perfusion mismatch High A-a gradient (calculated from ABGs) Low, flat diaphragm, >10 posterior ribs (on frontal CXR) High TLC and VC (on spirometry) • • PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood PaCO2: partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood • In the setting of fever and productive cough, especially if lung field opacifications are seen on CXR: consider sputum gram stain and culture to rule out pneumonia. Air does not block X-ray beams, will appear black on X-ray film Chronic hypercapnia makes breathing centers less sensitive to the high PaCO2 stimulus for breathing, & more reliant on the low PaO2 stimulus (“CO2 retention”) Give O2 carefully to these patients (high PaO2 may suppress patients’ hypoxic respiratory drive, ↓ their breathing, & ↑↑↑ PaCO2) ↑ retrosternal air space (on lateral CXR) Hyper-lucent (darker) lung fields, ↓ lung markings (on frontal CXR) • Arterial Blood Gasses (ABGs) • Chest X-Ray (CXR): frontal and lateral Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 气流阻塞 肺泡通气↓ 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气 道à 阻塞↑ 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者:Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 肺组织损伤 没有弹性回缩力将 气体排出肺 肺实质与血管分布减少导 致气体交换面积↓ 弥散功能↓ (肺功能检查) 更多的CO2残留 并扩散到血液中 高碳酸血症: PaCO2 > 45 (动脉血气) 血流灌注通气不良的肺泡 时无法获得足够的氧气 总呼气时长较正常长 FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (肺功能检查) 肺无法完全排空 更多空气潴留在肺部 (肺过度充气) 低氧血症: PaO2 < 70mmHg (动脉血气) 通气-灌注不匹配 肺泡-动脉氧分压差↑ (可通过动脉血气分析计算得出) 横膈低平, 下移至第10肋后端 及以下部位 (胸部正位片) TLC与VC增大 (肺功能检查) 缩写: • • FEV1: 1秒用 • VC:肺活量 PaO2: 动脉血 力呼气量 氧分压 空气不会阻挡X射线, 在X光片上呈现为黑色 慢性高碳酸血症使呼吸中枢对PaCO2 刺激呼吸的敏感性下降 & 更依赖于低PaO2的刺激 (“二氧化碳潴留”) 给患者吸氧时需注意(高PaO2 可能会抑制患者低氧时对呼吸的 刺激,使呼吸驱动↓ & PaCO2↑↑↑ ) • FVC: 用力肺 • 活量 • TLC:肺总量 慢阻肺相关检查 : PaCO2: 动脉 血二氧化碳 分压 胸骨后间隙↑ (胸部侧位片) 肺纹理↓ • 肺功能检查 • 动脉血气分析(Arterial Blood Gasses, ABGs) • 胸部正侧位片 • 当患者发热和湿咳,特别是胸片上见肺野不清晰时: 肺透亮度↑, (胸部正位片) 考虑进行痰革兰氏染色及痰培养以排除肺炎可能 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Complications Lung inflammation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Airway obstruction ↓ inhaled air in alveoli and terminal bronchioles Rupture of emphasematous bullae on surface of lung Inhaled air leaks into pleural cavity and is trapped there Pneumothorax Feeling a loss of control over one’s life, and hopelessness for the future Goblet cell proliferation, ↑ mucus production Death of airway epithelium ciliated cells ↓ oxygenation of the blood passing through the lungs Chronic hypoxemia Kidneys compensate by ↑ erythropoietin (EPO) production ↑ Hemoglobin and red blood cell synthesis Polycythemia (secondary) Hypoxic alveoli cause the pulmonary arterioles perfusing them to reflexively vasoconstrict Since most alveoli in the lungs are hypoxic, hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs across entire lung Vasoconstriction ↑ blood pressure within lung vasculature Pulmonary hypertension ↑ workload of the right ventricle (to pump against higher pressures) To compensate, the right ventricle progressively hypertrophies and dilates, but over time its output ↓ Cor pulmonale (Right heart failure in isolation, not due to Left heart failure) Mucus trapped in airways, serve as nidus for infection Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) Pneumonia The chronic, systemic inflammation in COPD is a hyper-metabolic state that consumes calories Macro-nutrient deficiency Trouble with respiration lead to inactivity and deconditioning Wasting, muscle atrophy More inactivity and deconditioning perpetuates the cycle Depression Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"# 肺部炎症 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 粘液产生↑ 细胞死亡 黏液潴留呼吸道,成为感 染的病灶 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 气道阻塞à 吸入肺泡和终末细 肺大疱破裂 吸入的空气渗入 并潴留于胸腔 气胸 感觉生活失控,对未 来感到绝望 抑郁 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 支气管的空气 ↓ 流经肺的血液进行气 缺氧的肺泡à灌注肺泡的肺小动 慢性阻塞性肺疾 病急性加重期 (AECOPD) 肺炎 体交换↓ 慢性低氧血症 肾脏合成促红细胞 生成素进行代偿↑ 血红蛋白与红 细胞合成↑ 红细胞增多症 (继发性) 脉发生反射性血管收缩 肺大部分肺泡缺氧à整个肺 都出现缺氧性血管收缩 肺血管收缩 à 肺血管压力↑ 肺动脉高压 ↑ 右心室负荷(泵血时对抗高压) 为了代偿,右心室逐渐肥大和扩张, 但随着病程进展,右心室输出量 ↓ 肺心病 (单独出现右心衰竭,非左心衰) COPD所致的慢性全身 呼吸困难导致活 性炎症会使机体处于高 动量减少和活动 代谢状态,消耗能量 耐量降低 宏量营养 素缺乏症 消瘦,肌肉萎缩 运动量下降和活动耐量 的降低造成恶性循环 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 " />


Adult Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Author: Laura Byford-Richardson Reviewers: Tara Shannon, *Yan Yu, Sadie Kutz , Natalie Morgunov, *Kerri Johannson, *Julie Carson *MD at time of publication
  Smoking à suppressed neutrophil function and damaged lung epithelium
Chronic lung conditions e.g. COPD, asthma, lung canceràdestroys lung tissue and offers pathogen more niduses for infection
Immune suppression e.g. HIV, sepsis, glucocorticoids, chemotherapyà suppression of immune response
Systemic inflammatory response towards invading microbe
Systemic cytokine release leads to a disruption in hypothalamic thermoregulation
Exposure to a pathogen via
inhalation, aspiration, contiguous Notes:
  or hematological mechanism
Susceptible host and/or virulent pathogen
Proliferation of microbe in lower airways and alveoli
Local response by alveolar epithelial cells release chemokines into surrounding tissue to recruit neutrophils to the site of inflammation
• Pathogens can be bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites
• Pneumonia is a lower respiratory tract infection (in contrast to
upper respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis) and can be further classified by location of exposure: community, health- care, hospital acquired
Inflammatory response varies depending on type of invading pathogen (i.e. S. Pneumonia causes a lobar pattern and Influenza A & B cause an interstitial pattern)
           LOBAR: Accumulation of neutrophils and plasma exudate from capillaries into alveoli specific to a lung area/lobe
INTERSTITIAL: Accumulation of infiltrates (i.e. inflamed cellular debris) in the alveolar walls (i.e. space between the alveolar spaces and bloodstream)
• Other signs and symptoms
of pneumonia exist such as chest pain, accessory muscle use, crackles on auscultation and fatigue
• These signs and symptoms are less specific to the ones outlined on this slide
Irritation and attempted clearance of airways
Fluid infiltrates are inside alveoli, airway clearance leads to phlegm production
Productive Cough
Fluid build up does not allow X-rays to pass through à white opacity on plain film at site of fluid buildup
Consolidation on CXR
Alveolar sacs blocked by fluid accumulation
Thickening of alveolar walls ↑ diffusion distance between alveoli & capillaries
Irritated alveolar walls trigger cough reflex
Since fluid infiltrates are NOT in the alveoli, attempts to empty the alveoli through coughing doesn’t lead to production of fluid
Dry Cough
      ↓ Exchange of CO2 and O2
Triggers peripheral and central chemoreceptors to ↑ respiratory drive
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Sept 26 2016, updated Feb 9, 2022 on




Postpartum (Puerperal) Fever: Pathogenesis and complications
Author: Lindey Felske Reviewers: Brianna Ghali Ran (Marissa) Zhang Ingrid Kristensen* * MD at time of publication
Breast Feeding
  Delayed gastric emptying in pregnancy
↑ Risk of aspiration during delivery
Inhalation of gastric contents
Chemical burn of the airways from gastric acid
Tissue injury
Chemokines released by alveolar cells recruit neutrophils
Accumulation of neutrophils and plasma exudate in alveoli
Aspiration Pneumonia
(Vaginal or Cesarean Section)
   Tissue damage:
Urinary tract catheterization
Foreign body can: Introduce
bacteria into bladder Provide a biofilm surface for bacterial adhesion Cause mucosal irritation
Invasion of bacteria into urinary tract mucosa
• • • •
Perineal tear/episiotomy (perineal incision) Abdominal incision site
Uterine damage
Retained products of conception (RPOC)
           Bacteria enter open tissue
Production of antimicrobial peptides and proinflammatory mediators in epidermis
Necrosis of RPOC (good medium for bacterial growth)
Post-operative pain
Hypoventilation from shallow breathing
Low volume in alveoli
Alveolar collapse
Endogenous cervicovaginal flora migrate into the uterine cavity
Infiltration of bacteria into endometrium
Endometrial TLR4 receptors recognize the endotoxin of Gram-negative bacteria
Secretion of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8) and prostaglandin E(2)
Activation of coagulation cascade
Coagulation in areas of hemostasis (e.g., deep veins)
Deep vein thrombosis
Dislodged DVT travels to pulmonary arteries
Pulmonary embolism
• •
Skin openings in breasts (milk ducts +/- cracks)
Bacteria from skin and/or saliva enter body
Milk backup from blocked duct or poor breastfeeding technique
Milk stasis provides environment for bacterial growth
Upregulation of IFN- γ, and IL-12A cytokines in milk ducts
Collection of inflammatory exudate
Breast abscess
                            Cytokine expression and inflammatory cell infiltration
Sloughing of
urinary tract lining to reduce bacterial load
Maternal fever (> 38.0°C) within 6 weeks of delivery
Urinary tract infection
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
  Published July 4, 2022 on
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Epilepsy Pathogenesis

Epilepsy: Pathogenesis
       Genetic susceptibility
Angelman syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis
Chromosomal abnormalities cause abnormal neural patterns
Cerebral palsy, focal cortical dysplasia
Malformation of cortical development
Intracranial hemorrhage, ischemic stroke
Other Acquired
Head trauma, cerebral infection (i.e., HSV1, VZV, cysticercosis)
Inborn errors of metabolism
Inherited enzyme deficiencies
Alzheimer’s Disease
Protein-rich plaque build-up and brain atrophy
            Inflammation and formation of scar tissue irritates neural tissue
Infiltration of mass, grey matter irritation
  Damage to the brain and subsequent alteration of neuronal circuitry
       Neurotransmitter imbalances (i.e. ↑ glutamate, ↓ GABA, ↓ serotonin, ↓ dopamine, ↓ noradrenaline)
• HSV1 – Herpes Simplex Virus 1 • VZV – Varicella Zoster Virus
↑ Inflammatory cytokines (e.g. interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α)
Altered neurogenesis and gliosis
Ion channel and receptor dysfunction causes imbalance of ion channel charges
Authors: Keerthana Pasumarthi Christopher Li Reviewers: Negar Tehrani, Ephrem Zewdie, Ran (Marissa) Zhang, Carlos R. Camara-Lemarroy* * MD at time of publication
  Neurons fire in burst activity (referred to as paroxysmal depolarization shift) and often in groups (hypersynchrony)
Abnormal neural activities eventually create self-reinforcing circuits and transform neural network over time
       Injuries from
falls, bumps, operating heavy machinery
Involuntary contractions Loss of consciousness
Post-ictal confusion
Recurrent seizures
Sudden Unexplained Death of Epilepsy Patient (SUDEP)
Loss of airway reflexes
Aspiration of saliva or food contents
Aspiration Pneumonia
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published July 5, 2022 on


Exudative Pleural Effusions: Pathogenesis and Lab Findings
Authors: Sravya Kakumanu
Reviewers: Ben Campbell *Tara Lohmann * MD at time of publication
Damage to thoracic duct
Leakage of lymphatic fluid into pleural space
      Pulmonary embolism
Clot obstructs blood flow to lung
Infarcted lung tissue
Lung infection (e.g. pneumonia, tuberculosis)
Lung infection signals inflammatory response
Systemic Lupus Rheumatoid Erythematosus (SLE) arthritis (RA)
Autoimmune antibodies localize to pleura
Pleural tumors (primary or secondary from metastatic cancer)
         Inflammatory cells migrate to affected site and release cytokines
↑ Permeability of pleural capillaries ↑ Fluid leakage across capillaries
Exudative Pleural Effusion
Cancer invades lymphatic drainage of pleural space (PS)
↓ Drainage of pleural fluid (PF) from pleural space
If infectious etiology
Tumor invasion = inflammatory response
            See Pleural Effusions: X-ray Findings and Physical Exam Findings of Lung Diseases slides
  ↑ Permeable pleural capillaries allow ↑ protein and cell leakage into pleural space
   If pleural tumour: Release of cancer cells into pleural space
Cancer cells on PF cytology 60-75% sensitive for malignancy
If rheumatoid arthritis:
Release of auto-antibodies into pleural space
Auto-antibodies initiate inflammatory response in pleural space
↑ Inflammatory cells have ↑ glucose metabolism in pleural space
Sterile PF with mildly elevated white blood cells, normal pH, normal glucose ↑ Inflammation at infection site damages endothelium of pleura
Pleural Infection Stage I: Simple Parapneumonic Effusion
        ↑ Inflammatory cells and bacterial cells in pleural space have ↑ glucose metabolism in pleural space
Bacterial invasion from infected parenchymaà pleural space
< 40mg/dL glucose in PF
↑ Activation of coagulation cascade and ↓ fibrinolytic activity
↑ Deposition of fibrin
clots/membranes within pleural
space creates loculated effusion
(compartmentalized effusion due to septations in pleural space)
       ↑ Production of
(LDH maintains NAD+ supply during ↑ glucose metabolism)
↑ CO2 production pH of PF < 7.20
      ↑ CO2 production pH of PF < 7.20
< 3.3mmol/L glucose in PF
Pleural Infection Stage II: Complicated Parapneumonic Effusion
Loculated effusion OR bacteria present OR ↓ pH + ↓ glucose
↑ Fibroblast proliferation creates thickened pleura ↑ Pus in pleural space Pleural Infection Stage III/Empyema: Loculated effusion and pus in pleural space
    PF/serum protein ratio ≥ 0.5
PF/serum LDH ratio ≥ 0.6
Light’s Criteria: Any criteria can be met to be an exudative pleural effusion
      PF LDH ≥ 2/3 upper limit of normal
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published August 9, 2022 on


Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Respiratory failure or inability Risk factors: e.g. immunocompromised, poor swallowing
   to maintain airway ability, weakened respiratory muscles, chronic disease Insertion of endotracheal tube (ETT) for invasive mechanical ventilation to maintain respiration
          Paralytics and
sedatives lead to inhibition of cough reflex
Damage to cilia on epithelial cells of trachea during insertion of ETT
↓ Mucociliary clearance
Insertion of nasogastric (NG) tube for feeding
Constant opening by NG tube ↓ esophageal sphincter function
Introduction of oropharyngeal microbes during intubation
Severe acute illness impairs phagocytosis and dysregulates T- cells (mechanism unclear)
Medications, chronic disease, or severe acute illness can weaken immune system
             Desensitization of
adduction reflex (PAR) (PAR normally induces closure of epiglottis to protect the airway when swallowing)
↑ Reflux of gastric contents
Accumulation of subglottic secretions containing microbes
Microbial colonization on inside of ETT
Development of biofilm on inside of ETT
Dislodgement of biofilm into lower airway
↑ Age or chronic disease can weaken respiratory function
       Micro aspirations of subglottic and gastric contents
      Impaired mechanisms to remove microbes from airway Positive pressure pushes microbes down
Fever/rigors ↑ White blood cell count
Introduction of pathogenic microbes to airway Susceptible patient (not required for infection)
         Septic shock
See Distributive Shock slide
Microbes descend airway and infect lungs
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP)
Occurs > 48-72 hours after intubation
↑ Inflammatory response at infection site promoting immune cell extravasation and cytokine release
Cytokine signalling ↑ permeability of capillaries leading to ↑ fluid leakage into interstitium and alveoli
Authors: Sravya Kakumanu Reviewers: Ben Campbell *Tara Lohmann *Bryan Yipp * MD at time of publication
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
See ARDS pathogenesis slide
         Pleural effusion Lung consolidation on chest x-ray (CXR) ↑ Sputum production to clear fluid on CXR (Note: In patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), look for VAP consolidation in non- within alveoli/airways (may be
Positive microbial culture from sputum
dependent/upper regions of the lung where ARDS consolidation would be unexpected to extend to)
purulent in worse infections)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published September 2, 2022 on


Chest Exam Findings of Lung & Pleural Diseases
Note: Please see slides on pathogenesis of Transudative and Exudative Pleural Effusions, Primary and Tension Pneumothorax, Adult Pneumonia, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Heart Failure, and Kidney Disease
Authors: Sravya Kakumanu Reviewers: Ben Campbell, *Tara Lohmann, *Yan Yu * MD at time of publication
Interstitial Lung Disease
Rupture of visceral pleura
Build-up of air within pleural space
Pleural Effusion
    ↑ Hydrostatic pressure pushes fluid into pleural space
↑ Capillary permeability = fluid leaks into pleural space
↓ Oncotic pressure = fluid moves into pleural space
Bronchus obstructed
Scarring/infiltration of lung tissue
Surfactant dysfunction (ex. ARDS)
Loss of contact between visceral and parietal pleura
(ex. effusion, pneumothorax)
Parenchymal compression (ex. loculated effusion, mass)
↑ Hydrostatic
pushing fluid
into alveoli (ex. cardiogenic pulmonary edema)
↑ Capillary
allowing fluid
to move into
alveoli (ex. pneumonia)
Connective tissue diseases
Sarcoidosis, Amyloidosis
Chronic medical diseases
(ex. COPD, heart failure, kidney disease, etc)
Occupational or environmental exposures
(ex. silicosis, organic dusts, metals, gases, aerosols, etc)
                     Accumulation of fluid in pleural space
Collapse of alveoli
Accumulation of fluid within alveoli
Pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of alveoli bilaterally)
  Breath Sounds
     Lung unable to inflate fully Fluid in pleural space Collapsed lung unable to inflate Airspace filled with fluid and unable to fill with air dampens sound
↓ Breath sounds ipsilaterally
Scarred alveoli unable to expand to fill with air
↓ Breath sounds bilaterally (may not be noticeable)
  Chest Rising on Inspiration
   Chest cavity filled with air, but lung Lung unable to inflate fully Scarred alveoli unable to expand to fill with air unable to inflate fully
   ↑ Chest size, ↓ Rising ipsilaterally
↓ Chest rising ipsilaterally ↓ Chest rising bilaterally (may not be noticeable)
     Sound resonates through air in pleural space
Ipsilateral hyperresonance on percussion
Sound unable to resonate through pleural fluid
Sound unable to resonate through compacted lung tissue
Ipsilateral dullness on percussion
Sound unable to resonate through fluid-filled alveoli
Diffuse scarring of alveoli
No notable changes on percussion
   Tracheal Deviation
    Air pushes trachea Fluid pushes trachea ↓ Pressure within chest wall pulls trachea No pushing or pulling of trachea
Contralateral tracheal deviation Ipsilateral tracheal deviation No tracheal deviation
   Adventitious Lung Sounds
     Alveoli not impacted (i.e. not collapsed or fluid-filled)
Sudden opening of collapsed alveoli filling with air
Fine inspiratory crackles
Air movement through fluid-filled alveoli
Coarse inspiratory crackles
Fluid-filled alveoli can’t dampen breath sounds from larger central airways
Bronchial breath sounds all over consolidated area (harsh, ↑ pitch with expiratory phase > inspiratory; only normal when heard centrally over trachea + bronchi)
Scarred inelastic alveoli suddenly open on inspiration
Fine inspiratory crackles
        No crackles
No abnormal breath sounds
Severe pneumothorax or effusion pushing against lung parenchyma
  Other sounds
  Amplification of patient voice through fluid-filled alveoli
Tactile fremitus (↑ vibrations felt by hand placed on chest wall when patient speaks) *Whispers also sound louder on auscultation
Fluid-filled alveoli only allow certain sound frequencies to be audible
Egophony (“E” sounds like “A” on auscultation)
 Physical Exam Findings
 Published October 9, 2022 on

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft CABG Indications

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG): Indications
Author: Breanne Gordulic Reviewers: Miranda Schmidt Ben Campbell Sunawer Aujla Angela Kealey* * MD at time of publication
  Symptomatic multivessel (≥ 3 vessels) coronary artery disease (MVCAD) or complex MVCAD
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
Left main coronary artery disease
Multivessel (≥ 3 vessels) CAD and diabetes
Cardiac surgery required for other pathology
Multivessel CAD, LV dysfunction and congestive heart failure (CHF)
Complex CAD includes stenosed vein grafts, bifurcation lesions, calcified lesions, total occlusions, ostial lesions
STEMI initial treatment is PCI/thrombolysis
CABG outcomes compared to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in MVCAD include ↑ survival in diabetes, ↑ survival with LV dysfunction, ↓ repeat revascularization, ↓ myocardial infarction, ↓ stroke
↑ Risk of failure in complex CAD with PCI
     Rapid reperfusion to myocardium most important in STEMI to decrease myocardial damage
CABG can be considered for residual stenoses 6-8 weeks later
   NSTEMI or unstable angina (UA) with MVCAD involving at least three vessels including the proximal left anterior descending (LAD)
     Left main coronary artery divides into left anterior descending (LAD) and left circumflex (LCx) which supplies 2/3 of myocardium
↑ Survival Myocardial infarction from left main artery occlusion Death
        Left main stenosis
Ventricular dysrhythmias
Ongoing ischemia
LV dysfunction Hemodynamic instability
↑ risk of PCI
CABG has mortality benefit
↓ Number of operations
       ↑ Risk of cardiovascular disease in diabetes
Revascularization indicated along with other cardiac surgery
Multivessel CAD with >90% stenosis and CHF
LV ejection fraction <35%
↑ Risk of atherosclerosis from hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia
CABG bypasses several atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arteries
↑ Durability
↑ Complete perfusion
     Valve stenosis or regurgitation Septal defect
Aortic root or arch pathology
Combination procedure
          Evidence of ischemia at rest
Evidence of
impaired LV function at rest
↓ All-cause mortality in CABG vs medical management
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
• ACS- acute coronary syndrome. Acute reduction in
blood flow to heart muscle resulting in cell death. • CAD- coronary artery disease. Narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries by plaque
• NSTEMI- myocardial infarction (heart attack) with no ST elevation on electrocardiogram
• PCI- percutaneous coronary intervention. A balloon tipped catheter is used to open blocked coronary arteries; a stent may be placed.
• STEMI- myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation on electrocardiogram
       Consider revascularization (restore blood flow to blocked or narrowed blood vessels) of coronary arteries to increase perfusion to myocardium (heart muscle)
Coronary artery bypass graft recommended
Assess surgical risk and comorbidities with evaluation by heart team that includes both a cardiac surgeon and interventional cardiologist (SYNTAX Trial)
Individual management plan for patients with comorbidities that increase mortality
Chronic Renal Failure
↑ Inflammation and deregulated angiogenesis affects all organ systems
↓ Physiologic reserve and ↓ ability to recover from acute stress
↑ Pneumonia
↑ Respiratory and Renal Failure
↑ Stroke
↑ In hospital mortality
↓ Survival two years after surgery
                      Use Society of Thoracic Surgeons Score, EuroSCORE, or SYNTAX II Score to predict patient outcome with anatomy, disease severity, and preoperative characteristics
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Surgery to take healthy blood vessels from the body and connect them proximally and distally to blocked coronary arteries
Cardiopulmonary bypass, fluid overload, ↑ renal vasoconstriction and ↓ renal oxygenation from rewarming
Kidney injury
↑ End stage kidney disease
    Blood flow restored to
ischemic myocardium
↓ Angina
↑ Quality of life ↑ LV function ↑ Survival
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published April 12, 2023 on

Acute Laryngitis

Acute Laryngitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings Infectious
Author: Charmaine Szalay-Anderson Reviewers: Shayan Hemmati, Sunawer Aujla, Derrick Randall*,
             Viral (most common)
Malaise Fever
Atopy (asthma, allergy)
Gastroesophageal Reflux
Trauma or damage to larynx
Yan Yu*
* MD at time of publication
Environmental Pollution/Inhalants
Bacterial (S. pneumoniae,
H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis)
Systemic immune response
Spread of infection to larynx through upper respiratory tract
Infection of the vocal folds and surrounding tissue
(vocal misuse/ trauma)
     (Area in the neck that contains the structures for voice production, anatomically anterior to the esophagus, inferior to the pharynx and superior to the trachea)
  Irritation of the vocal folds and surrounding tissue
       Inflammatory cascade triggered
Acute Laryngitis
Symptoms for <3 weeks
Acute injury to vocal folds
Vocal fold
lesions (i.e., vocal polyps)
    Laryngeal inflammation
Neutrophils and macrophages release inflammatory cytokines
     Local laryngeal inflammationà↑ vascular permeability ↑ Secretion of mucous leading to airway congestion Cough reflex initiated to clear airway congestion Cough
Edema of vocal folds and surrounding tissue
      Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
Dysphonia (difficulty speaking)
Odynophagia (painful swallowing)
Swelling impairs vocal cord vibration
Frank aphonia (loss of voice)
      Progressive worsening of edema
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published May 24, 2023 on

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Pathogenesis and clinical findings Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a clinical syndrome involving acute lung injury. It results in severe hypoxemia and bilateral
Authors: David Olmstead Mao Ding Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Kevin Solverson* * MD at time of publication
↓ PaO2 (Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood ↓SpO2 (Peripheral oxygen saturation)
Tachypnea (↑ RR) Tachycardia (↑ HR)
Bilateral Opacity on chest radiograph
↓ PaO2, ↓SpO2
↑ PaCO 2
↑ PaO2, ↓PaCO2 Eupnea (normal
↓ O2 Requirements Depression, Anxiety, PTSD Neuromuscular Weakness
Chronic Respiratory Dysfunction
airspace disease in the absence of elevated left-heart pressures.
Direct Lung Injury
Causes include pneumonia and pulmonary sepsis (community- acquired, hospital-acquired, aspiration, viral), drowning, and chemical pneumonitis from aspiration or direct inhalational injury
Indirect Lung Injury
Causes include sepsis with a non-pulmonary source, trauma, severe burns, transfusion- related acute lung injury (TRALI) and pancreatitis
        Lung Tissue Inflammation
Exudative: Neutrophils migrate into the alveoli in response to inflammatory stimulus
Note: While the three phases of ARDS take place in sequence, all areas of the lung may not be in the same phase at the same time. For this reason, the processes can be thought of as overlapping.
Proliferative: Body attempts to heal damage. If it is not successful, the tissue transitions to the fibrotic phase
Neutrophil-containing pulmonary exudate interferes with surfactant function
Neutrophil infiltration and proinflammatory cytokines lead to tissue edema, dysfunction and subsequent destruction of pulmonary epithelium
Residual debris in alveoli are cleared by phagocytic cells
Restoration of alveolar epithelial cells.
Alveoli collapse in absence of working surfactant
Damaged epithelium impairs gas exchange
Pulmonary capillaries do not adequately absorb fluid
The body’s attempts to heal lung tissue result in deposition of hyaline membranes in the alveoli
Ventilation- Perfusion Mismatch
Pulmonary Edema
Impaired Gas Diffusion
                              Functional epithelium is able to absorb fluid back into circulation
↑ useful surface area for gas exchange
Clearing of CXR
       Impaired Function After Prolonged Illness
Pulmonary Hypertension
      Fibrotic: Inadequate healing results in long-term pulmonary damage (rare)
Fibroblast activity leads to deposition of collagen in alveoli and alveolar capillaries
Fatigue Pulmonary Fibrosis
Nail Clubbing (nails appear wider & swollen) Cough/Dyspnea
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Feb 6, 2018, updated Oct 10, 2023 on
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Note: Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a clinical
Authors: David Olmstead Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Kevin Solverson* * MD at time of publication
 Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Direct Lung Injury
Causes include pneumonia and pulmonary sepsis (community-acquired, hospital-acquired, aspiration, viral), drowning, and chemical pneumonitis from aspiration or direct inhalational injury
Indirect Lung Injury
syndrome involving acute lung injury. It results in severe hypoxemia and bilateral airspace disease in the absence of elevated left-heart pressures.
  Causes include sepsis with a non-pulmonary source, trauma, severe burns, transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) and pancreatitis
        Lung Tissue Inflammation
Exudative: Neutrophils migrate into the alveoli in response to inflammatory stimulus
Note: While the three phases of ARDS take place in sequence, all areas of the lung may not be in the same phase at the same time. For this reason, the processes can be thought of as overlapping.
Proliferative: Body attempts to heal damage. If it is not successful, the tissue transitions to the fibrotic phase
Neutrophil-containing pulmonary exudate interferes with surfactant function
Neutrophil infiltration and proinflammatory cytokines lead to tissue edema, dysfunction and subsequent destruction of pulmonary epithelium
PaO2: Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood
SpO2: Peripheral oxygen saturation.
CXR: Chest radiograph.
Residual debris in alveoli are cleared by phagocytic cells
Restoration of alveolar epithelial cells.
Alveoli collapse in absence of working surfactant
Damaged epithelium impairs gas exchange
Pulmonary capillaries do not adequately absorb fluid
The body’s attempts to heal lung tissue result in
deposition of hyaline membranes in the alveoli
Ventilation- Perfusion Mismatch
Pulmonary Edema
Impaired Gas Diffusion
↓ PaO2, ↓SpO2 Tachypnea
Bilateral Opacity on CXR
↓ PaO , ↓SpO 2 2
↑ PaCO2
↑ PaO2, ↓PaCO2 Eupnea
↓ O2 Requirements
Clearing of CXR
Depression, Anxiety, PTSD
Neuromuscular Weakness
Chronic Respiratory Dysfunction
                                 ↑ useful surface area for gas exchange
Functional epithelium is able to absorb fluid back into circulation
            Impaired Function After Prolonged Illness
      Fibrotic: Inadequate healing results in long-term pulmonary damage (rare)
Fibroblast activity leads to deposition of collagen in alveoli and alveolar capillaries
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pulmonary Hypertension
Cough/Dyspnea Nail Clubbing Fatigue
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published February 06, 2018 on

Pneumonia Pediatri Patogenesis dan Temuan klinis

Pneumonia Pediatri: Patogenesis dan Temuan klinis

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Author: Nissi Wei Mao Ding Reviewers: Owen Stechishin Matthew Harding Cory Toth* * MD at time of publication
↑ Protein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
  Minor triggers
surgery, trauma, bone marrow transplant
Initiate immune response (unknown mechanism)
GI/respiratory infection (1-3 weeks prior) Campylobacter jejuni, cytomegalovirus, HIV, Epstein-Barr Virus
Molecular mimicry: shared ganglioside antigens between peripheral nerve and pathogen coat proteins
       IgG antibodies to ganglioside antibodies in serum
Nerve Conduction Study : ↓ conduction velocity, conduction block
Triggered immune response cross-reacts with peripheral nerves, beginning at nerve roots
↑ permeability of blood- nerve barrier at level of proximal nerve roots
      Demyelination: antibodies attack Schwann cells
secondary damage
Axonal damage: antibodies attack nodes of Ranvier
Nerve Conduction Study:
↓ CMAP (compound muscle action potential) amplitude, normal conduction velocity
  Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP) (80-90%)
Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN)
Acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN)
  Acute immune-mediated polyneuropathy
          Tachycardia & Dysrhythmias (Needs cardiac monitoring)
Sudden Death
Dysautonomia: disruption of the autonomic nervous system responsible for involuntary functions
Sensory deficits
Motor deficits
Universal Areflexia (loss of deep tendon reflexes)
Phrenic nerve involvement
Diaphragm paralysis
Cranial Nerve (CN) involvement
Bulbar palsy (CN IX, X, XI,XII)
Oculomotor weakness (CN III, IV, VI)
Eye Movement Abnormalities (Miller Fisher Syndrome – rare form of regionally- restricted AIDP)
               BP Fluctuation/ Orthostatic Hypotension (drop of blood pressure from seated/lying to standing)
Urinary Retention (transient, late-course)
Limb Weakness
(legs usually affected first)
Impaired swallowing àaspiration pneumonia
↓ ability to clear airway secretions
  Pain & Paresthesia
(in back and extremities)
Respiratory Failure
(Life threatening: needs ventilatory observation and possibly support)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Nov 1, 2013, updated Oct 15, 2023 on
Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Minor triggers (surgery, trauma,
GI/respiratory infection
Campylobacter jejuni, CMV, HIV , EBV
(1-3 weeks prior)
Molecular mimicry: shared ganglioside antigens between peripheral nerve and pathogen coat proteins
Author: Nissi Wei Reviewers: Owen Stechishin Matthew Harding Cory Toth* * MD at time of publication
↑ Protein in CSF
  bone marrow transplant)
Initiate immune response (unknown mechanism)
       IgG antibodies to ganglioside antibodies in serum
NCS: ↓ conduction velocity, conduction block
Triggered immune response cross-reacts with peripheral nerves, beginning at nerve roots
↑ permeability of blood- nerve barrier at level of proximal nerve roots
NCS: ↓ CMAP amplitude, normal conduction velocity
         Demyelination: antibodies attack Schwann cells
secondary damage
Axonal damage:
antibodies attack nodes of Ranvier
     Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP) (80-90%)
Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN)
Cranial nerve involvement
Acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN)
Eye Movement Abnormalities
(Miller Fisher Syndrome – rare form of regionally-restricted AIDP)
          Acute immune-mediated polyneuropathy
Oculomotor weakness (CN III, IV, VI)
Bulbar palsy (CN IX, X, XI,XII)
Phrenic nerve involvement
↓ ability to clear airway secretions
Impaired swallowingà aspiration pneumonia
Diaphragm paralysis
Respiratory Failure
(Life threatening: needs ventilatory observation and possibly support)
          Motor deficits
Sensory deficits
Pain & Paresthesias in back and extremities
               Limb Weakness
(legs usually affected first)
Universal Areflexia
Urinary Retention
(transient, late-course)
Sudden Death
BP Fluctuation, Orthostatic Hypotension
Tachycardia, Dysrhythmias (Needs cardiac monitoring)
• NCS - nerve conduction
• CMAP - compound muscle
action potential
• EBV - Epstein-Barr Virus
• CMV - cytomegalovirus
• CN - cranial nerve
    Note: Aα, Aβ peripheral nerve fibres (large, fast-conducting, heavily myelinated axons for muscle stretch, light touch & proprioception) are more affected than Aδ and C fibres (small, less myelinated, slowly-conducting fibres for pain and temperature)
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published November 1, 2013 on

Death Cardiovascular Respiratory and Neurologic Mechanisms

Death: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Neurologic Mechanisms
Mitochondria in tissues unable to utilize O2
Reduced hemoglobin in blood to carry O2
Low oxygen content in blood (CaO2)
Hypoxemia (Type I Respiratory Failure): low dissolved oxygen in blood (PaO2)
Lungs can’t oxygenate blood fast enough
Lungs can’t rid blood of CO2 fast enough
Hypercapnia / hypercarbia (Type II Respiratory Failure): elevated dissolved CO2 in blood (PaCO2)
Cerebral vasodilation
Toxins: e.g. cyanide, pesticides, arsenic Severe anemia
        Distributive problems:
Systemic inflammation (sepsis, anaphylaxis, pancreatitis), adrenal insufficiency, vasodilatory drugs
Obstructive problems: Cardiac tamponade*, tension pneumothorax* or massive pulmonary embolism*
Hypovolemic* problems (low blood volume): Hemorrhage, dehydration, widespread skin disruption or burns
Cardiac valve dysfunction
Myocardial infarction* or cardiomyopathy
Cardiac arrhythmia or heart block
Disturbed electrical activity in cardiomyocytes
Peripheral metabolic disturbances
Hypokalemia*, Hyperkalemia* Acidosis* (including renal failure) Hypothermia*
Toxins* (e.g. cocaine, beta blockers, tricyclics) Severe thyroid derangement
Inappropriate systemic vasodilation
Adjacent forces impair heart filling
Low cardiac preload
Low stroke volume (SV; depends on valves, contractility, preload)
Decreased systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
Low blood pressure (BP = CO x SVR)
Decreased cardiac output (CO = SV x HR)
Disseminated intravascular coagulationàwidespread thrombi that occlude blood flow (also causes hemorrhage, see relevant box at left)
Methemoglobinemia: some hemoglobin gets stuck in a state that can’t carry O2
Hemoglobin has reduced capacity to carry or release O2
Drugs: e.g. dapsone, nitrates
Carbon monoxide poisoning
            Circulatory collapse / shock: inadequate perfusion of tissue with blood
Respiratory collapse: blood has insufficient useable O2 content
                                Ventricular fibrillation (VF) or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT)
Hypoxia*: inadequate O2 delivery or utilization in tissues
Hypoxia creates metabolic disturbances that impair cardiac cells. Alternatively, any of the preceding conditions marked with (*) can directly trigger cardiac arrest first
Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA): organized activity on ECG with no cardiac output (can be preceded or mimicked by pseudo-PEA, in which there is still some output on ultrasound)
Low atmospheric pressure or oxygen content Severe lung disease
Asthma, COPD, interstitial lung disease, congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolism, lung collapse / atelectasis
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Pneumonia, aspiration pneumonitis, inhalational injury, systemic inflammation, drowning
Severe hypoventilation
Respiratory fatigue, advanced COPD, chest wall disorders, neuromuscular disorders, upper airway obstruction, toxins (e.g. opioids, botulism)
       Can degenerate at any time
   Asystole: no cardiac electrical activity or output
Respiratory arrest: cessation of breathing
Inability to protect airway
Decreased level of consciousness
This is a broad overview of the many scenarios that can result in death. For detailed explanations of the various disease mechanisms, refer to the corresponding slides.
* = reversible causes of cardiac arrest (Hs and Ts)
Ben Campbell
Yan Yu*
Huma Ali*
* MD at time of publication
(low heart rate, HR)
Unopposed parasympathetic stimulation of heart (can also cause vasodilation, see Distributive problems)
Disruption of spinal cord sympathetic control
Injury to cervical or upper thoracic spinal cord
Irreversible cessation of cardiac, respiratory, and brain function
      Prolonged seizure initially causes increased cardiovascular activity, until the system fatigues
Disruption of respiratory control center in medulla
Expanding skull contents squeeze brainstem (herniation)
Increased intracranial pressure
Edema from intracranial hemorrhage, trauma, brain mass
Edema, inflammation, hypoxia and/or metabolic derangements cause diffuse neuron dysfunction
Central nervous system infection
Dementia, particularly with delirium
Massive ischemic stroke
activity prevents or alters breathing
Metabolic disturbances that affect the central nervous system Hypoglycemia Hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia Hyponatremia, hypernatremia Uremia
Acute liver failure (hyperNH4) Many drugs / toxins Withdrawal (e.g. EtOH)
          Status epilepticus
Brainstem lesion (e.g. stroke, neoplasm, inflammatory)
 Nervous System Insult
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published November 11, 2023 on
 Respiratory System Insult
Cardiovascular System Insult Cardiogenic problems

Mechanical Ventilation mechanisms of action and complications

Mechanical Ventilation: Mechanisms of Action and Complications
Authors: Madison Amyotte
Victória Silva, Mao Ding Eric Leung*
* MD at time of publication
Mechanical ventilation is a form of life support that helps a patient breathe (ventilate) when they cannot breathe on their own.
Invasive: Delivery of positive pressure to the lungs via endotracheal or tracheostomy tube
Mechanical ventilation
Pressure support ventilation (PSV): Set inspiratory pressure & flow. Patient initiates all breaths unassisted
Non-invasive: Delivery of oxygen into the lungs via positive pressure through the mouth
No endotracheal or tracheostomy tube
          Assist/control ventilation (AC): Set respiratory rate & tidal volume (amount of air delivered to the lungs with each breath). Patient can trigger additional assisted breaths
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV): Set tidal volume & respiratory rate. Patient can trigger additional unassisted breaths
02 mask delivery
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
Provides continuous positive ventilatory pressure
Bilevel positive airway pressure (BIPAP)
Provides positive pressure with two different pressure levels for inhalation and exhalation
↑ Swallow non- inspiratory flow
Acute rise in airway pressure
              Patient- triggered breath
Ventilator senses negative pressure from inflation of the lungs
Time-triggered breath
Respiratory rate set at x breaths per min
Patient-triggered breath
Ventilator senses negative pressure from inflation of the lungs
Tidal volume determined by patient’s strength & lung compliance
Time-triggered breath
Respiratory rate set at x breaths per min
Delivery of set tidal volume, inspiratory flow rate & pattern
Complete patient- triggered breaths
Ventilator senses negative pressure from inflation of the lungs
Breathes assisted by set inspiratory pressure
Inspiratory flow drops below set inhalational negative pressure threshold
Pressure support terminates as exhalation cycle begins
Combined with SIMV
Inspiratory pressure added to patient triggered breaths
Patient can overcome resistance of the endotracheal tube or ↑ volume of spontaneous breathes
              Delivery of set tidal volume, inspiratory flow rate & pattern
Airways remain open & clear of obstruction
Forced air into nasal passages
Nose bleeds (epistaxis)
       Maximum tidal volume reached
Exhale valve opens
Patient exhales actively or passively until set end expiratory pressure in the lungs is reached (PEEP) to prevent alveolar collapse
Patient exhales until PEEP reached
Patient achieves optimal ventilation throughout respiratory cycles
Mouth breathing
Dry mouth
Increased work of breathing & muscle fatigue
Prolonged weaning & extubation
                 Breath stacking
↑ Volume and pressure in lungs Lung tissue injury (barotrauma)
Microorganisms colonize artificial airway
Ventilator associated pneumonia if ventilation >48 hrs
↓ CO2in circulation Respiratory alkalosis
 Sign/symptom/lab finding
 Published Nov 25, 2023 on

Aspiration Pneumonia

Aspiration Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
        Intractable vomiting
↑ Likelihood of oropharyngeal and gastric contents exiting the esophagus, entering the trachea to the lung
If the acidic gastric contents are sterile, then aspirating this results in inflammation and lung injury without development of infection
Aspiration pneumonitis
Alveolar macrophages recruit neutrophils to local site of infection. Subsequent cytokine release compromises the vascular endothelial cell wall barrier and ↑ alveolar-capillary permeability
↑ inflammation due to fluid and cellular debris build-up in alveoli
(e.g. opioids) (e.g. stroke)
Altered level of consciousness and impaired cough/clearance
Tube Poor Alcohol and Substance Medications Neurologic diseases
Esophageal and gastric motility disorders
Impaired swallowing
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
feeding oral health
Bacteria adhere to epithelial surfaces and ↑ risk of airway and lung bacterial colonization
Aspirated oropharyngeal and gastric contents can also contain bacteria
↓ Elimination and clearance of foreign bacteria from airway and lung
Macroaspiration (large volume aspiration) of oropharyngeal bacteria, during eating and drinking
                    Bacteria and fluid fill bronchi and alveolar space
Aspiration Pneumonia
Alterations to lung microbial flora
  An infectious lung process caused by inhalation of foreign bacterial and oropharyngeal and gastric contents
   Aspiration of acidic fluid and pneumonia causative pathogen (typically anaerobes or bacteria in normal oral flora) with resultant inflammation
Infiltrate develops in a gravity-dependent pattern in patches around bronchi segments.
Produces proinflammatory cytokines, (e.g. tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-1)
Hypothalamic production of prostaglandin E2 results in thermogenesis
Authors: Luiza Radu
Reviewers: Mao Ding, *Yan Yu, *Jonathan Liu *MD at time of publication
    Aspiration to the right lung more common due to large diameter and more vertical orientation of the right main bronchus
          Crackles and ↑ lung vibrations (fremitus) on auscultation
Productive Cough
Impaired alveolar gas exchange
Chemoreceptor detection of ↓ pO2 triggers
↑ ventilation
Consolidation in lower lobes (particularly superior segments) and posterior segments of upper lobes
If untreated, a
pus-filled lung cavity develops (e.g. abscess)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Jan 11, 2024 on


Epiglottitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Infectious cause: Bacterial (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria
meningitidis, or most commonly Haemophilus influenzae in unimmunized children), viral or fungal
Authors: Alisha Ebrahim Reviewers: Simran Sandhu Mao Ding Michelle J. Chen Danielle Nelson* * MD at time of publication
   Infectious agent invades the bloodstream and/or the epithelial layer of the epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds and adjacent structures, allowing for spread
Non-infectious cause: Ingestion of toxin or foreign body, thermal injury, or trauma
   The potential space between the squamous epithelial layer and the epiglottal cartilage fills with inflammatory cells such as neutrophils and eosinophils
Exudate of inflammatory cells spreads through the lymphatic and blood vessels in the lingual surface of the epiglottis and periepiglottic tissues
Fluid and inflammatory cells accumulate between the squamous epithelial layer and epiglottal cartilage
Swelling of the entire supraglottic larynx
Tripod/sniffing position (Anxious- looking and sitting with trunk leaning
forward, neck hyper-extended and chin pushed forward to maximize airway diameter)
Stridor (High-pitched sound that is produced by obstruction in the larynx or just below)
Stertor (Low-pitched noise created in the nose or the back of the throat)
Retraction of the intercostal and suprasternal muscles
Tachypnea (Rapid breathing)
       Increased weight and mass of the epiglottis Epiglottis curls posteriorly and inferiorly
Ball-valve effect (Airflow obstructed during inspiration as epiglottis is pulled over airway but not during expiration as epiglottis moves back into position)
↓ Diameter of upper airway
  Epiglottis obstructs the esophagus
Dysphagia (Difficulty swallowing)
Cyanosis (Blue tint to skin)
Turbulent inspiratory airflow Aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions
              Hypoxemia (Low oxygen levels in blood)
↓ Air entry to lungs
Airway obstruction
↑ Work of breathing
      Drooling Pain when swallowing
Muffled/”hot potato” voice
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Feb 5, 2024 on

Sickle Cell Disease Pathogenesis Clinical Findings and Complications

Sickle Cell Disease: Pathogenesis, Clinical Findings, and Complications
DNA point mutation in chromosome 11 causes a substitution of glutamate to valine for the sixth amino acid of the β-globin chain
Authors: Yang (Steven) Liu Priyanka Grewal Reviewers: Alexander Arnold Luiza Radu JoyAnne Krupa Yan Yu* Lynn Savoie* * MD at time of publication
  Hemoglobin S (HbS) variant formed instead of normal Hemoglobin A (HbA)
  Hb electrophoresis shows approximately 45% HbS, 52% HbA (ααββ), 2% HbA
Hb electrophoresis shows approximately 90% HbS, 8% HbF, & 2% HbA .
No HbA present
  (ααδδ), & 1% HbF (ααγγ;2 fetal hemoglobin)
Heterozygous: point mutation in one of the two chromosomes (Hb AS)
Sickle cell trait
(asymptomatic unless severely hypoxic)
Homozygous: point mutation in both chromosomes (Hb SS)
Sickle cell disease
An inherited blood disorder characterized by defective hemoglobin that leads to red blood cells sickling
      Dehydration Hypoxemia
↓ Volume of RBC cytoplasm
↓ O2 Saturation of Hb
O morereadily 2
released from Hb in low pH environment
↑ Concentration of deoxygenated HbSinred blood cells (RBCs)
Hydrophilic glutamate→ hydrophobic valine substitution makes HbS less soluble in the cytoplasm & more prone to polymerization & precipitation in its deoxygenated state
↑ Concentration of deoxygenated Hb in RBC leads to ↑ polymerization rate Polymerized & precipitated HbS forms long needle-like fibers
        RBC shape becomes sickled
Sickle cells on peripheral blood smear
(sickled RBCs lodge in small vessels, blocking bloodflow to organs & tissues)
Blockage of venous outflow
Occlusion of vessels in lungs ↑ pulmonary blood pressure
Fluid extravasates into interstitial tissue leading to pulmonary edema
Acute chest syndrome (chest pain, hypoxemia (↓blood oxygen), etc.)**
to the penis:
to the spleen:
Priapism (persistent, painful erection)
Splenic Sequestration (blood pools in spleenà splenomegaly & hypotension)
Extravascular hemolysis (macrophages in the spleen phagocytose sickled RBCs)
Normocytic anemia
↑Marrow erythropoiesis (RBC production) to compensate for hemolysis
                  Infarction of bone
Pain crises
If occurring in hands
Dactylitis (inflammation of digits)
Blockage of arteries ↓ oxygenation of organs & tissues
Vaso-occlusion of the splenic artery
Splenic infarction (↓ blood supply leads to tissue death)
RBC inclusions (structures found in RBCs) not removed by spleen
Howell-Jolly bodies (RBC DNA remnants) on blood smear
Vaso-occlusion of other arteries (cranial, renal, etc)
Stroke, renal failure
↑ RBC breakdown
↑ Unconjugated bilirubin released from RBC breakdown
RBC precursors (reticulocytes) are released into the blood stream
Reticulocytosis (increased number of immature red blood cells) on peripheral blood smear
Patient’s RBC level becomes dependent on increased marrow activity
Bone marrow infarction or viral infections (i.e. Parvovirus B19) suppresses bone marrow activity
Aplastic crises (profound anemia)
       ** See corresponding Calgary Guide slide(s)
↑ Serum level of unconjugated bilirubin
Some of the circulating unconjugated bilirubin deposits in the skin
Jaundice (yellowing of skin)
↑ Conjugation of bilirubin in liver
↑Amounts of conjugated bilirubin released into bile
Gallstone formation
Cholelithiasis (presence of gallstones in the gallbladder)
         Spleen releases invasive encapsulated bacteria (eg. Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis) into circulation, which causes infections
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Sept 16, 2013, updated Apr 29, 2024 on

Acute Otitis Media Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings in Children

Acute Otitis Media in Children: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
      Congenital conditions (e.g. Down Syndrome, Pierre Robin syndrome)
Exposure to tobacco smoke
Impaired macrophage function in nasopharynx
Lack of immunizations
Lack of breastfeeding
Infant does not receive antibodies from breast milk
Age 6 – 16 months
        Immune system deficiencies
Close proximity of kids & ↓ sanitation (e.g. daycare)
↑ Infection risk Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (i.e. bacterial (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis), viral)
Immature Eustachian tube anatomy which facilitates pathogen transmission to middle ear
Author: Jody Platt Stephanie de Waal Reviewers: Yan Yu Elizabeth De Klerk William Kim Annie Pham Michelle J. Chen Danielle Nelson* * MD at time of publication
Abnormal anatomical structure (e.g. cleft palate)
↑ Nasopharyngeal streptococcus pneumoniae
Lack of immunity to pathogens
↑ Colonization of nasopharynx with bacterial pathogens
       Inflammation & edema of respiratory mucosa including the nose, nasopharynx, and Eustachian tube
Obstruction of the Eustachian tube
Air from middle ear resorbs into circulation which creates a low-pressure environment
Negative pressure gradient pulls viral/bacterial pathogens into middle ear
Degenerating white blood cells, tissue debris, and microorganisms accumulate & develops into purulent effusion
      Inflammation & infection of middle ear
Complications of acute otitis media**
       ↑ Pressure in middle ear
Stretching of tympanic membrane
Helper T cells & macrophages release cytokines into the bloodstream
Cytokines trigger hypothalamus to ↑ thermoregulatory set-point
Effusion behind tympanic membrane
Effusion obstructs visualization of ossicles
Neutrophils infiltrate middle ear & phagocytose pathogens
Pus accumulates behind the tympanic membrane
Blood vessels of the tympanic membrane vasodilate
             Bulging tympanic membrane
Otalgia (ear pain)
Discomfort disrupts daily activities in young children
Irritable Poor feeding
Tympanic membrane erythema
Painful blisters on tympanic membrane (e.g. Bullous myringitis)
     Can persist for up to 3 months after infection resolves
Loss of tympanic membrane landmarks (i.e. handle of malleus, light reflex)
** See corresponding Calgary Guide slide
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Feb 28, 2013; updated Aug 25, 2024 on

Pediatric Pneumonia Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Jasmine Nguyen Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Annie Pham Eric Leung* Jean Mah* * MD at time of publication
  Immunological: unvaccinated, primary immunocompromise, pre-existing illness (e.g. HIV, measles), malnutrition
Environmental: smoke, air pollution, mold, crowded housing
Recent hospitalization or antibiotic-use
Physiological: neonates, low-birth weight, underlying lung disease
  These factors make the host more susceptible to infection
Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to infection/proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
Exposure to pathogen via inhalation, hematogenous, direct exposure, or aspiration
           Epithelial cells in respiratory tract release cytokines that recruit neutrophils & plasma proteins to infection site, initiating a local inflammatory response
Cytokines released into the bloodstream (e.g. TNF, IL-1) initiate a systemic inflammatory response
   ↑ Vascular permeability
Accumulation of exudate, cellular debris, serous fluid, fibrin, or bacteria in the airway spaces
↑ Respiratory drive
↑ Excitability of the peripheral somatosensory system
Circulating cytokines induce prostaglandin synthesis
          Airway irritation as cilia are unable to efficiently clear fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid, protein, or inflammatory cells leak into pleural space
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary edema
Fluid buildup in interstitial spaces ↑ gas diffusion distance
Bacteria enter the bloodstream (if bacterial pneumonia)
Fluid buildup in the alveoli ↓ available surface area for gas diffusion
↓ Efficiency of gas exchange
Intra- and extracranial arteries dilate
↑ Thermo-regulatory set-point of the hypothalamus
    Fluid accumulation in the pleural space prevents full lung expansion
↑ Work of breathing (tracheal tug, paradoxical abdominal breathing, subcostal/suprasternal indrawing)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published May 28, 2018; updated Aug 25, 2024 on
Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Jasmine Nguyen Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Annie Pham Eric Leung* * MD at time of publication
   Immunological: unvaccinated, primary immunocompromise, pre-existing illness (e.g. HIV, measles), malnutrition
Environmental: smoke, air pollution, mold, crowded housing
Recent Hospitalization: length of stay, recent antibiotics, mechanical ventilation
Physiological: neonates, low-birth weight, underlying lung disease (ciliary dysfunction, asthma, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis)
Host is more susceptible to infection
Exposure to pathogen:
inhalation, hematogenous, direct, aspiration
       Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to infection/proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
• Additional findings in pediatric pneumonia may include increased
irritability, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea,
otitis, and headache
• Viral pathogens most common in
children <2yrs; bacterial pathogens most common in children >2yrs
      Local inflammatory response: epithelial cells release cytokines in response to infection, which recruit neutrophils and plasma proteins to site of infection
↑ Vascular permeability causes accumulation of plasma exudate, cellular debris, serous fluid, fibrin, or bacteria in the airway spaces
Systemic inflammatory response:
Cytokine release (eg. TNF, IL-1)
↑ respiratory drive
          Airway irritation as cilia are unable to efficiently clear fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid, protein, or inflammatory
cells leak into pleural space
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary edema
Fluid buildup in interstitial spaces increases gas diffusion distance
Fluid buildup in the alveoli decreases
available surface area for gas diffusion
↓ efficiency of gas exchange
Bacteria invade into the bloodstream (if bacterial pneumonia)
Circulating cytokines induce prostaglandin synthesis, which raise the thermoregulatory set-point of the hypothalamus
paradoxical abdominal breathing, subcostal/suprasternal indrawing)
Fluid accumulation in the pleural space prevents full
lung expansion, resulting in ↓ lung volumes
↑ Work of breathing (tracheal tug,
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Month Day, Year on
Pediatric Pneumonia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Immunological: immunization status, immune compromise
Environmental: second-hand smoke, air pollution
Hospitalization: length of stay, recent antibiotics, mechanical ventilation
Neonates, immunocompromise, underlying lung disease (ciliary dysfunction, Cystic Fibrosis, bronchiectasis)
Authors: Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Eric Leung* * MD at time of publication
Additional findings in pediatric pneumonia may include nausea, otitis, headache
Viral pathogens most common in children <2yrs; bacterial pathogens most common in children >2yrs
Interstitial pattern: suspect Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Influenza A + B, Parainfluenza Lobar pattern: suspect S. pneumonia, H. influenzae, Moraxella, S. aureus
Systemic inflammatory response:
Cytokine release (eg. TNF, IL-1)
  Exposure to pathogen: inhalation, hematogenous, direct, aspiration
Susceptible host and/or virulent pathogen
Infection and proliferation of pathogen in lower respiratory tract/parenchyma
Pediatric pneumonia:
Inflammatory response to proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level
     • •
• •
        Local inflammatory response: neutrophils recruited to site of infection (LOBAR or INTERSTITIAL PATTERN, depending on pathogen) by epithelial cytokine release
      Irritation of contiguous structures and/or referred pain (mechanism unclear)
Acute abdominal pain
Accumulation of plasma exudate (from capillary leakage at sites of inflammation), cell-debris, serous fluid, bacteria, fibrin
↑ respiratory drive
Disruption of hypothalamic thermoregulation
         Irritation of airways and failure of ciliary clearance to keep up with fluid buildup
Crackles, ↓ breath sounds
Fluid buildup in spaces between
Interstitial opacity on CXR
Fluid buildup in alveoli (LOBAR PATTERN)
↓ efficiency of gas exchange (↑ diffusion distance in INTERSTITIAL, ↓ surface area in LOBAR)
          Lobar consolidation on CXR
Respiratory accessory muscle use (chest indrawing, paradoxical breathing, muscle retractions)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published May 28, 2018 on