
Predisposing Factors:
Immunocompromised state, diabetes, 
elderly, female (short urethra), stagnant 
urine (anatomical variant, obstruction, 
neurogenic bladder, urinary reflux)
Bacterial entry (Less Common):
Indwelling catheter, surgical inoculation, 
hematogenousspread, trauma
(Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Candida)
Fecal bacteria access urethra 
(E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella)
Impairment of body's natural defense 
systems, or stagnant urine, allow for 
bacterial accumulation
Portal of entry bypasses body's physical 
defenses (gravity and repetitive outward 
urine flow)
Bacterial fimbriae and pili allow 
them to ascend urethra and 
adhere to epithelium 
Lower Urinary Tract Infection (LUTI): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Bacterial colony irritates 
urinary epithelium
Sensation of need to urinate 
quickly or impending 
Stimulation of 
Stimulation of urinary reflex
Pathogens use 
enzymes to reduce 
nitrate to nitrite 
Delirium in Elderly
Repetitive need to 
Unique response of altered fluid 
status, electrolytes and mental 
status, likely as a result of 
increased inflammatory cytokines 
Lower Urinary Tract Infection (“Cystitis”): 
Infection of bladder or distal tract by capable bacteria 
colonizing epithelium and causing symptoms
Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published March 16, 2014 on
Brett Edwards
Riley Hartmann
Jan Rudzinski
Haotian Wang
Steve Vaughan*
* MD at time of publication
Usual Pathogens (“KEEPS”):
K – Klebsiella
E – E. coli (90%)
E – Enterococcus, Enterobacteriaceae
P – Proteus, Pseudomonas
S – Staph. saprophyticus, Serratia
Urine Findings:
↑ Colony Count (>107 CFU/L)
↑ WBC (>10 WBC/μL)
(+) Bacterial culture
(+) Nitrites, Leukocyte Esterase
(+) Foul, turbid urine
+/- Hematuria (rare)


Predisposing Factors:
Immunocompromised state, diabetes, 
elderly, female (short urethra), stagnant 
urine (anatomical variant, obstruction, 
neurogenic bladder, urinary reflux)
Bacterial entry (Less Common):
Indwelling catheter, surgical inoculation, 
hematogenousspread, trauma
(Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Candida)
Fecal bacteria access urethra 
(E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella)
Impairment of body's natural defense 
systems, or stagnant urine, allow for 
bacterial accumulation
Portal of entry bypasses body's physical 
defenses (gravity and repetitive outward 
urine flow)
Bacterial fimbriae and pili allow 
them to ascend urethra and 
adhere to epithelium 
Lower Urinary Tract Infection (LUTI): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Bacterial colony irritates 
urinary epithelium
Sensation of need to urinate 
quickly or impending 
Stimulation of 
Stimulation of urinary reflex
Pathogens use 
enzymes to reduce 
nitrate to nitrite 
Delirium in Elderly
Repetitive need to 
Unique response of altered fluid 
status, electrolytes and mental 
status, likely as a result of 
increased inflammatory cytokines 
Lower Urinary Tract Infection (“Cystitis”): 
Infection of bladder or distal tract by capable bacteria 
colonizing epithelium and causing symptoms
Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published March 16, 2014 on
Brett Edwards
Riley Hartmann
Jan Rudzinski
Haotian Wang
Steve Vaughan*
* MD at time of publication
Usual Pathogens (“KEEPS”):
K – Klebsiella
E – E. coli (90%)
E – Enterococcus, Enterobacteriaceae
P – Proteus, Pseudomonas
S – Staph. saprophyticus, Serratia
Urine Findings:
↑ Colony Count (>107 CFU/L)
↑ WBC (>10 WBC/μL)
(+) Bacterial culture
(+) Nitrites, Leukocyte Esterase
(+) Foul, turbid urine
+/- Hematuria (rare)
WBCs onsite 
release enzymes
Cytokines released
Fever, Malaise, 
(>11 x 109 cells/L)
(Rare in LUTI)

Pulsus Paradoxus

Yu Yan - Pulsus Paradoxus - FINAL.pptx
Lungs are hyperinflated, and vascular beds are more expanded? BP on inspiration (<10mmHg)Pulsus ParadoxusThrombi in the pulmonary arteries ? blood filling pulmonary vasculatureLegend:Published January 21, 2013 on www.thecalgaryguide.comMechanismPathophysiologySign/Symptom/Lab FindingComplicationsAuthor:  Yan YuReviewers:Sean SpenceLaura CraigNanette Alvarez** MD at time of publication? ? ? forward blood flow from lungs into left heartWith cardiac pathology external to myocardium(Cardiac tamponade, or rarely with constrictive pericarditis)? Right heart filling, ? blood flow into lung vesselsMore blood returns to R heart ? more blood enters and pools in pulmonary vasculature? blood returns to the left heart, ? its fillingWith obstructive lung diseases (i.e. COPD)With vascular pathology (rare):InspirationNormally:? lung volume ? ? intra-vascular volume within pulmonary blood vessels ? ? lung capacitance for blood, ? R heart afterloadPulsus Paradoxus:Exaggerated ?in systolic BP on inspiration (>10mmHg)? left heart stroke volume/cardiac outputOn inspiration, ? ? ? blood enter lungs and pools  within pulmonary vasculature? ? ? left heart stroke volume/cardiac outputAbnormally:On inspiration, as pulmonary intra-vasculature volume expands and blood pools within, flow into the left heart ? ? ? Pulmonary embolism? venous return to R heartVena cava obstructionBy thrombi, or external compression by masses/ fibrosis (from obesity, pregnancy) As ? blood fills R heart on inspiration, external constraints on myocardium ? cardiac expansion, interventricular septum is pushed into LVThere is no room in the pericardial sac for the LV to expand and maintain normal end diastolic volume (i.e. ? LV filling)
98 kB / 233 words


Localized Pitting Edema: Pathogenesis 
Central venous catheter insertion 
Insufficient venous valves 
Foreign body irritates the endothelium, causing endothelial injury 
1` pro-fibrotic gene activation & pro-inflammatory factors 
Smooth muscle proliferation & thickening of the venous endothelial layer 
Central vein stenosis 
1` in venous blood pooling, causing venous congestion -1111. Venous insufficiency 1` in venous blood • pressure 
Extrinsic compression (i.e. tumor) 
Authors: Sunny Fong Reviewers: Joseph Tropiano Adam Bass* * MD at time of publication 
Central vein thrombosis 
Deep vein thrombosis 

T in venous pressure is transmitted to the capillaries 
1` in capillary hydrostatic pressure 
T in fluid extravasation from plasma into the interstitial space distal to site of obstruction or insufficiency 
Localized Pitting Edema: Edema fixed at a specific anatomical site 
Venous obstruction causes'` blood pooling distal to site of obstruction 
Starling's Equation: 
Net filtration gradient = LpS x ((Pap — Pint) Olcap 
LpS = Porosity or permeability of the endothelial layer Pup = Capillary hydrostatic pressure Pint = Interstitial hydrostatic pressure ncap = Capillary oncotic pressure flint = Interstitial oncotic pressure 
Note: An increase in net filtration gradient (eg. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure or decreased capillary oncotic pressure) can lead to the formation of edema


Pathogenesis of Select Causes of Constipation in Adults and in Elderly 
Authors: Reviewers: Lina Cadili Peter Bishay Joseph Tropiano Kirles Bishay* *MD at time of publication 
Mechanical Metabolic Endocrine Neurological Myogenic Pelvic Floor IBS-C Drugs (ex. Bowel (ex. (ex. (ex. Multiple (ex. Dyssynergia (ex. Opioid Obstruction, Stricture) Hypercalcemia) Hypothyroid-ism) Sclerosis) Scleroderma) Analgesics) 
Mechanical I`Ca2+ = 4, Na+ Thyroid Demyelination Collagen Puborectalis Disturbance in obstruction in permeability in hormone of CNS neurons deposits into muscle and the gut-brain the bowel neurons deficiency colonic mucosa, leading to external anal sphincter fail interaction fibrosis of the gut wall to relax Interrupted 4, Excitability Possible Dysfunction of Narrowed Mechanism flow of bowel contents and tone of bowel smooth mechanisms: hormone autonomic nerves that anorectal angle and unknown, many Atrophy of the muscle receptor supply smooth muscle '`pressure of pathways changes, involuntary wall of the colon anal canal neuromuscular disorders, myopathy from bodily functions 1, Peristalsis of infiltration of 4, Ability of the Evacuation Visceral the bowel colon to contract of feces is hypersensitivity Abbreviations: the intestinal wall 4, Digestion less effective and 4, colonic and colonic motility motor • IBS-C: Irritable Bowel Syndrome with predominant constipation • CNS: Central Nervous System 4, Peristalsis of response after a meal the bowel  
Opioids bind to Lt-opioid receptors on gut wall 
Inhibition of excitatory neural pathways within the enteric nervous system 
1, Peristaltic contractions 
l• Colonic  transit time

Pituitary Mass Effects

Pituitary Mass Effects 
Note: pituitary tumors are almost always a benign adenoma. Pituitary adenomas are very common -approximately 1 in 6 individuals. These are usually asymptomatic and are found incidentally. Symptomatic pituitary adenomas that require treatment are much less common and affect approximately 1 in 1000 individuals. 
Pituitary tumor 
Note: typically (but not always) the anterior hormones will be lost in the following order; GH, LH, FSH, TSH, ACTH, PRL. This order (with the exception of prolactin) is the order of least-essential to most-essential hormones needed for survival. A good mnemonic to remember the order the hormones are is, 10mm on MRI) vomiting Giant adenoma Extension into hypothalamus —1■• Damage to hypothalamic cells Hypothalamic (>40mm on MRI) dysfunction Obstruction of dopamine Superior tumor growth Impingement of the optic chiasma Bitemporal Loss of pituitary hemianopsia hormones ICP Suprasellar extension Occlusion of ventricles Obstruction of CSF Flow Hydrocephalus Lateral tumor growth Impingement of cranial nerves 3, 4, 5 (V1/V2) and 6 4 Pituitary stalk impingement Diplopia Inferior tumor growth Erosion into sphenoid sinus CSF leak into throat Post-nasal Obstruction of ADH drip Communication between sinus and brain Migration of bacteria from sinus flora Hyper-Diabetes Meningitis prolactinemia insipidus Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published October 1 2017 on " title="Pituitary Mass Effects Note: pituitary tumors are almost always a benign adenoma. Pituitary adenomas are very common -approximately 1 in 6 individuals. These are usually asymptomatic and are found incidentally. Symptomatic pituitary adenomas that require treatment are much less common and affect approximately 1 in 1000 individuals. Pituitary tumor Note: typically (but not always) the anterior hormones will be lost in the following order; GH, LH, FSH, TSH, ACTH, PRL. This order (with the exception of prolactin) is the order of least-essential to most-essential hormones needed for survival. A good mnemonic to remember the order the hormones are is, "Go Look For The Adenoma Please". Legend: Note: for pituitary masses of all sizes, it is important to determine whether the pituitary tumor is secreting (70%) or non-secreting (30%) as secreting tumors can be targeted with medication. The most common secreting tumors secrete prolactin (most common), growth hormone, and ACTH. Authors: Chris Oleynick Reviewers: Amyna Fidai Laura Byford-Richardson Joseph Tropiano Hanan Bassyouni* * MD at time of publication Microadenoma Small size is unlikely to cause mass effects (<10mm on MRI) Asymptomatic Macroadenoma Large size may press on surrounding structures, causing mass effects Headaches Stretching of the meninges Activation of mechanoreceptors Nausea and (>10mm on MRI) vomiting Giant adenoma Extension into hypothalamus —1■• Damage to hypothalamic cells Hypothalamic (>40mm on MRI) dysfunction Obstruction of dopamine Superior tumor growth Impingement of the optic chiasma Bitemporal Loss of pituitary hemianopsia hormones ICP Suprasellar extension Occlusion of ventricles Obstruction of CSF Flow Hydrocephalus Lateral tumor growth Impingement of cranial nerves 3, 4, 5 (V1/V2) and 6 4 Pituitary stalk impingement Diplopia Inferior tumor growth Erosion into sphenoid sinus CSF leak into throat Post-nasal Obstruction of ADH drip Communication between sinus and brain Migration of bacteria from sinus flora Hyper-Diabetes Meningitis prolactinemia insipidus Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published October 1 2017 on " />

Ischemia: Pathogenesis of Cellular Injury and Death

Ischemia: Pathogenesis of Cellular Injury and Death 
4, Cardiac Output 
Obstruction of Blood Flow 
4, Oxygen Carrying Capacity 
Inadequate oxygenation of body tissues 
• lschemia • 
4, oxygen availability to body tissues with inadequate oxygen supply 
• Hypoxia/Anoxia 
4, cellular oxidative phosphorylation 
Authors: Tiffany Yuen Reviewers: David Lincoln Erin Davison Usama Malik Dr. P. Timothy Pollak* * MD at time of publication 
Anaerobic respiration 
• vir Failure to resynthesize energy-rich phosphates & phosphocreatine 
Catabolism of ATP -> AMP Altered ATP-dependent ionic membrane pump Intracellular accumulation of intracellular Ca2+ intracellular hypoxanthine & H2O Conversion of hypoxanthine Activation of phospholipases & Cellular Edema production of free fatty acids -> toxic oxygen species Reperfusion and re-introduction Phospholipases and free fatty acids degrade cellular membranes of molecular oxygen 
Pathophysiology Mechanism 
Cellular Injury and/or Cellular Death 
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding 
4, pH 
Lactic acidosis 
1` Fe decompartmentalization 
Mitochondrial injury 
1` free-radicals 
NADH degradation 
4, ATP levels 

Nuclear damage

Bronchogenic Carcinoma - Pancoast Tumors Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Bronchogenic Carcinoma - Pancoast Tumors 
Pathogenesis and clinical findings 
• NSCLC- Non Small Cell Lung 
• SCLC — Small Cell Lung Cancer 
• RLN — Recurrent Laryngeal 
• SVC — Superior Vena Cava 
• RA — Right Atrium 
• STM — Superior Tarsal Muscle 
Chest pain 
Pleural rubs 
Shoulder pain 
SCLC (less common) 
Endothoracic fascia 
1— Parietal pleura •  
Upper ribs 
Large Cell 
Squamous Cell 
Primary Bronchogenic 
Pancoast tumor: 
Local/metastatic growth in 
ipsilateral lung apex 
Disruption of structures 
adjacent to superior 
pulmonary sulcus 
NSCLC (more common) 
Invasion of airways 
► causing obstruction 
(later stages) 
Bradley Stebner 
Daniel Meyers 
Midas (Kening) Kang 
Natalie Morgunov 
Sadie Kutz 
Usama Malik 
Kerri Johannson* 
*MD at time of publication 
• Pancoast Tumor: Malignant 
lesion occupying the superior 
pulmonary sulcus (lung apex) 
Bronchogenic carcinoma: 
primary malignant neoplasm 
arising from epithelium of 
bronchus or bronchiole 
Pancoast tumors can be caused 
by primary or metastatic 
pulmonary neoplasms 
(described here) as well as 
infectious foci 
Compression of C8 
and T1 nerves 
Disruption of paravertebral 
sympathetic chain 
Shoulder • Weakness in intrinsic Horner's • 4, sympathetic to to iris muscle Syndrome 4, sympathetic radial to eccrine sweat gland 
Pain (ulnar hand muscles 
nerve) 4, sympathetic innervation STM 
Paresthesia in 
4th /5th digits and 
arm/forearm medial 
Ptosis Mi o sis Anhidrosis  Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism 
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding 
Compression of SVC 
SVC Syndrome 
4, venous return to 
4, Cardiac output to 
Disruption of RLN 
Hoarse voice 
4, venous drainage 
from upper thoracic 
Retention of fluid in 
upper limb 
Facial and limb swelling

Asthma Acute Exacerbation: Pathogenesis and Treatment

Asthma Acute Exacerbation: Pathogenesis and Treatment 
Viral URI 
Other Triggers 
Activation of immune system: Epithelial chemokine activation, lymphocyte activation, macrophage activation, t leukotriene production 
Inflammation of lower airway 
• Dyspnea 
Air flows past inflamed airways causes t irritation 
Cough and wheezing 
Release of inflammatory mediators 
Mucosal edema causing turbulent air flow 7Ir Wheezing 
Notes • Asthma: Airway hyper-responsiveness causing airflow obstructions • Acute Exacerbation (Asthma): An episode of increased symptoms due to decreases in airflow 
Abbreviations • PCO2: Partial pressure of CO, in arterial blood • PEF: Peak expiratory flow • SABA: Short-acting beta-2 agonists • Sp02 : Blood oxygen saturation level 
Mild to moderate  exacerbation: PEF 50% of predicted 
Titrate O2 toSpO2, 92%, give SABA & steroids ■  
Good response:  symptoms  resolved, PEF > 80% 

[Treat at home with SABA as needed and steroids 
1` Residual volume and 1` PCO2 

Respiratory failure 
1` Air trapping causes '1' intra-alveolar pressure 
Severe exacerbation: PEF 50% of predicted Educate patient regarding medications, Loss of Pulsus inhaler technique & [consciousness paradoxus follow up with primary care provider  I 
Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism 
Titrate O2 to402 93%, give SABA, steroids & magnesium sulfate 
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding 
{Worsening symptoms and/or respiratory failure: Do not delay intubation, send to ICU, give SABA, steroids & magnesium sulfate 
Authors: Luke Gagnon Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Lian Szabo* * MD at time of publication 
4, Delivery of oxygen rich air to alveoli 4, Oxygenation of blood 
Drowsy and confused  
Central  cyanosis 
• Tachycardia 
[Depending on 1 severity: Observation or place chest tube

Bronchiectasis Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Bronchiectasis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings 
Acquired immunodeficiency Lymphoma, HIV, transplant 
Autoimmune Lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis 
Congenital/Genetic Cystic fibrosis, A1AT deficiency, Marfan, immunoglobulin deficiency, Kartagener syndrome, Young syndrome 
Endobronchial obstruction Neoplasm, foreign body, lymph node compression 
Other Inhalation exposure (smoke, ammonia), MAC complex infection, COPD, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, chronic infections 
Irreversibly dilated bronchi 
Chronic bronchial infection and inflammation 
Easily collapsible airways 
 I Bronchiectasis (persistent and progressive damage to lungs) 
Chronic cough  (mucopurulent) 
Defect in immunity and/or mucus clearance 
Persistent bacteria in airway (commonly Pseudomonas/Staph aureus) 
Inflammatory response 
Abbreviations: • A1AT — Alpha-1-antitrypsin • COPD — Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease • HIV — Human Immunodeficiency Virus • MAC — Membrane Attack Complex • VQ— Ventilation/Perfusion ratio 
Pathophysiology Mechanism 
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding 
Failure to thrive (children)  

Authors: Rebecca (Becky) Phillips Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Eric Leung* * MD at time of publication 
Notes: • Can be focal (single lobe/segment) or diffuse (both lungs) • Mainly in elderly • 1% prevalence in children 
Tissue damage 
Epithelial destruction of airways 
Further impairment of bacterial clearance 
Persistent inspiratory adventitious sounds  (crackles > wheezing)  
Structural damage to bronchial walls 
Obstructive pulmonary function tests  
Chest pain 
VQ mismatch and 4, gas exchange 
4, oxygenation 

Digital  clubbing (rare)  
Fatigue Dyspnea  
Cyanosis  (uncommon)

Lung cancer clinical findings and paraneoplastic syndromes

Lung cancer: clinical findings and paraneoplastic syndromes 
Note: most presentations of lung cancer are very subtle with non-specific symptoms and signs (i.e. fever, weight loss, general malaise) 
Obstruction of proximal airway 
Inability to clear inhaled pathogens Postobstructive pneumonia 
Cough, fever, dyspnea  
Local tumor growth 
Spread of tumor to pleural surface 
Chest Pleural  discomfort effusion 
• Obstruction or compression at local site 

Uncontrolled abnormal cell growth in one or both lungs 4 Lung Cancer 
Airway invasion 
Lambert-Eaton  syndrome  (Production of auto-antibodies against Calcium channels) 
Muscle  weakness 
I` effort to Compression at the Compression Superior vena ventilate the laryngeal nerve of brachial cava lungs nerve plexus compression Impaired innervation to the vocal cords Dyspnea Shortness of Arm/shoulder/ Face/arm breath Voice hoarseness neck pain edema 
Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism 
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding 
Authors: Yoyo Chan Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Leila Barss* * MD at time of publication 
Tumor secretes biologically active substances 
Paraneoplastic Syndromes 4 Associated symptoms with malignant diseases 

TGF131 extracellular matrix protein 
Fingers  clubbing 
PTHrP T calcium release from bones 
Hypercalcemia Serum calcium >2.6 mmol/L 
ADH 1 SIADH  T water reabsorption 1 
Hyponatremia Serum sodium <135mEq/L 
Abbreviations: • ACTH: Adrenocorticotropic hormone • ADH: Anti-diuretic hormone • PTHrP: Parathyroid hormone-related protein • SIADH: Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone production • TGFI31: Transforming growth factor beta 1 
1` ACTH 
cortisol release and production 
Cushing's  syndrome  (symptoms and signs caused by prolonged cortisol exposure) 
Muscle  weakness,  hyperglycemia, severe  hypokalemia

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Pathogenesis and medications

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Pathogenesis and medications 
Testosterone metabolized into DHT by type II 5- a-reductase in prostate 
DHT binds to androgen receptor in prostate cell nuclei 
Hyperplasia of the prostate 
Prostate encapsulated by fibromuscular tissue, therefore grows inwards 
Prostatic urethral compression and bladder outlet obstruction 
a-1 blockers (e.g. tamsulosin) 
Note: MoA not fully established 
PDE-5 inhibitors (e.g. tadalafil) 
Bladder and prostate smooth-muscle a-1 receptor antagonism 
Relaxation of bladder outlet and prostate smooth-muscle 
Authors: Michael Korostensky Reviewers: Alex Tang Usama Malik Dr. Jay Lee* * MD at time of publication 
Acronyms: 5-ARI = 5-a reductase inhibitors COX = cyclooxygenase DHT = dihydrotestosterone GnRH = gonadotropin-releasing hormone LUTS = lower urinary tract symptoms PDE-5-mediated cGMP degradation in prostate smooth-Improved urinary outflow muscle and associated vascular supply Relaxation of prostate smooth-muscle MoA = mechanism of action NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs PDE-5 = phosphodiesterase-5 -NO 
5-ARIs (e.g. dutasteride) 
LHRH receptor antagonists (e.g. cetrorel ix) 
P3-adrenergic agonists (e.g. mirabegron) 
anticholinergics (e.g. oxybutynin) 
1` Bladder pressures 
Pathophysiology Mechanism 
5-a-reductase activity 
1, Conversion of testosterone into DHT 
4, Progression of LUTS 
1, Testosterone secretion from testicular Leydig cells 1, LH secretion from pituitary GnRH antagonism DHT production Relaxation of detrusor Bladder muscle 1` capacity Improved LUTS  
Acetylcholine antagonism at muscarinic receptors Relaxation of bladder outlet smooth-muscle 1` volume to first detrusor contraction 4, Prostaglandin release Analgesia and 4, Prostatic ,f, COX activity ► inflammation  —110. Bladder smooth-muscle hyperplasia (detrusor thickening) /1` Sensitivity (i.e. overactive detrusor) -1110. 1, Volume to first detrusor contraction LUTS

Mixed Urinary Incontinence Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Mixed Urinary Incontinence: Pathogenesis and clinical findings 
Abbreviations: • BOO — Bladder Outlet Obstruction • BPH — Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia • CNS — Central Nervous System • IAP — Intra-abdominal pressure • OAB — Over-Active Bladder • PVR — Post Void Residual • SUI —Stress Urinary Incontinence • UTI — Urinary Tract Infection • UUI — Urge Urinary Incontinence 
Mixed Urinary Incontinence 47 
Urinary leakage accompanied by both urgency and t intra-abdominal pressure 
Urgency Urinary Incontinence (UUI) 4, Urinary leakage preceded by a sudden, strong urge to void 
Overflow Incontinence vir Overfilling of the bladder from obstruction; BOO (tumour, stone, BPH, urethral or bladder neck stricture) 
Detrusor Overactivity Ilr OAB (idiopathic), CNS lesion (neurogenic), inflammation/ infection (cystitis, UTI), diabetes mellitus 
4. Bladder Wall Compliance 
Progressive t in intravesicle pressure during bladder filling pushing urine from the bladder 
Authors: Braden Millan Reviewers: Alex Tang Usama Malik Jay C. Lee* * MD at time of publication 
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) + Episodic involuntary urinary leakage with sudden l• in intra-abdominal pressure 
Urethral hypermobility, intrinsic sphincter deficiency, or a poorly coapting urethra 
4, Pelvic floor muscle and ligament strength causing 4. tone of vesicoureteral sphincter unit; 4, urethral strength and associated striated and smooth muscle; iatrogenic 
Failure to Void  Weak Stream (+ dribbling), Intermittent, Straining, '1` PVR if a complication of urinary retention; obstruction visible on cystoscopy 
Failure to Store  Frequency, Urgency, Nocturia, Dysuria if SUI or UUI not caused by obstruction 
Pathophysiology Mechanism 
Urodynamic Studies  SUI — 4, urethral closure pressure with 11` IAP/Bladder Volume and urinary leakage UUI — involuntary detrusor contraction and/or detrusor sphincter dyssynergia 

Incontinence, 4, Quality of Life, UTI's

Periorbital Cellulitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Periorbital Cellulitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Authors: Amanda Marchak Reviewers: Jaimie Bird Dr. Rupesh Chawla* * MD at time of publication
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes (most common organisms)
 Note: Also referred to as preseptal cellulitis
      Dacryoadenitisa Conjunctivitisb
Acute chalazionc
Dacryocystitisd Hordeolume
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, non-typable Haemophilus influenza (most common organisms)
Abrasion Insect bite
Burns Trauma
             Local infection
Contiguous spread of infection
Otitis media Hematogenous spread
Local break in skin Micro-organisms enter
Eye exam should reveal normal:
- extra-ocular
movements and globe
- pupillary reflex and
visual acuity
If any are abnormal, the presentation is no longer considered periorbital cellulitis, as the infection has likely spread beyond the preseptal compartment/orbital septum.
If the eye cannot be assessed, the patient NEEDS a CT scan.
Pathogens reach dermis and subcutaneous periorbital tissue
Periorbital Cellulitis
a. Dacryoadenitis: infection of the lacrimal glands
b. Conjunctivitis: inflammation of the conjunctiva
c. Chalazion: a benign, painless bump or nodule inside the upper or lower eyelid which results from healed internal hordeolums that are no longer infectious.
d. Dacryocystitis: an infection of the lacrimal sac, secondary to obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct at the junction of lacrimal sac.
e. Hordeolum: localized infection or inflammation of the eyelid margin involving hair follicles of the eyelashes or meibomian glands.
   Spreads beyond preseptal compartment/orbital septum
Involves the orbit Orbital cellulitis
See slide on Orbital Cellulitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Localized inflammation
Pain on palpation
Eyelid and periorbital edema
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 5, 2018 on

Sinusitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Sinusitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Amanda Marchak Reviewers: Nicola Adderley Jim Rogers Danielle Nelson* * MD at time of publication
URTI – Upper respiratory tract infection
Nasal obstruction/ congestion
Facial pain/pressure
Maxillary tooth pain
Ear pain/ fullness
Osteomyelitis of frontal bone
          Chemical irritants
Cystic Fibrosis
Direct toxic effect on cilia
Viral URTI Allergies
Inflammation of paranasal sinuses
Edematous passageways
Septal deviation Adenoid hypertrophy Polyps
Turbinate hypertrophy Tumors Foreign body
      Dysfunctional cilia
Congenital and/or craniofacial abnormality Obstruct sinus ostia
       Cilia unable to clear mucus from sinuses
     Mucus unable to drain through ostia
   Post-nasal drip       Mucus overflows from the sinuses Cough
Mucus accumulates in sinuses
Occupies a larger volume
Applies ↑ pressure to sinus walls
Mucopurulent discharge
Bacterial1 overgrowth in sinuses Bacterial infection spreads to adjacent structures
          Halitosis Pharyngitis Throat clearing
Dental root infection
Irritates the back of the throat
              Perforation of the Schneiderian membrane2
Passage of bacteria into the sinuses
Subperiosteal orbital abscess
Orbital abscess Orbital edema
            ↑ susceptibility to bacteria
     1. The most common bacteria are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenza, and Moraxella catarrhalis. Staphylococcus aureus and Group A Streptococcus may be seen, but are less common. However, in cases of dental root infection, oral anaerobes become more common, while Pseudomonas species are associated with foreign bodies.
2. The Schneiderian membrane is the membranous lining of the maxillary cavity.
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Meningitis Cerebral abscess
Subdural abscess Epidural abscess
Periorbital or orbital cellulitis
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 5, 2018 on

Vesicoureteric reflux (VUR): Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Vesicoureteric reflux (VUR): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Nicola Adderley Reviewers: Emily Ryznar *Lindsay Long * MD at time of publication
  Abnormal function
Abnormal anatomy
      Neurogenic bladder (e.g. cerebral palsy, constipation, spinal injury, iatrogenic)
Non-neurogenic bladder (neuropsychological)
Lower urinary tract abnormality (posterior urethral valves, meatal stenosis)
Bladder outlet obstruction
↑ pressure distorts UVJ
Upper urinary tract abnormality (ureters)
UVJ abnormality
Incomplete closure of UVJ during bladder contraction
• UVJ - ureterovesicular junction • UTI – urinary tract infection
        Failure of bladder sphincter to relax during bladder contraction
        Vesicoureteric reflux (VUR):
Back flow of urine from the bladder into one or both ureters +/- kidneys
      Migration of lower urinary tract bacteria to kidneys
Bacterial invasion of renal parenchyma
Upper UTI (pyelonephritis)
Incomplete emptying of bladder during     Abnormal
↑ pressure in bladder
Bladder dilates
Dilated bladder on U/S
Bacteria in bladder are not cleared during urination
voiding habits
↑ bladder capacity
                   Renal scarring
↓ functional renal tissue
*Chronic kidney disease (↓ GFR,
hypertension, proteinuria)
Flank tenderness
Fever, dysuria, urgency, frequency
Lower UTI (cystitis)       Urinary stasis
      Cloudy, foul- smelling urine
Urethral stricture
   Urgency, dysuria, frequency
• First febrile UTI in an infant should trigger a work-up for VUR
• High likelihood of spontaneous resolution • *Late complication of severe VUR
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 19, 2018 on

Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Jocelyn Law Reviewers: Naman Siddique Emily Ryznar Lynn Savoie* * MD at time of publication
     Atypical HUS
Mutation or antibody attack of
complement proteins
Anti-angiogenic factors in maternal blood
Damaged placental vasculature
Typical HUS
STEC releases Shiga Toxin
Malignant Hypertension
(See DIC Slide)
                    ↓ Inhibition of complement
Immune inflammatory
↑ Pressure in
↑ Extrinsic clotting pathway activation
(See TTP-HUS Slide)
Disruption of
endothelial cell
activation perfusion/ischemia response metabolism vasculature ↑Thrombin Deficient
 Placental under-
renal afferent
          ↑ Complement pathway activation
MAC-mediated cell lysis
Cytokine release
Endothelial injury
Shear stress on endothelium
↑ Fibrin clot production and deposition in small vessels
ADAMTS13 protease enzyme
↓ Cleavage and ↑ accumulation of VWF multimers
• HELLP - Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, Low Platelets • HUS - Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
• DIC - Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
• TTP - Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
• MAC - Membrane Attack Complex
• STEC - Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli
• VWF - Von Willebrand Factor
Pro-thrombotic Environment (see Virchow’s Triad Slide)
Platelet aggregation Mechanical obstruction of the vessel lumen
Hypercoagulable state
↑ RBC production in bone marrow
↑ Reticulocytes
         Hemoglobin released from damaged RBCs       Shearing of RBCs     Anemia
          Binds to haptoglobin Conversion to bilirubin in liver
↓ Free haptoglobin ↑Indirect bilirubin
Shistocytes Jaundice
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published August 13, 2018 on

Venous insufficiency- Signs and symptoms

Venous insufficiency- Signs and symptoms vein veins blood flow interruption venous system valve incompetence reflux venous obstruction venous return backflow blood hypertension hydrostatic transmural pressure in postcapillary vessels capillary dilatation vessel permeability extravasation RBCs interstitial hemoglobin released degraded hemosiderin deposits hemosiderosis brown discolouration high pressure superficial venous circulation varicose veins tortuous dilated superficial veins distended veins compress somatic nerves achy pain protein-rich exudate edema peripheral ankle edema tissue perfusion metabolic exchange stasis dermatitis dermal fibrosis lipodermatosclerosis fibrotic thickened skin pruritus chronic inflammation risk of thrombus local ischemia embolus skin integrity venous ulcer risk of infection Adderley gagnon Waechter

Biliary Atresia (BA)- Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Biliary Atresia (BA)- Pathogenesis and clinical findings Intrauterine environment genetic factors abnormal bile duct development toxic inflammatory response viral immunologic injury to bile duct epithelia pathophysiology poorly understood histology consistent with obstruction on liver biopsy biliary atresia progressive idiopathic fibre-obliterative disease extra-hepatic biliary tree biliary obstruction on intra-operative cholangiogram (diagnostic) partial complete bile duct obstruction delivery of bile acids to small intestine pressure in bile duct absorption of fat and soluble vitamins vitamin K+ deficiency coagulopathy INR PTT bruising petechiae acholic pale stool failure to thrive elimination of bilirubin conjugated direct bilirubin jaundice pruritus excreted urine dark urine diaper yellow pressure bile duct GGT backs up in liver cholestatic hepatitis firm enlarged liver fibrosis cirrhosis ALT AST Horwitz Adderley McKenzie

Crohn's Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Clinical findings in Crohn’s Disease
Authors: Yan Yu Amy Maghera Reviewers: Jennifer Au Danny Guo Jason Baserman Jessica Tjong Kerri Novak* * MD at time of publication
   Behavioural Factors:
Smoking, over-sanitation
Genetic Susceptibility
Environmental Factors
Diet, bacteria/viruses, drugs, vitamin D
    Systemic immune response primarily against the GI tract.
(Unclear mechanism, mediated by cytokine release and neutrophil inflammation)
  Inflammation of the GI tract lining
- Inflammation is “transmural”, spanning the entire thickness of the intestinal wall from luminal mucosa to the serosa.
- The inflammation occurs anywhere in the GI tract from the oral mucosa to the anal mucosa (from ‘gums to bum’) in skip lesion pattern.
       Atrophy, scarring of the intestinal villi
Inflammatory cytokines destroy the mucosa epithelial cells of the GI tract wall, causing cell apoptosis and ulceration
↑ permeability of the blood vessels supplying the GI tract wall
Chronic inflammation impairs healing responses
Dysregulated wound healingàexcess
extracellular matrix deposition
Fibrosis leads to scar tissue and thickening of all layers of the GI tract
Inflammation is systemic, affecting:
Joints         Arthropathy Erythema
            Impaired absorption of nutrients
Weight loss
Prolonged GI bleeding
Transporter proteins responsible for Na+ reabsorption gradually disappear from the epithelium
More sodium (and thus water) is
retained in the GI tract lumen
Microperforations can penetrate through the intestinal wall
Anal fistulae (“holes” connecting the anus to the skin, bladder, peritoneum, small bowel, etc.)
Continued inflammation and/or infection can lead to:
Leakage of fluid out of capillaries into the GI tract
Luminal edema and swelling
Narrowing of GI lumenàbowel obstruction
Mouth Eyes
nodosum, pyoderma gangreno- sum
>5 canker sores
Iritis, scleritis
Sclerosing cholangitis
                       ↓ fat absorption
Fatty acids (negatively charged) bind Ca2+, freeing oxalate from Ca2+
↑ oxalate absorbed into blood & filtered by kidney
Calcium oxalate kidney stones
Abdominal cramping and pain
(see Bowel Obstruction page for full mechanism
                                         Anal abscesses Inflammatory masses
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Re-Published June 15, 2019 on

Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Embolism

Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Embolism
Authors: Dean Percy Yan Yu Reviewers: Tristan Jones Julia Heighton Man-Chiu Poon* Lynn Savoie* * MD at time of publication
• One of the most under- diagnosed conditions, typically asymptomatic, with tachycardia often being the only sign
• Consider DVT and PE as one disease: if PE is suspected, look for signs and symptoms of DVT
• Absence of DVT does not rule out PE
Virchow’s Triad: hypercoagulable state, venous stasis, vessel injury (*see Suspected DVT)
Deep Vein Thrombosis – popliteal, femoral, iliac veins Clot migrates to IVCàright atrium of heartàright
ventricleàpulmonary vasculature
Large clots (saddle emboli) are lodged in pulmonary arteries
Small clots are lodged in pulmonary arterioles
Saddle embolus (pulmonary artery obstruction)
Back-up of blood into right heart
Right heart strain
          ↓ CO2 delivery to the lungs for exhalation
Less CO2 exhaled, CO2 builds up in the blood, triggers medullary chemoreceptors to ↑ respiratory rate
Well-ventilated (V) areas of lung do not receive adequate blood supply (Q); vice versa
V/Q mismatch
On V/Q scan
Signals brain to ↑ heart rate
Ischemic tissue becomes inflamed and adheres to pleura
Pleural friction rub
Sandpaper-like sound heard on auscultation
Pleuritic chest pain
Focal, localized chest pain that occurs with each breath
Clot ↓ pulmonary arterial/arteriolar blood flow
↓ delivery of deoxygenated blood to alveoli for oxygenation
Low O2 in blood (↓ O2 saturation) is detected by aortic/carotid chemoreceptors
Signals brain to ↑ respiratory rate
If circulation to lung periphery is cut off, sub-pleural lung tissue can become ischemic and infarct
        Irritation of somatic sensory nerve endings on the parietal pleural membrane
              Pain stimulates adrenergic response
  Dyspnea/shortness of breath (SOB)
Most sensitive indicator of PE, but not very specific
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Re-Published June 15, 2019 on

Secondary Polycythemia

Secondary Polycythemia: Pathogenesis
Authors: Noriyah Al Awadhi, Yan Yu, Peter Duggan* Reviewers: Crystal Liu, Kara Hawker, Paul Ratti, Man-Chiu Poon*, Lynn Savoie* * MD at time of initial publication
Chronic lung disease (ILD, COPD)
Poor lung function
     Renal artery stenosis
↓ blood flow to kidney
Kidney senses ↓ O2
High affinity Hb or CO poisoning
Hb does not easily unload O2
Tissues become hypoxic
Tumors (e.g. renal, hepatic, lung)
Secretes EPO in an unregulated way, as a “paraneoplastic syndrome”
High altitude
Obstructive sleep apnea
Episodic airway obstruction during sleep
Intermittent hypoxia
Cyanotic heart disease
Shunting of blood
Venous and arterial blood mixes
Poorly oxygenated blood
                        ↓ O2 partial pressure
     ↑ EPO production independent of O2 (inappropriate response)
↑ EPO production due to hypoxia (appropriate response)
• Hb- Hemoglobin
• EPO- Erythropoietin • ILD- Interstitial Lung
• COPD- Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
“Endogenous causes” of high EPO
Secondary Polycythemia
“Exogenous causes” of high EPO
Testosterone therapy Iatrogenic EPO (results in ↑ EPO synthesis administration
       within the body)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Re-Published May 5, 2019 on

Ulcerative Colitis

Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Clinical Findings in Ulcerative Colitis
Authors: Yan Yu Amy Maghera Reviewers: Jennifer Au Danny Guo Jason Baserman Crystal Liu Danielle Chang Kerri Novak* * MD at time of initial publication
Inflammation is systemic, affecting:
   Environmental Factors
Diet, bacteria/viruses, drugs
Genetic Susceptibility
Behavioral Factors:
In UC, smoking and appendectomy are actually protective (unknown reason)
     Immune response against the GI tract. (Unclear mechanism, but thought to be mediated by cytokine release and neutrophil infiltration)
  Inflammation of the GI tract epithelial lining
- Starting at the rectum and moves up the colon and is continuous (does not invade the small intestine)
- Inflammation affects the mucosal and submucosal only
        Diarrhea, abdo pain and cramping causing avoidance of food
Weight loss
Apoptosis of GI tract mucosa
Transporter proteins responsible for Na+ reabsorption gradually disappear from the epithelium
Ulceration, into the anus, and more severe
Prolonged Bleeding - GI and anus
Anemia, often iron deficiency
Inflammation ↑ permeability of the blood vessels supplying the GI tract wall
Fluid leak out of capillaries into GI tract wall, causes edema and swelling
Swelling narrows the GI tract lumen, causing bowel obstruction
Inflammation, ulceration, or infection at the anus (all involve the RECTUM!)
Anal irritation stimulates autonomic and somatic nerves leading up to the brain, causing the pt to want to defecate
Tenesmus, urgency, frequency (feeling or urgency to defecate, but little stool is produced)
Joints Skin
Arthroplasty/ joint pain
Erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum
                     Mouth       >5 canker sores
          More sodium (and thus water) is retained in the GI tract lumen
Bloody Diarrhea, usually bloody due to anal bleeding and ulceration bleeding
Abdominal Cramping and pain (see Bowel Obstruction page for full mechanism)
Eyes (uvea, iris, sclera)
Liver Blood
Iritis, scleritis
Sclerosing Cholangitis
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Re-Published May 5, 2019 on


Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in preterm infants:
Clinical findings and complications
Authors: Alexa Scarcello Reviewers: Nicola Adderley, Emily Ryznar, Yan Yu*, Jennifer Unrau* * MD at time of publication
Volpe Grading Grade I: germinal matrix
hemorrhage with no or minimal IVH (<10% of ventricular area)
Grade II: IVH (10-50% of ventricle) Grade III: IVH (>50% of ventricle;
usually distends lateral ventricle)
Grade IV/Intra-parenchymal echodensity (IPE): periventricular hemorrhagic infarction
Inflammation/dysfunction of arachnoid villi
↓ absorption of CSF 2° to obstruction of arachnoid villi
Communicating hydrocephalus (IVH grades II-IV)
Venous congestion
Venous infarction
Periventricular hemorrhagic necrosis
Destruction of periventricular motor tracts
Cerebral palsy
Rapid significant blood loss
↓ intravascular blood volume
↓ bloodflow to the brain to support brain function
Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH)
hemorrhage in periventricular subependymal germinal matrix
Ultrasound: blood in germinal matrix, ventricles, or cerebral parenchyma
Sudden ↓ hematocrit
Blood irritates contiguous structures
Variable neurologic findings; including altered level of consciousness, hypotonia, apnea, etc
                                      Neuro- developmental abnormalities (varying severity)
See slide - Hydrocephalus: Clinical Findings in Pediatrics
This mechanism leads to three different possible clinical manifestations:
1. Silent Presentation (most common)
2. Stuttering/Saltatory Course: non-specific findings - hypotonia, apnea, altered level of consciousness, bradycardia, and ↓ Spontaneous movements
3. Catastrophic Deterioration (least common) Stupor or coma, decerebrate posturing, seizures, bradycardia, metabolic acidosis, bulging fontanelles, abnormal pupillary reflexes, inappropriate ADH secretion
 • Incidence & severity are inversely proportional to gestational age
• 50% occur within 1st day of life, 90% by 3rd day
• As explained in the flow chart, the postnatal clinical presentations of
IVH fall into three categories (1-3)
• Symptoms of catastrophic bleeds are uncommon and usually caused
by rapid significant blood loss with subsequent neurologic findings 2° to meningeal irritation, inflammation, and potential mass effect/acute hydrocephalus; severe bleeds may also occur in the absence of clinical findings attributable to IVH
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published July 27, 2019 on


Appendicitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Authors: Yan Yu Wayne Rosen* Reviewers: Wendy Yao Laura Craig Noriyah AlAwadhi* * MD at time of publication
Dull, crampy, diffuse peri- umbilical pain
Pt may develop fever, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting or anorexia as inflammation worsens
Focal, intense, persistent RLQ
pain, abdominal guarding and peritoneal signs (i.e. percussion and rebound tenderness
Dx of healthy adults:
• Men > women
• Commonly 10-30 years old,
can present at any age
• Most common cause of acute abdomen (5% prevalence in all ethnicities)
The appendix is anatomically located in the RLQ; appendicitis may be confused with disorders of surrounding structures: Gynecological Diseases
• RuleoutpregnancywithHCG pregnancy test
• Rupturedovariancyst
• Ectopicpregnancy
• Mittelschmerz(mid-cycle
Gastro-intestinal Diseases
• Meckel’sdiverticulum (presents identically to appendicitis; surgically located 2 feet from ileocecal valve; mostly seen in children)
• Diverticulitis(presentsasleft sided appendicitis)
Non-GI Abdominal Issues
• Mesentericadenitisinkids <15: swollen mesenteric lymph nodes
• Renalcolic
Obstruction of appendiceal lumen (by fecalith, fibrosis, neoplasia, foreign bodies or lymph nodes in kids)
Appendix distension and spasms
↑ lumen pressure, ↓ blood flow to appendix
Ischemia, tissue necrosis, loss of appendix structural integrity
Bacterial invasion of the appendix wall, causing transmural inflammationandnecrosis
Stretching of visceral peritoneum, stimulation of autonomic nerves T9-T10
Progression of inflammation over several days (variable length of time)
Irritation of parietal peritoneum, stimulation of somaticnerves
                              If appendix not surgically removed
Perforation of colon wall, causing peritonitis, abscesses or death
Note: Symptoms hugely variable. Only 30% present with classic history. Diagnosis is mostly clinical. Further investigations:
CBC: Leukocytosis (due to inflammatory response) CT: Gold standard test. Thickened visceral membrane with enhancing (white) rim due to ↑ blood flow
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Re-Published July 27, 2019 on

Acute GI Related Abdominal Pain

Acute GI-Related Abdominal Pain: Pathogenesis and Characteristics
Authors: Yan Yu Wayne Rosen* Reviewers: Laura Craig Danny Guo Julia Heighton Maitreyi Raman* * MD at time of publication
   Peritoneal cavity
Visceral peritoneum
(innervated by autonomic nerves)
Bowel stretching, pulling, contracting
Abdominal pain type:
Diffuse, non-localized Dull, crampy, periodic Not associated with movement
Patient may writhe around, trying to get rid of the pain
Mesentery Intestinal lumen
Parietal peritoneum
(innervated by somatic nerves)
          Cross-section of the GI tract
Cuts, structural damage, and inflammation in the bowel
       Important Notes
• Acute abdominal pain can also result from non-
gastrointestinal causes, such as kidney stones, female reproductive tract issues, and urinary tract issues. For simplicity’s sake, only the GI-related acute abdominal pain disorders are listed here.
• The DDx of visceral abdominal pain is broad. Please consult relevant sections of the Calgary Black Book for the DDx.
• Keep in mind that visceral abdominal pain can also be caused by the “acute abdomen” diseases (if the diseases are presenting in their initial phases).
• • •
• • •
Abdominal pain type:
Sharp, well-localized
Excruciatingly painful, persistent Associated with movement of bowels
Patient often lies still to avoid abdominal vibration
Peritoneal signs
Abdominal guarding, pain with abdominal vibration (coughing, shaking, percussion, palpation)
     Transition from diffuse to localized pain can indicate disease progression (e.g. from visceral to parietal peritoneal inflammation)
Note: bowel obstruction may or may not present as acute abdominal pain
Bowel Infarction
       Appendicitis Diverticulitis
Acute Cholecystitis
Acute Pancreatitis
Perforated Ulcer
 DDx of an “acute abdomen”:
 A sudden, non-traumatic disorder of the abdomen that needs urgent diagnosis and treatment. Each topic will be further explored in their respective slides.
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Re-Published July 27, 2019 on

Colorectal Carcinoma pathogenesis and clinical findings

Colorectal Carcinoma: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Obstipation Nausea & vomiting
Tenesmus Rectal pain Hematochezia
Hydronephrosis (swelling of kidney)
↓ appetite
Local bleeding
Abdominal Abscess
Weight loss
Acute blood loss
Iron deficiency anemia
     Classification of tumours/abnormal growths:
1. Adenoma–abenigntumorfromglandular structures
2. Carcinoma–cancerarisingfromtheepithelial tissue of the skin or the lining of internal organs
3. Sarcoma–cancerarisingfromconnectivetissue
Mechanical bowel Obstruction
Ribbon (thin) stool
In rectum
Mass effect
    Tumor ↓ bowel lumencaliber
Backed up contents mayberegurgitated
Cancerinvadesrectal sphincters, muscles, vessels&nerves
Compressing ureters, urine backs up into kidney
Compressing stomach
Abdominal distension/pain Invades blood vessels
Bowel Disease Smoking
Abdominal radiation
Tubular adenomas
(pre- cancerous polyps)
Local growth of tumor
             Cell line mutations
Uncontrolled cell division in the colon and rectum
Hereditary syndromes
Colorectal Carcinoma
(Develops over time)
            Outside bowel serosa
Bowel perforation
Bowel to bowel/local organ fistulisation
Host immune cells release cytokines to combat cancer
Bowel contents leak
Metabolic abnormalities, ↑energy use
                     Tumor Spread Mechanisms:
1. Hematogenous 2. Lymphatic
3. Contiguous
4. Transperitoneal
Tumor cells spread distally
Friable vessels supply tumor
Metastatic Disease
Vessels Rupture
Occult bleeding &
melena (black stools) depletes stores of iron
Karly Nikkel
Michael Blomfield
Tony Gu
Yan Yu*
Edwin Cheng*
* MD at time of publication
Tumors develop in liver, lungs, brain, peritoneum and lymph nodes
Hematochezia (passage of fresh blood in stool)
          Slow, chronic blood loss
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published August 25, 2019 on


Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema: Pathophysiology
Authors: Mackenzie Gault Reviewers: Arsalan Ahmad Melinda Davis* * MD at time of publication
ET tube: Endotrachial tube Laryngospasm: spasm of vocal cords; may occur on extubation CXR: Chest X-Ray
Detected by peripheral chemoreceptors
Sympathetic stimulation
↓ ventilation to lungs
Airway Obstruction
Involuntarily biting ET tube or laryngospasm most common
Patient tries to inspire forcefully against obstruction
Highly negative intrathoracic pressure
Acute ↑ in systemic venous return to right heart
               ↑ pulmonary blood volume ↑ pulmonary arterial + capillary pressure
   ↓ pulmonary interstitial pressure ↑ trans-capillary pressure gradient
       Fluid pushed out of pulmonary capillaries into the interstitium
Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema:
Fluid in lungs caused by highly negative intrathoracic pressure
alveolus capillary
Frothy pink sputum
      CXR: diffuse bilateral infiltrates
↓ PO2 ↓ O2 Sats
Fluid surrounds alveoli
↓ diffusion of alveolar O2 into pulmonary capillaries
If severe: pressure and fluid build-up damages capillary and alveolar walls
Fluid & red blood cells from capillaries enter alveoli and are coughed up
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published September 1, 2019 on


Incisional Hernia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Penetration of abdominal wall from prior surgery, in combination with:
     Dead and injured cells from incision
Small blood vessels rupture
Plasma seeps out of vessels and collects together
Nutritional deficiency
↓ absorption of fat soluble vitamins
Chronic illness
Immuno- suppressive therapy
Heavy lifting
                   Multiple complex mechanisms (including hyper- glycemia & immune dysfunction) that ↑ risk of infection
Post-op wound Infection
Chronic constipation
Chronic cough Pregnancy
      ↓ clotting factors
Vigorous cough
Severe Hypertension
Post-op hematoma Bulging fluid separates High risk
Sutures unsuitable Poor surgical for tension technique
↑ intraabdominal pressure
Fascial Incision separates
            fascial incision
surgeries* High Risk Surgeries*
Connective tissue disorder
Suboptimal fascial closure
      • • •
Emergency surgeries Midline incisions
Acute abdominal surgeries
↓ wound healing/collagen synthesis
Fascial defect at previous incision site
Incisional Hernia:
Protrusion of tissues through prior fascial incision
• Deep wound infection = most common cause of incisional hernias
• Diagnosis on physical exam +/- CT scan if patient is obese
• Treatment = surgery
         Bulge at prior incision site
Palpable fascial defect
Bowel and other abdominal contents protrude through defect
Mechanical bowel obstruction (see relevant slide)
Constipation /obstipation
Contents unable to be pushed back through defect (incarceration)
Vascular supply is compromised to herniated contents
Contents become ischemic (strangulated)
    Prolonged pressure on skin & bowel over time
Ulceration & ischemia
↓ blood flow to skin layers
Discoloration of skin
Bulge ↑ with coughing/straining
Ulcers extend through bowel wall
Authors: Karly Nikkel Meaghan Ryan Reviewers Michael Blomfield Tony Gu Yan Yu* Edwin Cheng* *MD at time of publication
                        Colo-enteric fistula
Bowel Perforation
Abdominal Pain
Abdominal Distension
Nausea/ Vomiting
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 13, 2019 on


Varicocele: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Luc Wittig Ryan Brenneis Reviewers: Alec Mitchell Darren Desantis* * MD at time of publication
• 90% present as left sided.
• Primary varicocele ache and
scrotal venous distention can be relieved by superincumbent positioning (increases venous return).
• Small varicoceles can be identified by preforming the Valsalva maneuver (decreases venous return).
• Unilateral right varicoceles are uncommon and should be investigated for underlying pathology causing obstruction.
Anatomically: the left spermatic vein drains into the left renal vein
Nutcracker Effect: The left renal vein can get pinched by the abdominal aorta and superior mesenteric artery
Backup of blood in left renal vein ↑ pressure in left spermatic vein
Renal cell carcinoma or retroperitoneal masses
Inferior vena cava thrombus
           External compression of spermatic vein
Obstruction of blood flow
↑ spermatic vein pressure
         Vein valve leaflet failure & retrograde bloodflow back towards testicle
Dilation of pampiniform plexus and scrotal vein plexus
↑ scrotal blood volume ↑ volume in a closed
↑ pressure and distension of scrotal layers
            ↑ scrotal vein plexus pressure
Compliant veins distend, becoming visible through scrotum
Blood heats up the structures it flows through
Scrotal hyperthermia
Unsuitable environment for spermatogenesis
Loss of germ cell mass
                 Bag of Worms Sign
Dull ache/heaviness
Decreased fertility Testicular atrophy
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 26, 2019 on


Vomiting: Pathogenesis
Authors: Julena Foglia Reviewers: Varun Suresh Matthew Harding Haotian Wang *Yan Yu *Eldon Shaffer *MD at time of publication
Trauma, Infection, Tumor, Stroke
↑ Intracranial pressure
Mechanism Unknown
     Irritation of GI mucosa: Inflammation, Distention, Chemotherapy, Radiation
Activates receptors in gut mucosa
GI Disease: Upper: GERD, PUD, Cancer Lower: Ischemia, obstruction, IBD
Mechanical pharyngeal stimulation
Signal travels via vagal and sympathetic afferent nerves
Pregnancy, Diabetes, Uremia,
Thyroid disease, Hypercalcemia
Pain, Smells, Foul Sights, Memories
Sensory inputs to cortical region
Cerebral Cortex
Vomiting (Emetic) Center
Toxins circulating in bloodstream: Chemotherapy, Opioids
Offending substance travels through circulation and binds to receptors in the CTZ, outside the blood brain barrier
GERD: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease PUD: Peptic Ulcer Disease
IBD: Inflammatory Bowel Disease
CTZ: Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone
CNX: Cranial Nerve Ten
H1: Histamine Receptor
M1: Muscarinic Receptor
Disrupted inner ear balance: Motion Sickness
Activation of H1 & M1 receptors in vestibular center traveling via Cerebellum
                        Stimulates Solitary Tract Nucleus (Medulla)
Vagus Nerve (CNX) and enteric nervous system activation, resulting in:
        Gastric relaxation, ↓ pylorus tone, retrograde duodenal peristalsis
Downward diaphragm contraction, abdominal & chest wall muscles contract: ↑ intra-gastric pressure
(Forceful expulsion of material from stomach and intestines)
Upper and lower esophageal sphincter relaxation and glottis closure
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Re-published February 16, 2020 on


Marfan Syndrome: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
  Inherited or acquired mutation in TGFBR1/2 gene (TGF-β receptor)
Dural ectasia
(widening of the dural sac)
Diminished and disorganized dural elastic fibres
Abnormalities in connective tissues
Tear in the aortic intima (innermost layer of aorta)
Aortic dissection
Type A (tear in ascending aorta) > Type B (tear in descending aorta)
Back pain
Sensory and motor deficits
Ectopia lentis
(lens dislocation)
Development of lung bullae and blebs
Rupture of bullae/blebs
** Abnormal properties of lens + cornea
** Scoliosis
** Myopia
Tall stature Chest wall (pectus)
    Inherited (autosomal dominant) or de novo mutation in FBN1 gene
Distortion of neural roots
Thinning of ciliary zonules of the eye
Weakness and rupture of alveolar tissue
        Production of aberrant or reduced fibrillin-1
Formation of unstable microfibrils in extracellular matrix of connective tissues
inactivate TGF-β1
↑ production of matrix metalloproteinases
↑ cellular signaling cascades
↑ production of growth factors in the endocardium
Cell proliferation and apoptosis suppression in mitral valve leaflets
Change in valvular architecture
Mitral prolapse
Mitral regurgitation
↑ degradation of extracellular matrix
Thinning of the aortic media
Weakness of the aortic wall
 Inability of fibrillin- 1 to sequester and
             ↑ TGF-β1 signalling
• TGF-β: Transforming
growth factor beta (a cytokine)
**The underlying
mechanisms are unclear
Tony Gu Reviewers: Amanda Nguyen Davis Maclean Yan Yu* Michelle Keir*
* MD at time of publication
Aortic root dilation
Aortic valve leaflets stretched outwards, unable to fully close
Aortic regurgitation
Aneurysmal dilation of the abdominal & thoracic aorta
Aortic rupture
Blood enters and pressurizes a ‘false lumen’
Obstruction of aortic branches
End organ malperfusion
** deformities
** Joint hypermobility
                                             Thumb sign: Thumb tip extends from palm of hand when thumb is folded into closed wrist
Wrist sign: thumb and fifth finger of the hand overlap when grasping opposite wrist
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published June 28, 2020 on


Acute pancreatitis:
Inflammation causes vasodilation and vasculature leakage
Mild, (85%):
Interstitial edematous pancreatitis
Local accumulation of fluid in the pancreas
<2 weeks after onset
Acute peripancreatic fluid collection (not encapsulated)
Walled off by fibrous & granulation tissue
>2 weeks after onset
Pancreatic pseudocyst
(completely encapsulated)
Peritoneal irritation à pain
Large cyst can (very rarely) compress surrounding bowel
Acute Pancreatitis
Inflammatory cytokines are released from damaged pancreas
If recurrentàchronic pancreatitis (see relevant slide)
Inflammation damages pancreatic exocrine
cellsàInappropriate release of pancreatic enzymes into surrounding tissue & vasculature àdigesting pancreatic parenchyma
Authors: Nissi Wei, *Yan Yu Reviewers: Dean Percy, Miles Mannas, Varun Suresh, Brandon Hisey, *Kerri Novak, *Sylvain Coderre * MD at time of publication
                     complete resolution (most cases)
Necrotic tissue is vulnerable to
infection (esp. Gram neg GI bacteria)
inflammation & necrosis activate cytokine cascade
Severe, necrosis (15%): Necrotizing pancreatitis
Local infection
Severe pancreatic inflammation shifts body fluid into retroperitoneal spaceàintravascular volume depletion
                 Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) (see relevant slide)
Organ failure (may be sole feature on presentation)
Stagnant fluid can more easily become infected
Infection spreads to bloodstream
Cardiac failure Hypovolemic shock Renal failure
Local accumulation of fluid & necrosis in the pancreas
< 4 weeks after onset:
Acute necrotic collection (not encapsulated)
Walled off by fibrous & granulation tissue
> 4 weeks after onset
walled-off necrosis
(completely encapsulated)
When treated with excess fluid resuscitation:
Intra- abdominal hypertension
                Respiratory failure (ARDS)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
          Bowel obstruction Gastric outlet (see relevant slide) obstruction
Infected pancreatic necrosis
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published September 20, 2016, updated September 7, 2020 on

Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary Hypertension: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
     Left heart disease (heart failure, myocardial infarction)
↓ contractility and/or diastolic relaxation
↓ left ventricle cardiac output Backup of blood in left ventricle and atrium Backup of blood in pulmonary vasculature
↑ pulmonary capillary wedge pressure– estimate of blood pressure in left atrium
Chronic Anemia
↓ plasma hemoglobin content
↓ oxygen carrying capacity per unit blood
Compensatory ↑ in heart rate to maintain tissue oxygen supply
↑ cardiac output
Lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Tissue breakdown and ↓ lung elasticity
Chronic thromboembolism
Pulmonary vessel disease (pulmonary arterial hypertension, scleroderma)
         Vascular obstruction/fibrosis
         ↓ lungs’ ventilation ability
↓ surface areaà↓ gas exchange
Lung vasculature undergo reflexive, localized vaso- constriction, to shunt blood to better ventilated areas
          Chronic hypoxemia
↓ local alveolar partial pressure of oxygen
↓ blood vessel compliance
             ↑ Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)
    Impaired gas exchange across thickened vessel walls
↓ blood partial pressure of O2 and ↑ partial pressure of CO2
Insufficient O2 provision & CO2 removal from tissues
Reflexive mechanisms trigger harder & faster breathing to compensate
Vascular fibrosis due to chronically increased pressures
↓ circulation of blood to left heart and ↓ filling of left ventricle
↓ left ventricle cardiac output
Elevated blood pressure in the lung arteries Pulmonary Hypertension
↑ right-ventricle afterload (pressure against which the heart contracts to eject blood)
↓ right ventricle cardiac output
↑ residual volume in right heart after cardiac contraction
Backup of blood in systemic circulation ↑ blood volume in venous system
Myocardial hypertrophy develops over time (eccentric & concentric)
↑ tissue volume
↑ myocardial oxygen demand
Myocardial ischemia (supply/demand mismatch)
↑ risk of chest pain in times of ↑ oxygen demand
Peripheral edema
Formation of aberrant conduction pathways and ectopic electrical foci
                                       ↓ tissue perfusion
↓ brain perfusion
Authors: Grant E. MacKinnon Davis Maclean Hannah Yaphe Reviewers: Yan Yu* Jason Weatherald* * MD at time of publication
             ↑ volume and blood pressure in capillaries Fluid pushed from vessels into interstitial space of tissues
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published September 8, 2020 on


Tumour Lysis Syndrome
High sensitivity to treatment
Highly proliferative malignancy with ↑cell-turnover
Large tumour mass
Author: Joshua Yu Reviewers: Hannah Yaphe Davis Maclean Tejeswin Sharma Yan Yu* *Peter Duggan *ManChiu Poon *Lynn Savoie *Juliya Hemmett * MD at time of publication
        High serum phosphate
High serum Advanced uric acid Age
Volume depletion
Pre-existing renal disease
       Patient risk factors
Initiation of cancer treatment
Massive tumour cell lysis and release of cellular contents into circulation overwhelms homeostatic mechanisms
Tumour properties (hematologic malignancies most common)
Though rare, aggressive tumours can spontaneously lyse without treatment
     Intracellular potassium released into bloodstream
           Intracellular phosphate released
↑ serum phosphate
Intracellular lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) released
↑ serum LDH
Intracellular nucleic acids released
Nucleic acids metabolized to uric acid
↑ serum uric acid
↑ serum potassium
(see Hyperkalemia: clinical findings)
Uric acid (a crystallizing substance) ↑ precipitation of calcium phosphate
↑ filtration of poorly soluble uric acid into acidic environment of renal tubules
        Serum phosphate binds serum calcium, forming solid calcium phosphate precipitate crystals
High levels of calcium phosphate ↑ uric acid precipitation
Uric acid precipitates as crystals and deposits in kidney tubules and collecting ducts
Tubular injury and/or intraluminal obstruction
Endothelial dysfunction in renal vasculature
Renal inflammation, vasoconstriction, and
impaired renal vascular autoregulation
Decreased renal filtration
Acute Kidney Injury
(see Acute Kidney Injury Overview)
          Crystal deposition in the heart
Depletion of soluble calcium
Calcium phosphate crystals deposit in kidneys
Main mechanism of Acute Kidney Injury
         Cardiac Arrythmias
↓ serum calcium
(see Hypocalcemia: clinical findings)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published October 25, 2020 on


Small Bowel Obstruction: Findings on X-Ray
Authors: Evan Allarie Shelley Spaner* Reviewers: Davis Maclean Yan Yu* * MD at time of publication
 See Calgary Guide – Mechanical Bowel Obstruction and Ileus: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Bowel contents cannot pass the obstruction
Buildup of bowel contents (gas, fluid) proximal to the obstruction
Gas rises above the fluid
If exclusively or mostly accumulation of fluid (and not gas) occurs
Any small amounts of gas/air present (not enough to create an
air-fluid level) will rise and become trapped in valvulae conniventes (small bowel folds)
Small bowel loops are anatomically
central compared to large bowel
Bowel contents physically push on the bowel walls, dilating them
Dilated bowel loops are “central” in location on the x-ray
          Dilated bowel loops (>3cm)
            Valvulae Conniventes Visible: Anatomical folds of the small bowel that becomes more
apparent when small bowel is distended & allows differentiation from large bowel
Air-fluid level (on erect/upright study)
- Dark area above level = Gas/Air
- Bright/white area below level = Fluid
       ‘Gasless’ abdomen (not seen here): Refers to the lack of gas/air (dark on X-ray) in the bowel loops - only fluid (bright/white on X- ray) is seen in bowel loops
String of pearls sign (not seen here):
Small gas bubbles seen arranged in a “string of pearls” pattern instead of a large air fluid level
      Image Credit: Alberta Health Services Repository
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published October 25, 2020 on


Fat Embolism Syndrome: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Panniculitis (conditions causing
inflammation of subcutaneous fat)
Non-trauma related (rare)
        Long bone fracture
Pelvic fracture
Orthopedic Trauma
Intraosseous access
Soft tissue injuries
Chest compressions
Bone marrow transplant
Diabetes mellitus
                   Fat from bone marrow is disrupted and leaks into bloodstream via damaged blood vessels
Fat globules obstruct dermal capillaries
Capillaries rupture
Blood leaks into the skin
Petechial rash
Non-Orthopedic Trauma (less common)
Fat from injured adipose tissue is released from adipocytes into bloodstream
Metabolic disturbance mobilizes stored fat and moves it into circulation
     Fat Embolism Syndrome
the presence of fat globules in circulation
Fat globules damage blood vessel walls
Platelets stick to damaged areas Platelet aggregation
↑ circulating free fatty acids
↑ inflammatory cytokines (TNF, IL1, IL6)
↑ serum C Reactive Protein (an acute phase reactant)
C reactive protein binds to lipid vesicles in circulation
↑ formation of lipid complexes in the blood
                      Obstruction of cerebral vasculature
↓ blood flow and oxygen delivery to brain tissue
Neurological findings: ranging from ↓ level of consciousness to seizures
Large quantities of fat globules can obstruct pulmonary vasculature
           Blood clots form throughout the body
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
Back up of blood into right heart àRight ventricular dysfunction
   ↓ pulmonary arterial blood flow à↓ gas exchange in the lungs
Higher CO2 & lower O2 levels in blood àdetected by chemoreceptors
Chemoreceptors stimulate respiratory centre in the brain to ↑ rate of respiration
Dyspnea / Tachypnea
Authors: Tabitha Hawes Reviewers: Hannah Koury, Alyssa Federico, Davis MacLean, Mehul Gupta, Yan Yu*, Jeremy Lamothe* * MD at time of publication
              • Underlined findings indicate classic triad of symptoms (petechial rash, neurologic findings, dyspnea/tachypnea)
• Clinical presentation of fat embolism syndrome is variable and may present with any or all of these findings
↓ pumping of blood into systemic circulation
Hypotension Obstructive shock
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published July 19, 2021 on


Complications maternelles de l’accouchement par voie vaginale
Autheur: Yan Yu Rédacteurs: Kayla Nelson, Radhmila Parmar, Jemimah
 Travail et accouchement par voie vaginale
Pression intense sur les parois vaginales pendant le passage du fœtus et/ou utilisation de forceps ou d'un aspirateur endommagent le vagin et le périnée.
Raffe-Devine, Alina Constantin*
Brianna Ghali, Philippe Couillard*
* MD at time of publication
      Le détachement du placenta perturbe les vaisseaux sanguins de l'utérus.
Sondage des voies urinaires pendant le travail
            Un tissu cicatriciel se forme au niveau du décollement du placenta.
Après l'hémostase complète (arrêt du saignement) et la cicatrisation des vaisseaux, le tissu cicatriciel est éliminé de l'utérus.
Lochies (pertes/ saignements vaginaux) et perte d'escarres (tissu cicatriciel)
Le tissu placentaire peut être retenu dans l'utérus.
L'utérus ne se
contracte pas complètement pour fermer les vaisseaux sanguins utérins.
Hémorragie post- partum (Voir la diapositive correspondante)
Les substances étrangères déclenchent une réaction inflammatoire systémique chez la mère
Coagulation intravasculaire disséminée, CIVD (voir diapositive correspondante)
Dans de rares cas, des vaisseaux sanguins déchirés laissent le liquide amniotique (contenant des cellules fœtales et du méconium) pénétrer dans la circulation maternelle.
Embolie de liquide amniotique (amas de cellules fœtales et de méconium dans la circulation maternelle)
Le liquide amniotique visqueux peut bloquer les vaisseaux sanguins maternels
Obstruction de la circulation du sang dans les poumons
Bas debit cardiaque avec reduction de la précharge.
Tissus endommagés et sang dans l'utérus
Des nutriments pour que les bactéries infectent l'utérus.
utérine, irradiant dans tout l'abdomen
Œdème pulmonaire
Manque de perfusion au cœur       Arrêt cardiaque
Le passage du fœtus distend les muscles pubo- vésiculaires et pubo-rectaux.
L'urètre/ rectum ne sont plus suffisamment courbés pour empêcher les fortes pressions intra- abdominales de forcer l'urine ou les selles.
Incontinence de stresse
(de la vessie et des intestins ; généralement temporaire)
Remarque: la dépression post-partum est couramment observée chez au moins 10 % des mères qui viennent d'accoucher.
périnéales (1er-4e degré) ; Hémorroïdes
Douleur périnéale
Douleur et gonflement
unilatéral de la jambe
Dyspnée, Toux
Les lésions tissulaires activent les facteurs de coagulation du sang.
­ Coagulation
dans les zones d'hémostase (par exemple, les veines)
Thrombose veineuse profonde
La fièvre du post- partum
(voir la diapositive correspondante)
L'insertion d'un tube étranger dans la vessie facilite la colonisation de la vessie et des voies urinaires par les bactéries.
Infections des voies urinaires
                                                  Si grave
Effondrement cardio-vasculaire
 Signe/Symptôme/Résultat Laboratoire
 Publié 19 juin 2013 à


Cystic Fibrosis: Findings on Chest X-Ray and Lung Window CT Scan CFTR mutationàabnormal transmembrane Cl- transport in exocrine tissueà
Author: Sean Kennedy Reviewers: Matthew Harding, Amogh Agrawal, Yan Yu, Ciara
Hanly, Aman Wadhwani, Zesheng Ye (􏰃􏰄􏰁), Mark Montgomery* * MD at time of publication
Collapsed alveoli appears white on x-ray
Peribronchial Cuffing
secretions become more viscous. (See relevant slide for CF pathogenesis.)
     As early as at birth, secretions collect in bronchial lumen, delaying mucociliary clearance
Mucus plugs and obstructs bronchial lumen
Air trapped distal to obstruction and cannot leave lungs
Lung Hyperinflation
Diaphragm domes below 10th posterior rib and 6th anterior rib on PA CXR
Flattened hemidiaphragm, enlarged retrosternal space on lateral CXR
                 With time, pulmonary capillaries gradually absorb gases in alveoli distal to obstruction àalveolar collapse (Atelectasis)
Collapsed alveoli more solid and radiodense than airà↓X-ray penetration
Adjacent structures may shift towards atelectasis on CXR
            In first few years of life, retained bronchial secretions serve as nidus for recurrent bacterial colonization and infection
Late findings at 10- 30 years oldà secretion accumulation blocks inhaled air to affected lung segments àchronic hypoxia
Inflammatory response (cytokines, nitric oxide and radical oxygen species) leads to bronchial and peribronchial destruction
Hypoxia induces pulmonary capillary vasoconstriction
Some airways are blocked more than others
Leakage of fluid into bronchial walls & peri- bronchial regions.
Inflammatory cytokines destroy elastic components of bronchi
Accumulation of inflammatory exudate in bronchi
Pulmonary artery hypertension à Blood backs up in pulmonary arteries
Some segments of lung underventilated
Fluid around bronchial walls is more radiodense than air à↓X-ray penetration àappears white
Bronchiectasis: dilated, thickened, untapered bronchi on CXR/CT
Fluid/mucus in bronchi is more radiodense than air, thus appearing white on imaging
Edematous bronchi viewed end on are thickened and appear ring-like on CT/CXR
 Tramlines (AKA Tramtracking)
Bronchus wider than corresponding blood vessel on CXR/CT
               Advanced bronchiectasis is saccular in appearance
Mucus-filled bronchi form tubular opacities giving appearance of white fingers on CXR/CT
Signet Ring Sign
Bronchiectatic Cavities
Mucoid Impaction (AKA Finger in glove sign)
              ↑ Blood dilates pulmonary arteries
Blood backs up in right ventricle, dilating it
Pulmonary arteries look wider on CXR.
Main pulmonary artery >30 mm diameter on CT
Right Ventricle Enlargement on CXR/CT
                 Underventilated lung segments appear as lower intensity (darker) than normal ventilated segments which appear as normal intensity (brighter)
Mosaic Changes on CT(non- contrast
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published June 13, 2013, updated Aug 18, 2021 on


Asthma: Pathogenesis
Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Ciara Hanly Yonglin Mai (􏰁􏰃􏰄) Naushad Hirani* * MD at time of publication
  Genetic factors
(i.e. HLA gene mutations, defects in bronchial airway epithelium)
Environmental factors
(i.e. excess hygiene, fewer siblings, antibiotics within the first two years)
Defined as airway hyper-responsiveness causing variable and reversible airflow obstruction
predisposition to allergic hyper-sensitivity in airways
First exposure to triggers*
sensitizes helper T cells
Stimulation of B-cells to produce IgE, which binds to mast cell surfaces
Activated Helper-T cells & IgE-sensitized mast cells now line the airways
Triggers of airway hyper- responsiveness include:
            Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs)
Allergens (pollen, animal dander, dust, mold, etc)
Air pollution, cigarette smoke, other chemicals
Drugs (aspirin, NSAIDs, Beta- blockers)
Cold air
                Early response (0-2 hrs)
Delayed response (3-4 hrs)
Allergens cross-link IgEs on mast cells
Activated mast cells & helper T cells release cytokines
Mast cells release histamines, leukotrienes, and other inflammatory mediators
Induce maturation of granular WBCs like eosinophils
Eosinophils migrate into:
Vascular permeabilityà edema of airway mucosa
Goblet cell hyperplasia à­ mucus secretion
Bronchial smooth muscle contraction
Airway obstruction
     Second exposure to triggers
Asthma Airways       Bronchiole constriction
Eyes       Conjunctivitis Nose       Rhinitis
            Note: Delayed response presents within 3-4 hrs, peaks within 6-8 hrs, and resolves within 24 hrs
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Dec 17, 2012, updated Aug 19, 2021 on


Defining “Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)”
Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Ciara Hanly, Zesheng Ye (叶泽生), Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳)*, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication
Cystic Fibrosis
Multisystem disease due to CFTR gene mutation, that presents in the lungs as bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis, Cystic Fibrosis, etc
Systemic disease, largely manifesting as an airflow-obstructing respiratory disorder; can manifest in the form of any of the following disorders:
Lung tissue destruction & abnormal, permanent enlargement of lung acini: airspaces distal to terminal bronchioles
Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic, productive cough for a total duration of 3 months per year, over 2 continuous years
Asthma that does not
remit completely with treatment (thus, chronic airflow obstruction) is defined as asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS)
Destruction and widening of large airways, resulting in mucus hyper-secretion and recurrent infections
Chronic Bronchitis
     Most common COPD manifestations
(most patients suffer from a combination of emphysema and chronic bronchitis)
Clinically, COPD is seen as:
• Progressive, partially reversible airflow obstruction and lung hyperinflation (causing respiratory symptoms like cough, sputum production, and dyspnea)
• Post-bronchodilator spirometry results: FEV1/FVC ratio <0.7 (FEV1 is not a defining feature of COPD, but a marker of severity)
• ↑ frequency & severity of acute exacerbations
• Systemic manifestations such as
deconditioning and muscle weakness
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published January 7, 2013, updated October 5, 2021 on

Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic Pregnancy: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
In vitro fertilization
Tubal disorders leading to infertility and unknown procedural causes
      Previous ectopic pregnancy
Underlying tubal disorder leading to previous ectopic
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Tubal surgery or disorders
Age >35
Risk factor accumulation over time
Impairment in tubal motility; impaired immunity (risk factor for PID)
        Tubal scarring leading to adhesions, obstruction, and alteration of tubal function
   Ectopic Pregnancy:
Implantation of developing blastocyst outside the uterine cavity, most commonly in fallopian tube (other locations: interstitial > cornual > cervical > ovarian > abdominal)
Embryo releases human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG), which supports corpus luteum to continue producing progesterone
On transvaginal ultrasound: Extrauterine gestational sac with a yolk sac or embryo
Embryo & trophoblast deathàloss of hormone support for the decidua (modified endometrial lining)
Progesterone maintains the endometrial lining, preventing it from shedding
Missed period
       Penetration of ovum into muscular wall of fallopian tube
Tubal distention àTubal rupture
Intra-abdominal hemorrhage
Pregnancy cannot survive without the uterine endometrium
Maternal blood extrudes through fimbriae of fallopian tubes and into peritoneal cavity
Lower abdominal pain (including peritonitis in cases of hemoperitoneum)
(blood in the peritoneal cavity)
Sloughing of decidua out of the uterus through the vagina
Vaginal bleeding (usually in first trimester)
Cessation of human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) release from embryo
β-hCG plateaus or decreases
Authors: Jemimah Raffé-Devine Tahsin Khan Yan Yu* Reviewers: Brianna Ghali Bishwas Paudel Mackenzie Grisdale Christina Schweitzer Ron Cusano* Jadine Paw* * MD at time of publication
↓ Level of consciousness
Positive β-hCG, but rising <35% over 2 days
Discriminatory zone: β-hCG >2000 + absence of intrauterine pregnancy
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Oct 1, 2017, updated Oct 19, 2021 on

Summary of Cyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases

Summary of Cyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases (CHD)
Authors: Winnie Nagesh, Gaya Narendran, Deborah Fruitman* Reviewers: Austin Laing, Yan Yu* * MD at time of publication
   Right heart normally carries deoxygenated blood to the pulmonary circulation while the left heart carries oxygenated blood to the systemic circulation.
Cyanosis can be due to varied pathophysiology, most involve a R-L shunt (described below)
Typically presents in the newborn period but depends on the severity and the type of lesion
 Tetralogy Of Fallot (TOF)
Main features: 1.VSD, 2. Overriding aorta, 3. RVH, 4. Pulmonary Valve stenosis
1. VSD causes equal systolic pressure in R and L ventricles
2. Pulmonary Valve stenosisàRight Ventricle Outflow
Tract Obstructionà↓ pulmonary blood flow (degree
depends on severity of obstruction)
3. RVàLV flow across VSD
Presents in the 1st days to weeks, depending on severity of pulmonary valve stenosis
On exam: LUSB SEM; loud S2; hypoxemia (degree depends on severity of Right Ventricle Outflow Tract Obstruction)
CXR: “boot-shaped” heart, decreased pulmonary vasculature
Presents at birth
On exam: Often no murmur, no respiratory distress, severe cyanosis/hypoxemia
CXR: “egg on a string”, normal pulmonary vasculature
Presents in the 1st days to weeks as CHF symptoms develop On exam: Systolic ejection click, Single S2 , SEM, mild hypoxemia due to mixing of blood, +/- tachypnea, hepatomegaly (CHF symptoms)
CXR: normal or ↑ pulmonary vasculature
Presentation varies based on the degree of the outflow tract obstruction
On exam: +/- Holosystolic murmur at LLSB (from VSD), or SEM if outflow tract obstruction, +/- severe cyanosis dependent on severity of pulmonary stenosis
CXR: normal or ↓ pulmonary vasculature
Presents in early infancy (earlier and more severe presentation if obstructed)
On exam: +/-split S2, SEM LUSB, tachypnea, mild cyanosis CXR: cardiomegaly with ↑ pulmonary vasculature
Note: see relevant Calgary Guide slides for each heart condition for full explanation of their pathophysiology. Figures are hand-drawn by the authors.
     Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA)
   Aorta is the outflow for RV and pulmonary artery is the outflow for the LV (parallel circulation)
Truncus Arteriosus
1. Single vessel (truncus) fails to divide into pulmonary artery and aorta, 2. Single outlet overriding VSD
Tricuspid Atresia
Tricuspid valve fails to develop normally with a
hypoplastic right heart and VSD
1. Deoxygenated blood pumped from RVàaortaà systemic circulation, bypassing the lungs.
2. Oxygenated blood pumped from LVàPA
1. RV + LV pumped through VSDàoverriding truncal artery 2. Mixed deoxygenated and oxygenated blood enters
systemic, pulmonary and coronary circulations
1. Blood cannot enter RV due to lack of tricuspid valve
2. Deoxygenated blood pumped from RAàASDàLA and
mixes with oxygenated blood
3. Mixed blood enters systemic circulation
            Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (TAPVR)
   Pulmonary veins return blood to systemic venous circulation (most common type of supracardiac congential heart disease)
1. Oxygenated blood flows through pulmonary veinsàenters Superior or Inferior Vena CavaàRight atrium (all systemic & pulmonary venous blood returns to the RA, resulting in mixing of blood)
2. Blood follows pressure gradient, flows from RAàLA via ASD
3. Flow from LAàLVàAortaàSystemic Circulation
   Abbreviations: VSD: Ventral Septal Defect; RVH: Right Ventricular Hypertrophy; RV: Right Ventricle, LLSB: Left Lower Sternal Border, LUSB: Left Upper Sternal Border; SEM: Systolic ejection Murmur; RVOTO: Right Ventricle Outflow Tract Obstruction
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published October 21, 2021 on


COPD: 发病机制
作者: Yan Yu 审稿人:Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人:Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生
(如a1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏) 阻止肺组织损伤的能力↓
炎性细胞浸润, 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 尤其中性粒细 黏液产生↑ 细胞死亡
气道弹性↓ (弹性回缩
肺实质的蛋白水解破坏↑ 维持气道开放 肺泡永久性异常
的结构支持↓ 扩张
      胞 力)
          肺气体潴留 气道狭窄与 肺过度 肺大泡
   气道黏液潴留,成为感染 狭窄 病灶
塌陷 充气
(容易肺泡 破裂)
    临床表现 并发症 (参阅相关幻灯片) (参阅相关幻灯片)
COPD: Clinical Findings Lung tissue
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
↓ elastic recoil to push air out of lungs on expiration
Lungs don’t fully empty, air is trapped in alveoli (lung hyperinflation)
↑ lung volume means diaphragm is tonically contracted (flatter)
If occurring around airways
Airflow obstruction
↑ mucus production
↓ number of epithelial ciliated cells to clear away the mucus (the cells have been killed by airway inflammation)
Chronic cough with sputum
Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication
      During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction
↓ ventilation of alveoli
↓ oxygenation of blood (hypoxemia)
↓ perfusion of body tissues (i.e. brain, muscle)
Fatigue; ↓ exercise tolerance
      Total expiration time takes longer than normal
Prolonged expiration
More effort needed to ventilate larger lungs
Respiratory muscles must work harder to breathe
Turbulent airflow in narrower airways is heard on auscultation
Expiratory Wheeze
                 Diaphragm can’t flatten much further to generate deep breaths
To breathe, chest wall must expand out more
Shortness of breath, especially on exertion
     Breathes are rapid & shallow
If end-stage:
Chronic fatigue causes deconditioning
Muscle weakness & wasting
  Barrel chest
If end-stage: diaphragm will be “flat”. Continued
Patient tries to expire against higher mouth air pressure, forcing airways to open wider
Pursed-lip breathing
Patient breathes with accessory muscles as well as diaphragm to try to improve airflow
    inspiratory effort further contracts diaphragmà pull the lower chest wall inwards
Hoover’s sign
(paradoxical shrinking of lower chest during inspiration)
Tripod sitting position (activates pectoral muscles)
Neck (SCM, scalene) muscles contracted
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published January 7, 2013 on
COPD: ! 45 (on ABGs) Ventilation- perfusion mismatch High A-a gradient (calculated from ABGs) Low, flat diaphragm, >10 posterior ribs (on frontal CXR) High TLC and VC (on spirometry) • • PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood PaCO2: partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood • In the setting of fever and productive cough, especially if lung field opacifications are seen on CXR: consider sputum gram stain and culture to rule out pneumonia. Air does not block X-ray beams, will appear black on X-ray film Chronic hypercapnia makes breathing centers less sensitive to the high PaCO2 stimulus for breathing, & more reliant on the low PaO2 stimulus (“CO2 retention”) Give O2 carefully to these patients (high PaO2 may suppress patients’ hypoxic respiratory drive, ↓ their breathing, & ↑↑↑ PaCO2) ↑ retrosternal air space (on lateral CXR) Hyper-lucent (darker) lung fields, ↓ lung markings (on frontal CXR) • Arterial Blood Gasses (ABGs) • Chest X-Ray (CXR): frontal and lateral Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 气流阻塞 肺泡通气↓ 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气 道à 阻塞↑ 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者:Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 肺组织损伤 没有弹性回缩力将 气体排出肺 肺实质与血管分布减少导 致气体交换面积↓ 弥散功能↓ (肺功能检查) 更多的CO2残留 并扩散到血液中 高碳酸血症: PaCO2 > 45 (动脉血气) 血流灌注通气不良的肺泡 时无法获得足够的氧气 总呼气时长较正常长 FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (肺功能检查) 肺无法完全排空 更多空气潴留在肺部 (肺过度充气) 低氧血症: PaO2 < 70mmHg (动脉血气) 通气-灌注不匹配 肺泡-动脉氧分压差↑ (可通过动脉血气分析计算得出) 横膈低平, 下移至第10肋后端 及以下部位 (胸部正位片) TLC与VC增大 (肺功能检查) 缩写: • • FEV1: 1秒用 • VC:肺活量 PaO2: 动脉血 力呼气量 氧分压 空气不会阻挡X射线, 在X光片上呈现为黑色 慢性高碳酸血症使呼吸中枢对PaCO2 刺激呼吸的敏感性下降 & 更依赖于低PaO2的刺激 (“二氧化碳潴留”) 给患者吸氧时需注意(高PaO2 可能会抑制患者低氧时对呼吸的 刺激,使呼吸驱动↓ & PaCO2↑↑↑ ) • FVC: 用力肺 • 活量 • TLC:肺总量 慢阻肺相关检查 : PaCO2: 动脉 血二氧化碳 分压 胸骨后间隙↑ (胸部侧位片) 肺纹理↓ • 肺功能检查 • 动脉血气分析(Arterial Blood Gasses, ABGs) • 胸部正侧位片 • 当患者发热和湿咳,特别是胸片上见肺野不清晰时: 肺透亮度↑, (胸部正位片) 考虑进行痰革兰氏染色及痰培养以排除肺炎可能 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Complications Lung inflammation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Airway obstruction ↓ inhaled air in alveoli and terminal bronchioles Rupture of emphasematous bullae on surface of lung Inhaled air leaks into pleural cavity and is trapped there Pneumothorax Feeling a loss of control over one’s life, and hopelessness for the future Goblet cell proliferation, ↑ mucus production Death of airway epithelium ciliated cells ↓ oxygenation of the blood passing through the lungs Chronic hypoxemia Kidneys compensate by ↑ erythropoietin (EPO) production ↑ Hemoglobin and red blood cell synthesis Polycythemia (secondary) Hypoxic alveoli cause the pulmonary arterioles perfusing them to reflexively vasoconstrict Since most alveoli in the lungs are hypoxic, hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs across entire lung Vasoconstriction ↑ blood pressure within lung vasculature Pulmonary hypertension ↑ workload of the right ventricle (to pump against higher pressures) To compensate, the right ventricle progressively hypertrophies and dilates, but over time its output ↓ Cor pulmonale (Right heart failure in isolation, not due to Left heart failure) Mucus trapped in airways, serve as nidus for infection Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) Pneumonia The chronic, systemic inflammation in COPD is a hyper-metabolic state that consumes calories Macro-nutrient deficiency Trouble with respiration lead to inactivity and deconditioning Wasting, muscle atrophy More inactivity and deconditioning perpetuates the cycle Depression Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"# 肺部炎症 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 粘液产生↑ 细胞死亡 黏液潴留呼吸道,成为感 染的病灶 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 气道阻塞à 吸入肺泡和终末细 肺大疱破裂 吸入的空气渗入 并潴留于胸腔 气胸 感觉生活失控,对未 来感到绝望 抑郁 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 支气管的空气 ↓ 流经肺的血液进行气 缺氧的肺泡à灌注肺泡的肺小动 慢性阻塞性肺疾 病急性加重期 (AECOPD) 肺炎 体交换↓ 慢性低氧血症 肾脏合成促红细胞 生成素进行代偿↑ 血红蛋白与红 细胞合成↑ 红细胞增多症 (继发性) 脉发生反射性血管收缩 肺大部分肺泡缺氧à整个肺 都出现缺氧性血管收缩 肺血管收缩 à 肺血管压力↑ 肺动脉高压 ↑ 右心室负荷(泵血时对抗高压) 为了代偿,右心室逐渐肥大和扩张, 但随着病程进展,右心室输出量 ↓ 肺心病 (单独出现右心衰竭,非左心衰) COPD所致的慢性全身 呼吸困难导致活 性炎症会使机体处于高 动量减少和活动 代谢状态,消耗能量 耐量降低 宏量营养 素缺乏症 消瘦,肌肉萎缩 运动量下降和活动耐量 的降低造成恶性循环 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 " title="COPD: 发病机制 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人:Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人:Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 /012 (如a1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏) 阻止肺组织损伤的能力↓ +,-. (如长期吸烟、环境污染、感染) 肺内产生自由基 34*5 肺抗蛋白酶的失活 ↑氧化应激,炎性细胞因子,蛋白酶功能 支气管的持续、反复损伤 炎性细胞浸润, 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 尤其中性粒细 黏液产生↑ 细胞死亡 气道弹性↓ (弹性回缩 肺实质的蛋白水解破坏↑ 维持气道开放 肺泡永久性异常 的结构支持↓ 扩张 胞 力) 肺气体潴留 气道狭窄与 肺过度 肺大泡 气道黏液潴留,成为感染 狭窄 病灶 塌陷 充气 肺气肿 (容易肺泡 破裂) 气道纤维化和 %&'()* 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD) 临床表现 并发症 (参阅相关幻灯片) (参阅相关幻灯片) 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Clinical Findings Lung tissue Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) damage ↓ elastic recoil to push air out of lungs on expiration Lungs don’t fully empty, air is trapped in alveoli (lung hyperinflation) ↑ lung volume means diaphragm is tonically contracted (flatter) If occurring around airways Airflow obstruction ↑ mucus production ↓ number of epithelial ciliated cells to clear away the mucus (the cells have been killed by airway inflammation) Chronic cough with sputum Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction ↓ ventilation of alveoli ↓ oxygenation of blood (hypoxemia) ↓ perfusion of body tissues (i.e. brain, muscle) Fatigue; ↓ exercise tolerance Total expiration time takes longer than normal Prolonged expiration More effort needed to ventilate larger lungs Respiratory muscles must work harder to breathe Turbulent airflow in narrower airways is heard on auscultation Expiratory Wheeze Diaphragm can’t flatten much further to generate deep breaths To breathe, chest wall must expand out more Dyspnea Shortness of breath, especially on exertion Breathes are rapid & shallow If end-stage: Chronic fatigue causes deconditioning Muscle weakness & wasting Barrel chest If end-stage: diaphragm will be “flat”. Continued Patient tries to expire against higher mouth air pressure, forcing airways to open wider Pursed-lip breathing Patient breathes with accessory muscles as well as diaphragm to try to improve airflow inspiratory effort further contracts diaphragmà pull the lower chest wall inwards Hoover’s sign (paradoxical shrinking of lower chest during inspiration) Tripod sitting position (activates pectoral muscles) Neck (SCM, scalene) muscles contracted Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 如果出现在气道周围 气流阻塞 肺不能完全排空 气体,气体潴留 于肺泡(肺过度 充气) 总呼气时长大于 正常时长 呼气相延长 肺组织损伤 呼气时,将空气排出肺外 的弹性回缩力↓ 肺不能完全排空气体, 气体潴留于肺泡内 (肺过度充气) 肺容积↑,膈肌紧张 性收缩(膈肌平坦) 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气道 à 气道阻塞↑ 肺泡通气↓ 血液氧合↓ (低 氧血症) 身体组织灌注 量↓ (比如脑、 肌肉) 疲劳; 运动耐量↓ 黏液生成↑ 清除黏液的上皮纤 毛细胞数量↓ (受 气道炎症损伤) 慢性咳嗽伴咳 痰 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 容积较大 的肺需要 更加努力 才能通气 呼吸肌必须 更用力才能 呼吸 听诊闻及狭窄气 道中的湍流气流 呼气喘鸣音 呼吸困难 气促,尤其是劳累 膈肌无法进一步收缩以 产生深呼吸 呼吸浅快 为了呼吸, 胸壁必须延 展得更大 桶状胸 晚期病人: 患者试图在较高的口 慢性疲劳导致 患者动用辅助呼吸肌和膈肌呼吸, 腔内气压下进行呼气, 活动耐量下降 从而使气道更开放 以改善气流 晚期病人:膈肌 “平坦” ,持续吸气进一步压 缩膈肌à 向内拉季肋部胸壁 胡佛征 (吸气时,胸廓下侧季肋部内收) 缩唇呼吸 肌肉无力 & 消瘦 端坐呼吸 (调动胸肌) 颈部肌肉收 缩(胸锁乳 突肌、斜角 肌) 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Findings on Investigations Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Airflow obstruction Lung tissue damage ↓ ventilation of alveoli Blood perfusing ill- ventilated alveoli does not receive normal amounts of oxygen During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction) No elastic recoil to push air out of lungs Loss of lung parenchyma and vasculature ↓ surface area for gas exchange ↓ diffusion capacity (on spirometry) Hypoxemia: PaO2 < 70mmHg (on ABGs) Abbreviations: • FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second • FVC: Forced vital capacity • TLC: Total lung capacity • VC: Vital Capacity Investigations for COPD : • Spirometry (Pulmonary function test) Total expiration time takes longer than normal FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (on spirometry) Lungs don’t fully empty More air trapped within lungs (hyperinflation) More CO2 remains and diffuses into the blood Hypercapnia: PaCO2 > 45 (on ABGs) Ventilation- perfusion mismatch High A-a gradient (calculated from ABGs) Low, flat diaphragm, >10 posterior ribs (on frontal CXR) High TLC and VC (on spirometry) • • PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood PaCO2: partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood • In the setting of fever and productive cough, especially if lung field opacifications are seen on CXR: consider sputum gram stain and culture to rule out pneumonia. Air does not block X-ray beams, will appear black on X-ray film Chronic hypercapnia makes breathing centers less sensitive to the high PaCO2 stimulus for breathing, & more reliant on the low PaO2 stimulus (“CO2 retention”) Give O2 carefully to these patients (high PaO2 may suppress patients’ hypoxic respiratory drive, ↓ their breathing, & ↑↑↑ PaCO2) ↑ retrosternal air space (on lateral CXR) Hyper-lucent (darker) lung fields, ↓ lung markings (on frontal CXR) • Arterial Blood Gasses (ABGs) • Chest X-Ray (CXR): frontal and lateral Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 气流阻塞 肺泡通气↓ 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气 道à 阻塞↑ 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者:Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 肺组织损伤 没有弹性回缩力将 气体排出肺 肺实质与血管分布减少导 致气体交换面积↓ 弥散功能↓ (肺功能检查) 更多的CO2残留 并扩散到血液中 高碳酸血症: PaCO2 > 45 (动脉血气) 血流灌注通气不良的肺泡 时无法获得足够的氧气 总呼气时长较正常长 FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (肺功能检查) 肺无法完全排空 更多空气潴留在肺部 (肺过度充气) 低氧血症: PaO2 < 70mmHg (动脉血气) 通气-灌注不匹配 肺泡-动脉氧分压差↑ (可通过动脉血气分析计算得出) 横膈低平, 下移至第10肋后端 及以下部位 (胸部正位片) TLC与VC增大 (肺功能检查) 缩写: • • FEV1: 1秒用 • VC:肺活量 PaO2: 动脉血 力呼气量 氧分压 空气不会阻挡X射线, 在X光片上呈现为黑色 慢性高碳酸血症使呼吸中枢对PaCO2 刺激呼吸的敏感性下降 & 更依赖于低PaO2的刺激 (“二氧化碳潴留”) 给患者吸氧时需注意(高PaO2 可能会抑制患者低氧时对呼吸的 刺激,使呼吸驱动↓ & PaCO2↑↑↑ ) • FVC: 用力肺 • 活量 • TLC:肺总量 慢阻肺相关检查 : PaCO2: 动脉 血二氧化碳 分压 胸骨后间隙↑ (胸部侧位片) 肺纹理↓ • 肺功能检查 • 动脉血气分析(Arterial Blood Gasses, ABGs) • 胸部正侧位片 • 当患者发热和湿咳,特别是胸片上见肺野不清晰时: 肺透亮度↑, (胸部正位片) 考虑进行痰革兰氏染色及痰培养以排除肺炎可能 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Complications Lung inflammation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Airway obstruction ↓ inhaled air in alveoli and terminal bronchioles Rupture of emphasematous bullae on surface of lung Inhaled air leaks into pleural cavity and is trapped there Pneumothorax Feeling a loss of control over one’s life, and hopelessness for the future Goblet cell proliferation, ↑ mucus production Death of airway epithelium ciliated cells ↓ oxygenation of the blood passing through the lungs Chronic hypoxemia Kidneys compensate by ↑ erythropoietin (EPO) production ↑ Hemoglobin and red blood cell synthesis Polycythemia (secondary) Hypoxic alveoli cause the pulmonary arterioles perfusing them to reflexively vasoconstrict Since most alveoli in the lungs are hypoxic, hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs across entire lung Vasoconstriction ↑ blood pressure within lung vasculature Pulmonary hypertension ↑ workload of the right ventricle (to pump against higher pressures) To compensate, the right ventricle progressively hypertrophies and dilates, but over time its output ↓ Cor pulmonale (Right heart failure in isolation, not due to Left heart failure) Mucus trapped in airways, serve as nidus for infection Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) Pneumonia The chronic, systemic inflammation in COPD is a hyper-metabolic state that consumes calories Macro-nutrient deficiency Trouble with respiration lead to inactivity and deconditioning Wasting, muscle atrophy More inactivity and deconditioning perpetuates the cycle Depression Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"# 肺部炎症 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 粘液产生↑ 细胞死亡 黏液潴留呼吸道,成为感 染的病灶 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 气道阻塞à 吸入肺泡和终末细 肺大疱破裂 吸入的空气渗入 并潴留于胸腔 气胸 感觉生活失控,对未 来感到绝望 抑郁 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 支气管的空气 ↓ 流经肺的血液进行气 缺氧的肺泡à灌注肺泡的肺小动 慢性阻塞性肺疾 病急性加重期 (AECOPD) 肺炎 体交换↓ 慢性低氧血症 肾脏合成促红细胞 生成素进行代偿↑ 血红蛋白与红 细胞合成↑ 红细胞增多症 (继发性) 脉发生反射性血管收缩 肺大部分肺泡缺氧à整个肺 都出现缺氧性血管收缩 肺血管收缩 à 肺血管压力↑ 肺动脉高压 ↑ 右心室负荷(泵血时对抗高压) 为了代偿,右心室逐渐肥大和扩张, 但随着病程进展,右心室输出量 ↓ 肺心病 (单独出现右心衰竭,非左心衰) COPD所致的慢性全身 呼吸困难导致活 性炎症会使机体处于高 动量减少和活动 代谢状态,消耗能量 耐量降低 宏量营养 素缺乏症 消瘦,肌肉萎缩 运动量下降和活动耐量 的降低造成恶性循环 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 " />


COPD: 临床表现
作者: Yan Yu 审稿人:Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人:Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生
(如a1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏) 阻止肺组织损伤的能力↓
炎性细胞浸润, 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 尤其中性粒细 黏液产生↑ 细胞死亡
气道弹性↓ (弹性回缩
肺实质的蛋白水解破坏↑ 维持气道开放 肺泡永久性异常
的结构支持↓ 扩张
      胞 力)
          肺气体潴留 气道狭窄与 肺过度 肺大泡
   气道黏液潴留,成为感染 狭窄 病灶
塌陷 充气
(容易肺泡 破裂)
    临床表现 并发症 (参阅相关幻灯片) (参阅相关幻灯片)
COPD: Clinical Findings Lung tissue
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
↓ elastic recoil to push air out of lungs on expiration
Lungs don’t fully empty, air is trapped in alveoli (lung hyperinflation)
↑ lung volume means diaphragm is tonically contracted (flatter)
If occurring around airways
Airflow obstruction
↑ mucus production
↓ number of epithelial ciliated cells to clear away the mucus (the cells have been killed by airway inflammation)
Chronic cough with sputum
Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication
      During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction
↓ ventilation of alveoli
↓ oxygenation of blood (hypoxemia)
↓ perfusion of body tissues (i.e. brain, muscle)
Fatigue; ↓ exercise tolerance
      Total expiration time takes longer than normal
Prolonged expiration
More effort needed to ventilate larger lungs
Respiratory muscles must work harder to breathe
Turbulent airflow in narrower airways is heard on auscultation
Expiratory Wheeze
                 Diaphragm can’t flatten much further to generate deep breaths
To breathe, chest wall must expand out more
Shortness of breath, especially on exertion
     Breathes are rapid & shallow
If end-stage:
Chronic fatigue causes deconditioning
Muscle weakness & wasting
  Barrel chest
If end-stage: diaphragm will be “flat”. Continued
Patient tries to expire against higher mouth air pressure, forcing airways to open wider
Pursed-lip breathing
Patient breathes with accessory muscles as well as diaphragm to try to improve airflow
    inspiratory effort further contracts diaphragmà pull the lower chest wall inwards
Hoover’s sign
(paradoxical shrinking of lower chest during inspiration)
Tripod sitting position (activates pectoral muscles)
Neck (SCM, scalene) muscles contracted
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published January 7, 2013 on
COPD: ! 45 (on ABGs) Ventilation- perfusion mismatch High A-a gradient (calculated from ABGs) Low, flat diaphragm, >10 posterior ribs (on frontal CXR) High TLC and VC (on spirometry) • • PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood PaCO2: partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood • In the setting of fever and productive cough, especially if lung field opacifications are seen on CXR: consider sputum gram stain and culture to rule out pneumonia. Air does not block X-ray beams, will appear black on X-ray film Chronic hypercapnia makes breathing centers less sensitive to the high PaCO2 stimulus for breathing, & more reliant on the low PaO2 stimulus (“CO2 retention”) Give O2 carefully to these patients (high PaO2 may suppress patients’ hypoxic respiratory drive, ↓ their breathing, & ↑↑↑ PaCO2) ↑ retrosternal air space (on lateral CXR) Hyper-lucent (darker) lung fields, ↓ lung markings (on frontal CXR) • Arterial Blood Gasses (ABGs) • Chest X-Ray (CXR): frontal and lateral Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 气流阻塞 肺泡通气↓ 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气 道à 阻塞↑ 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者:Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 肺组织损伤 没有弹性回缩力将 气体排出肺 肺实质与血管分布减少导 致气体交换面积↓ 弥散功能↓ (肺功能检查) 更多的CO2残留 并扩散到血液中 高碳酸血症: PaCO2 > 45 (动脉血气) 血流灌注通气不良的肺泡 时无法获得足够的氧气 总呼气时长较正常长 FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (肺功能检查) 肺无法完全排空 更多空气潴留在肺部 (肺过度充气) 低氧血症: PaO2 < 70mmHg (动脉血气) 通气-灌注不匹配 肺泡-动脉氧分压差↑ (可通过动脉血气分析计算得出) 横膈低平, 下移至第10肋后端 及以下部位 (胸部正位片) TLC与VC增大 (肺功能检查) 缩写: • • FEV1: 1秒用 • VC:肺活量 PaO2: 动脉血 力呼气量 氧分压 空气不会阻挡X射线, 在X光片上呈现为黑色 慢性高碳酸血症使呼吸中枢对PaCO2 刺激呼吸的敏感性下降 & 更依赖于低PaO2的刺激 (“二氧化碳潴留”) 给患者吸氧时需注意(高PaO2 可能会抑制患者低氧时对呼吸的 刺激,使呼吸驱动↓ & PaCO2↑↑↑ ) • FVC: 用力肺 • 活量 • TLC:肺总量 慢阻肺相关检查 : PaCO2: 动脉 血二氧化碳 分压 胸骨后间隙↑ (胸部侧位片) 肺纹理↓ • 肺功能检查 • 动脉血气分析(Arterial Blood Gasses, ABGs) • 胸部正侧位片 • 当患者发热和湿咳,特别是胸片上见肺野不清晰时: 肺透亮度↑, (胸部正位片) 考虑进行痰革兰氏染色及痰培养以排除肺炎可能 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Complications Lung inflammation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Airway obstruction ↓ inhaled air in alveoli and terminal bronchioles Rupture of emphasematous bullae on surface of lung Inhaled air leaks into pleural cavity and is trapped there Pneumothorax Feeling a loss of control over one’s life, and hopelessness for the future Goblet cell proliferation, ↑ mucus production Death of airway epithelium ciliated cells ↓ oxygenation of the blood passing through the lungs Chronic hypoxemia Kidneys compensate by ↑ erythropoietin (EPO) production ↑ Hemoglobin and red blood cell synthesis Polycythemia (secondary) Hypoxic alveoli cause the pulmonary arterioles perfusing them to reflexively vasoconstrict Since most alveoli in the lungs are hypoxic, hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs across entire lung Vasoconstriction ↑ blood pressure within lung vasculature Pulmonary hypertension ↑ workload of the right ventricle (to pump against higher pressures) To compensate, the right ventricle progressively hypertrophies and dilates, but over time its output ↓ Cor pulmonale (Right heart failure in isolation, not due to Left heart failure) Mucus trapped in airways, serve as nidus for infection Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) Pneumonia The chronic, systemic inflammation in COPD is a hyper-metabolic state that consumes calories Macro-nutrient deficiency Trouble with respiration lead to inactivity and deconditioning Wasting, muscle atrophy More inactivity and deconditioning perpetuates the cycle Depression Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"# 肺部炎症 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 粘液产生↑ 细胞死亡 黏液潴留呼吸道,成为感 染的病灶 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 气道阻塞à 吸入肺泡和终末细 肺大疱破裂 吸入的空气渗入 并潴留于胸腔 气胸 感觉生活失控,对未 来感到绝望 抑郁 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 支气管的空气 ↓ 流经肺的血液进行气 缺氧的肺泡à灌注肺泡的肺小动 慢性阻塞性肺疾 病急性加重期 (AECOPD) 肺炎 体交换↓ 慢性低氧血症 肾脏合成促红细胞 生成素进行代偿↑ 血红蛋白与红 细胞合成↑ 红细胞增多症 (继发性) 脉发生反射性血管收缩 肺大部分肺泡缺氧à整个肺 都出现缺氧性血管收缩 肺血管收缩 à 肺血管压力↑ 肺动脉高压 ↑ 右心室负荷(泵血时对抗高压) 为了代偿,右心室逐渐肥大和扩张, 但随着病程进展,右心室输出量 ↓ 肺心病 (单独出现右心衰竭,非左心衰) COPD所致的慢性全身 呼吸困难导致活 性炎症会使机体处于高 动量减少和活动 代谢状态,消耗能量 耐量降低 宏量营养 素缺乏症 消瘦,肌肉萎缩 运动量下降和活动耐量 的降低造成恶性循环 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 " title="COPD: 临床表现 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人:Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人:Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 /012 (如a1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏) 阻止肺组织损伤的能力↓ +,-. (如长期吸烟、环境污染、感染) 肺内产生自由基 34*5 肺抗蛋白酶的失活 ↑氧化应激,炎性细胞因子,蛋白酶功能 支气管的持续、反复损伤 炎性细胞浸润, 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 尤其中性粒细 黏液产生↑ 细胞死亡 气道弹性↓ (弹性回缩 肺实质的蛋白水解破坏↑ 维持气道开放 肺泡永久性异常 的结构支持↓ 扩张 胞 力) 肺气体潴留 气道狭窄与 肺过度 肺大泡 气道黏液潴留,成为感染 狭窄 病灶 塌陷 充气 肺气肿 (容易肺泡 破裂) 气道纤维化和 %&'()* 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD) 临床表现 并发症 (参阅相关幻灯片) (参阅相关幻灯片) 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Clinical Findings Lung tissue Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) damage ↓ elastic recoil to push air out of lungs on expiration Lungs don’t fully empty, air is trapped in alveoli (lung hyperinflation) ↑ lung volume means diaphragm is tonically contracted (flatter) If occurring around airways Airflow obstruction ↑ mucus production ↓ number of epithelial ciliated cells to clear away the mucus (the cells have been killed by airway inflammation) Chronic cough with sputum Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction ↓ ventilation of alveoli ↓ oxygenation of blood (hypoxemia) ↓ perfusion of body tissues (i.e. brain, muscle) Fatigue; ↓ exercise tolerance Total expiration time takes longer than normal Prolonged expiration More effort needed to ventilate larger lungs Respiratory muscles must work harder to breathe Turbulent airflow in narrower airways is heard on auscultation Expiratory Wheeze Diaphragm can’t flatten much further to generate deep breaths To breathe, chest wall must expand out more Dyspnea Shortness of breath, especially on exertion Breathes are rapid & shallow If end-stage: Chronic fatigue causes deconditioning Muscle weakness & wasting Barrel chest If end-stage: diaphragm will be “flat”. Continued Patient tries to expire against higher mouth air pressure, forcing airways to open wider Pursed-lip breathing Patient breathes with accessory muscles as well as diaphragm to try to improve airflow inspiratory effort further contracts diaphragmà pull the lower chest wall inwards Hoover’s sign (paradoxical shrinking of lower chest during inspiration) Tripod sitting position (activates pectoral muscles) Neck (SCM, scalene) muscles contracted Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 如果出现在气道周围 气流阻塞 肺不能完全排空 气体,气体潴留 于肺泡(肺过度 充气) 总呼气时长大于 正常时长 呼气相延长 肺组织损伤 呼气时,将空气排出肺外 的弹性回缩力↓ 肺不能完全排空气体, 气体潴留于肺泡内 (肺过度充气) 肺容积↑,膈肌紧张 性收缩(膈肌平坦) 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气道 à 气道阻塞↑ 肺泡通气↓ 血液氧合↓ (低 氧血症) 身体组织灌注 量↓ (比如脑、 肌肉) 疲劳; 运动耐量↓ 黏液生成↑ 清除黏液的上皮纤 毛细胞数量↓ (受 气道炎症损伤) 慢性咳嗽伴咳 痰 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 容积较大 的肺需要 更加努力 才能通气 呼吸肌必须 更用力才能 呼吸 听诊闻及狭窄气 道中的湍流气流 呼气喘鸣音 呼吸困难 气促,尤其是劳累 膈肌无法进一步收缩以 产生深呼吸 呼吸浅快 为了呼吸, 胸壁必须延 展得更大 桶状胸 晚期病人: 患者试图在较高的口 慢性疲劳导致 患者动用辅助呼吸肌和膈肌呼吸, 腔内气压下进行呼气, 活动耐量下降 从而使气道更开放 以改善气流 晚期病人:膈肌 “平坦” ,持续吸气进一步压 缩膈肌à 向内拉季肋部胸壁 胡佛征 (吸气时,胸廓下侧季肋部内收) 缩唇呼吸 肌肉无力 & 消瘦 端坐呼吸 (调动胸肌) 颈部肌肉收 缩(胸锁乳 突肌、斜角 肌) 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Findings on Investigations Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Airflow obstruction Lung tissue damage ↓ ventilation of alveoli Blood perfusing ill- ventilated alveoli does not receive normal amounts of oxygen During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑ obstruction) No elastic recoil to push air out of lungs Loss of lung parenchyma and vasculature ↓ surface area for gas exchange ↓ diffusion capacity (on spirometry) Hypoxemia: PaO2 < 70mmHg (on ABGs) Abbreviations: • FEV1: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second • FVC: Forced vital capacity • TLC: Total lung capacity • VC: Vital Capacity Investigations for COPD : • Spirometry (Pulmonary function test) Total expiration time takes longer than normal FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (on spirometry) Lungs don’t fully empty More air trapped within lungs (hyperinflation) More CO2 remains and diffuses into the blood Hypercapnia: PaCO2 > 45 (on ABGs) Ventilation- perfusion mismatch High A-a gradient (calculated from ABGs) Low, flat diaphragm, >10 posterior ribs (on frontal CXR) High TLC and VC (on spirometry) • • PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood PaCO2: partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood • In the setting of fever and productive cough, especially if lung field opacifications are seen on CXR: consider sputum gram stain and culture to rule out pneumonia. Air does not block X-ray beams, will appear black on X-ray film Chronic hypercapnia makes breathing centers less sensitive to the high PaCO2 stimulus for breathing, & more reliant on the low PaO2 stimulus (“CO2 retention”) Give O2 carefully to these patients (high PaO2 may suppress patients’ hypoxic respiratory drive, ↓ their breathing, & ↑↑↑ PaCO2) ↑ retrosternal air space (on lateral CXR) Hyper-lucent (darker) lung fields, ↓ lung markings (on frontal CXR) • Arterial Blood Gasses (ABGs) • Chest X-Ray (CXR): frontal and lateral Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"#$ 气流阻塞 肺泡通气↓ 呼气时,胸膜腔正压挤压气 道à 阻塞↑ 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者:Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 肺组织损伤 没有弹性回缩力将 气体排出肺 肺实质与血管分布减少导 致气体交换面积↓ 弥散功能↓ (肺功能检查) 更多的CO2残留 并扩散到血液中 高碳酸血症: PaCO2 > 45 (动脉血气) 血流灌注通气不良的肺泡 时无法获得足够的氧气 总呼气时长较正常长 FEV1/FEV < 0.7 (肺功能检查) 肺无法完全排空 更多空气潴留在肺部 (肺过度充气) 低氧血症: PaO2 < 70mmHg (动脉血气) 通气-灌注不匹配 肺泡-动脉氧分压差↑ (可通过动脉血气分析计算得出) 横膈低平, 下移至第10肋后端 及以下部位 (胸部正位片) TLC与VC增大 (肺功能检查) 缩写: • • FEV1: 1秒用 • VC:肺活量 PaO2: 动脉血 力呼气量 氧分压 空气不会阻挡X射线, 在X光片上呈现为黑色 慢性高碳酸血症使呼吸中枢对PaCO2 刺激呼吸的敏感性下降 & 更依赖于低PaO2的刺激 (“二氧化碳潴留”) 给患者吸氧时需注意(高PaO2 可能会抑制患者低氧时对呼吸的 刺激,使呼吸驱动↓ & PaCO2↑↑↑ ) • FVC: 用力肺 • 活量 • TLC:肺总量 慢阻肺相关检查 : PaCO2: 动脉 血二氧化碳 分压 胸骨后间隙↑ (胸部侧位片) 肺纹理↓ • 肺功能检查 • 动脉血气分析(Arterial Blood Gasses, ABGs) • 胸部正侧位片 • 当患者发热和湿咳,特别是胸片上见肺野不清晰时: 肺透亮度↑, (胸部正位片) 考虑进行痰革兰氏染色及痰培养以排除肺炎可能 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 COPD: Complications Lung inflammation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Airway obstruction ↓ inhaled air in alveoli and terminal bronchioles Rupture of emphasematous bullae on surface of lung Inhaled air leaks into pleural cavity and is trapped there Pneumothorax Feeling a loss of control over one’s life, and hopelessness for the future Goblet cell proliferation, ↑ mucus production Death of airway epithelium ciliated cells ↓ oxygenation of the blood passing through the lungs Chronic hypoxemia Kidneys compensate by ↑ erythropoietin (EPO) production ↑ Hemoglobin and red blood cell synthesis Polycythemia (secondary) Hypoxic alveoli cause the pulmonary arterioles perfusing them to reflexively vasoconstrict Since most alveoli in the lungs are hypoxic, hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs across entire lung Vasoconstriction ↑ blood pressure within lung vasculature Pulmonary hypertension ↑ workload of the right ventricle (to pump against higher pressures) To compensate, the right ventricle progressively hypertrophies and dilates, but over time its output ↓ Cor pulmonale (Right heart failure in isolation, not due to Left heart failure) Mucus trapped in airways, serve as nidus for infection Acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) Pneumonia The chronic, systemic inflammation in COPD is a hyper-metabolic state that consumes calories Macro-nutrient deficiency Trouble with respiration lead to inactivity and deconditioning Wasting, muscle atrophy More inactivity and deconditioning perpetuates the cycle Depression Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Naushad Hirani* Juri Janovcik* * MD at time of publication Legend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published January 7, 2013 on COPD: !"# 肺部炎症 杯状细胞增殖, 气道上皮纤毛 粘液产生↑ 细胞死亡 黏液潴留呼吸道,成为感 染的病灶 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD) 气道阻塞à 吸入肺泡和终末细 肺大疱破裂 吸入的空气渗入 并潴留于胸腔 气胸 感觉生活失控,对未 来感到绝望 抑郁 作者: Yan Yu 审稿人: Jason Baserman, Naushad Hirani*, Juri Janovcik* 译者: Zihong Xie (谢梓泓) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳), Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生 支气管的空气 ↓ 流经肺的血液进行气 缺氧的肺泡à灌注肺泡的肺小动 慢性阻塞性肺疾 病急性加重期 (AECOPD) 肺炎 体交换↓ 慢性低氧血症 肾脏合成促红细胞 生成素进行代偿↑ 血红蛋白与红 细胞合成↑ 红细胞增多症 (继发性) 脉发生反射性血管收缩 肺大部分肺泡缺氧à整个肺 都出现缺氧性血管收缩 肺血管收缩 à 肺血管压力↑ 肺动脉高压 ↑ 右心室负荷(泵血时对抗高压) 为了代偿,右心室逐渐肥大和扩张, 但随着病程进展,右心室输出量 ↓ 肺心病 (单独出现右心衰竭,非左心衰) COPD所致的慢性全身 呼吸困难导致活 性炎症会使机体处于高 动量减少和活动 代谢状态,消耗能量 耐量降低 宏量营养 素缺乏症 消瘦,肌肉萎缩 运动量下降和活动耐量 的降低造成恶性循环 图注: 病理生理 机制 体征/临床表现/实验室检查 并发症 2013年1月7日发布于 " />


哮喘急性发作: 发病机制和治疗
病毒性上呼吸道感染 接触变应原 环境污染 其他诱因
作者: Luke Gagnon 审稿人:Midas (Kening) Kang,Usama Malik,Lian Szabo*
译者:Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳) 翻译审核人:Zesheng Ye (叶泽生) * 发表时担任临床医生
免疫系统激活:气道上皮趋化因子、淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞激活, 白三烯产生↑ 炎症介质释放
哮喘轻中度急性发作: PEF ≥ 预计值50%
疗效良好: 症状缓 解, PEF ≥ 80%
患者日常在家 服用糖皮质激 素及必要时使 用SABA
残气量↑ 及PaCO2↑
气体潴留↑,肺 泡内压力 ↑
            气体通过 发炎的呼 吸道产生 的刺激↑
呼吸 困难
黏膜水肿会导 致气流湍急
吸O2使SpO2 ≥ 92%, 给予SABA & 糖皮质激素 治疗
重度急性发作: PEF ≤预计值 50%
呼吸急促 呼吸衰竭
↓ 向肺泡传送 空气氧含量
Asthma哮喘: Airway hyper- responsiveness causing airflow obstructions气道高反应性引起气流受 限
Acute Exacerbation (Asthma)哮喘急性 发作: An episode of increased symptoms due to decreases in airflow气流减少而 引起一系列症状加重
• PaCO2动脉二氧化碳分压:Partial
pressure of CO2 in arterial blood
• PEF最大呼气流量/呼气流量峰值: Peak
expiratory flow
• SABA短效beta-2受体激动剂: Short-
acting beta-2 agonists
• SpO2血氧饱和度: Blood oxygen
saturation level
中枢性紫绀 心动过速
         患者宣教: 正确服用药物,使用 药物吸入装置 &全科医生密切医学随 访
       吸 O 使 SpO ≥ 2 2
症状恶化和/或呼吸衰竭 :及时气 管插管, 送往ICU, 给予SABA, 糖皮 质激素 & 硫酸镁
取决于气胸严 重程度: 密切观 察或者置入胸 腔引流管
  93%, 给予 SABA, 糖皮质激素 & 硫 酸镁
2018年 2月6日发布于

Asthma clinical findings

Asthma: Clinical Findings
Episodic airway constriction and airflow obstruction, due to hyper- responsiveness to certain triggers (see slide on asthma pathogenesis)
Author: Yan Yu Reviewers: Jason Baserman Jennifer Au Yonoglin Mai (麦泳琳) Naushad Hirani* * MD at time of publication
     Variable, sporadic airway obstruction in response to triggers
Associated allergic eosinophil response
Eosinophils infiltrate: Skin
    If severe:
↓ ventilation of alveoli
↓ oxygenation of blood (hypoxemia)
During expiration, positive pleural pressure squeezes on airwaysà↑↑ airway obstruction
                     Heart rate ­ to improve
perfusion of tissue
Respiratory centers ­ rate of breathing to
Gas is trapped within alveolià hyperinflates lungs
Ventilating larger lungs needs more effort
Patients need to voluntarily contract
their expiratory muscles faster and more forcefully to effectively expire
Narrower airways àturbulent
airflow, heard on auscultation
Expiratory Wheeze (high-pitched expiratory sound)
Rhinitis/ sinusitis
Runny nose, sneezing, etc
Atopic dermatitis
Skin rash, hives
Red itchy eyes, visual blurring
(shortness of breath)
Chest tightness
       During severe attacks:
Note: Asthma attacks often have two phases:
• An immediate attack (within 0-2 hours of the trigger, due to acute release of histamine from mast cells)
• A delayed attack (due to eosinophil infiltration of airways, presents within 3-4 hours after exposure to the trigger, peaks within 6-8 hours, and resolves within 24 hours).
Keep the possibility of a delayed attack in mind when treating patients in Emergency!
 Note: Symptoms often worse at night or early in the morning.
Note: Asthma should be suspected in children experiencing dyspnea with multiple episodes of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections or Croup.
Patient compensates by activating accessory respiratory muscles to ↑ thoracic volume
Visible contraction of
neck muscles (Scalene, sternocleidomastoids)
↑↑↑ airway obstruction on
expiration, lungs take more time to empty
Prolonged expiratory phase of breathing
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Dec 17, 2012 and updated Dec 4, 2021 on

Chronic Cough Pathogenesis_2021

Chronic Cough: Pathogenesis
       ACE Inhibitors
Protussive mediator accumulation (bradykinin, substance P)
IP; likely chronic ↑ cough receptors commonly pertussis- related or post-viral
↑ MBP levels in RT
Allergic Rhinitis
        ↑ sputum production
and accumulation
Damage from chronic inflammation causes poor mucus clearance
Inhalants trigger ↑ cytokines ↑ mucus
Aspiration of refluxed microdroplets
Irritation by post- nasal drip
            ↑ inflammatory mediators in RT
Mechanical obstructions (i.e. mediastinal masses, neoplasms)
Foreign body Presence irritation of irritants
  Stimulation of sensory nerve receptors expressed on nerve endings penetrating the epithelia of the upper RT
• RT: respiratory tract
• IP: indefinite
• GERD: Gastro-esophageal
reflux disease
• EDN: Eosinophil-derived
• MBP: Major basic protein
• COPD: Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Complications: Syncope, insomnia, hemoptysis, rib fractures
Slowly adapting receptors
Respond to mechanical forces during breathing
Stimulation of the vagus nerve
Activation of nucleus tractus solitarius in central respiratory generator (brainstem)
Generation of efferent cough signal
Chronic cough: Cough of over 8 weeks duration with no dyspnea or fever
C-fibre receptors
Respond to chemical stimuli (bradykinin, capsaicin, acid/alkaline solutions, mannitol, hypertonic saline, and other inhaled irritants)
Authors: Arsalan Ahmad Lance Bartel Reviewers: Midas (Kening) Kang Usama Malik Ciara Hanly Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳) Yan Yu*, Eric Leung* * MD at time of publication
Rapidly adapting receptors
Responds to mechanical stimuli, such as physical obstruction of the airways
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Feb 06, 2018, updated Dec 4, 2021 on


Mechanical Bowel Obstruction and Ileus: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
    Anti-motility Diabetic Sepsis drugs gastroparesis
Nerves coordinating bowel peristalsis are disrupted
Ileus: functional bowel ‘blockage’, no peristalsis
Post- operation
Hernia (no past surgery)
Post-abdominal surgery
Authors: Yan Yu, Wayne Rosen* Reviewers: Nicole Burma, Jason Baserman, Jennifer Au, Maitreyi Raman* * MD at time of publication
      Adhesions Note:
• Complete obstruction typically
  presents with acute abdominal
pain and related symptoms • Incomplete obstructions can present with either acute or
 Congenital abnormality GI neoplasms
If partial obstruction: ↓ frequency of bowel movements
Since gas/air sounds hollow to percussion Abdomen tympanic to percussion
  Mechanical obstruction: physical blockage of bowel lumen
  Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
   Gas (from swallowed air, bacterial fermentation, & CO2 made via HCO3- neutralization) & ingested gastro- intestinal (GI) contents accumulate before obstruction
Accumulated GI contents contain salts and other osmotically active solutes that osmotically draw water into the GI tract
Continued ↑ bowel distention & ↑ luminal pressure over time
↑ pressure squeezes shut intestinal blood vesselsà↓ bowel perfusion
chronic abdominal pain
If complete obstruction: Obstipation (no flatus) & absent bowel movements
       Irritation of autonomic nerves in visceral peritoneum
Lower effective arterial blood volumeàdehydration
Continued peristalsis proximal to obstruction continues to push GI contents against the obstruction
If obstruction is proximal (closer to mouth), higher luminal pressure may force regurgitation of GI contents
Bloating, cramping, anorexia Diffuse visceral abdominal pain
Flat/low jugular venous pressure (JVP), resting tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension
Severe abdominal pain (may come in waves), peritonitis, guarding, rigidity
Hyperactive bowel sounds (proximal to obstruction) or absent bowel sounds (ileus)
              Bowel ischemia and infarction, tissue necrosis, possible perforation +/- bacterial invasion (see relevant slides)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Re-Published December 15, 2021 on





Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Precursor cells differentiateàClonal expansion of abnormal (constitutive MAPK activation) CD1a+/CD207+ (Langerhans cell phenotype surface receptors) dendritic cells in tissue(s)
     Somatic BRAFV600E mutation: BRAF is a kinase in the MAPK pathway
Other somatic (non- reproductive cell) mutations
Idiopathic (unknown cause)
Mutation(s) can occur in one of these precursor cell types*
Hematopoietic stem cell (earliest cell of blood cell differentiation) in bone marrow
Committed dendritic cell (type of myeloid antigen-presenting cell) precursor in bone marrow or blood
Committed dendritic cell precursor in tissue
Constitutive activation of the MAPK pathway (signalling pathway that regulates variety of cellular processes) in one of these precursor cell types
          *Note: Based on the “misguided myeloid differentiation” modelàthe earlier the mutation(s) occur in the myeloid cell differentiation pathway, the more severe the disease.
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
Accumulation of abnormal CD1a+/CD207+ dendritic cells (Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis cells or LCH cells) with an inflammatory background in one or more organs
Ran (Marissa) Zhang Reviewers:
Mehul Gupta
Kiera Pajunen
Yan Yu*
Lynn Savoie*
* MD at time of publication
↑ recruitment & activation of T cells, macrophages, eosinophils in tissue(s) around the body
↓ CCR7 & CXCR4 (chemokine receptors) expression on LCH cellsàinhibits migration of LCH cells to lymph nodes
↑ BCLXL (an apoptosis regulator protein) expression on LCH cellsà inhibits apoptosis of LCH cells
       Immune cell infiltration & ↑ pro-inflammatory chemokine/cytokine release à dysregulated local & systemic inflammation
Accumulation of LCH cells in tissue(s) around the body
  Inflammatory lesion (an area of abnormal tissue) formation in one or more organs:
       In pituitary stalk
Mass effectà
obstruction of antidiuretic hormone (complex mechanisms)
In liver
Invasion & accumulation of cells foreign to liverà expands liver
Chronic local inflammation
Scarring of bile ducts
↓ bilirubin clearance from liveràbuildup into serum
↑ serum bilirubin
In cortical bone Cytokine production
à↑ osteoclast
(cells that break down bone) activity
↑ rate of bone loss
Osteolytic bone lesions
In bone marrow
Unclear mechanism but likely due to macrophage activation
↑ phagocytosis (ingestion & destruction) of blood cells
In spleen
Invasion & accumulation of cells foreign to spleen
Forms aggregates that expand the red pulp (functions as the blood filter in spleen)
In skin
Unclear mechanisms
Variable presentations: most commonly pinpoint erythematous (red) papules or erythematous plaques with crusting & scaling
            Hepatomegaly • BRAF- B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase
• CCR7- C-C motif chemokine receptor type 7
• CD1a- Cluster of differentiation 1A
• CD207- C-type lectin domain family 4 member k • CXCR4- C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4
• LCH- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
• MAPK- Mitogen-activated protein kinase
Diabetes Insipidus
• BCLXL- B-cell lymphoma-extra large
   Anemia, thrombocytopenia &/or neutropenia
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published January 13, 2022 on

NSAIDs and the Kidney mechanism of action and side effects

NSAIDs and the Kidney: Mechanism of Action and Side Effects
Authors: Kyle Moxham Mehul Gupta Reviewers: Emily Wildman Yan Yu* Adam Bass* *MD at time of publication
  Concurrent use of angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB)
AECi and ARBs act to ↓ renin- angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) activation
Reduced angiotensin (AT) 2 activity at its receptors on efferent arteriole of the nephron
Net vasodilation of efferent arterioles ↓ in glomerular pressure
↓ blood perfusing kidney tissueà↑ hypoxemia & renal ischemia
Pre-existing ↓effective arterial blood volume (EABV) from
dehydration, GI loss, diuretics, CKD, CHF, cirrhosis, etc.
Decreased EABV triggers endogenous renal autoregulation, resulting in norepinephrine (NE) mediated vasoconstriction of afferent arteriole of the nephron
Net ↓ in renal blood flow and ↓ in glomerular pressure
↓ volume of blood filtered by the glomeruli per unit time
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
     Inhibition of Cyclooxygenase COX-1 (expressed in kidney) and COX-2 (expressed in kidney and sites of inflammation)
↓ Renal prostaglandin (PG) synthesis: local hormones involved in renal homeostasis
NSAID induced nephrotoxicity:
associated with chronic usage independent of dosage
(see Calgary Guide slide on NSAIDs and the Kidney: NSAID induced nephrotoxicity)
↓ intrarenal PG reduces inhibitory effects of PG over ADH in cortical colleting duct (CCD) of the kidneyà↓ antagonism on ADH activity
↑ ADH activity causes insertion of more
aquaporins (water channels) in the collecting duct of renal tubules
Net ↑ in volume of water reabsorbed into the blood
           ↓ vasodilatory effect of PG at the afferent arteriole of the nephron
↓ Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
↓ PG signalling results in ↓ renin secretion at juxtaglomerular apparatus
Low renin levelsà↓ conversion of angiotensinogen into its AT1 form and, by extension, ACE mediated conversion of AT1 to AT2
↓ ACE 2 signalling leads to ↓ levels of aldosterone in the serum
↓ Na+ and K+ channel insertion on apical surface and ↓ Na/K ATPase activity on basolateral surface of principal cells
↓ K+ excretion into urine, and ↓ Na+ reabsorption
back into the blood, at the late DCT and collecting duct of the kidney
               Pre-renal Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): kidney injury due to renal hypoperfusion
Prolonged and/or severe ischemia causes cell death and aggregation of tubular epithelial cells of the kidney with subsequent inability to reabsorb luminal Na+
          Renal dehydration predisposes
precipitation of uromodulin protein
Renal tubules mold uromodulin into cylindrical structures known as “casts”. Casts that contain only uromodulin protein are known as “hyaline casts”
Hyaline cast seen on urinalysis
Hypoperfusion of the kidney activates the renin- angiotensin- aldosterone system (RAAS)
↑ amount of sodium (Na) reabsorbed from the filtrate (less Na excreted)
Fractional excretion of Na <1%
Papillary necrosis: ureteral passage of sloughed ischemic tissue causing ureteral obstruction
Acute tubular necrosis: a type of kidney injury causing damage to the tubules
        Post-renal AKI: a type of kidney injury due to
obstruction of the urinary tract
Distal distal obstruction of the urinary tract causes fluid to accumulate within the kidneysàenlarging the kidneys
Renal Ultrasound shows hydronephrosis (enlarged kidneys)
Damaged tubule epithelial cells slough into the tubular lumen
Epithelial cell breakdown in the tubular lumen
releases uromodulin & other proteins, which aggregate into “casts” (cylindrical imprints of the renal tubule). The varied protein content of these casts result in them having a coarse, granular appearance
Damaged tubular epithelial cells are unable to properly reabsorb sodium
↓ amount of sodium (Na) reabsorbed from filtrate into the blood (more Na excreted)
Fractional excretion of Na >2%
True excess of free water relative to Na+ in the blood
Excess free water ↑ venous hydrostatic pressure (see Calgary Guide slide on edema for full mechanisms)
Pitting Edema
     Coarse granular casts seen on urinalysis
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published January 29, 2022 on


Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Vascular Factors: During recumbent sleep, more bodily fluids enter the head and neck area (compared to when the patient is standing/sitting)
↑ volume of head/neck tissue surrounding the upper airwayà possible airway obstruction
Authors: Ciara Hanly Austin Laing Alexander Arnold Reviewers: Steven Liu Amogh Agrawal Yonglin Mai (麦泳琳) Naushad Hirani* Yan Yu* *MD at time of publication
   Neuromuscular Factors: Sleep onset and/or the sleeping state reduces the drive of respiratory muscles to breathe
↓ Upper airway neuromuscular activityà↓ upper airway caliber, ↑ upper airway resistance, ↑ upper airway collapsibility during sleep
Structural Factors: Obesity, tonsillar or adenoid hypertrophy, macroglossia, ↑ neck circumference, craniofacial abnormalities
Excess pressure on upper airway, or deformity to that area, ↑ risk of upper airway collapse
Absence of airflow but persistent ventilatory effort
Hypopnea or Apnea
Paradoxical breathing Chest wall draws in and abdomen expands during inspiration
Ventilatory effort persists against closed airway
No air entry due to collapsed upper airway
↑ Negative intrathoracic pressure
↑ Venous return to right atrium
Stretching of right atrial myocardium à secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
ANP inhibits epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC) in the collecting ducts of the kidney from reabsorbing Na+ à Na+ excretion
↑ Na+ excretionà↑ water excretion
Complete or partial upper airway obstruction during sleep
↑ PCO2 &  ̄ PO2
in the lungsà ̄ diffusion gradient of CO2 & O2 between lungs & arteries
↑ PaCO2,,  ̄ PaO2
Respiratory acidosis (↑ [H+] in blood)àactivation of vascular endothelial voltage gated K+ channels
Cerebral blood vessel dilation to provide adequate O2 to brain
Morning Headaches
               Activation of central (medulla oblongata) & peripheral (carotid body) chemoreceptors
↑ Respiratory drive à ↑ activation of respiratory muscles (ventilatory effort )
Transient arousal from sleep
↑ sympathetic nervous system activityà arterial vasoconstriction
↑ systemic vascular resistance
Systemic Hypertension
↑ intraluminal pressure within blood vesselsàadaptive vascular endothelial and smooth muscle changes
Artery walls thicken, harden and lose elasticityà ̄ perfusion to end organs (such as the brain)
Ischemic stroke
Hypoxia during the day and night
↑ pulmonary vascular resistance
Pulmonary Hypertension
Right heart pumps against higher pulmonary pressure àcardiomyocytes undergo concentric hypertrophy over time
Cor Pulmonale
(Right heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension, separate from left heart failure)
                Respiratory muscles overcome upper airway obstructionà airway patency restored
Sleep fragmentation
 ̄ Daytime cognitive performance and attentiveness
↑ Risk of motor vehicle accidents
Daytime Sleepiness
Eg. Epworth Sleepiness Scale >10
PCO2: partial pressure of carbon dioxide PO2: partial pressure of oxygen PaCO2: partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arteries PaO2: partial pressure of oxygen in arteries
Ventilatory response overcompensatesà breathe out more CO2 than is required for homeostasisà  ̄ PaCO2
 ̄ respiratory driveà  ̄ ventilatory effort
Resuscitative Gasping
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published August 19, 2013, updated May 31, 2022 on
作者:Ciara Hanly, Austin Laing, Alexander Arnold 审稿人: Steven Liu, Amogh Agrawal, Naushad Hirani*,Yan Yu* 译者: Zesheng Ye(叶泽生) 翻译审稿人: Yonglin Mai(麦泳琳) *发表时担任临床医生
   神经肌肉因素: 睡眠状态下, 患者无法通过 适当增加上气道肌张力来维持气道通畅
上气道神经肌肉活动 ̄à上气道直径 ̄, 上气道 阻力↑, 睡眠时上气道塌陷
结构(解剖)因素: 肥胖、扁桃体或腺样体 肥大, 舌体肥大, 颈围增大, 颅面部畸形
上气道压力过大或上气道畸形, 上气道塌陷 的风险 ↑
血管因素: 仰卧位睡觉引起 夜间嘴侧液体移位
周围组织与压力 ↑à上气道阻塞
呼吸浅慢或 呼吸暂停
反常呼吸 吸气时胸壁凹陷, 腹部膨隆
持续通气以抵抗气道 闭合
腹膜腔负压↑ 静脉血回流右心室阻力↑
右心房心肌细胞拉伸 à心房利钠肽分泌 (ANP)
ANP抑制肾集合管的上 皮Na+通道(ENaC)对 Na+重吸收à Na+排出
Na+排出量↑ à 水排出量 ↑
肺内PO2  ̄ 且 PCO2↑ à CO2 及 O2在肺和动脉 间的扩散梯度 ̄
↑ PaCO2,  ̄ PaO2
呼吸性酸中毒 (血液中 [H+] ↑) à激活血管内皮电压
门控 K+
脑血管扩张为大 晨间头痛 脑提供足够的 O2
               激活中央(延髓)和外周(颈动脉体)的化学感受器 呼吸驱动↑à呼吸肌活动 (呼吸做功 )↑
通道 交感神经系统活动↑
全天缺氧 肺血管阻力↑
右心泵血以抵抗肺 动脉高压à 随着时 间推移,心肌向心 性肥大
                 呼吸肌克服上气道阻力à 气道 明显恢复
及注意力 ̄
à 动脉收缩 全身血管阻力↑
血管内压力↑ à 血 管内皮和平滑肌发生 适应性改变
动脉壁增厚、硬化、失 去弹性à器官血液灌 注量 ̄ (如脑部)
           缩写: PCO2:二氧化碳分压 PO2:氧分压 PaCO2:动脉二氧化 碳分压 PaO2:动脉血氧分压
通气过度 à呼出CO2 ↑ à PaCO2  ̄
呼吸驱动 ̄à 呼吸做功 ̄
 2013年8月19日发表, 2022年5月31日更新


Ascending Cholangitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Brandon Hisey, Neel Mistry Reviewers: Alec Campbell, Vina Fan, Ben Campbell, Kelly Burak*, Eldon Shaffer* * MD at time of publication
Reflux of biliary contents into the vascular system (cholangiovenous reflux)
Bacteria ascends into biliary tract from duodenum via Sphincter of Oddi
     Gallstone in the common bile duct
Stricture of biliary/hepatic ducts
Biliary / pancreatic duct malignancy
Biliary obstruction (partial bile duct obstruction)
↓ Excretion of bilirubin into
bileà ↑ bilirubin in blood
↑ Serum bilirubin
Deposition of bilirubin in the skin and mucous membranes
Parasites in bile duct
(E.g. Clonorchis)
Complication of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
        Bile accumulates in biliary tract
Bile duct dilation on ultrasound
Sludge (bile precipitants) impact bile ducts worsening obstruction
Obstruction & detergents in bile inflame ductal mucosa. Inflammation then spreads to adjacent structures
Stimulates phrenic (C3-C5) and foregut autonomic nerves (T5-T8)
Dull right upper quadrant pain*† radiating to back and right shoulder
↑ Intra-biliary pressure
Impaired forward flowà
↑ backflow of bile
Impaired bile secretion damages ductal epithelium of the biliary tract
Damaged ductal epithelium leaks ALP and GGT (enzymes) into blood
↑ Serum ALP and GGT
↑ Permeability of bile ductules
Reduced flushing of bile out to duodenum
               Inflammatory response triggered
Fever*† ↑ WBCs
Tachycardia Hypotension† Confusion† Oliguria
Bacterial translocation from biliary tract into blood
Massive systemic inflammatory response
Septic Shock
(see Distributive Shock slide)
                   * Charcot’s triad ~20% of cases | † Reynolds’ pentad ~7% of cases
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
First published November 18, 2015; Updated August 31, 2022 on


Chronic pancreatitis:
Hypothesis: Cytokines stimulate hypersecretion of secretory proteins (lithostathine, GP2) from acinar cells in exocrine pancreas
(early in disease course)
Proteins precipitate and form aggregates within pancreatic ducts
Accumulation of protein aggregates and localized fibrosis block pancreatic ducts
Rupture of acinar cells near blocked ducts → release of intracellular enzymes and fluid
Accumulation of enzyme- rich fluid within pancreas
Intra-pancreatic pseudocysts (differ from pseudocysts in acute pancreatitis, which are primarily extra-pancreatic)
Chronic Pancreatitis
Recurrent episodes of acute pancreatitis leading to irreversible fibroinflammatory pancreatic damage
Inflammatory cytokines are
continuously released from damaged pancreas over years
Cytokines damage endothelium of intra- and peri-pancreatic blood vessels (including splenic vein, which runs posteriorly behind pancreas and allows for its venous drainage)
Thin and weakened
vessel walls balloon outwards from pressure of blood flow
Venous stasis (low blood flow) → ↑ concentration of clotting factors
Obstruction of peripancreatic ducts
Author: Ashar Memon Reviewers: Yan Yu*, Kiana Hampton, Sylvain Coderre* * MD at time of publication
Exocrine insufficiency
(↓ secretion of digestive enzymes, e.g., Lipase, into gastro-intestinal tract)
↓ digestion of foods and absorption of nutrients (including fats)
↓ absorption of fat-soluble vitamin D
Metabolic bone disease
(a group of disorders of decreased bone mineralization)
Blood vessels dilate and swell from increased blood flow
Gastric varices
          Cytokines perpetually activate pancreatic stellate cells (stellate cells produce proteins that remodel extra- cellular matrix)
Pancreatic stellate cells increase amounts of collagen and other extra- cellular matrix molecules in pancreas → Fibrosis
Pancreatic proteolytic enzymes (e.g., trypsin) in fluid-filled pseudocysts digest walls of adjacent blood vessels
Fibrotic tissue and pseudocysts compress peripancreatic structures (including splenic vein)
Cytokines stimulate apoptosis of hormone- producing pancreatic Islet cells
(e.g., beta cells)
Endocrine insufficiency
(↓ production and secretion of pancreatic hormones)
Damaged endothelial cells of splenic vein trigger coagulation cascade
(See Calgary Guide slide on Coagulation Cascade)
Splenic vein thrombosis
↑ resistance to blood flow through splenic vein
stimulate apoptosis of acinar cells in exocrine pancreas
↓ secretion of insulin
↓ cellular uptake and metabolism of glucose → hyperglycemia
Diabetes mellitus
Collateral blood vessels develop around stomach so blood can circumvent splenic vein and relieve splenic vein hypertension
                                  Duodenal obstruction Biliary obstruction
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published October 18, 2022 on

Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis Pathogenesis

Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: Pathogenesis
Oswald Chen
Ben Campbell
*Liam Martin
* MD at time of publication
Thiol- and hydrazine-containing medications (e.g., hydralazine, propylthiouracil, allopurinol)
Environmental exposures
Silica dust, cigarette smoke, infections (Staphylococcus aureus)
Genetic factors
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, proteinase 3 gene mutation
  ↑ Production of cytokines and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs) (mechanism unknown) Cytokines bind to endothelial cells (that line blood vessels) and neutrophils, priming them
Proteinase 3 (PR3), an enzyme that degrades extracellular matrix proteins, migrates from neutrophil granules to neutrophil cell surface
      Circulating ANCAs bind to PR3 on neutrophils
PR3 stimulates maturation of dendritic cells in lungs
Dendritic cells present antigen (PR3) to naïve CD4+ T cells in peripheral lymph nodes
T cells differentiate into type 1 and type 17 helper T cells (Th1 and Th17 cells)
Th1 and Th17 cells secrete cytokines (interferon γ (INF-γ) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α)) in lungs
Secreted cytokines trigger macrophage maturation
Formation of granulomas (giant cells with central necrosis surrounded by plasma cells, lymphocytes, and dendritic cells) primarily in lungs and upper airways
    ANCA-activated neutrophils release proinflammatory cytokines, attracting more neutrophils to endothelium (blood vessel wall)
ANCA-activated neutrophils undergo firm adhesion to endothelium
     ANCAs stimulate ↑ secretion of proteolytic enzymes and reactive oxygen species from neutrophils
Endothelial damage and tissue injury
    Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA)
ANCA-associated vasculitis affecting medium and small-sized arteries, associated with necrotizing granulomas
Constitutional symptoms with involvement of multiple organ systems
 (see slide on clinical findings)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published December 4, 2022 on
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: Clinical findings Inflammation-mediated endothelial damage and granuloma formation
(see slide on pathogenesis)
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA)
Oswald Chen
Ben Campbell
*Liam Martin
* MD at time of publication
 ANCA-associated vasculitis affecting medium and small-sized arteries, associated with necrotizing granulomas
    Constitutional symptoms
Fever, unintentional weight loss, night sweats, arthralgias
Skin involvement
Inflammation of cutaneous vessels
Systemic inflammation obstructing blood flow, with granulomatous lesions primarily in upper airways and lungs
Ear, nose, and throat involvement
↑ C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (markers of inflammation)
Necrotizing granulomas on biopsy of affected tissue
Positive PR3-ANCA/c-ANCA blood test (antibodies present in ~90% of patients, described in GPA Pathogenesis slide)
             Renal involvement
Inflammation of renal vessels
Rupture of basement membrane (layer that filters blood from glomerular capillaries into Bowman’s capsule)
Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis (see Nephritic Syndrome slide)
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
Eye involvement
Inflammation of ocular tissue
Scleritis/ episcleritis (painful red eye)
Lower respiratory tract involvement
Inflammation of pulmonary vessels
                 Vessel occlusion and ischemia
Skin necrosis
Vessels burst and blood pools under skin
Round and retiform (net- like) palpable purpura of lower extremities
Granulomatous destruction of nasal cartilage
Collapse of nasal bridge
Saddle nose deformity
Inflammation of paranasal sinus and nasal cavity vessels
↓ Perfusion of lungs
Damage to interstitial capillaries
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage
              Rhinitis/ sinusitis
Granulomatous obstruction of eustachian tube
Otitis media (see Otitis Media slide)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published December 4, 2022 on

Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: Clinical findings

Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: Clinical findings Inflammation-mediated endothelial damage and granuloma formation
(see slide on pathogenesis)
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA)
Oswald Chen
Ben Campbell
*Liam Martin
* MD at time of publication
 ANCA-associated vasculitis affecting medium and small-sized arteries, associated with necrotizing granulomas
    Constitutional symptoms
Fever, unintentional weight loss, night sweats, arthralgias
Skin involvement
Inflammation of cutaneous vessels
Systemic inflammation obstructing blood flow, with granulomatous lesions primarily in upper airways and lungs
Ear, nose, and throat involvement
↑ C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (markers of inflammation)
Necrotizing granulomas on biopsy of affected tissue
Positive PR3-ANCA/c-ANCA blood test (antibodies present in ~90% of patients, described in GPA Pathogenesis slide)
             Renal involvement
Inflammation of renal vessels
Rupture of basement membrane (layer that filters blood from glomerular capillaries into Bowman’s capsule)
Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis (see Nephritic Syndrome slide)
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
Eye involvement
Inflammation of ocular tissue
Scleritis/ episcleritis (painful red eye)
Lower respiratory tract involvement
Inflammation of pulmonary vessels
                 Vessel occlusion and ischemia
Skin necrosis
Vessels burst and blood pools under skin
Round and retiform (net- like) palpable purpura of lower extremities
Granulomatous destruction of nasal cartilage
Collapse of nasal bridge
Saddle nose deformity
Inflammation of paranasal sinus and nasal cavity vessels
↓ Perfusion of lungs
Damage to interstitial capillaries
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage
              Rhinitis/ sinusitis
Granulomatous obstruction of eustachian tube
Otitis media (see Otitis Media slide)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published December 4, 2022 on

Inhalational Injury

Inhalation Injury: Pathogenesis and complications
Authors: Marshall Thibedeau, W Fraser Hill, Paloma Arteaga Juarez Reviewers: Spencer Yakaback, Tony Gu, Dami Omotajo, Ben Campbell, Yan Yu*, Michael Liss*, Duncan Nickerson*, Donald McPhalen* * MD at time of publication
 Smoke Inhalation
Suspect if patient found unconscious, history of fire in a confined space and presence of facial burns
       Convective heat transfer
Exposure to chemical irritants
Tracheobronchial injury
Injury stimulates vasomotor and sensory nerves of the trachea and bronchi
Neuropeptides from neurons are released into local circulation and activate nitric oxide
Inhalation of toxins
Lack of O2 in an enclosed space
(O2 deprivation in lungs)
Acute hypoxemia
Loss of consciousness
             Upper airway injury (above vocal cords)
Cell lysis & necrosis
Local release of inflammatory substances
↑ Vascular permeability à edema of tissues in upper airway
Damage to lower respiratory tract cilia
↓ Mucus clearance from alveoli
Parenchymal injury
(delayed reaction dependent on severity of burn)
Alveolar epithelial and endothelial barrier irritation/damage
Inflammatory response
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Cyanide poisoning
Cyanide binds to mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase a3
     CO binds more strongly to hemoglobin than O2
↑ Carboxyhemoglobin in blood, ↓ free hemoglobin available to bind O2 in the lungs
↑ Affinity for O2 on remaining binding sites in hemoglobin (i.e. hemoglobin binds O2 more strongly and is slow to release it)
↓ O2 delivered to tissues
Inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase
          Mucous obstructs airways
Air retained
distal to the obstruction is resorbed from nonventilated alveoli
Regions without gas collapse i.e atelectasis
↑ Risk of infection
↓ Mitochondrial respiratory chain function
Impaired oxidative phosphorylation & cellular energy production
Cellular dysfunction in high metabolic tissues
             Nitric oxide acts as a vasodilator in alveolar arterioles
Loss of hypoxic vasoconstriction (constriction of arterioles in alveoli due to ↓ O2)
Reactive inflammation & bronchoconstriction
Complete airway obstruction
↑ Vascular permeability leading to fluid leakage into interstitium and alveoli
           Blood flow to poorly ventilated alveoli is maintained
Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch (regions of lung not effectively ventilated despite being well perfused by blood)
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome See ARDS Pathogenesis slide
Lower airway edema
Wheezing Coughing
Impaired brain function
Muscle weakness
Impaired heart function
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 First published November 10, 2019; Updated on February 12, 2023 on

Large Bowel Obstruction: Findings on Abdominal X-ray

Large Bowel Obstruction: Findings on Abdominal X-ray
Authors: Shayan Hemmati Reviewers: Reshma Sirajee, Tara Shannon, *Stephanie Nguyen, *MD at the time of publication
Radiopaedia, rID:18015
   Common causes of obstruction are colorectal carcinoma (60-80%) and cecal or sigmoid volvulus (11-15%)
Obstruction from mechanical causes such as physical blockade of bowel lumen or twisting of the large bowel
Bowel Obstruction
*See Mechanical Bowel Obstruction and Ileus: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Large bowel contents cannot pass the obstructionàgas buildup in colon from swallowed air, bacterial fermentation, CO2 from acid + bicarbonate reaction
Colon intraluminal pressure overcomes venous and lymphatic pressure
Impaired venous outflowàbowel wall edema/thickening
↑ Vascular resistance eventually impedes arterial inflowàbowel wall ischemia
Ischemia can progress to bowel infarction and necrosis
Large bowel loops are anatomically peripheral to the small bowel
Evacuation of gas and water reabsorption distal to obstruction
If ileocecal (IC) valve incompetent or sufficient pressure buildup in large bowel can overcome IC valve
↑ intraluminal pressure
Gas dissects into
bowel wall from mucosal disruption
Pneumatosis coli (air within bowel wall)
Bowel wall perforation (especially when cecum diameter > 10-12cm)
Dilated large bowel loops located peripherally (highlighted yellow)
Collapsed distal colon (few or no air-fluid levels in the large bowel as water is reabsorbed)
Small bowel dilatation (> 3 cm)
Colonic dilatation (> 6 cm)
Cecum dilatation (> 9 cm)
Haustra (anatomical folds of the large bowel) become visible as it is distended
Pneumoperitoneum (sub-diaphragmatic air on erect chest x-ray)
Release of gas into peritoneum
Radiopaedia, rID:17957
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published February 16, 2023 on

Central Retinal Vein Occlusion

Central Retinal Vein Occlusion: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Authors: Graeme Prosperi-Porta Mina Mina Reviewers: Stephanie Cote Usama Malik Mao Ding Johnathan Wong* *MD at time of publication
       Hypercoagulable state
(pathologic state where there is an exaggerated tendency for the blood to clot)
↓ Anticoagulation (e.g., Protein C or S def) and/or ↑ coagulation (e.g., malignancy, Polycythemia Vera)
Non-ischemic (perfused) CRVO
(a disease characterized by ↑ intraocular pressure)
Optic disc drusen
(calcified nodules located within the optic disk – the most anterior part of the optic nerve)
(inflammation of blood vessels; e.g., sarcoid, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
Endothelial damage
       Pupillary responses do not vary between both eyes when a light is shone in one eye at a time
Relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) mild or absent
Lost vascular wall integrity
Normal retinal electrical response to a light stimuli
electro- retinography (ERG) with b- wave >60%
Few scattered Intra-retinal hemorrhages
↓ In retinal electrical response to a light stimuli
Pupils respond differently to a light stimulus shone in one eye at a time
Severe ↓ in visual acuity (Snellen acuity of <20/400)
Visual field deficits
↓ b-wave amplitude (<60%) on ERG
RAPD present
↑ Pressure compromises retinal vein outflow
Central retinal atherosclerosis (build-up of fat & cholesterol plaque in arteries) & hardening
Atherosclerotic changes in the central retinal artery compress the central retinal vein (since they are both held together in region of the optic disc)
Venous stasis (stagnation of blood flow) ↑ Likelihood of thrombus formation
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)
      A common retinal vascular disease characterized by blockage of the main vein that drains blood from the retina
CRVO classified based on the degree of perfusion (as seen through retinal angiography)
Ischemic (nonperfused) CRVO
              ↑ Intraluminal venous pressure
Dilated tortuous retinal veins
Normal visual fields
Vascular wall integrity lost
Four-quadrant hemorrhages described as “blood and thunder” on fundus exam
Obstruction due to thrombus
↓ Retinal capillary perfusion causes ischemia
Hypoxia in the retinal tissues
↑ Release of vascular endothelial growth factor to revascularize diseased tissue & overcome hypoxic conditions
Angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels)
Intraretinal infarcts
“Cotton wool spots” on fundus exam
                 Venous capillary fluid/protein leakage
Mild retina, macula and disc edema
Moderate ↓in visual acuity often (Snellen acuity >20/400)
New vessel proliferation can occur in the anterior chamber of the eye
This change can block the outflow path of the aqueous humor in the eye
Neovascular glaucoma
Neovascular vessels are structurally different in comparison to regular retinal vasculature
          Neovascular vessels are more fragile
↑ Likelihood of rupture Vitreous hemorrhage
Neovascular vessels lack tight junctions
    ↑ Fluid leakage
Retina, macula and disc edema
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 First Published June 28, 2017, updated March 4, 2023 on

Benzodiazepine Mechanism of Action

Benzodiazepine: Mechanism of action
Anesthetic composed of a fused benzene and diazepine ring that is administered orally or intravenously to produce a sedative or hypnotic effect
Ex. Lorazepam, Midazolam, Diazepam
Binds to Gamma- aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor in vascular smooth muscle and the central nervous system (CNS)
APs inhibited in
vascular smooth muscle
Vascular smooth muscle relaxes
Vasodilation ↓ Blood pressure
Authors: Victoria Silva Travis Novak Reviewers: Billy Sun Mao Ding Melinda Davis* *MD at time of publication
   ↑ Frequency of chloride channel opening
Hyperpolarization of nerve membrane
Action potential (AP) inhibited
          APs inhibited in the
medulla oblongata
(the respiratory center)
↓ Respiratory drive: the body fails to ↑ depth and rate of respirations when arterial CO2 ↑
General CNS inhibition
(Seizures are caused by a burst of uncontrollable, electrical activity in the brain)
APs inhibited in the thalamus and hypothalamus (play a role in memory)
APs inhibited in the limbic system (the behavioral and emotional response centers in the brain)
↓ Cerebral blood flow
↓CO2 diffusion from arterial blood to alveoli
↓O2 diffusion from alveoli to arterial blood
Pharyngeal muscle relaxation
↑ Arterial CO2
↓ Arterial O2
Airway obstruction
↑ PaCO2
↓ PaO2
↓ Anxiety
Anxiolysis Hypercapnia
In high doses:
Depression of arousal and loss of consciousness
Induction of general anesthesia
(No analgesic effect)
     ↓ Intracranial pressure Benzodiazepine reversal:
Temporary cessation of breathing
     Flumazenil competitively binds to GABAA
Flumazenil reverses the binding of benzodiazepine to GABAA
↓ Frequency of chloride channel opening
Depolarization of nerve membrane
Benzodiazepine reversal
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Aug 09, 2018, updated April 25, 2023 on


Diverticulosis vs. Diverticulitis: Distinguishing features
Authors: Sahil Prabhnoor Sidhu, Vadim Iablokov, Vina Fan Reviewers: Brandon Hisey, Laura Byford-Richardson, Raafi Ali Dr. Sylvain Coderre* * MD at time of publication
Local inflammation
Inflammation of diverticuli
  Conditions causing inherent
weakness in bowel wall, i.e. aging, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome
Risk factors (i.e. low fiber diet, obesity, inactivity, smoking) contributing to reduced gut motility
↑Intraluminal pressure in the colon
   Herniation of colonic mucosa and submucosa through circular muscle at points of weakness to form outpouchings
Presence of outpouchings in the colon (diverticuli)
Note: In Western populations, most diverticulosis is left-sided, whereas in Asian populations, these outpouchings are more often right-sided.
Mucosal abrasion or micro-perforation by ↑ intraluminal pressure or dense food particles
Bacterial overgrowth,
dysbiosis and passage into the lamina propria
         Feces collects in diverticuli
Gut bacteria metabolize undigested material and produce gas
Stretching of colon Bloating wall irritates and
visceral afferent flatulence nerves
Episodic abdominal discomfort and cramping
Blood vessels in
the mucosa and submucosa (vasa recta) are stretched over the diverticuli, and may rupture from ↑ pressure
Diverticular bleed
Painless hematochezia (passage of fresh blood from the rectum)
Inflammatory cytokines activate clotting factors
Clotting of blood in vessels supplying diverticula
Inflammatory cytokine release (IL-6, TNF-α)
Cytokines enter systemic circulation
Edema in the bowel wall
Irritation of adjacent parietal peritoneum and somatic nerves
Left lower quadrant (LLQ) pain, guarding
Small abrasions are walled off by pericolic fat and mesentery
Inflammation may spread to nearby organs, leading to ulceration and abnormal connections between organs
Pericolic abscess
        No hematochezia
Local ischemia and focal necrosis resulting in loss of integrity of the bowel wall
Generalized peritonitis
         Colonic obstruction (rare)
Fistulae (rare): i.e. colovesical, coloenteric
Stricture/fibros is formation with healing
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published October 12, 2016; Updated July 30, 2023 on

Anesthetic Considerations for Obese Patients

Anesthetic Considerations In Patients With Obesity
Pathophysiology Driving Anesthetic Management Goal Anesthetic Intervention
      Excess body fat in mouth and pharynx
↑ Total body fat & fat-free mass
↑ Mallampati score
↑ Neck circumference
Loss of muscle tone in pharynx & tongue following
neuromuscular blocking drugs
Airway access
difficulty & ↑ Intubation time
↑ Respiratory rate
↓ Time to desaturation
Hypoventilation while supine
↓ Functional residual capacity
↑ Gastric aspiration risk
↑ Dosage requirements of lipophilic drugs
↑ Drug metabolism & clearance
             ↑ Energy cost of weight-bearing activity
↑ Basal metabolic rate
↓ Total respiratory compliance
Excess weight compresses lungs
Airway obstruction
↑ Oxygen required
↓ Functional residual capacity
↑ Work of breathing
Secure a patent airway & avoid hypoxemia
Optimize positioning
Maintain oxygenation & lung protection
Aspiration prophylaxis
Achieve optimal anesthetic dosing for altered distribution
Optimize anesthetic dosing for altered metabolism & clearance
Intubate via endotracheal tube, avoid supraglottic airway device
Consider video laryngoscopy
Use head-elevated laryngoscopy positioning (“sniffing” position)
Pre-oxygenate to ↑ oxygen reserve during intubation
Avoid supine positioning, in place of alternate positioning (i.e., reverse trendelenburg)
Lung-protective ventilation (↓ tidal volume, optimize oxygen levels, positive end
expiratory pressure & recruitment maneuvers)
Pre-operative fasting, gastric ultrasound to assess volume
Rapid sequence induction to reduce aspiration risk
Adjust drug dosages based on individual recommendations to account for altered distribution, metabolism & clearance
      Excess body fat on chest wall
Excess intra- abdominal fat
↑ Gastric volume
Excess body fat
↑ Circulating blood volume
Obesity- related restrictive lung disease
 ↑ Load compressing chest wall
Note: effects vary with the severity of obesity
↑ Pressure on diaphragm and lungs
↓ Outward chest wall force
            ↑ Abdominal pressure
↑ Fat acts as a reservoir for lipophilic drugs
↑ Fat storage in hepatocytes
↑ Cardiac output
↑ Pressure on gastric contents
↑ Distribution half-life of lipophilic drugs
↑ Volume of distribution for lipophilic drugs
↑ Hepatic cytochrome transcription
↑ Glomerular filtration rate and hepatic blood flow
Authors: Brianna Rosgen
Reviewers: Kayleigh Yang
Ran Marissa Zhang
Karl Darcus*
                   * MD at time of publication
 Anesthetic Intervention
Published Nov 8, 2023 on

Death Cardiovascular Respiratory and Neurologic Mechanisms

Death: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Neurologic Mechanisms
Mitochondria in tissues unable to utilize O2
Reduced hemoglobin in blood to carry O2
Low oxygen content in blood (CaO2)
Hypoxemia (Type I Respiratory Failure): low dissolved oxygen in blood (PaO2)
Lungs can’t oxygenate blood fast enough
Lungs can’t rid blood of CO2 fast enough
Hypercapnia / hypercarbia (Type II Respiratory Failure): elevated dissolved CO2 in blood (PaCO2)
Cerebral vasodilation
Toxins: e.g. cyanide, pesticides, arsenic Severe anemia
        Distributive problems:
Systemic inflammation (sepsis, anaphylaxis, pancreatitis), adrenal insufficiency, vasodilatory drugs
Obstructive problems: Cardiac tamponade*, tension pneumothorax* or massive pulmonary embolism*
Hypovolemic* problems (low blood volume): Hemorrhage, dehydration, widespread skin disruption or burns
Cardiac valve dysfunction
Myocardial infarction* or cardiomyopathy
Cardiac arrhythmia or heart block
Disturbed electrical activity in cardiomyocytes
Peripheral metabolic disturbances
Hypokalemia*, Hyperkalemia* Acidosis* (including renal failure) Hypothermia*
Toxins* (e.g. cocaine, beta blockers, tricyclics) Severe thyroid derangement
Inappropriate systemic vasodilation
Adjacent forces impair heart filling
Low cardiac preload
Low stroke volume (SV; depends on valves, contractility, preload)
Decreased systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
Low blood pressure (BP = CO x SVR)
Decreased cardiac output (CO = SV x HR)
Disseminated intravascular coagulationàwidespread thrombi that occlude blood flow (also causes hemorrhage, see relevant box at left)
Methemoglobinemia: some hemoglobin gets stuck in a state that can’t carry O2
Hemoglobin has reduced capacity to carry or release O2
Drugs: e.g. dapsone, nitrates
Carbon monoxide poisoning
            Circulatory collapse / shock: inadequate perfusion of tissue with blood
Respiratory collapse: blood has insufficient useable O2 content
                                Ventricular fibrillation (VF) or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT)
Hypoxia*: inadequate O2 delivery or utilization in tissues
Hypoxia creates metabolic disturbances that impair cardiac cells. Alternatively, any of the preceding conditions marked with (*) can directly trigger cardiac arrest first
Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA): organized activity on ECG with no cardiac output (can be preceded or mimicked by pseudo-PEA, in which there is still some output on ultrasound)
Low atmospheric pressure or oxygen content Severe lung disease
Asthma, COPD, interstitial lung disease, congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolism, lung collapse / atelectasis
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Pneumonia, aspiration pneumonitis, inhalational injury, systemic inflammation, drowning
Severe hypoventilation
Respiratory fatigue, advanced COPD, chest wall disorders, neuromuscular disorders, upper airway obstruction, toxins (e.g. opioids, botulism)
       Can degenerate at any time
   Asystole: no cardiac electrical activity or output
Respiratory arrest: cessation of breathing
Inability to protect airway
Decreased level of consciousness
This is a broad overview of the many scenarios that can result in death. For detailed explanations of the various disease mechanisms, refer to the corresponding slides.
* = reversible causes of cardiac arrest (Hs and Ts)
Ben Campbell
Yan Yu*
Huma Ali*
* MD at time of publication
(low heart rate, HR)
Unopposed parasympathetic stimulation of heart (can also cause vasodilation, see Distributive problems)
Disruption of spinal cord sympathetic control
Injury to cervical or upper thoracic spinal cord
Irreversible cessation of cardiac, respiratory, and brain function
      Prolonged seizure initially causes increased cardiovascular activity, until the system fatigues
Disruption of respiratory control center in medulla
Expanding skull contents squeeze brainstem (herniation)
Increased intracranial pressure
Edema from intracranial hemorrhage, trauma, brain mass
Edema, inflammation, hypoxia and/or metabolic derangements cause diffuse neuron dysfunction
Central nervous system infection
Dementia, particularly with delirium
Massive ischemic stroke
activity prevents or alters breathing
Metabolic disturbances that affect the central nervous system Hypoglycemia Hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia Hyponatremia, hypernatremia Uremia
Acute liver failure (hyperNH4) Many drugs / toxins Withdrawal (e.g. EtOH)
          Status epilepticus
Brainstem lesion (e.g. stroke, neoplasm, inflammatory)
 Nervous System Insult
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published November 11, 2023 on
 Respiratory System Insult
Cardiovascular System Insult Cardiogenic problems

Mechanical Ventilation mechanisms of action and complications

Mechanical Ventilation: Mechanisms of Action and Complications
Authors: Madison Amyotte
Victória Silva, Mao Ding Eric Leung*
* MD at time of publication
Mechanical ventilation is a form of life support that helps a patient breathe (ventilate) when they cannot breathe on their own.
Invasive: Delivery of positive pressure to the lungs via endotracheal or tracheostomy tube
Mechanical ventilation
Pressure support ventilation (PSV): Set inspiratory pressure & flow. Patient initiates all breaths unassisted
Non-invasive: Delivery of oxygen into the lungs via positive pressure through the mouth
No endotracheal or tracheostomy tube
          Assist/control ventilation (AC): Set respiratory rate & tidal volume (amount of air delivered to the lungs with each breath). Patient can trigger additional assisted breaths
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV): Set tidal volume & respiratory rate. Patient can trigger additional unassisted breaths
02 mask delivery
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
Provides continuous positive ventilatory pressure
Bilevel positive airway pressure (BIPAP)
Provides positive pressure with two different pressure levels for inhalation and exhalation
↑ Swallow non- inspiratory flow
Acute rise in airway pressure
              Patient- triggered breath
Ventilator senses negative pressure from inflation of the lungs
Time-triggered breath
Respiratory rate set at x breaths per min
Patient-triggered breath
Ventilator senses negative pressure from inflation of the lungs
Tidal volume determined by patient’s strength & lung compliance
Time-triggered breath
Respiratory rate set at x breaths per min
Delivery of set tidal volume, inspiratory flow rate & pattern
Complete patient- triggered breaths
Ventilator senses negative pressure from inflation of the lungs
Breathes assisted by set inspiratory pressure
Inspiratory flow drops below set inhalational negative pressure threshold
Pressure support terminates as exhalation cycle begins
Combined with SIMV
Inspiratory pressure added to patient triggered breaths
Patient can overcome resistance of the endotracheal tube or ↑ volume of spontaneous breathes
              Delivery of set tidal volume, inspiratory flow rate & pattern
Airways remain open & clear of obstruction
Forced air into nasal passages
Nose bleeds (epistaxis)
       Maximum tidal volume reached
Exhale valve opens
Patient exhales actively or passively until set end expiratory pressure in the lungs is reached (PEEP) to prevent alveolar collapse
Patient exhales until PEEP reached
Patient achieves optimal ventilation throughout respiratory cycles
Mouth breathing
Dry mouth
Increased work of breathing & muscle fatigue
Prolonged weaning & extubation
                 Breath stacking
↑ Volume and pressure in lungs Lung tissue injury (barotrauma)
Microorganisms colonize artificial airway
Ventilator associated pneumonia if ventilation >48 hrs
↓ CO2in circulation Respiratory alkalosis
 Sign/symptom/lab finding
 Published Nov 25, 2023 on

Anesthetic Considerations One Lung Ventilation

Anesthetic Considerations: One-lung ventilation Mechanical separation of the lungs to allow for individualized ventilation of only one lung
Positioning: Lateral decubitus position (patient on their side) with dependent lung ventilated
Shunt: Non- dependent lung unventilated
Perfusion but no ventilation to collapsed lung
Hypoxic vasoconstriction decreases but does not stop perfusion to non- dependent lung
Right to left intrapulmonary shunt with some perfusion to non- dependent lung
V/Q mismatch causes ↑ hypoxemia
Increase FiO2 to 1 to maintain SpO2 ≥ 90%
Increased FiO2 can allow for toleration of shunt
Optimize cardiac output and shunt fraction to maximize PaO2
Aly Valji
Jasleen Brar
Ryden Armstrong*
* MD at time of publication
Relative indications
Surgical exposure for pulmonary resection, mediastinal, esophageal, vascular, thoracic spine, or cardiac valve surgery
Double lumen tube (gold standard)
Endotracheal tube (ETT) with two lumens (bronchial and tracheal)
Insert longer side to a mainstem bronchus, shorter side ends in distal trachea
Absolute Indications
Isolation of healthy from contaminated lung (unilateral infection, hemorrhage)
Control unilateral disruption of ventilation (bronchopleural fistula, unilateral bullae)
Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery
Unilateral lung lavage
Airway Technique
Anesthetic Technique
General anesthetic with neuromuscular blockade
↓ Inspiratory muscle tone
Intraabdominal contents push up on diaphragm
↓ Functional residual capacity (FRC)
↑ Atelectasis if closing capacity > FRC
↑ Hypoxemia Optimize
Altered gravitational forces on thorax
               ↓ Compliance of dependent lung
↑ Airway pressure required
↑ Risk of lung barotrauma due to ↑ pressure
↑ Perfusion to dependent lung. ↑ Ventilation to nondependent lung (prior to lung isolation)
Collapse of nondependent lung using lung isolation causes ↓ ventilation to this lung
Optimize tidal volume (6-8 mL/kg), respiratory rate (maintain PaCO2 35-40 mmHg), PEEP (5-10 cm H2O) based on clinical picture
                       Univent tube
Single lumen ETT with movable endobronchial blocker in wall
Blocker steered after intubation into a mainstem bronchus with fiberoptic bronchoscope
Endotracheal tube in mainstem bronchus
Single lumen ETT pushed into a mainstem bronchus
Bronchial blocker
Shaft with an inflatable balloon on distal end
Inserted through single lumen ETT into a mainstem bronchus, after intubation
positive end- expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 5-10 cm H2O
Recruitment of dependent, atelectatic lung with positive pressure
Optimize FiO2
↓ Absorptive atelectasis (from ↑ partial pressure O2 and ↓ N2)
                    Cuff inflated in a mainstem bronchus to isolate respective lung. Placement should be verified using fiberoptic bronchoscope if possible after positioning
↓ Atelectasis and ↑ FRC
↓ Hypoxemia
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published December 5, 2023 on
Anesthetic Considerations: One-lung ventilation Mechanical separation of the lungs to allow for individualized ventilation of only one lung
Positioning: Lateral decubitus position (patient on their side) with dependent lung ventilated
Shunt: Non- dependent lung unventilated
Perfusion but no ventilation to collapsed lung
Hypoxic vasoconstriction decreases but does not stop perfusion to non- dependent lung
Right to left intrapulmonary shunt with some perfusion to non- dependent lung
V/Q mismatch from shunt causes ↑ hypoxemia
Increase FiO2 to 1 to maintain SpO2 ≥ 90%
Vasodilation of dependent lung vasculature to compensate for shunt to non- dependent lung
↓ V/Q mismatch
Aly Valji
Jasleen Brar
Dr. Armstrong*
* MD at time of publication
Relative indications
Surgical exposure for pulmonary resection, mediastinal, esophageal, vascular, thoracic spine, or cardiac valve surgery
Double lumen tube (DLT)
Two endotracheal tubes (ETT) bonded together
Insert longer side to a mainstem bronchus, shorter side ends in distal trachea
Absolute Indications
Isolation of healthy from contaminated lung (unilateral infection, hemorrhage)
Control unilateral disruption of ventilation (bronchopleural fistula, unilateral bullae)
Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery
Unilateral lung lavage
Airway Technique
Anesthetic Technique
General anesthetic with neuromuscular blockade
↓ Inspiratory muscle tone
Intraabdominal contents push up on diaphragm
↓ Functional residual capacity (FRC)
↑ Atelectasis if closing capacity > FRC
↑ Hypoxemia Optimize
Altered gravitational forces on thorax
               ↑ Elastance of dependent lung
↑ Airway pressure required
↑ Risk of lung barotrauma due to ↑ pressure
↑ Perfusion to dependent, ventilated lung
↓ Ventilation- perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
↓ Hypoxemia
Optimize tidal volume (6-8 mL/kg), respiratory rate (maintain PaCO2 35-40 mmHg), PEEP (5-10 cm H2O) based on clinical picture
                       Univent tube
Single lumen ETT with movable endobronchial blocker in wall
Blocker steered after intubation into a mainstem bronchus with fiberoptic bronchoscope
Endotracheal tube in mainstem bronchus
Single lumen ETT pushed into a mainstem bronchus
Bronchial blocker
Shaft with an inflatable balloon on distal end
Inserted through single lumen ETT into a mainstem bronchus, after intubation
positive end- expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 5-10 cm H2O
Recruitment of dependent, atelectatic lung with positive pressure
   ↓ Absorptive atelectasis (from ↑ partial pressure O2 and ↓ N2)
           Cuff inflated in a mainstem bronchus to isolate respective lung. Placement should be verified using fiberoptic bronchoscope if possible after positioning
↓ Atelectasis and ↑ FRC
  ↓ Hypoxemia
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published MONTH, DAY, YEAR on
Anesthetic Considerations: One-lung ventilation Mechanical separation of the lungs to allow for individualized ventilation of only one lung
Aly Valji Reviewers: Jasleen Brar Name* * MD at time of publication
Non-dependent lung unventilated
Hypoxic vasoconstriction decreases but does not stop perfusion to non- dependent lung
Right to left intrapulmonary shunt with some perfusion to non- dependent lung
V/Q mismatch from shunt causes ↑ hypoxemia
Increase FiO2 to maintain SpO2 ≥ 90%
Vasodilation of dependent lung vasculature to compensate for shunt to non- dependent lung
 Positioning: Lateral decubitus position (patient on their side) with dependent lung ventilated
General anesthetic with neuromuscular blockade
↓ Inspiratory muscle tone
    Relative indications
Surgical exposure for pulmonary resection, mediastinal, esophageal, vascular, thoracic spine surgery
Absolute Indications
Isolation of healthy from contaminated lung (Unilateral infection or hemorrhage)
Control unilateral disruption of ventilation (Bronchopleural fistula, unilateral bullae)
Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery
Unilateral lung lavage
Intraabdominal contents push up on diaphragm
↑ Atelectasis if closing capacity > FRC
↑ Hypoxemia
Altered gravitational forces on thorax
                              Shaft with an inflatable balloon on distal end. Inserted through a single lumen ETT after intubation into a mainstem bronchi
Single lumen ETT pushed into a mainstem bronchus
Optimize positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP))
Recruitment of dependent, atelectatic lung with positive pressure
↑ Elastance of dependent lung
↑ Airway pressure required
↑ Risk of lung barotrauma due to ↑ pressure
↑ Perfusion to dependent, ventilated lung
↓ Ventilation- perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
↓ Hypoxemia
Optimize tidal volume, respiratory rate, PEEP based on clinical picture
    Bronchial blocker
Endotracheal tube in mainstem bronchus
Univent tube
Double lumen tube (DLT)
Optimize FiO2
↓ Absorptive atelectasis (from ↑ partial pressure O2 and ↓ N2)
             Single lumen ETT with movable endobronchial blocker housed in wall of ETT. Blocker maneuvered after intubation into a mainstem bronchus
Two endotracheal tubes (ETT) bonded together. Longer side goes into a mainstem bronchus, shorter side ends in distal trachea
↓ Atelectasis and ↑ FRC
       ↓ V/Q mismatch
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published MONTH, DAY, YEAR on
Anesthetic Considerations: One-lung ventilation Mechanical separation of the lungs to allow for individualized ventilation of only one lung
Aly Valji Reviewers: Jasleen Brar Name* * MD at time of publication
Non-dependent lung unventilated
Hypoxic vasoconstriction decreases but does not stop perfusion to non- dependent lung
Right to left intrapulmonary shunt with some perfusion to non- dependent lung
V/Q mismatch from shunt causes ↑ hypoxemia
Increase FiO to 2
maintain SpO2 ≥ 90%
Vasodilation of dependent lung vasculature to compensate for shunt to non- dependent lung
↓ V/Q mismatch
 Positioning: Lateral decubitus position (patient on their side) with dependent lung ventilated
General anesthetic with neuromuscular blockade
↓ Inspiratory muscle tone
Comorbidity: Likely underlying pulmonary disease
Pre-operative evaluation
Pulmonary function testing
Overall clinical picture, forced expiratory volume (FEV1), and diffusion capacity (DLCO)
Multidisciplinary determination of fitness for surgery
    Pulmonary hemorrhage Whole lung lavage Unilateral infection Bronchopleural fistula
Isolation of affected lung from unaffected lung
Pulmonary resection
Mediastinal, esophageal, vascular, thoracic spine, or cardiac valve surgery
Operative lung deflated to expose surgical site
Intraabdominal contents push up on diaphragm
↑ Atelectasis if closing capacity > FRC
↑ Hypoxemia Optimize positive
Altered gravitational forces on thorax
↑ Elastance of dependent lung
↑ Airway pressure required
↑ Risk of lung barotrauma due to ↑ pressure
↑ Perfusion to dependent, ventilated lung
↓ Ventilation- perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
↓ Hypoxemia
Optimize tidal volume, respiratory rate, PEEP based on clinical picture
    Bilateral lung ventilation dependency
Hemodynamic instability
Severe hypoxia Severe COPD
Severe pulmonary hypertension
Potentially unable to tolerate one lung ventilation
Intraluminal airway obstruction/mass
Known difficult airway
Risk of dislodging mass and inability to secure airway
Pursue more advanced airway techniques
end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
Recruitment of dependent, atelectatic lung with positive pressure
Optimize FiO2
↓ Absorptive atelectasis (from ↑ partial pressure O and ↓ N )
    ↓ Atelectasis and ↑ FRC
     Post-operative pain management
Thoracotomy or VATS procedure causing ↑ pain along thoracic dermatomes
Paravertebral block
Anesthetic injected into epidural space
Anesthetic injected into paravertebral spaces
Bilateral spinal nerve blockade below desired spinal level
Ipsilateral spinal nerve and sympathetic chain blockade in thoracic dermatomes
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published MONTH, DAY, YEAR on
Anesthetic Considerations: One-lung ventilation Mechanical separation of the lungs to allow for individualized ventilation of only one lung
Aly Valji Reviewers: Jasleen Brar Name* * MD at time of publication
Non-dependent lung unventilated
Hypoxic vasoconstriction decreases but does not stop perfusion to non- dependent lung
Right to left intrapulmonary shunt with some perfusion to non- dependent lung
V/Q mismatch from shunt causes ↑ hypoxemia
Increase FiO2 to maintain SpO2 ≥ 90%
Vasodilation of dependent lung vasculature to compensate for shunt to non- dependent lung
↓ V/Q mismatch
General anesthetic with neuromuscular blockade
↓ Inspiratory muscle tone
Comorbidity: Likely underlying pulmonary disease
Pre-operative evaluation
Pulmonary function testing
Overall clinical picture, forced expiratory volume (FEV1), and diffusion capacity (DLCO)
Multidisciplinary determination of fitness for surgery
Anesthetic injected into epidural space
Anesthetic injected into paravertebral spaces
Positioning: Lateral decubitus position (patient on their side) with dependent lung ventilated
     Pulmonary hemorrhage Whole lung lavage Unilateral infection Bronchopleural fistula
Isolation of affected lung and unaffected lung
Pulmonary resection
Mediastinal, esophageal, vascular, thoracic spine, or cardiac valve surgery
Operative lung deflated to expose surgical site
Intraabdominal contents push up on diaphragm
↑ Atelectasis ↑ Hypoxemia
positive end- expiratory pressure (PEEP)
Recruitment of dependent, atelectatic lung with positive pressure
↓ Atelectasis and ↑ FRC
Altered gravitational forces on thorax
↑ Elastance of dependent lung
↑ Airway pressure required
↑ Risk of lung barotrauma due to ↑ pressure
Optimize tidal volume, respiratory rate, PEEP based on clinical picture
↑ Perfusion to dependent, ventilated lung
↓ Ventilation- perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
↓ Hypoxemia
     Bilateral lung ventilation dependency
Hemodynamically unstable
Severe hypoxia Severe COPD
Severe pulmonary hypertension
Unable to tolerate one lung ventilation
Intraluminal airway obstruction/mass
Known difficult airway
Risk of dislodging mass and inability to secure airway
Pursue more advanced airway techniques
                           Post-operative pain management
Thoracotomy or VATS procedure causing ↑ pain along thoracic dermatomes
Paravertebral block
Bilateral spinal nerve blockade below desired spinal level
   Ipsilateral spinal nerve and sympathetic chain blockade in thoracic dermatomes
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published MONTH, DAY, YEAR on
Anesthetic Considerations: One-lung ventilation Mechanical separation of the lungs to allow for individualized ventilation of only one lung
Aly Valji Reviewers: Name* * MD at time of publication
Comorbidity: Likely underlying pulmonary disease
Positioning: Lateral decubitus position (patient on their side) with dependent lung ventilated
General anesthetic with neuromuscular blockade
Post-operative pain management
Pulmonary resection, mediastinal, esophageal, vascular, thoracic spine, or cardiac valve surgery
Pulmonary hemorrhage, whole lung lavage, bronchopleural fistula, or unilateral infection
Operative lung deflated to expose surgical site
Isolation of affected lung and unaffected lung
   Dependency on bilateral lung ventilation, hemodynamically unstable, severe hypoxia, severe COPD, or severe pulmonary hypertension
Unable to tolerate one lung ventilation
    Intraluminal airway obstruction/mass or known difficult Pursue more advanced
Risk of dislodging mass and inability to secure airway
Multidisciplinary determination of fitness for surgery
Pulmonary function testing
Hypoxic vasoconstriction decreases but does not stop perfusion to non- dependent lung
airway techniques
Overall clinical picture, forced expiratory volume (FEV1), and diffusion capacity (DLCO)
    Pre-operative evaluation
Non- dependent lung not ventilated
Altered gravitational forces on thorax
Intraabdominal contents push up on diaphragm
↓ Inspiratory muscle tone
Likely procedure is thoracotomy or VATS causing ↑ pain along thoracic dermatomes
Right to left intrapulmonary shunt with some perfusion to non- dependent lung still present
V/Q mismatch from shunt causes ↑ hypoxemia
Increase FiO2 to maintain SpO2 ≥ 90%
Vasodilation of dependent lung vasculature to compensate for shunt to non- dependent lung
↓ V/Q mismatch
↓ Hypoxemia
Optimize tidal volume, respiratory rate, PEEP based on clinical picture
↓ Atelectasis and ↑ FRC
             ↑ Perfusion to dependent, ventilated lung
↑ Elastance of dependent lung
↓ Functional residual capacity (FRC)
↓ Ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
       ↑ Airway pressure required
↑ Atelectasis ↑ Hypoxemia
↑ Risk of lung barotrauma due to ↑ pressure
Optimize positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
Recruitment of dependent, atelectatic lung with positive pressure
Paravertebral block
Anesthetic injected into epidural space
Bilateral spinal nerve blockade below desired spinal level
   Anesthetic injected into Ipsilateral spinal nerve and sympathetic chain blockade in thoracic paravertebral spaces dermatomes
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published MONTH, DAY, YEAR on
Anesthetic Considerations: One-lung ventilation
Aly Valji Reviewers: Name* * MD at time of publication
    One lung ventilation: mechanical separation of the lungs to allow for individualized ventilation of only one lung
Pulmonary resection, mediastinal, esophageal, vascular, thoracic spine, or cardiac valve surgery
Pulmonary hemorrhage, whole lung lavage, bronchopleural fistula, or unilateral infection
Exposure of surgical site by deflation of operative lung
Isolation of affected lung and unaffected lung
    Dependency on bilateral lung ventilation, Contraindications hemodynamically unstable, severe hypoxia, severe
COPD, or severe pulmonary hypertension
Intraluminal airway obstruction/mass or known difficult airway
Pursue more advanced airway techniques
Unable to tolerate one lung ventilation
Risk of dislodging mass and inability to secure airway
            Likely underlying Pre-operative Pulmonary pulmonary disease evaluation function testing
Overall clinical picture, forced expiratory Determination of volume (FEV1), and diffusion capacity (DLCO) fitness for surgery
      Right to left intrapulmonary shunt as some perfusion to non- dependent lung is still present
↑ Perfusion to dependent, ventilated lung
↑ Elastance of dependent lung
   Non- dependent lung not ventilated
Hypoxic vasoconstriction decreases but does not stop perfusion to non- dependent lung
V/Q mismatch from shunt increases hypoxemia
Increase FiO2 to maintain SpO2 ≥ 90%
Vasodilation of dependent lung vasculature to compensate for non-dependent lung
↓ V/Q mismatch
↓ Hypoxemia
Optimize tidal volume, respiratory rate, PEEP
↓ Atelectasis and ↑ FRC
    Positioning: Lateral position with dependent lung ventilated
Altered gravitational forces on thorax
↓ Ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
                  General anesthetic with neuromuscular blockade
Intraabdominal contents push up on diaphragm
↑ Airway pressure required
↑ Atelectasis ↑ Hypoxemia
↑ Risk of lung barotrauma
Intervention: Optimize positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
Recruitment of dependent, atelectatic lung from PEEP
   ↓ Inspiratory muscle tone
↓ Functional residual capacity (FRC)
          Post- operative pain management
Thoracotomy or VATS causes pain along thoracic dermatomes
Paravertebral block
Bilateral spinal nerve blockade below desired Anesthetic injected into epidural space spinal level
Anesthetic injected into Ipsilateral spinal nerve and sympathetic chain blockade in paravertebral spaces thoracic dermatomes
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published MONTH, DAY, YEAR on
Anesthetic considerations: one-lung ventilation
Aly Valji Reviewers: Name* * MD at time of publication
    One lung ventilation: mechanical separation of the lungs to allow for individualized ventilation of only one lung
Pulmonary resection, mediastinal, esophageal, vascular, thoracic spine, or cardiac valve surgery
Pulmonary hemorrhage, whole lung lavage, bronchopleural fistula, or unilateral infection
Exposure of surgical site by deflation of one lung
Isolation of one lung from other
    Dependency on bilateral lung ventilation, Contraindications hemodynamically unstable, severe hypoxia, severe
COPD, or severe pulmonary hypertension
Intraluminal airway obstruction/mass or known difficult airway
Pursue more advanced airway techniques
Unable to tolerate one lung ventilation
Risk of dislodging mass and inability to secure airway
        Pre-operative evaluation given likely Pulmonary Forced expiratory volume (FEV1) Determination of underlying pulmonary disease function testing Diffusion capacity (DLCO) fitness for surgery
            Non- dependent lung not ventilated
Hypoxic vasoconstriction decreases but does not stop perfusion of non- dependent lung
Vasodilation of dependent lung pulmonary vasculature
Right to left intrapulmonary shunt causes V/Q mismatch
↑ Perfusion to dependent, ventilated lung
↑ Elastance of dependent lung
↑ Hypoxemia
Increase FiO2 to maintain SpO2 ≥ 90%
↓ V/Q mismatch
↓ Hypoxemia
Optimize tidal volume, respiratory rate, PEEP
↓ Atelectasis and ↑ FRC
      Positioning: Lateral decubitus with dependent lung ventilated
Altered gravitational forces on thorax
↓ Ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
                General anesthetic with neuromuscular blockade
Intraabdominal contents push up on diaphragm
↑ Airway pressure required
↑ Atelectasis ↑ Hypoxemia
↑ Risk of lung barotrauma
Intervention: Optimize positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
Recruitment of dependent lung
  ↓ Inspiratory muscle tone
↓ Functional residual capacity (FRC)
           Post- operative pain management
Thoracotomy or VATS causes pain along thoracic dermatomes
Paravertebral block
Bilateral spinal nerve blockade below desired Anesthetic injected into epidural space spinal level
Anesthetic injected into Ipsilateral spinal nerve and sympathetic chain blockade in paravertebral spaces thoracic dermatomes
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published MONTH, DAY, YEAR on

Zenkers Diverticulum Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Zenker’s Diverticulum: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Juliette Hall
Sunawer Aujla *Dr. Derrick Randall Illustrator: Erica Lindquist * MD at time of publication
     Functional pharyngo- esophageal motility disorders.
Increased upper esophageal sphincter (UES) resting pressure
Inadequate relaxation of the cricopharyngeal muscle of the UES during swallowing
Lack of synchronization between UES and hypopharynx during swallowing
Outflow obstruction in the esophagus
Increased intrabolus pressure with swallowing
Increase in hypopharyngeal pressure
     Note: the pathogenesis of Zenker’s Diverticulum is multifactorial, but this mechanism is thought to be a significant contributor
Herniation of the esophagus at a weak point
between the inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle and the cricopharyngeal muscle (Killian’s triangle)
Zenker’s Diverticulum
Acquired mucosal herniation between the horizontal and oblique fibers of the cricopharyngeus muscle
             Inability of the the upper esophageal sphincter to completely open
Extrinsic compression of the cervical esophagus by the diverticulum
Esophageal Obstruction
Diverticulum compresses recurrent laryngeal nerve
innervation to
the intrinsic
muscles of
the larynx
and other
False diverticulum retains food and saliva
Feeling of needing to clear throat
Palpable lump in the neck
Halitosis (bad smelling breath)
Secretions and food spontaneously empty into the bronchial tree
Splashing of the fluid that has accumulated in large diverticula
Cricoid Cartilage
Cricopharyngeal muscle of the UES
Thyroid Gland
Boyce’s sign (gurgling sound heard as air passes through the diverticulum)
Zenker’s Diverticulum
                       Weight loss and malnutrition
Cough reflex
Chronic cough
 Regurgitation Hoarseness
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published November 25, 2023 on

Bacterial Tracheitis

Bacterial Tracheitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Authors: Fasika Jembere Reviewers: Simran Sandhu Mao Ding Danielle Nelson * MD at time of publication
  Recent upper respiratory viral infection
Age typically <6 years old (more common in males)
Children at higher risk due physiologic narrowing of airway
 Recent upper respiratory viral infection
(often in Fall/Winter; respiratory virus season) Damage to airway mucosa
    Activation of systemic inflammatory response
Inflammatory cytokines release into systemic circulation
↑ Thermo-regulatory set- point at the hypothalamus
↑ Work of breathing to adequately ventilate lungs
Respiratory distress (nasal flaring, grunting)
Activation of local inflammatory response
Results in thick mucopurulent secretions, ulcerations, and shedding of tracheal mucosa
Mucopurulent discharge
secretion of fluid contains mucus and pus
↑ Production of mucous results in more accumulation
Predisposition to bacterial infection
Bacterial pathogen invades trachea Ex: S. aureus (common), S. pyogenes, M. catarrhalis, or H. influenzae
          Often high fever
Trachea is narrowed with purulent debris
Upper airway obstruction causes turbulent airstreams
          Hoarse voice Tachypnea
(with inhalation & exhalation; may be biphasic)
Tracheal tenderness
↓ Mucous clearance from the airways
Excess airway mucous triggers cough reflex
(may be barky)
      ↑ Use of accessory
respiratory muscles
(sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles)
Toxic appearance (lethargy, cyanosis)
↓ Level of consciousness (due to hypoxia & hypercarbia)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Jan 11, 2024 on


Epiglottitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Infectious cause: Bacterial (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria
meningitidis, or most commonly Haemophilus influenzae in unimmunized children), viral or fungal
Authors: Alisha Ebrahim Reviewers: Simran Sandhu Mao Ding Michelle J. Chen Danielle Nelson* * MD at time of publication
   Infectious agent invades the bloodstream and/or the epithelial layer of the epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds and adjacent structures, allowing for spread
Non-infectious cause: Ingestion of toxin or foreign body, thermal injury, or trauma
   The potential space between the squamous epithelial layer and the epiglottal cartilage fills with inflammatory cells such as neutrophils and eosinophils
Exudate of inflammatory cells spreads through the lymphatic and blood vessels in the lingual surface of the epiglottis and periepiglottic tissues
Fluid and inflammatory cells accumulate between the squamous epithelial layer and epiglottal cartilage
Swelling of the entire supraglottic larynx
Tripod/sniffing position (Anxious- looking and sitting with trunk leaning
forward, neck hyper-extended and chin pushed forward to maximize airway diameter)
Stridor (High-pitched sound that is produced by obstruction in the larynx or just below)
Stertor (Low-pitched noise created in the nose or the back of the throat)
Retraction of the intercostal and suprasternal muscles
Tachypnea (Rapid breathing)
       Increased weight and mass of the epiglottis Epiglottis curls posteriorly and inferiorly
Ball-valve effect (Airflow obstructed during inspiration as epiglottis is pulled over airway but not during expiration as epiglottis moves back into position)
↓ Diameter of upper airway
  Epiglottis obstructs the esophagus
Dysphagia (Difficulty swallowing)
Cyanosis (Blue tint to skin)
Turbulent inspiratory airflow Aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions
              Hypoxemia (Low oxygen levels in blood)
↓ Air entry to lungs
Airway obstruction
↑ Work of breathing
      Drooling Pain when swallowing
Muffled/”hot potato” voice
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Feb 5, 2024 on

Acute Otitis Externa Complications

Acute Otitis Externa (Swimmer’s Ear): Complications
Acute Otitis Externa (AOE)
Authors: Charmaine Szalay-Anderson Vaneeza Moosa Reviewers: Shayan Hemmati Shahab Marzoughi Ben Campbell Justin Lui* * MD at time of publication
Spread to subcutaneous tissue
 Chronic otitis externa (>6 weeks)
Chronic inflammation of the outer ear
Fibroblast activation for collagen and extracellular matrix components production for tissue repair
Excess accumulation of tissue
Ear canal fibrosis (thickening)
Ear canal stenosis (narrowing)
Damage/obstruction to ear canal structures with impaired fluid drainage & pressure buildup
Inflammation of the outer ear
Recurrent or non-resolving acute otitis externa Dissemination of infection
          Spread to connective tissue and cartilage
Perichondritis (inflammation of ear cartilage)
Spread of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
in an immunocompromised host or due to antibiotic resistance
Rapid infectious spread through soft tissue to mastoid and/or temporal bone
Malignant (necrotizing) otitis externa *can be life threatening
Inflammation of connective tissue and bony structures
Spread to
tympanic membrane
Myringitis (inflammation of tympanic membrane)
Swelling and thinning of tissue
Tympanic membrane perforation (tear)
Immune reaction with inflammation
Dead white blood cell, bacteria & tissue debris accumulation in the ear canal
Pus formation with purulent otorrhea (discharge from ear)
Localized pus accumulation
Ear canal blockage
Periauricular/ pinna (outer ear) cellulitis
Facial cellulitis
                       Erosion of temporal bone decreasing bony sound conduction
Permanent conductive hearing loss
Direct toxicity of pathogens to surrounding nerves
Cranial nerve (CN) VII (facial) palsy (+/- CN X, XI, XII)
Out-of- proportion primary otalgia (ear pain)
Sensation of fullness in the ear
Temporary hearing loss
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Dec 4, 2022; updated Feb 7, 2024 on

Angioedema Bradykinin Mediated

Angioedema – Bradykinin Mediated: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
   Drug Induced
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor, or neprilysin inhibitor use
Type II
          Thrombolytic use
Activate factor XII
Factor XII initiates bradykinin synthesis
Type I
Type III
Gain of function gene mutation in bradykinin cascade activators (factor XII) & precursors (kininogen), triggered by ↑ systemic estrogen
Rheumatologic disorders & B- cell lymphoproliferative disease
Complement cascade activation results in ↑ C1 protease production
C1 esterase inhibitor is utilized to neutralize C1 protease, with its consumption exceeding its synthesis
Plasma cell proliferation (i.e., dyscrasia/ monoclonal gammopathy)
Immunoglobulin G antibodies act against C1 esterase inhibitor to render it non-functional
 Genetic or spontaneous mutation in C1 esterase inhibitor gene
       C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency
C1 esterase inhibitor dysfunction
       Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme, dipeptidyl peptidase-4, or neprilysin induced metabolism of bradykinin
↓ Bradykinin (peptide hormone) degradation in plasma
Misfunctioning C1 esterase inhibiter is unable to inactivate bradykinin cascade members
↓ C1 esterase inhibiter results in inadequate inactivation of bradykinin cascade members
      ↑ Bradykinin protein production in plasma
Cutaneous Tissue
Mucosal Tissue
Epidermal layer
 Dermal-Epidermal Junction
  Dermal layer
Subcutaneous layer
    Systemic bradykinin excess
Bradykinin-2 receptor binding on endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells Hyperpermeability pathway activation, with the transcription of some signalling molecules taking hours Released pro-inflammatory mediators act on venules & arterioles in subcutaneous & submucosa tissues
Relaxation of vascular smooth muscle Dissociation of endothelial cell junctions
↑ Capillary blood flow ↑ Vascular permeability
↑ Plasma release into interstitial tissues (specific regions of the body hypothesized to be affected due to local differences in endothelial structure and its response to permeability inducing stimuli)
Dilation & ↑ permeability of vasculature results in fluid release into surrounding tissues
    Mucosal Layer
Muscularis mucosae
  Submucosal layer
 Muscularis externa
                Intestinal edema (Fluid buildup in Intestine tissues)
Intestinal swelling (↑ intra-abdominal pressure)
Laryngeal edema (Fluid buildup in larynx)
Swelling in larynx ↓ air flow into & out of lungs
Asphyxia (body is deprived of oxygen) Dyspnea (difficult in breathing)
Author: Aaron Varga Reviewers: Tracey Rice Sunawer Aujla Shahab Marzoughi Maharshi Gandhi Jori Hardin* Yan Yu* * MD at time of publication
Peripheral edema (Fluid buildup in extremities such as the hands, ankles, and feet)
       Ascites, bowel obstruction, &/or hypovolemic shock
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Mar 21, 2024 on

Apnea of Prematurity

Apnea of Prematurity: Pathogenesis, Signs & Symptoms, and Complications Physiologic immaturity from birth at < 37 weeks gestation
Authors: Akaya Blair Reviewers:
Dasha Mori Michelle J. Chen Danielle Nelson* * MD at time of publication
     ↓ Synaptic connection & poor myelination
Fetal brain areas responsible for breathing are poorly developed Immature neurologic respiratory function
Immature mechanical respiratory function
      Poor hypopharyngeal muscle tone (soft upper airway helps with size and compliance of airway)
Nasal obstruction (e.g. anatomic and/or iatrogenic [suctioning, NG tubes])
Neonate is reliant on nose breathing
Airway is unable to remain open (patent)
Laryngeal/tracheal abnormalities (e.g. tracheomalacia, laryngeal edema, tracheal stenosis)
Anatomical narrowing leading to ↑ airway resistance
↑ Risk of mechanical airway obstruction
         Disruption of central respiratory drive
↓ Sensitivity to increased CO2 in the ventral medulla oblongata
Disruption of peripheral respiratory reflex pathways
↓ Sensitivity to CO2 levels in peripheral carotid bodies and aortic bodies
Large head size forces neck into flexion when laying supine
Immature airway sensitive to collapse when in flexion
↑ Hypotonia (decreased muscle tone) in REM sleep
         ↓ Signaling to brainstem
Brainstem unable to mount appropriate ventilatory response to insufficient oxygen
Upper airway collapse
Apnea of prematurity
       Respiratory pauses >20 sec or pauses <20 sec with bradycardia (<100 beats per minute), central cyanosis, and/or oxygen saturation <85% in neonates born at <37 weeks gestation and with no underlying disorders causing apnea. Most apneas in apnea of prematurity are central or mixed.
↓ Breathing rate
     Bradycardia (<100 bpm)
↓ Oxygen to brain
Poor neurodevelopmental outcomes (e.g. cognitive function, brain adaptive potential and plasticity)
Hypoxemia (↓blood oxygen levels where SpO2 <85%)
         ↓ Oxygen and hemoglobin to mucous membranes (e.g. lips) & fingers and toes (periphery)
Central & peripheral cyanosis (bluish discoloration)
↓ Oxygen to retina
Abnormal growth of blood vessels in eyes
Retinopathy of prematurity (changes in visual acuity and possible blindness)
Death/impairment in cell function from lack of oxygen
↑ Risk of infant mortality
Imbalanced oxygen intake and CO2 output in lungs
Body transiently ↑ HR to unsuccessfully try to compensate for ↓ tissue oxygenation
Respiratory failure
Respiratory rate >60 ↓ Heart rate
↓ Blood pressure
Head bobbing Abdominal breathing
                 Skin mottling
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Mar 21, 2024 on

Post-Renal Acute Kidney Injury AKI

Post-Renal Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
          Blood clot or cellular debris
Foreign body
Neurogenic bladder
Obstruction intrinsic to urine excretion system
Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones)
Anatomical defect(s)
Intra- abdominal adhesions
Retroperitoneal fibrosis (scar-like tissue)
Benign or malignant masses
Prostate cancer
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
      ↓ Urine flow across point of obstruction Obstruction extrinsic to urine excretion system
         Urine buildup distends urine collecting system (hydronephrosis)
Compression of renal vasculature due to mass effect
↑ Volume/pressure proximal to obstruction
↑ Intratubular pressure
↓ Pressure gradient between glomerular afferent arteriole and Bowman’s space
Casts occlude tubules
↓ Filtration of plasma into nephrons
↓ Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
Obstruction is relieved ↓ Intratubular pressure Rapid GFR ↑
Rapid diuresis of fluid and electrolytes
  Dilated pelvicalyceal system on ultrasound
↓ Urine output
          ↓ Venous drainage
and arterial supply
Local ischemia and inflammation of kidney
Impaired resorption, excretion, and fine tuning by tubules
Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN) with granular casts
     ↓ Urine output
↓ Clearance of free water and solutes
↑ Intravascular volume
↑ Serum creatinine
↓ Medullary solute concentration, ischemia, ↓ response of collecting ducts to antidiuretic hormone
Lasts > 24hrs
Post-obstructive diuresis causes hypovolemia and electrolyte derangements
Authors: David Campbell, Matthew Hobart Reviewers: Raafi Ali, Luiza Radu Huneza Nadeem, Marissa Zhang, Julian Midgley* * MD at time of publication
Resolves < 24hrs in euvolemia
Physiologic post- obstructive diuresis
            ↑ Na+ and Cl- delivery to distal convoluted tubule is sensed by macula densa
Secretion of adenosine by macula densa
Adenosine constricts afferent arterioles
↓ Renal clearance of drugs and waste products
       ↑ Venous hydrostatic pressure
↑ Volume in arterial system overwhelms pressure regulation mechanisms
   Fluid extravasation from veins and capillaries
   Generalized Edema
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Mar 25, 2024 on

Overview of Ischemic Heart Disease

Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD): Pathogenesis of the various types of IHD
Sean Spence Vaneeza Moosa Reviewers: Tristan Jones Jason Baserman Yan Yu
Michelle J. Chen Frank Spence* * MD at time of publication
↑ Serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
↑ Availability of lipids that deposit in arterial wall
↓ Serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
↓ LDL removal from coronary artery walls (transport of LDL to liver is impaired)
Conditions predisposing to vessel wall endothelial cell dysfunction (e.g. metabolic syndrome, smoking, hypertension, physical inactivity)
Vessel wall vulnerable to infiltration by LDL and immune cells
         Arterial wall degeneration, characterized by fat deposition (atheromatous plaque) in and fibrosis of the inner layer of arteries
    Stable atheromatous plaque in coronary arteries
Fibromuscular cap (formed by smooth muscle cells) overlying fatty plaque contents remains intact & plaque contents are not released into vessel lumen
Plaque serves as a fixed lumenal obstruction to blood flow
If vessel stenosis (narrowing) is significant (≥70%) myocardial oxygen demand starts to exceed supply (especially with exertion)
Heart experiences a predictable & transient reduction in blood flow (myocardial ischemia)
Unstable atheromatous plaque in coronary arteries
The fibromuscular cap overlying fatty plaque ruptures
Thrombogenic plaque contents (especially tissue factor) are exposed to the coagulation factors in the vessel lumen
Activation of platelets & the clotting cascade at the site of rupture
Thrombus forms over already partially occlusive plaque and further partially or completely occludes lumen
↓ Perfusion (blood flow) of myocardium
           Cardiomyocytes experience a transient decrease in blood flow (transient ischemia)
Unstable Angina
Cardiomyocytes experience death (infarction)
Myocardial Infarction (MI)
     Stable Angina
Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS)
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Jan 8, 2013; updated Mar 30, 2024 on

Circle of Willis Anatomy and Physiology

 Circle of Willis: Anatomy & physiology Ischemic stroke
Ischemic stroke
Inadequate blood flow & oxygenation of brain tissue
Occlusion or narrowing of A2 segment
Supplies medial portions of frontal & parietal lobes (lower extremity regions of motor/sensory cortices)
Anterior Cerebral Artery (ACA)
Ischemic stroke (brain damage due to ischemia)
Inadequate blood flow & oxygenation of brain tissue
Occlusion or narrowing
Supplies midbrain, thalamus, & occipital lobe
Posterior Cerebral Artery (PCA) Vertebral Arteries (VA)
Inadequate blood flow & oxygenation of brain tissue
Occlusion or narrowing
Supplies lateral portions of frontal, temporal & parietal lobes (upper extremity & facial regions of motor/sensory cortices)
Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) P2 segment
A1 segment
Supplies the MCA & ACA
A2 segment
Collateral circulation redistributes blood flow to maintain continuous blood supply
Occlusion or narrowing of vessels within the Circle of Willis
Anterior Communicating Artery (Acomm)
Weakness in the blood vessel walls
Aneurysm formation causes mass effect (displacement) on nearby structures
Supplies BA & PCA, lateral medulla & cerebellum via posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA), & upper spinal cord via anterior spinal artery (ASA)
Basilar Artery (BA)
Supplies occipital lobe, cerebellum & brainstem
Thromboembolism (blood clot obstruction)
Inadequate blood flow & oxygenation of brain tissue
Ischemic stroke
Damage to the ventral pons
Locked-in syndrome (quadriplegia, loss of voluntary breathing & speaking, intact cognition & blinking)
Internal Carotid Arteries (ICA)
Posterior Communicating Artery (Pcomm)
Weakness in the blood vessel walls
Aneurysm formation causes mass effect (displacement) on nearby structures
Oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III): double vision & absent pupil response to light
Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications Published Nov 5, 2018, updated Apr 29, 2024 on
P1 segment
Ruptured aneurysm: subarachnoid hemorrhage
Inadequate blood flow & oxygenation of brain tissue
Hemorrhagic stroke (brain damage due to bleeding)
Optic nerve (cranial nerve II): ↓ visual acuity
Frontal lobe: headache & psychological changes
Authors: Josh Kariath, Rafael Sanguinetti Reviewers: Andrea Kuczynski, Luiza Radu Gary Klein* * MD at time of publication

Benzodiazepines mechanism of action

Benzodiazepines: Mechanism of action
Sedative-hypnotic, anxiolytic & anti-convulsive agents composed of a fused benzene and diazepine ring that is administered orally or intravenously to produce desired effect (ie., lorazepam, midazolam, diazepam)
Authors: Tracey Rice Usama Malik Amy Fowler Reviewers: Sara Cho Keira Britto Luiza Radu Brienne McLane* Aaron Mackie* * MD at time of publication
 Benzodiazepine binds to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptors in vascular smooth muscle & the central nervous system (CNS)
↑ Opening of chloride channels
Influx of chloride ions into the neuron Hyperpolarization of nerve membrane causing it to be more negative The cell membrane falls below the normal resting potential
          Medulla oblongata inhibition
↓ Respiratory drive; ↓ depth & rate of respirations
Temporary cessation of breathing leads to reduced oxygen supply to the brain
↓ Level of consciousness
Pharyngeal muscle relaxation leading to obstruction
Hypoventilation and/or apnea
General CNS inhibition
↓ Neuronal activity
↓ Electrical brain activity
↓ Seizure activity & hypnotic effect
Thalamic & hypothalamic inhibition
Disruption of short & long- term memory consolidation
Limbic system inhibition
↓ Fear emotions (panic & phobia)
Anxiolytic effect (↓ Anxiety)
Smooth muscle inhibition
Smooth muscles become relaxed &/or less spastic
↓ Preload Hypotension
↓ Cerebral blood flow
Pre-syncope or syncope
             Anterograde amnesia
      ↓ Visuospatial ability, speed of processing & verbal learning
↓ Deep stage of non-REM sleep & delayed REM sleep
Rapid sleep
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published July 21, 2024 on

Acute Otitis Media Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings in Children

Acute Otitis Media in Children: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
      Congenital conditions (e.g. Down Syndrome, Pierre Robin syndrome)
Exposure to tobacco smoke
Impaired macrophage function in nasopharynx
Lack of immunizations
Lack of breastfeeding
Infant does not receive antibodies from breast milk
Age 6 – 16 months
        Immune system deficiencies
Close proximity of kids & ↓ sanitation (e.g. daycare)
↑ Infection risk Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (i.e. bacterial (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis), viral)
Immature Eustachian tube anatomy which facilitates pathogen transmission to middle ear
Author: Jody Platt Stephanie de Waal Reviewers: Yan Yu Elizabeth De Klerk William Kim Annie Pham Michelle J. Chen Danielle Nelson* * MD at time of publication
Abnormal anatomical structure (e.g. cleft palate)
↑ Nasopharyngeal streptococcus pneumoniae
Lack of immunity to pathogens
↑ Colonization of nasopharynx with bacterial pathogens
       Inflammation & edema of respiratory mucosa including the nose, nasopharynx, and Eustachian tube
Obstruction of the Eustachian tube
Air from middle ear resorbs into circulation which creates a low-pressure environment
Negative pressure gradient pulls viral/bacterial pathogens into middle ear
Degenerating white blood cells, tissue debris, and microorganisms accumulate & develops into purulent effusion
      Inflammation & infection of middle ear
Complications of acute otitis media**
       ↑ Pressure in middle ear
Stretching of tympanic membrane
Helper T cells & macrophages release cytokines into the bloodstream
Cytokines trigger hypothalamus to ↑ thermoregulatory set-point
Effusion behind tympanic membrane
Effusion obstructs visualization of ossicles
Neutrophils infiltrate middle ear & phagocytose pathogens
Pus accumulates behind the tympanic membrane
Blood vessels of the tympanic membrane vasodilate
             Bulging tympanic membrane
Otalgia (ear pain)
Discomfort disrupts daily activities in young children
Irritable Poor feeding
Tympanic membrane erythema
Painful blisters on tympanic membrane (e.g. Bullous myringitis)
     Can persist for up to 3 months after infection resolves
Loss of tympanic membrane landmarks (i.e. handle of malleus, light reflex)
** See corresponding Calgary Guide slide
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Feb 28, 2013; updated Aug 25, 2024 on


 Cystocele: Pathogenesis & Clinical Findings
Authors: Emily Cox Reviewers: Riya Prajapati Michelle J. Chen Dr. Rebecca Manion* * MD at time of publication
Chronic constipation
Chronic cough
Vaginal childbirth
Vacuum-assisted or forceps-assisted vaginal birth
Pelvic surgeries (e.g. hysterectomy)
Connective tissue disorders (e.g. Marfans, Ehlers- Danlos Syndrome)
Genetic susceptibility (e.g. Type III collagen gene abnormality
Visceral fat places pressure on pelvic floor structures
Growing fetus places pressure on pelvic floor structures
Straining and bearing down on pelvic floor
Muscle tearing and damage
Disruption of nerves, loss of bladder structural support, and disruption of fascia and muscles
Collagen impairment
Depletion of ovarian follicles leading to ↓ in estrogen production
↑ Intra-abdominal pressure
Transfer of intra- abdominal pressure to pelvic floor
Pelvic floor muscles and pelvic floor fascia become weakened
Pelvic tissue and muscular atrophy
Loss of tissue function and structure support that collagen provided
↓ Stimulation of collagen production
↓ Estrogen levels
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POP-Q) System: Grade 1: Bladder descends 1 cm above the hymen Grade 2: Bladder descends to ≤ 1 cm above or below hymen
Grade 3: Bladder descends past the hymen but 2 cm less than total vaginal length
Grade 4: Complete vaginal prolapse
                             Mechanical obstruction of bladder and urethra
Urinary retention
Descended bladder creates pressure in vagina
Pressure/bulging sensation
Symptoms of voiding dysfunction (e.g. incomplete emptying/frequency/ urgency/nocturia)
Vaginal intercourse puts pressure on descended bladder
Activates pain receptors
Dyspareunia (painful sex) for some patients
Descent of bladder through anterior vaginal wall
                    Hydronephrosis/ hydroureter
Recurrent UTI
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
Published Sept 5, 2024 on


Ptosis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings Neurogenic causes of low
Mechanical causes of low eyelid position
Mass lesion of the upper eyelid (Chalazion, hemangioma, malignancy, etc.)
Gravitational effect from excess eyelid weight
Traumatic causes of low eyelid position
Direct injury limits function of LPS or conduction of generated force to the tarsal plate
Laceration of the LPS limiting its function or transection of the levator aponeurosis
    eyelid position
Congenital causes of eyelid drooping
Fibrofatty replacement of the LPS muscle at birth
Reduced levator function
      Insult to the oculomotor nerve (CNIII) (e.g., compressive, microvascular, demyelinating)
CNIII innervates levator palpebrae superioris, the main muscle responsible for upper eyelid elevation
Insult to the sympathetic innervation (e.g., Horner’s syndrome)
Ocular sympathetic innervate the Muller muscle, which provides approximately 2mm of the upper eyelid’s height
Neuromuscular or myogenic causes of low eyelid position (e.g., myasthenia gravis)
LPS muscle myopathy or defect at its neuromuscular junction that limits the elevation of the eyelid
Aponeurotic causes of low eyelid position
Involutional change (disinsertion) of the levator aponeurosis which connects the LPS to the tarsal plate
             Ptosis (also called blepharoptosis)
Abnormally low position of the upper eyelid
   ↓ distance between the central corneal light reflex (as produced by an examiner’s penlight) and the level of the center of the upper-eyelid margin
↓ Margin-Reflex Distance (Normal: 4-6mm)
Obstruction of the pupil/visual axis
Decreased or occluded superior visual field
↓ distance between the upper eyelid margin and the lower eyelid margin
↓ Palpebral Fissure Height (Normal: 10-12mm)
Flattening of the peripheral cornea by eyelid pressure
Induced with-the-rule astigmatism
Authors: Mina Mina Reviewers: Aicha Djaoutkhanova Shahab Marzoughi William Trask* * MD at time of publication
Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Published Sept 18, 2024 on

Acute Diverticulitis

Acute Diverticulitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings Low fiber diet
Authors: Candace Chan Yan Yu Wayne Rosen* Reviewers: Laura Craig Noriyah AlAwadhi Danny Guo Erica Reed Maitreyi Raman* Claire Song Shahab Marzoughi * MD at time of publication
  ↓ Colonic motility
↑ Stool transit time Formation of small dry stool
Stool build-up and ↑ strain with bowel movements
↑ Pressure in the colonic lumen
Constipation (difficulty passing stool)
Obstipation (inability to pass any feces)
Inherent weakness in the muscle layers of the colonic wall associated with immature collagen fibers and diminished wall elasticity
          Mucosal and submucosal layers of the colon wall push through a weak spot of the circular muscle layer
Formation of diverticulum (sac-like protrusion of the colonic wall)
     Continued stress on diverticula causes micro- perforations of the diverticulum
Inflammation of diverticula
Mesentery and pericolic fat (fat surrounding the colon) attempt to wall off inflammation or perforations
Stool bacteria escapes the colon
Formation of abscess (accumulation of pus in response to the bacteria )
Pro-inflammatory cytokine release from nearby adipose tissue
Hypothalamic thermoregulatory center increases core temperature set point
     Irritation of parietal peritoneum
Inflamed vessels are more permeable and fluid leaks from colonic vessels into the abdominal cavity
Chronic low-grade inflammation triggers activation of pro-fibrotic factors and fibroblasts
Excess production of extracellular matrix proteins
Stimulation of somatic nerves sends pain signals to the brain
Lower left quadrant abdominal pain
Peritoneal signs (abdominal guarding, rigidity, rebound tenderness)
     ↓ Total circulating blood volume
      ↑ heart rate
↓ Jugular venous pressure
Orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure when standing after sitting/lying down)
Gastrointestinal strictures and/or colonic obstruction
   Accumulation of micro- perforations further weakens intestinal wall
Complete bowel perforation (medical emergency)
Development of an abnormal connection (fistula) through the bladder, vagina, skin, or gut
Accumulation of fibrotic tissue narrows the intestinal lumen
Fibrosis of colon
 Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding
 Re-Published Oct 4, 2024 on